
Hentai Collection

Some random smut stories I found. You might like some and not like others. Additional tags: NTR, Raceplay, S&M, Cuck [I DO NOT own/claim any of these stories] *I do not own this cover

Che3na · Anime & Comics
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248 Chs

The Amorous Tale of Rasmus’s Shadewalker: Bluma ( 6 )

Summary: In which her father once again fail to remember about meeting with one of their most important business partner and investor, an exasperated Bulma decided to go in his place to hope to appeases the investor. However there's a BIG part of her that can't help but indulge in a dirty little interest she's always had, about whether or not the rumors about Nordic man and the porn about them are true and not fiction? And it's more true than she could ever imagine. As Rasmus show her what can strong and hardy man of Northern Norseman heritage can do to his women~

Tags: Maledom, Seduction, NTR, Cheating, Corruption, Degradation, Rough Sex, Raceplay, Mind Break, Stomach Deformation, Cervix Penetration, Interracial, CMNF

Credit: SandKing321


She'd always love her daddy very much and will always look up to him as exemplar of scientific brilliances. Nevertheless, some time she can help but get annoyed at his absent-mindedness and his tendencies of getting absorbed into his countless major pet projects.

In this case her brilliant but forgetful father once again neglect to remember about meeting with one of their major if MAIN business partner and investor of their vast company who was most likely wondering why is her father taking so long to meet him.

And she have to meet with the man in her father place and do her duties as CEO of Capsule Corp. and make sure he didn't pull back his funds and moneys that fund one of their major project.

She took a moment to once again check herself and making sure there's no hint of wrinkles or flaws in her expensive suit. She wears black suit jacket unbuttoned to reveal a white blouse underneath, which her very well-endowed breasts stretched tight and empathized how gifted she was in the chest region. A high-waisted pencil skirt and black stocking, which empathized all her equally gifted bottom from her round curvy hips which was more pronounced due to her thin-waspish waist, how her long slim legs look stunning and incredible and little statuesque from her heels which made her bit taller than her 5'5 height about roughly 5'9 in height. She has light, tasteful amount of makeup that exploited every feature on her face mascara, thick lashes, pink-colored lips

In short she had the perfect blend of elegant, stylish, and sexy look that made her both sophisticated but at the same time downright sexy to the highest degree due to her mature yet youthful appearance (thanks to her near-ageless genes from her mum side of the family and the usage of dragonball), with her top-class supermodel voluptuous physique with the perfect amount of svelte slimness of a top-class model in the right areas and healthy thickness of a thicc-bootylicious A-lister pornstar from her generous gifts that come her mother tall, lean, and very top-heavy voluptuous figure.

She smile filled with narcissistic pride of how gracefully well-aged (though she did cheat of course) her gorgeous good looks and amazing figure had endure the unforgiving passage of time. Most women of her age (around 50 of age) would lose their looks and youthful figure and start getting some wrinkles in their face and grey hair in their once thick healthy hair – not her due to her unfair advantages and cheats.

She shake her head dispelling thoughts of her looks (though it still there) as she walked down the hallway to her destination location – the waiting room where the man was waiting for her daddy to arrive and talk about the project that their company were hoping to see and patent to the public usage.

She stop front of the door and take a deep breath though her nostrils to get ready to pacify the waiting man behind the door and hope that he doesn't feel annoyed at waiting this long and cut off his support.

She nod as she enter the door with calm, confident movement and air of professionalism and professional self-assuredness.

"I am very sorry for the delay Mr. Shadewalker. My father's very much busy with one of our major project that he send me into his place to talk about our latest project." She greeted the man with all of them professionalism and civility, which's far from her usual laid-back and casual mannerism and tone.

She looked at the man with polite-charming smile; the man who was sitting on the couch calmly and casually and reading the latest weekly business magazine.

The man didn't look from his magazine as his still on it, but he nevertheless did answer her.

"I see...Mr. Brief couldn't make it here due being busy with one of project that I and the government is funding out." His extremely strong, very sonorous, and exceptionally masculine voice out to her.

He spoke in her native language; how his Japanese sound perfect yet she could detect hints of his native accent that sound...exotic in a strong and compelling manner.

She brushes a loose bang and tuck it behind her left ear. As she walk over to other side of table and took a seat on the comfortable leather couch.

"I-Indeed sir. But rest assured Mr. Shadewalker this's not a slight by any means or lack of respect on our side." Said Bulma as she stares at man who now close the magazine and place on the side table and clasps his big hands together.

She took a moment to analyzed and examined the man front of her as she didn't take the time to observed him; one thing she got from him for sure was the sheer height difference's between them – even when sitting down he still towering over her in great deal, a very commanding and intimidating eight-and-two feet in height, his height give him extremely fierce and dominating presence that give her slight-fearful feeling.

Combine with his very huge shoulders and extremely massive muscular arms give off extreme aura of intense manly power and natural rugged masculinity.

His very affluent and formal black-grey suit is sharp, suave, and subtly powerful as it fits his very large, broad-shouldered, well-built and marvelously muscular body. His collar is very crisp and clean that stands at attention, his tie is razor-straight and grey-blue. On his right hand is a Roger Dubuis watch and on his left middle finger is a simple silver ring with sharp-cut diamond. His face's very handsome and charming with rugged-but-suave quality to his good looks with subtle sophisticated-edge charm; deep piercing eyes with two different eyes colors – one silver-grey and the other icy blue with freckle of white, sharp-angular nose, strong jaw which's covered in well-groomed and trimmed beard, full rugged-masculine lips, and overall squarish with strong, sharp-featured face. His raven-black hair is thick, full of vigor and life, and stylized in a suave-stylish slicked-back undercut hairstyle with trimmed sides - which show how he both suave and rugged at the same time

His strong, sharp, and assured wolf-like eyes gaze at with subtle glint of mirthfulness and his rough-masculine lips tilted upward, before he schooled his face into stoic mask of coolness and self-possession, yet there's something...fierce and powerful behind that mask of professional stoicism...something...beyond human...beyond Saiyan...something so ancient, powerful, and prehistoric – that it transcend the realms of gods.

"I hope so Mrs. Brief. I don't like my time wasted when I can use them for more industrious manner." Said Rasmus, as he stare right into her eyes with his piercing- mesmerizing eyes that gaze though her soul from the raw intensity and force of his blazing eyes.

Damn! It's her or is the room getting all suddenly hotter in the room. It felt like she was inside a sauna or a furnace from the heat alone and that heat was affecting her more than she can handle.

She swallowed softly as she spoke once again.

"We the company have no intention of wasting your fine time, sir. It just that some our major project had consume some our time that my father forget in his pursuit of further humanity growth"

The first sign of open reaction – was that of a small kindly smile which made her feel warm from seeing the kind smile.

"I suppose that I allow this pass. After all as a venerated man of science and devoted humanitarian; I can very well understand how he allow himself get enthralled with his scientific pursuits. I very much respect that part of him." He said to her, his sophisticated resonate-baritone echo out to her enthralling her with his smooth conversationalist skills and silver-tongue.

'By the name of Dende-sama he's smooth with his words. I can see why he such a respected businessman in the business world – his words and manner of speech is so smooth and persuasive like a devilish charmer with his silver tongue and his persuasive way of speaking' Thought Bulma, as she was charm and enthrall with his words and how he spoke them with such honey-like smoothness.

His smooth charm, raw magnetism, his debonair nature, and genuine charisma fascinated her with great womanly interest.

She wouldn't mind if she flirt with this very handsome and very charming suave hunk of a man and rode him to high hea-

'What's wrong with me! So what this guy from me is total hunky beefcake. Plus I'm married women' The rational part of her mind screamed out. Telling what she's thinking about Mr. Shadewalker is amoral and wrong. That she should never think of breaking her marital oath of fidelity and trust of her Saiyan husband and her own reputation by sleeping with him

'To a battle obsessed inattentive husband who don't look at you with desire and more focused on training then his still sexy wife. Plus this man's very gorgeous hunk of Nordic heritage and smooth talker to boot.' The primal part of her mind seductively told. The primal side of her mind argument was very extremely compelling and persuasive of telling her to commit the crime of adultery with the man who's very masculine and virile – from his strong frame that attract her prehistoric side of her womanhood heritage to his powerfully-imposing presence that command absolute respect and total obedience to his masterful deep, smooth, and thick-baritone that speak to her soul and mind.

'Plus...are you curious about 'it'. Curious about those internet clandestine rumors about strong hardy man of Northern blood and heritage; how they're hung like virile horse and how they fuck like bull-in-heat and how they 'conquered' their women with their fierce Viking-like virility and unmatched Northern fertility.' The primal side of her sneakily said out to her – awaking a old desire within her.

The immoral desire and sinful curiosity of the Norsemen rumored Viking sexuality and robust virility – how she remember in her youth and later adult life that she watch videos of those tall strapping and rugged Nordic man with their tall hulking powerful frame and how they were hung like donkey with great enthusiastic sexual appetite that made them excellent lover in beds with their intrinsic Northern masculinity and Viking heritage that give them superior physiques and impressive manliness that compel instant arousal and submission to the women that they've conquered and how they body ovulating their fertile eggs that were hunger for their intense seeds.

How each time she sleep her dreams were hunting by them and how her dream-self happily took in their massive, thick cock and their fertile seed in her buxom Japanese- esque body and force her to carrying their Norwegian progeny.

And how she finger herself silly until the break of dawn leaving her sleepless and tired in the morning; when her husband casually ask why she was tired – she gave him semi-lie of having hard time sleeping and her husband shrug uncaring about it as he start his morning training session.

She look up to meets his smoldering bold gaze and his placid smile that show no hint of his mysterious intention to her.

"Now, Mrs. Brief how about we..." He paused as he lean forward his eyes narrow slightly with glimmer of anonymous intent that made her feel hot and flustered with womanly desire.

"...business shall we?"

She nodded dumbly and uncharacteristically mumbled out.

"Yes...we can talk business...sir"

He smile serenely at her answer and his eyes unknowingly to her change color from the mismatched heterochromia eyes to unnaturally bright whitish-blue eyes.

"Certainly let talk...business"




Ten minute's later they...actually talk business. They talk about the profit of company and the stocks and how he could put more money in one of their project.

You knew the usual boring business talk that businessman/woman talk about...however there were strong undertone of sexual tension between Rasmus and Bulma that was getting more potent and intoxicating the longer they talk.

So hot and intoxicating that Bulma took off her black suit jacket and unbutton couple of her blouse showing small hints of her mountainous cleavage and how their were small sweats and perspirations – all coming the immensurable sexual intensity that was bubbling in the waiting room...and the strong commanding presence and strange but attractively virile scent from Mr. Shadewalker, whom was casually sitting next to her with one of his huge herculean arm draped over her letting feel the raw ruggedness strength and primal masculinity that was overflowing from his chiseled arm.

She briefly glance at his broad physique; his large, hulking, buff and muscular that was on the level of her martial art friends – all of them were built like a Greek war gods with their very strong, lean and chiseled muscles mass that compel high attraction toward the female (and occasionally males) admirer.

And he was no different from them as she could feel the indomitable strength and virility from his tall rugged and broad figure – how his enormous frame bare down on her figure and made her want to get closer to him in forbidden intimate manner, how she what to take off his suit and feel the ruggedness of his wide broad chest and his yummy-looking muscles and well-toned abs and how she want to be mesmerized by his undoubtedly massive Nordic cock that was begging to be worship and adoration with her sultry awe and love.

Her thicc thighs squirmed trying to dispel the hotness of her needy twat that what some thick, virile, and nasty Nordic jizz in her ravenous honeypot.

"Bulma..." He spoke faintly to her yet his smooth-charming voice certainly packs a lot of impactful baritone power. His long, manly, and broad finger softly grab her delicate chin – his very touch burn her with flaming desire

She look up into his eyes – his audacious, stunning, and overwhelming eyes that stare right into her soul; seeking out her darkest dreams and fantasy and her racial desire of being breed by his strong, virile, and superior blood.

"Yes Mr. Shadewalker" Her voice low, breathy and husky with desire and want. She leans forward subconsciously to his extremely gorgeous countenance and her lidded blue eyes loom over his full, firm masculine lips...that looks so damn desirable and kissable...how she want to kiss them with her full, sexy, heart-shaped lips.

And...her wish were granted, as Rasmus lean forward and captured her supple lips without a single shed of hesitation or uncertainty.

Her eye briefly widen in shock at his sheer boldness of kissing her – how can this dastardly man do something so overwhelming shocking and scandalous toward her supple lips.

Shame hit her like a tidal wave, follow by small dose of guilt at kissing him. How can she do this to her husband and father and friends alike – all of them trust her and think highly of her as one of the friendliest, intelligent, and laid-back person who would never do something so wanton and shameful at kissing another man who wasn't her husband.

Yet all that pale to the flaming desire of maleficent lust at tasting his lips – his manly luscious lips and long, fat snake-like tongue that was hitting all of her sensitive spot with deadly precision and meticulousness that made her forget all of her shame and guilt at the devastating oceanic of raw body-shaking pleasure that she never felt before and didn't have a proper defense or resistance on her part other than the nominal shield that all women have against inferior Beta Male.

Which was weak and pathetic against the kiss of Superior Alpha Male – who kiss can the innermost working of women around the world and beyond; how he can roughly yet delicately press all the mental buttons and switches of women; how he can control it with extremely high degree of sheer precision, domination, and manipulation.

He lightly bit her lips sending pleasing pain down her spine as she place her hands on his very imposing-broad chest unconsciously trying to push him despite having little desire of doing so – due to how Rasmus was rewriting the inner mapwork of her super-genius mind turning it to addled-mush.

This makeout session had gone couple of long wet second until Rasmus slowly pulled back with only thin trails of saliva and how her lipstick were mess up and her blue eyes darken with bedazzling lust, with a hot blush on her cheek showing how his domineering kiss made her dazzle and overwhelm his lips and tongue were to her mortal mouth.

Rasmus breath in, letting his smoldering eyes take in her addled face with a impious, wicked leers to her and he spoke – his very rich, smooth, and husky baritone voice that spoke of raw overpowering power and commanding authority.

"How do you feel Bulma? Do it you feel more alive...more active...more FREE Bulma-chan" He quietly voiced yet there were very strong undertone of authority and power and sway.

"Y-yes...it made me feel more free and alive" She nearly breathless uttered out of sheer awe and pure reverence; her once normal pupil were forming into bright pink cartoon-like heart-shaped pupil that was brimming with lust, love, and worship – a normal look for those who found their alpha mate who knew how treat their women right

"Good answer luv." He cheerfully chimed out, which follow up with a gruff commanding tone. "I want you to take off your clothes and show that fuckin' fine body of 'yer. NOW."

She blink in surprise and then a tingle of pure and unadulterated pleasure of his strong and commanding tone that hit her with how commanding and authoritative it sound to her ears; how he sounding like a Northern warlord-king who was domineering ordering his newest conquest of degrading and humiliating right front of his intense, piercing, and mightily glaring eyes.

"Yes sir." She nodded with a great aura of absolute obedience and total submission that surrounded the normally headstrong, assured woman slowly got up from couch and walk away from to show the shameful and humiliating act of stripping down to her baser nature...

...Yet for some unseen and unknown reason that escape her hyper-genius mind...think this's the right course of action; The submissive act of taking off her clothes front of another man who wasn't her husband...felt amazing and right. After all this man – this idealized of pure manly specimen had every single right to see her in her baser form.

She took off layer and layer of her clothing that was mean to be professional in business setting – and how she's taking off her clothing with each layer of her clothing being taking off by her own two hands turn her on more and more by second out of wanton and shameless desire of stripping front of superior specimen of raw virile masculinity and rugged suave male attractiveness.

She did all of this by his tremendously strong, authoritative, and commanding alpha command; his very words had extremely compelling and dominating power over people.

This's the sheer primordial and prehistoric power of an Alpha Male that was extremely rare and nearly forgotten power by today Modern society. Due to how it nearly-brimming with high loads of INFERIOR weak man both beta male who was weak and passive by their VERY innate nature and needy with their pathetic example of masculinity, and how there's ungodly amount of a faux-alpha male that try and failed to be Alpha but can't never gain the understanding of what is a TRUE alpha male is in the old and primordial world - and how true example of innate masculinity and divinely manliness and raw virility are slowly declining and dying out like a rare extant race on the verge of total extinction.

Her instinctive primal sides of her womanhood heritage recognize, acknowledged, and understand that Rasmus was TRUE Alpha Male; a prime example of raw masculinity, divinely manliness, and powerful virility that ooze from every single movement and his words spoke of sheer power and self-confident.

Soon, Bulma was nude and exposed right front of the domineering hunk of extreme manliness and testosterone smoldering eyes that was judging her like she was nothing more than fertile broodmare that very sole purpose in life was to attract the pinnacle of god-tier alpha-stud who supreme ideal male specimen of sexuality and virility with their flawless chiseled body, the raw self-assertive presence, and mighty breeding cock that was capable of breeding the mightiest and fertile of women who consider the act of being breed by them a honor and duty to carry the very best that masculinity had to offer.

His deep, strong, unflappable, and amazingly blazing eyes roamed over her luscious figure with flaming lust in his indomitable soul yet his mind was cool and calculating.

This beautiful youthful-looking but very mature-figured women who was in her 50's yet could pass as women in her late 20's to early 30's thanks to her superior good genes and if he's right KI energy that seem to re-age her by couple of years. Her frame is slim and svelte in the right places from her flat midriff that had little-to-no fat in her belly with light amount of tone muscles showing she keep herself in great physical shape to keep her youthful slimness. Yet his eyes gaze at mature thickness and fatness of figure sign of her maturity and sexuality; from her thicc juicy thighs that made him burn with draconic hunger, to her round thick curvy hips that was wide and shapely; the birthing hips that was a tremendously great evolution advantage of feminine sexuality and birthing out great and superior progeny an sign of her true unfaithful love and whorish loyalty.

Next are her most prominent of her bombastic physical traits that made Bulma such a fine fuckin' example Grade-A MILF. Her tits. Her otherworldly out-of-this-world tits that are on level nearly on their own. A pairs of fat, shapely, perky, firm, and heavy 34DD that was borderline E-cups – very bountiful and still retain their youthful perkiness and liveliness mixed with mature sagginess and softness that only enhanced how her heavy cow-fat MILF-tits beauty and attractiveness.

And he can think up ten billions usage of using her fat cow tits on his massive bitch-breaker of a pecker, and how he can enhance their nerves and sensitivity with his vast ocean of Magicka energy and his demonic KI energy that was as addictive and intoxicating as Grade-A aphrodisiac drug.

He sends the enthralled MILF a small smile, which wasn't kind or warm but very wicked and divinely domineering smile aka the panty-wetting smile that compel instant complete arousal and sexual excitement.

She blush prettily at his attractive smile and his blazing eyes that made feel alive from his top-tier alpha male nature; he was in charge and control of the situation and how he can make her dance to his tune with nothing but domineering-but-charming smile and bold-and-smoldering stare

After couple of smoldering minutes of him admiring her very fine, buxom, and curvaceous physiques he finally spoke, and his words were simply and directly.

"Come over here Bulma and show me the respect and reverence" His strong, rough, and manly-rich baritone uttered out to her soul like a barbarian-king to his loyal conquest-concubine.

She nearly climax out of sheer desire due to how manly and commanding his order was. Sashay her way over (with her heels and stocking on) to the stilled-clothed Nordic hunk with her round, shapely hips dance to side-to-side showing how robustly wide and seductive her motherly hips to his flaming, hungry gaze.

Until she stood front of him and how even when he's sitting down casually leaning back on the couch owning like his personal throne – he still tower over her by great degree with her face drawl to his impossibly broad pecs that was absolutely massive and firm-looking — it show that he like to keep his body in peak physical peak to max out the inherent manly charm, the intense testosteronic presence, and the raw animalistic magnetism that ooze out his massive frame. His strong, gorgeous, and golden masculine body is the exemplar template of a prime alpha who live up to his fullest of raw physicality, virility, and masculinity

Said aforementioned black-haired Hercules musclebound hunk who put both of his massive, manly, and rugged hands and with deceptively spider-like touch of her finely beautiful, curvy womanly figure that was secreting potent female pheromones – a sign of her attracting the man who was her predestined mate way before she was born and later marry with two children and husband who she nearly forget about.

"Damn~! Nice, firm, and curvy in all the right places..." Said Rasmus who praise her magnificent figure as he trace her finely curves with one long, thick finger while his other hand touch her flat lightly toned stomach playing playfully with her cute navel and how he dreamily visualized of him marking her with his brand – sign of total ownership and her wanton faithfulness to him.

"...I could can see how man alike want to fuck' this fine thicc body with ter' eyes..." His hand suddenly reach to her tight and shapely, round and twerkable. It was a flawless ass, one of her best assets that the fierce apex-beast within enjoy very much due to seeing how shapely and firm, thick and fleshy.

He can wait to fuck it to his heart content and show her the fun and enjoyment of anal sex. He solemn vow to primal beast and the natural alpha male.

"However...they could never have it. Because this entire fuckin' body of yer' is MINE. Those pathetic inferior men cannot handle or understand how to fuck this thicc, beautiful, curvy, and VERY fuckable body. Only man like me can handle it and knew how to FUCK it to their highest peak of pleasure and satisfaction of women desire.

His strong reverberating voice was deeply domineering and possessive – the beast within him see this fertile body as it property and birthing hole for his kin and he completely agree to the notion.

This body is the ideal example of womanhood – tall (for a Japanese women) and shapely, excellently thicc and fat in the right places, and slim and fit in right area.

And from how he can sense that experience a small series mini-orgasm at his possessiveness of his words – she found his bull-like possessive extremely hot and stimulating.

He teasingly smirks, his striking-distinctive eyes glow with daemonic lust and otherworldly mystical power of unfathomable herculean might.

"Ya' love it, do ya'?. Love how a real man take charge, make his women orgasm with words a'lone, and make them worship cock like dick-hungry whore, eh do ya'" His teasing tone and domineering words was causing succession of forceful-strong mini-orgasm that shake her very soul with his fierce persuasive charisma.

"Oh My Fuck Yes" She breathy moaned out as she squirmed and wiggle out of sheer desire of his touch and dictatorial words; she never felt her entire body burning with desire – the shameless wanton desire to be fucked and breed by this tall, dark, handsome and very muscular Nordic hunk.

"Good. Now kneel before me and take out my cock out and work on I like the Japanese slut that you're" Rasmus sharply and cuttingly order her with very strong commanding power and authoritative influence

'Fuck me...~' She mentally mewled out her pupil shined with lust, desire, hunger, and worshipful love. She instantly obey him without question as she kneeled between the long, trunk-like legs of her studly bull and eyed the bulge with flaming lust with her shaky hands that shake with lusty anticipation, that reach the zipper of his suit-trousers.

Her long well-manicured nails touch the steel zipper of his trousers and zip...zip...zip...and finally she zipped it down and reach inside his trousers to get his cock out it confinement.

And her eyes briefly widen in disbelief – that can be his...cock. It too thick...fat...long...veiny to be his cock; not even her Saiyan Vegeta is this big and he's nine-and-half incher.

Yet, as she poon out his half-flaccid (as she soon learn afterward) out of his trouser and in her hand that barely wrapped around it was his cock.

His mighty Great Dane Axe.

His golden man-meat.

The cock that soon'll turn the inside and permanently reshaped of her tight cunt into gaping loose mess thanks to this super weapon mass destruction of bitch-breaking, cunt-shaping, monstercock of a schlong.

Her widen eyes look at the impossible anatomy that was attached to this man who was looking at her with amusement in his ruggedly handsome visage – it seem to be funny for Rasmus to see the curious mixture of shock, astonishment, fear, and SHEER unadulterated lust.

His long, fat, and ungodly half-flaccid cock was massive in every senses and definition possible. It was long, and it was definely longer than her forearm. It was thick, and had few finger thick veins, which coiled around its shaft. Below the monstrosity of his cock was his large scrotum, which held his testicles––which were massive the slightly bigger than the size of her fuckin' fist with few pubes that she could see.

The superhuman large balls seem to have a very brilliant and intimidating aura of raw primal and animalistic fertility that allure her like a moth to a flame...or in this ~special~ case a cock-hungry Asian-esque slut to a tall, strong, handsome and very big-dicked Nordic bull.

"...O-oh...my...Dende-sama. Those video of Nordic man are true...they hung like fucking bull!" Her voice low with licentious awe and admiration as she absently strokes his cock with both of her hands as she couldn't do it with one hand alone.

And much to her shock it was getting BIGGER from the look of it. How big can he get? Her very gifted and scientific mind calculated the growth of the cock and her mind temporally shut down in intense case of 'Cock Shock Syndrome' as it reached FIFTY CENTIMETERS to almost SIXTY CENTIMETERS as it stood proud and rigid like a tower—a tower that was made of glorious man-meats that was slightly paler shade of his tan skin.

And finally there's this very-tremendously overwhelming, irresistible, strong, attractive and manly musk that rises from this glorious godly cock. The strong aroma was very pungent and powerful almost blinding her from how thick and heavy the musky odor—this scent was that of a particularly powerful beastly predator that very scent induce instantaneous arousal and further total submission.

"W-w-what the actual fuck!?" Yelped out Bulma, her entire expression and body language was totally shock mixed with burning lust and flooding arousal

Rasmus send her a prideful smile of self-pride at his overwhelming prehistoric masculinity-and-sexuality and the flabbergasting expression of cock-shock.

"Bulma-chan...this's co-no a fuckin' massive BITCH-breaker of a cock. All twenty-and-half of raw manly cockmeat that sole purpose in life to fuck with it immense meat and breed them..." He give her dark, smug grin of superiority.

"...With my superior...rich...fertile...and very virile cum." He stressed the words superior, rich, fertile, and virile with licentious connotation that bears down on her hyper-genius mind turning it into impious mush.

God her own wet, needy twat was practically flooding and making a small puddle of her womanly arousal

"Suck it."


"Did I stutter." Rasmus breathed though his nostrils, a bull-like sign of dominance. "I said suck me off. Right. Fucking. Now." He secretes usage of his vast oceanic of magicka power to enhance his strong, forceful, and deep baritone voice to supernatural level of dominating and commanding force.

An very useful, subtle trick that he master in his long immortal life that he use in his everyday life – there's a reason why he had great success in business endeavors and nominally seduction endeavors.

Bulma mind and instinct...melted from the raw forceful power of his magically heightened voice.

"Yes...My master" She unconsciously call him master, as she took hold of his long, fat, mighty cock with both of her dainty hands and aim the fist-size cocktip to her face, the scent of his finger-thick cockslit and give it loving, gentle lover-like kiss marked it with her lipstick before she took the fat, bulbous cockhead to her soft, supple lips. Her slippery, pink moist tongue swirled around the fathead of his dick for a moment, even when the alpha Hercules-like hunk was completely at ease—as if this is natural course of action for him...which was

"Tha's good lass. Take it nice and slow for me..." His strong masculine voice was harsh and guttural with wanton approvement at her tongue movement.

Desire and shame that made a very interesting concoction, one part of her fill shamed that she being praise at his lusty praise and him calling her a 'Good lass' it was so degrading and demeaning...and so damnably hot as it turn her on more than she would admit it. Never been so turn, not even her husband didn't have this ability to make her so wet with desire from his action and words alone—and he was the 'Prince of All Saiyan' with infinite self-pride about himself.

Yet this studly Northern hunk of ruggedness and manliness was beyond man but the godly ideal illustration of an Alpha Male and Male Nordic Beauty—perfect in every single way from his looks to his physiques to his bestially cock that was made to fuck tight little Asian bimbo-sluts like her and made them carry on his superior progeny.

And she felt happier about it.




As the beautiful bluenette MILF suck him off, Rasmus sit and relaxes, truly enjoying the blowjob from beautiful blue-haired genius. How he's loves the lustful worship of his cock from the MILF who unconsciously recognized him as her predestined Alpha mate; the inner primitive side of her women heritage knew it from the beginning and act out in sheer desire of wanting to be bond and breed by her Alpha.

He admit to himself that he somewhat plan in the back of his mind but honestly didn't think it would happen—but nevertheless he come to enjoy the tight lips and supple tongue on his thick cockshaft.

Rasmus lets out a deep bestial groan, thrumming masculine baritone of a growl that sound vaguely like a wolf and dragon at the same time (considering his heritage and gift, it might be the case...).

The deadly apex beast enjoying from the it growl in his mental world from signifying his pleasure at her sexual ministrations. The Alpha Male enjoy it too from the ping of fulsome lust.

He could tell that the bluenette women had some experience with sucking cock of sizeable length and girth, but never handle cock his size, length, and girth from the sound of her gagging and retching sound as managed to take about eight of his cock which's pleasing for him.

His eyes stare at her face—how it turn into lewd elongated blowjob face with how her everything below her nose's stretching out in disgraceful look of pig-like desire of trying to appease him.

It was familiar powerful, intoxicating feeling that he come to enjoy as it was addictive drug for him – how he obsessively yearn for it every day like high-strung addict who need it next fix.

And today...she's his fix and he devour it to his heart content as he grab a fistful of her silky, luscious, and smooth blue hairs.

"Tha's a good lil'lassie..." His very condescending but obsequious words had a monstrously hypnotic effect on her from the pleasing humming vibrating against his girthy cock. "...Very good for a slutty Asian whorebitch who knew what she's, how you sucking a REAL cock of Northern blood and heritage. You love it. Do'ya? You love how so demeaning and undignified this's for you? How you love being treated like the filthy Japanese slut that you are?" He darkly mocked her with every single humiliating words.

As the black-haired Nordic hunk, stood up and TOWER over her with his greater height of overwhelming 8'2 with an VERY commanding and imposing aura of raw unparalleled power, authority, and dominance. With each thrust forcing her to take more of his long, thick, veiny cock until nearly all but four of his cock was inside her slutty mouth and gullet almost but not certainly choking her due to him using subtle usage of runes that he branded on her to prevent her from choking to death.

He might be VERY dominating, domineering, and commanding Alpha Male Bull with streak of sadism, but he have no desire for her to die out of moral reason and that killing the daughter of famous inventor would go poorly for him and his company.

Plus, he want to enjoy his new conquest as long he can and enjoy having powerful married women underneath his boot and worshipping him like a priest to a god

He could tell that she's getting off at his demeaning words. How her body spasm and shake with shameful wanton lust as he eyed the growing puddle of her orgasmic fluid—showing that deep down she's a slut who love being demeaned and degraded by man of Northern heritage and her darkest fetish of being dominated and subjugated by him — man of great and rich heritage of man who fight, conquered, and fucked with their virility and manliness.

He lets out a dark mocking laugh as he proceed to brutally facefuck her as he place his pair of rough, masculine, and massive on her head and put all of his cock inside her and use little of speed and power to fuck her throat and use it like a living fleshlight.

He done this same movement, gaining more power from her fingering herself silly and with each following and continuous body-shaking orgasm his draconian aura or presence or whatever people call it these days get stronger by second by second until it cover the entirely of the waiting room washing the room with his very extraordinary, distinctive, and unfathomable magical energies.

Until, finally with a deep, beastly, and rumbling growl that sing to her soul he thrust all twenty-inch of his massive, monstrous-thick cock and unload a flowing torrent of thick, copious and viscous jizz.


The loud and audible sounds of his thick, bull-esque cock throbbing and spurting out thick deluge of cum that hit all of her taste buds and fill her stomach until it was full of it and bulging from the incongruous amount of draconic cum.

And Bulma couldn't help but rolled her eyes backward out of nirvana pleasure and she climax hard as she continuous fingering herself silly and tweaking her love button at the same time.

He pulled out his still cumming cock and and stroke out the small (well for him) amount of jizz cross her beautifully dazed face, buxom breast until it was covered in thick layer of his pearl-white jizz that had special characteristics of a Grade A aphrodisiac that made it very addictive and a very pungent, overpowering male scent of his jizz filled her mind with nothing but worshipful lust toward him and a sultry hunger that only his strong cum could fix it.

Rasmus looked at his handiwork of his marking of his newest Japanese slutmare who was dizzy and addled from his rough facefucking and how overpowering his jizz was on her slender, very curvaceous and incredibly buxom figure was shaking and trembling from her explosive orgasm and how his aphrodisiac-esque cum made her body feels a mini-orgasm.

And moment later she started to lick off the excessive amount of his jizz moaning in sheer euphoria and she ravenous devour the rest of his tasty jizz that he knew will get her hook on it and made her desire his jizz even more.

He silently watches on with a soft, serene, and placid smile on his face and blazing but palliative gaze full of confidence and dominance. And he spoke.

"Enjoyin' ya self, luv?" He asked in amusement as he cross his big muscular arms across his large, muscular chest.

She dumbly looked at him with half-hooded bedroom eyes and she mutely nod her head.

"...yeah..." She softly said, her voice raspy and throaty from his rough fucking of her sore throat.

His once soft, serene, and placid smile turns into nefarious, supercilious, and rancorous licentious grin and he chuckle darkly as he approached her with strong and assertive confidence—his entire very tall, strong, broad-shouldered, and tremendously muscular body posture and language spoke of total and complete superiority, supremacy, and domination.

He was front of her his still hard-as-diamond massive, Herculean dirty cock aim directly to her face letting his strong, pungent manly dick-musk hit her face with it overpowering heavy male scent.

His inhuman cock already emits a great formidable and powerful pheromones that compelled flaming arousal combine with it great imposing presence of prodigious and very irresistible masculine power.

He still merrily but darkly chuckle as he grab a fistful of her blue hair and hold her face to his inhumanly massive cum-covered bitch-breaker of a pecker.

"Clean my cock, you Japanese slut" He snarled out his carry a powerful raw of baritone power and deep reverberating force.

It wasn't a request. It wasn't even an order. It was a command, as if from a master to his slave.

And she knew it from the start...and she started to clean his inhumanly large cock with her tongue and lips pseudo-cleaning/worshiping his beautiful after all...

She's nothing more than his submissive Japanese slave and he was her conquering, dominating Norseman overlord. And that was the natural order between and she couldn't help but crave every single moment of it.

Soon, she stop 'cleaning' aka worshiping his cock due to his two of his non-verbal command — 1) Stop. 2) – Get on the table and in the Doggy style position. All she instinctually understands as she crawl up to the table her round shapely wide hips bump to side-to-side and her juicy, round heart-shaped ass tempted him like a siren to a sailor.

He stood behind her, his rough, thick muscled hands grab hold of her birthing hips and his massive, thick and veiny cock hot-dogging between her soft pillow-like asshole and the rosebud that he'll soon be fucking.

But right now the draconic bull, the conquering warlord, and Alpha Male Nord want to FUCK, reshaped, and BREED her prime fertile cunt that was literally crying their shameful arousal from the raw sexually and racially-charged energy that was coursing through the waiting room and making the two lustful people of two race transform into their primal form that filled with nothing but raw animalistic hunger and primal desire.

He stop hotdogging his cock on her round, thicc-fat asscheeks and aim his massive, bulbous cockhead into her mewling cunt which's absurdly fat and thick that it filled her than her husband could possibly can.

And this is just the top of the meaty iceberg as she clenched her teeth and curled her toes trying in vain to keep her sanity.

"Wo'ah girl! Ya' womb's coming down to say' h'llo. But lil' lass this's just the tip of my cock and we've much mo're to filled in~." He said as he deliberately enter her slowly—letting her feel every inch of his thick massive cock within her cunt that was being resizing to fit his inhuman size that'll surely ruin her for her husband (and all other man) for the rest of her natural life.

"Ah~~...Ah...Ah~~...Ah" She moaned out as she could feel the Norseman alpha male stud inhuman hyper-big cock entering her enter it penetrate her cervix box...and go beyond it until it actually hit her stomach making a very noticeable bulge that was biologically impossible and very cartoonish. Yet she could feel her very hunky-handsome alpha male bull-stud extremely monstrous huge cock pushing all of the unnecessarily organs out of the way.

"Mmmmmmugh…" The sound that escaped Bulma lips didn't sound very coherent, let alone human. It sound like a pig being spilt in half right down to the middle. Her own reshaped/resized cunt was orgasming like a broken water hose, staining the mahogany table beneath her and her eyes roll deeply to her skull with lip-bitten expression.

He raised a eyebrow at this and he grin wolfishly at it.

"Oh? Wha's this? You came already?." He asked as he grind his hips to her making a noticeable 'grind grind' sound in her stomach. "And I haven't even gotten started yet" He sing-song to her ear as he lean over with smirk that show his perfect row of pure white teeth's. "Honestly what a hopeless little Japanese cocksleeve you're."

He finish his tauntingly word as he quickly but slowly hammer his cock away making quick mess of her cunt with each gentle-but-powerful thrust of his muscled hips that hit against her fat heart-shaped ass—his strong and smooth hip movement were perfect mixture and balance of roughness and gentleness.

"This's me relaxing ya' cunt for-" He nearly pulled all of his cock until the thick, fat, bulbous cocktip that was being tightly cling by her needy cum

"Wha-?" She intelligently as she whine at the ungodly empty feeling of his thick, powerful, and long monstercock.

"-THIS!" His shout in mystical language of Dovah — as he slams all of twenty-and-half inch of his giant, thick, and lengthy long demodragonic cock in her, instantaneously hitting all of her G-spots and causing to...


She screamed as she instantaneously cum her damn genius brain out as she felt his unrelentlessly battering-ram of a cock hitting her cervix and stomach at the same time as he harshly griped her thin waist with his bear-like hands and him using his powerfully-muscled hips slamming against her S tier thick, round, shapely and athletic bubble butt that erotically jiggle and bounce against his hips.


The thunderous sound of flesh against flesh rings throughout the waiting room of the Capsule Corp. Where Rasmus ruthlessly but meticulously ruined the inside of her pussy with his giant, Herculean bitch-breaking of a cock from the extremely domineering and assertive Alpha-Male stud-hunk who was teaching her the true definition of pure and unadulterated pleasure that's beyond human understanding and comprehension.

He growl as he softly but roughly grab hold of her swain-like neck and when he pulled up upper body upward he kiss her neck hard and roughly leaving red bruise-like hickies on the left side of her slim, dainty neck, Bulma welcome it with great enthusiastic. The primal side of her mind see it as a sign of total dominance and his ownership of her body and mind.

He did same thing on the other side of her neck and before he lightly bite her neck, causing her to feel slight bit of pleasurable pain that was pleasing in strange but enjoyable manner. His behaviors turn semi-animalistic as he bite each soft, pliable part of her busty, buxom, and curvaceous luscious hourglass figure until half of her body's covered in bites marks and hickies marks – all sign of his primal dominance and overwhelming draconian supremacy and how he own her mind, soul, and body to the highest degree of sexuality.

After he done marking her like the Alpha Male stud that he is – he stop playing the soft game and amped up the level of his god tier sexual prowess and competence as he lifts her up into the full nelson position with nothing but his immensurable godly strength

And he...Procced to fuck the ever living HELL out of her poor battered Poontang with quick rapid series of his cock hitting her G-spot and the inside of her cervix box making big bulge each time his massive bull cock piercing though the walls of her cuasing to scream her mind out and squirting out her love juice to the skies and staining the table with her fluid.

"Fuck~! fuck~! Fuck! ~! Oh fuck~! Fuck me~! FUCK! FUCK MY NEEDY ASIAN PUSSY!!! YOU BIG-DICKED ALPHA NORDIC STUD!!!" She scream out gloriously as her face turn into a silly expression of fuck me silly aka the Aheago face with her blue eyes rolled up to her skull and her tongue rolled out limply letting trails of her saliva hitting the table and her huge, fat swinging tits.

His chuckle was low, husky, and darkly as he sense with his psychic powers that her mind is completely broke down into this state—he can help but be proud of breaking this Japanese slut mind with his cock.

As he lean forward to her ear and huskily whisper to her ear.

"Do'ya sworn to be my concubine? With the question, he thrust to he G-spot hard. Do ya' swear by ya' very soul and mind that you'll serve me? The second question, he grind against her G-spot with rough tenderness. No matter the time or place, even when a'round ya family. Do'ya swear to forsworn everything that make YOU—and become my slutty Japanese bitch and my broodmare slut. He stop thrusting with his cock as he wait for her answer his masculine voice at the end turns extremely deep, very commanding, and severely guttural.

It took single second for her to make that decision...and she made the right choice in the end


Her mind-broken answer filled him with draconic pride that was in the form of loud, dark but boisterous laugh as he resume fucking her raw and hard with his giant draconic-demonic cock and he decided to infused demonic-draconic enhanced magicka in his hard, thick cock and enhancing his pre-cum to the apex level. This's because she happily submit to him and he always made sure his concubine happily with him.

After couple of hard-fucking in the full-nelson position with her buxom body experiencing a another massive, explosive orgasm ripples through the slutty MILF. Additionally, he lick her face with his long, snake-like tongue and he once again whisper to her ears with seductive growling purr.

"I ge'tting close my sweet dear slut. Can you feel it, feel how my cock pulsating and throbbing with each second. How it fill you with great hunger and need of my strong Norseman cum into'ya cheating Asian cunt and ovulating breeding-eggsacks."

Her visceral reaction to his words were another shameless massive, explosive orgasm that soaked his trousers and the table and how her pussy muscles clenched tightly wanting to milked his Nordic Norseman cum and be breed by him.

He laugh at her reaction, and a moment later his rich, white, hot seed is pumping into her again. This time, it doesn't spill out as the demonic Dovahkiin fills every last of her clenching-milking cunt to the brim with his jizz. Her pussy drink in all of his cock, milking all of his cum. Not wasting single drop of his rich powerful cum that was surely would impregnate her ten times over...if Rasmus didn't use magicka to sterilized himself. He was semi-joking about breeding her with his child—maybe some day he'd breed her a child...but right now he want to enjoy his MILF Asian slut to it fullest.

Bulma not knowing about this fact. Moaned happily as she dreamed of carrying his Viking baby and letting him drink her milk in his goblet like the conquering warlord-king that he was as she lead limply against his very massive and broad chest.

He had a domineering dark grin as he rub her swollen stomach full of his rich jizz that act like an aphrodisiac causing to experience series of mini-orgasm in her overstuffed cunt.

"Rest up slut. Because I'm going to fuck that fat bubble butt of yours and see how long before you vomit out my cum"

She can't help but orgasm right there and shiver in sheer anticipation and primordial need, those words filling her with nothing but lust and arousal.




Couple Of Relentless Fucking Hours Laters...

"I hope the discussion that we shared together would stick with you when I go back to my company-" Rasmus simply said as he straighten his black designer suit and smooth out the wrinkles and clean off the fluid with snap of his fingers.

"-And the discussion of how I'll continued to support your father project and improve business trades between our great company" He continued on nonchalantly as he smooth his hair with haircomb that he kept on his person all time. "You miss Bulma Brief make a very ~compelling~ argument of me supporting your father. I very much love and respect that aspect." He said as he turn around and gaze toward the woman.

Said women was on the table, pass out, exhausted, covered in thick layer of white cum, and how both of her holes were gaping widely which allowed hot, steamy cum to slowly ooze out thick, syrup-esque cum unto the table and to the floor. He could see her face behind the thick amount of copious cum and how her mouth was drooling out vomit-cum that come from him dumping big dose of cum in her asshole and how her nose dripping mixture of snot-and-cum. In addition, her eyes was blanked and dazed and rolled up to her skull.

In short she had been fucked-silly into a cum-filled, stomach bulging, aheagoing, and cum-vomiting state.

He smile to the sight of his latest concubine.

"Now, I going to summon one of my faithful, female Dremora servants to take you to my castle to get clean up and later get my brand tattoos on you—to show how you submit to my power and that I own you." He said this as he snapped his finger to summon couple of his female Dremora who appeared in blue door-like gate.

He turn to them and smile approvingly at their attire­—all of them wears skimpy French maid outfit that show off their taunt, insanely perfect hourglass with their extremely big, bouncing tits jiggle and bounce erotically with each breath.

"How can me help you Lord Rasmus" All of them spoke at the same time their face perfectly stoic and emotionless yet he could see trace desire and lust in their eyes and how their nose subtly flare out smelling the intense smell of sex and cum that surrounded the room.

"H'llo ladies. I need all of you to..." He point behind him. "...to clean my latest concubine and make her with my brand and return her back to this room. Also tell her that I'll be calling her soon. Got it" he said nonchalantly with strong current of commanding and authoritative power.

"Yes my Lord. We shall do as you said" All of them simultaneously said as they did as told and grab hold of the pass bluenette MILF and gone back to their lord castle.

"Good." He didn't look at them as he glance at his watch and realized that he couple of free hours for him to have his little fun, do little sightseeing and seduce the local women.

With a joyous whistle he magically teleport himself out of the building and to the West City to meets with the locals...Oh how he going to enjoy teaching them about his culture....