
Hentai Collection

Some random smut stories I found. You might like some and not like others. Additional tags: NTR, Raceplay, S&M, Cuck [I DO NOT own/claim any of these stories] *I do not own this cover

Che3na · Anime & Comics
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248 Chs

Sakura Haruno Wants Bigger Breast! | 2 | [Naruto]

Credit: xxShiroyakshaxx


It was an eventful few weeks since Sakura had asked Tsunade to perform the breast expansion jutsu. Over the course of time and after many heated sexual encounters with various people in her life, she'd awakened another side to herself that she wasn't aware of. All of this development was accumulating towards this final day, when Sasuke was finally coming back to the Leaf Village.

At the beginning of this entire ordeal, the sole purpose for her new tits were to impress Sasuke, as well as fixing some of her own personal insecurities that she'd had concerning her body. While many times she'd felt absolutely guilty for cheating on her husband, there was a large part of her that didn't regret anything that's happened at all. It was a fact that she'd been sexually frustrated, the lack of men in her life was steadily growing on her. Even though it was morally wrong, Sakura admitted to herself that she needed all of the other men in her life to fill the void that Sasuke's left behind during his prolonged absence.

Finally, the fated day of his arrival was upon her, and trying to suppress these ongoing thoughts and feelings to the back of her mind, she dressed and made her way over to the Gate of the Leaf Village to meet with Sasuke for the first time in what seemed like years. It was a little bit earlier than the expected time for his arrival, so the pink haired kunoichi had extra time to ponder on the aftermath of her many affairs, internally debating whether or not the decision she'd made over the past few days was the right thing to do. Sasuke had no idea what was in store for him, but Sakura planned a little surprise for her hardworking husband, and desperately prayed that he'd enjoy it.

It took a few more minutes until she finally saw someone make their way down the large trail, smiling brightly while excitedly waving at her childhood crush and now lover.


Even though it's been forever since they've seen each other, Sasuke wasn't the type of man to be affectionate enough to wear his emotions on his sleeve, and instead responded with a faint smile and simply raising one of his hands in response. As he finally made his way towards his wife, he immediately took notice of the tacky trench coat she was wearing.

"Yo, Sakura.. How's everything been?"

"Great.. I've been doing amazing recently.."

"That's good.. I'm sorry it's been so long since I've been back. I've been really busy lately.."

"Don't apologize, everything's alright! Let's get back home, alright? I have something to show you.."

"Something to show me?"

"Mhm.. Think of it as a surprise.. It might be a little shocking at first but I hope you'll be able to enjoy it.." said Sakura, suggestively winking at him before beginning to make their way back home.

As the couple walked the familiar streets of Konoha after what felt like a couple years, he couldn't comprehend why his wife was wearing such a large coat in the middle of the summer. It was obvious that she was feeling the heat, the sweat forming around her forehead providing enough evidence.

Meanwhile, Sakura was deep in thought in her own mind. After all, it took a lot of courage and nerve for what she was preparing to propose to him.

"Ah.. Even now.. I can tell that I still really love Sasuke.. That emotional connection I have with them is still here, but.. After all of the amazing sex I've had over the past weeks.. I've awkward another side to myself.. I've come to the realization that I really do need men with bigger cocks to satisfy my physical needs.. I'm just so used to huge dicks now.. I really hope that Sasuke will understand.. I've heard the term before, it was called "cuckolding", right?."

There was an odd silence between the two, unsure of how to maintain a steady conversation because of the looming questions floating above one of their heads, while the other was wondering if his wife was upset at him or something. After the two finally arrived at the front door of their house, Sakura turned back to look at Sasuke.

"Alright, Sasuke.. I hope you'll be ready for this.."

"Y-yeah.. Me too.." for some reason, he'd started to feel slightly nervous. He had no idea what to expect, and the weird mood that he sensed coming from Sakura made him all the more worried.

As Sakura slowly opened the door, they were suddenly greeted by various amounts of familiar faces. Naruto, Kiba, Jiraiya, and their landscaper who happened to be a big, fat man of Kumo descent.

"Yo, Sasuke! It's been so long, huh?" cheered Naruto, pumping his hand up causing a tiny amount of beer to spill from the cup he was holding.

The others weren't exactly familiar with Sasuke, so they greeted him as you typically would towards an acquaintance.

"What's this, Sakura?.. A surprise party?" he whispered into Sakura's ear..

"Y-yeah.. Something like that.."

"Come on, Sasuke! No need to be so shy! Join us! We're drinking in honor of your long awaited return!" cheered a steadily drunk Naruto.

Sasuke wasn't exactly comfortable with these large gatherings, but decided to join his friends and acquaintances as they gathered around to enjoy the feast of food presented in front of them. Naruto was really insistent on having Sasuke sit beside him, and smacked the spot on the floor next to him repeatedly . Not seeing how catching up with his best friend would hurt, he took up his offer and took the seat next to him.

As the festivities of feast went on, and everyone was chatting and having a good time, Sasuke couldn't help but notice that not only was Sakura still wearing her coat, but she was sitting in between Kiba and Jiraiya, rather than sitting closer to him.

"Isn't Sakura oddly distant recently?.. Maybe she really is mad at me.. It has been a while since I've been home, after all."

During his conversation with Naruto, he sneaked several glances in Sakura's direction, finding her attitude all day to be rather odd. It wasn't clear as to whatever conversation she was having with the other guys, but it looked like she was having a lot of fun. There was a whole lot more smiling and laughing from her that he was used to. It wasn't as if he was the most exciting person to be around, given his mellow personality, so it's been a while since he's seen her drink and party.

He couldn't help but feel like she was weirdly comfortable with them, Jiraiya was a renowned pervert and yet she allowed him to wrap his arms around her shoulders, as they seemed to laugh at something. Sasuke wasn't necessarily the jealous type when it came to women, after all he'd ever only been in one relationship before. Even so, he saw Jiraiya's hand slide down her back and appeared to grab her butt, surprising Sasuke and making him wonder if he saw that correctly. It was difficult to tell considering the table covering their lower halves.

The fact that Sakura had a faint blush on her face and playfully slapped Jiraiya on the chest however, disproved his doubts about what had just happened.

After an hour or so of drinking, eating, and talking, the festivities slowly came to an end when all of the booze and food was almost finished. Sasuke was having trouble keeping his eyes away from his wife, noticing her flirtatious nature with the other men and the lack of attention that she was giving him. All the men stopped drinking and chatting when they saw Sakura suddenly stood up, and apart from Sasuke, had a pretty good hint of what she was about to do.

"Sasuke.. I told you that I had a surprise for you, right?"

"Huh? Yeah.. You did, I thought it was this party?"

"No.. It's much better than that.. I hope you'll enjoy it. I went through a lot of trouble to get these, after all.."

"What could she possibly be talking about?" thought a nervous Sasuke, staring in anticipation as his wife started to unbutton her coat. There were a few smiles around the table, almost as if everyone had already known about whatever surprise she had in store for him.

After all of the buttons were undone, and with a sly grin on her face, Sakura finally dropped the trench coat she was wearing, revealing her amazing new tits as a present for her lover. The outfit that she was wearing beneath her coat consisted of a tight grey sleeveless shirt combined with a pair of matching tights, accentuating her voluptuous bodily features for everyone to feast their eyes upon.

The room suddenly uproared with cheers, all of the men apart from their landscaper wolf whistling at the sexy babe striking revealing poses in front of them. The Kumo man had decided to stay silent, even if he wanted to speak, as there was the notion around his area that claimed that Konoha men were very territorial about their women.

Since this was his first time seeing his wife since her sudden breast expansion, he was in utter shock at her new appearance. Sasuke wasn't sure if a genjutsu was cast on him that was making him hallucinate, the incredibly erotic form of his wife had him in awe. He wasn't the most sexually driven person in the world, but the sight of her overwhelmingly large breasts sent him over the edge, his penis already stiffening just moments after her revelation.

"Are those real?.. Why are Sakura's boobs that huge?.. But damn, I can't believe how attractive she looks.."

He stared at his beautiful wife as she slowly started to strut her way towards him, with a purposeful sway to her hips before stopping in front of him. Sasuke was still trying to comprehend how hot she looked, while she was admittedly attractive before her breast expansion, now she was on a pedestal by herself. Sakura was undoubtedly the most perfect woman that lives in Konoha.

He couldn't even mutter any words, literally being left speechless as he stared at her perky nipples poking through her shirt. Using his shoulders to balance, the pink haired kunoichi stepped between him and Naruto, smiling back at her husband that was affectionately staring at her new form. He had a slight blush on his face when Sakura started to kneel down, appearing as if she was going to sit on his lap.

To his surprise, Sakura instead sat her plump butt onto Naruto, who was turned and facing their direction.

"S-sakura? What are you-?"

He had a confused look on his face when his wife started to grind her butt into his best friends crotch, with Naruto's hands slowly draping across her stomach. The other men in the room began to clap and cheer, getting closer to the spectacle by scooting over, urging Sakura's lap dance on as she rubbed her round ass into the Hokage's crotch.

"Sakura.. Is this your way at getting back at me?.. Are you upset that I haven't been home?.." asked Sasuke, visibly shocked by her flirtatious actions.

"No.. It's nothing like that, Sasuke.. I'm not mad at you or anything.. I even still love you.. It's just that ever since I've gotten this body of mine.. I've realized that a woman like me needs multiple partners to satisfy myself.."

"What are you saying, Sakura?! You haven't talked to me about any of this!"

"... Are you upset?.. I'm sorry, Sasuke.. But, I just can't lie to myself anymore.. I need this.."

Her face was flushed red, almost as if she was in one of those trances, where her mind was filled with nothing but lust. The Uchiha could hardly believe what his wife was doing, a vein popping from the side of his head when she turned around in Naruto's lap after bouncing on his lap and shaking her bubble butt a few times to finish it off.

Sasuke's eyes grew wide in a mixture of shock and anger, watching intently as his wife wrapped her legs around Naruto's waist, her arms around his neck, and then passionately kissing him in front of her husband. While Sakura felt like her body was on fire from the excitement of doing such a thing in front of her lover.

"What the fuck?.. She's shamelessly kissing Naruto like that in front of me.. What disgusting behavior.. When did she become such a depraved woman.."

"Sakura.. Get off him.." he muttered, the angered look on his face apparent to everyone that he wasn't having it.

She felt a shiver down her spine from his serious tone, rolling her tongue around Naruto's briefly before pulling away to respond to Sasuke.

"W-wait, Sasuke.. Ever since I had that jutsu used on me to make myself look better for you.. I just can't control myself anymore.. I know, I'm such a slut aren't I?.."

Naruto was equally turned on from how bold Sakura was being, cupping her cheek and pulling her face towards hip to continue exchanging spit in a heated make out session. The two breathed through their mouths during their kiss, panting as their tongues hungrily intertwined together.

Sasuke could hardly recognize his spouse, wondering what happened during his absence to cause her to become like this. The kiss she was sharing with Naruto wasn't any regular one, it evolved from a passionate one into completely erotic, nothing but sheer sexual desire for each other showing on their faces.

The fact that Naruto was the man she was kissing gave Sasuke second doubts in having things escalate into a physical confrontation, knowing fully well the consequences a fight between the two strongest ninjas in the world would have.

"Naruto.. You bastard.. You've been doing this behind my back the entire time I was gone, Sakura?" angrily said Sasuke while clutching his fist.

After pushing the horny hokage away and then licking her lips, she got off Naruto's lap which revealed the apparent bulge on the front of his pants.

"Calm down, Sasuke. Sakura's mentioned it numerous times, but she really does still love you.. It's just that with her new body, she's always craving sex." said Naruto

"S-sex? You've been fucking other men behind my back?.."

"Y-yes.. I have.. I've just been so lonely since you've been gone.. And I've just started craving cock.. At first, I thought it was a side-effect from the jutsu.. But now, I'm not so sure myself anymore.."


The pinkette crawled over to the nearby Kiba, who had a huge grin on his face as he welcomed her plump lips. Everyone could sense the angst in Sasuke's voice, who was still struggling to cope with this new side of Sakura that was just exposed to him. Sasuke was definitely intimidating, but there was just something so intoxicating about Sakura that he'd ignore his sense of danger to enjoy kissing the slutty woman. During their quick makeout session, Kiba was the type to generally use a lot of tongue, causing an ample amount of saliva to drip onto the floor from their open mouthed kiss.

The typically reserved Sasuke tried to calm himself down before his emotions got to him, knowing how dangerous he could be if he allowed his feelings take control. He took a step back and tried to assess the entire situation, here he was, angrily watching as his wife confessed to needing sex from other men, making her away around the room and making out with almost everyone there.

The way they were kissing each other grew increasingly tiring on the tongue, the frantic pace of their overlapping tongues slowing down until they finally ended the kiss. Sakura gave Kiba a heartwarming smile before wiping the excess saliva from her lips, and then quickly gripping the outline of his erection to make sure he was as hard as possible.

Sasuke was at a loss for words. He wasn't sure what to do anymore. Lash out and fight everyone in the room? Pull Sakura off of him and throw her to the side? All of these thoughts started to slowly disappear from his mind, as he felt blood rush down towards his cock from the erotic vibe that his wife was giving off. It was such an out of body experience, emotionally he was extremely upset, furious even. Disappointed, disgusted, dumbfounded. All of the above. But for some inexplicably messed up reason, he couldn't deny that Sakura looked jaw droppingly sexy.

He knew it was wrong. Hell, even Sakura knows how wrong everything was. But there was just something about how fucked up it really was that made everything that much hotter. After being conflicted with his wife's confession, he slowly started to accept her for what she is, as long as he could get a piece of that voluptuous body too. It was definitely a terrible time to say it, but Sakura did mention that she was still in love with him. While she might not be physically with him only, as long as her heart remained his is what really mattered at the end of the day. After coming to terms with this dilemma, he decided that he wanted to enjoy having sex with his beautiful wife, albeit he had to share the experience with others, but if that's what she needed to get off, then he wasn't going to stop her. Maybe it was the feeling of guilt that led him to this decision, there were just so many factors playing into his decision making and feelings of acceptance and forgiveness. The absurdity of the situation making it all the more difficult to fully comprehend what was going on anymore.

Since she was done with Kiba for now, Sakura had already made her way over to Jiraiya. Just like with Naruto, she sat down onto his lap and engaged in a final makeout session. This wasn't their first time kissing before, but the pinkette always appreciated how talented the older man was with the use of his tongue in combination with his moving lips. Their kiss begun slowly and sensually, but over time escalated in terms of passion and desire. In fact, he was so good that she'd welcome continuing for the rest of the hour if they could. But after a few thrusts of her hips, and a few more twirls of her tongue, the seductress felt his hardened length underneath her butt, signaling her job was finished. As she slowly got off his lap, Sakura lifted her tight shirt off of her body, causing her famous jugs to spill out and jiggle erotically.

With the three men already understanding what was coming next, they all circled around the busty woman and undid their pants, swiftly throwing them away and pulling out their completely erect cocks. The sight of his sexy wife kneeling before multiple of his friends made Sasuke rather flustered, his typically shy personality making everything that much more impactful. Not being able to take it any longer, the Uchiha hesitantly made his way towards his partner, following suit by taking off his pants and exposing his own erection.

"Sasuke!.. You finally decided to have some fun too?" teased Sakura, licking the head of his penis once almost as if to welcome him.

"That's enough, Sakura.. Don't tease me too much before I change my mind."

"Mmm.. Fine then." pouted Sakura, winking at her perverted husband that was beginning to be dragged into her pace.

"Ah, I can't wait.. Sakura's blowjob is one to die for.." said Naruto with an excited expression on his face, fantasizing about the first time it happened.

"Really? I've only had the luxury of making out with her before, so I hope she has the ability to impress me. After all, I've lost count of how many women have been on their knees for me before" chuckled the perverted old man, angling his cock towards her pretty face.

The entire time everything was going down, the Kumo man who'd been suddenly dragged into this by Sakura sat still in his place, having no idea what the hell was going on and didn't want to interrupt them.

Sasuke took notice of him from the corner of his eyes, finding it odd that he was still watching them without saying much of anything after the whole stripping situation began. At this point of time, the Hidden Leaf Village weren't exactly accepting of other races to say the least , and the fact that he was a Kumo man had bothered the Uchiha slightly. Plus, he was still scornful from after his bout with the Raikage a few years back.

"Hey, you.. I think it's time for you to leave now.." said Sasuke.

"That's such a shame.. The poor Kumo man can't get a taste of the beautiful pale women we have in Konoha, huh?" mocked Jiraiya.

The Kumo man didn't know how to respond, and was preparing to grab his things before leaving until he was interrupted soon afterwards.

Sakura started to blush a little after remembering when she had sex with Karui's father, a man of Kumo descent as well. It was a secret kept to herself and Dee, but those two nights of sex were the most alive and amazing she'd ever felt before. Without trying to sound too suspicious, Sakura insisted on letting the Kumo man watch, saying it's alright to let him stay. They were all relatively confused with her response, considering how most women in Konoha weren't comfortable in that way with darker men. Either way, they immediately dropped the subject once her skillful tongue took its time making its way over everyone's bulbous heads.

"Oh my.. So many cocks!.. If I compare all of them by size, then.. It looks like Jiraiya's the biggest!.. I guess someone as sexually active as him must be packing some heat.. Naruto's looks as if he's one inch smaller, at around 8 inches.. Kiba's not so bad too, he's definitely 3rd.. Oh.. Sasuke's is only 6 inches unfortunately.."

Sakura quickly examined their lengths using her now trained eyes, along with her abilities as a medical ninja and being highly experienced in taking cocks, she could easily discern the size of a man's erection after just a quick glance. Since Jiraiya's cock was the longest out of the bunch, she decided to start with him, dragging his wrist to place it on top of her hair before licking across the crown of his head. The other's didn't want to patiently wait, so while she was now busy starting her blowjob on the pervy sage, they all took turns fondling those obscene breasts of hers since only one person could enjoy her mouth.

Sasuke found the way she worked her head to be absolutely mesmerizing. He'd received blowjobs from her before, but it was obvious to him that she'd done this many times since his departure. The way her cheeks would hollow, the amount of saliva she was using, the focus on her tongue movement, the depth at which she could take his large cock inside of her orifice without even letting out a single gag. It really made him wonder what happened while he was gone. Just how many dicks had she sucked up until this point? Not that he was complaining anymore, his shaft was already throbbing in anticipation after reminiscing the wet feeling of her mouth.

Jiraiaya was giving her head a few thrusts, definitely impressed with her determination and ability to perform a passionate sloppy blowjob. He'd participated in a few orgies before, and understood that it would be impolite to hog the beautiful babe all to himself. Sakura was already so lost in the moment that she'd completely forgotten about the other cocks she'd have to tend to, until the Pervy Sage got her attention by pressing gently onto her forehead, letting her know that she had to suck the others off too.

"Alright, alright, that's enough for now Sakura.." muttered Jiraiya, who was forced to drag her head away from his crotch.

As soon as he pulled away from her lips, the pink haired kunoichis pretty face was repeatedly jabbed by multiple cocks, almost pleading for her attention. Everyone was so turned by the entire situation, everyone's face had a tint of red along with significantly heavier breathing. The room was filled with pleasured moans and occasional grunts as the four men delighted themselves using her body. Eventually, Sakura gave everyone blowjobs at around a ten second interval before switching over to someone else.

"Damn, Sakura.. That's so good.." moaned Naruto.

"Shit!.. It's so wet.. Sakura.." grunted Kiba.

While those two were a lot more talkative during sex, Sasuke was relatively quiet and while Jiraiya was impressed, he'd definitely be feeling it more if he had the pretty girl all to himself.

Hearing her name being moaned by several men she was pleasuring motivated her to go even harder. Starting at the beginning of the line with Jiraiya, Sakura removed her hands from stroking both Naruto and Kiba's cock and instead moved them over to the Pervy sage's hips, abandoning her earlier method of giving everyone a good few bobs of her head and instead opting to focus on one person, in order to give them a warm and insanely wet deepthroat.

With her slender fingers no longer wrapped around their shafts, the other men grew desperate for more, Naruto began to poke her right tit with his hard member while Kiba did the same with her other breast. Luckily, her bust was so large that it was easy to manage such a feat. Sasuke was starting to get a little left out, four people was only so much that she could handle at the same time, forcing him to masturbate himself while unfortunately waiting his turn.

He watched intently as his beautiful wife took Jiraiya's intimidating cock repeatedly into her gullet, spit flying everywhere as her face was getting mauled by his powerful thrusts. After getting his dick sucked countless times, this was the treatment any woman had to go through in order to pleasure him orally, and was a task that Sakura was gladly willing to take.

"Come on, Sakura.. Hurry up."

"Yeah.. We're waiting over here, y'know." panted Naruto.

"That's good.. Sakura! I've always known you had the talent for this.. You are Tsunade's disciple after all." grunted Jiraiya, tugging against her pink hair to signal he was nearing his release. The pinkette pressed her nose right against his pubic bone and kept her head in place for a few seconds, allowing him to feel the depths of her tight passage, finally earning a moan from the sex veteran himself. After she felt his shaft throb once inside of her mouth, Sakura immediately pulled away, leaving him on the edge of release before tending to Naruto.

As the three other men of Konoha continued to surround her, and practically begging for release, Sakura performed her signature deepthroat to each individual, just enough until they were about to cum but releasing them from her throat at the very last second.

"Fuck.. Sakura, why aren't you just letting us cum?"

"Be patient.. I want to try something out.."

Finally, after a tiring amount of using her face as a cocksleeve, she managed to reach her husband, Sasuke. Wanting to thank him for putting up with her slutty act, she placed a gentle kiss directly onto his tip, staring passionately into his eyes before opening her jaw widely.

"Agh.. Damn, Sakura.. That's really good.." admitted the shy ninja.

The powerful suction of her mouth causing Sasuke's legs to shudder, hips bucking wildly as he was already desperately trying not to blow his load. It's been a long time since he's received any form of sexual pleasure, so it was a miracle that he'd lasted up until this point.

Once everyone was ready, the seductive pinkette positioned herself in the middle of the four extremely horny men, closing her eyes and then sticking out her tongue with her mouth hung open. Everyone started to stroke themselves off, eagerly wanting to release the tension forming inside their crotches.

"Finally.. Sakura!-" moaned Naruto.

"Cumming!.. I'm cumming."

"Ohh yes.."

"Nngh!.." grunted Sasuke.


The mass eruption of semen that began completely blinded her vision with nothing but white liquid, the sheer amount of their powerful loads completely coating her perfect skin. Her beautiful pink hair, huge tits, and the insides of her mouth were covered in spunk. Nobody could contain their noises anymore, groaning incessantly as they jerked themselves off to completion.

Once everyone finished ejaculating, Sakura looked like she'd just taken a shower, except with cum. Feeling incredibly turned on, she started to finger herself relentlessly while swallowing the significant amount of seminal fluid resting on her tongue. Sasuke couldn't help but stare intently as his depraved wife gobbled the musky liquid, with a satisfied expression on her face.

He couldn't help but admire how sexy she looked. It wasn't like she wasn't attractive before, but the way that she was acting and how experienced she appeared to be when it came to sex lit something up in Sasuke's eyes, this was definitely the most turned on he's ever been before. Originally, the thought of sharing his woman and passing her around the room would disgust him, but after experiencing it firsthand himself, he couldn't get over how oddly arousing it was.

"Damn.. That felt good.."

"Yeah.. Why don't we get to the real deal now?"

"They still want to keep going?.. " thought Sasuke, amazed with how much stamina these men had.

After wiping the cum off her face so that she could actually see, Sakura was suddenly picked up by her ex teammate, Naruto, who placed her abruptly onto the table before shoving everything out of the way.

"Ahn.. Slow down, boys. There's only so much of me to go around." teased Sakura, loving the attention she was receiving. After gripping her firm butt through the thin fabric of her pants, Naruto quickly pulled them off, with the men behind her cooing in excitement after her completely nude body was exposed. It just dawned on Sasuke that she wasn't even wearing any bra or panties, and noticed how no one other than himself was surprised by that. His heart was beating loudly after being greeted with the intoxicating sight of his wife's perfectly trimmed vagina.

It didn't take long for Naruto to lose control of himself, the erotic sight of his childhood crush's dripping wet pussy was enough for him to suddenly pounce her. His aggressiveness certainly surprised her, causing her to yelp after his body laid on top of hers. After embracing each other momentarily, the Hokage flipped over so that he was positioned underneath her, treating the horny men behind Sakura with her amazingly fat ass.

While the other two were mesmerized from the erotic sight, Jiraiya didn't take his time to jump into the fray, aggressively gripping both of those plump cheeks and spreading them apart, en route to rubbing the tip of his cock against her puckered hole in preparation of having anal sex. The pervy sage was in awe after seeing her famous booty up close, breathing heavily after clearing his throat with a deep gulp.

"Shit.. Sakura.. I've always fantasized about getting to fuck this plump ass of yours.. All the way back since your genin days.."

"Huh?.. Really? That's so naughty, Jiraiya.." panted Sakura, who was grimacing from the initial pain of Naruto's thick cock penetrating her.

Jiraiya thought back to the time where he'd just begun training Naruto. The two were generally inseparable, walking around the village, training, sparring, eating ramen, talking about girls. Eventually, this talk reached a point where he'd asked Naruto about who his crush was, and after managing to squeeze the answer out of him, went on to search for said girl to see how she'd look like.

It didn't take very long until they stumbled upon each other, and Naruto went on to strike up a conversation with Sakura, who responded to him with an annoyed look on her face. Jiraiya decided to leave Naruto alone for now, resting his back against the nearby tree as he looked on towards his disciple's crush.

He was always a woman gazer, but at this point, Sakura had been much too young for him to flirt with. Admittedly, she did have a pretty face, and he could already tell that she'd grow up to be very attractive in the future. But as the two continued their conversation, the pinkette happened to turn around to face in Naruto's direction. Jiraiya had a bad habit of checking out pretty ladies, so her surprisingly firm butt had immediately caught his attention. The pervy sage couldn't believe how pronounced this teenage girl's ass was, and could immediately feel the blood rushing down towards his crotch, forcing him to leave the area. After all, he didn't want to get caught with an apparent bulge in his pants, after checking out the beautiful genin with an already matured body.

Since that day, Jiraiya couldn't help but ogle at the sexy woman whenever they'd cross paths, always turning his head to watch how her immaculate ass would jiggle after every step. He couldn't help but fantasizing about fucking that huge butt of hers, and after all of this time had passed, the pervy sage was estatic to finally enjoy having anal sex with Sakura.

"Ohhh!... Yes!... My ass!.. It's so full!" yelled Sakura, clenching her toes from the feeling of being double penetrated. She couldn't hide the lewd expression on her face, Jiraiya's nine inch cock was the biggest she's ever taken into her asshole. The tightness amazed the pervy sage, who's breath was growing erratic from the indescribable feeling that his erection was experiencing.

As the duo of student and sensei started to move, the pinkette's body began to rock back and forth as they began to skilfully fuck both of her holes. This was the first time she'd ever had such large cocks fuck her at the same time, causing her elated moans to echo throughout the room as she practically screamed her pleasured moans. Instead of simply watching, both Kiba and Sasuke were a bit upset that they'd gotten the short end of the stick, and were forced to once again use her mouth. Her loud moaning was instantly muffled once Kiba jabbed his hardness inside of her orifice, once again alternating between the two penises in front of her competing for her attention.

Sasuke was in such a compromising spot, the entire time that the four of them had been performing all of these sexual acts with his wife, he'd gotten the feeling that she'd been the least interested in him. He discerned that the larger the cock, the more time Sakura would spend enjoying it. While it hurt his pride just thinking about it, he certainly wasn't complaining once he got to experience a second round of her talented mouth, albeit only for a few seconds each time.

The landscaper couldn't peel his eyes away from the spectacle, he could feel his lower half get tense, watching as the orgy unfolded with some of the biggest names in Konoha.

He noticed the hungry look in their eyes, thrusting relentessly into the voluptuous body in front of them as their four impressive cocks gave Sakura the greatest fucking of her life, thus far.

There were too many noises of their sex act to even distinguish them, various sounds of their skin slapping against each other's bodies, the sound of her plump ass being smacked repeatedly by Jiraiaya's powerful hands, the gurgling noises of Sakura's deepthroat, the endless groaning from the four men receiving the time of their lives. After catching a glance at the pink haired woman's expression, he could already tell that she was mentally out of it. Completely consumed by lust, thoroughly enjoying the sensation of each one of her holes being pounded by their bucking hips.

"Amazing!.. Your ass.. It's unbelievable!.." moaned Jiraiya.

After already had sex with her many times before, Naruto knew how to make Sakura feel really good. He pressed into her nice and deep, already having the knowledge to easily locate her G-spot. The hokage gave her a skillful yet rough fucking as he passionately sucked on her breasts, teasing her sensitive nipples with his tongue.

"Shit!.. I'm cumming again.."

"Dang… Me too!.."

"Ah.. Sakura!.."

They all took turns cumming inside of her body, each of their releases arriving at a different time but only a few seconds apart. Even the numerous years of experience that Jiraiya had wasn't enough for this orgasm, his hips bucking wildly as he dumped the biggest load of his life directly into her asshole. Sakura couldn't stop herself from drooling at the sensation of yet again getting bukake'd by some of her closest friends.

After they've all calmed themselves down after experiencing yet another orgasm, it wasn't long until the seemingly endless gangbanging continued. Perhaps it was the atmosphere in the room, but everyone's libido seemed to reach new limits as they switched positions to choose which holes in her body that they wanted to fuck. As Naruto was removing himself from her body, he noticed how Jiraiya was staring at Sakura with so much desire in his eyes. Wanting to please his former sensei, he moved out of the way to switch positions with him, getting the first dibs on getting her pussy.

"Wait, Naruto! Switch with me, please! I've always wanted to fuck Sakura's ass too.. And seeing Jiraiya use her like that was really turning me on.." pleaded Kiba, satisfied with her mouth but also craving her juicy rump.

"Sure, Kiba!.. No problem.. I've been having sex with her whenever I can anyways." boasted the Hokage, which slightly irritated Sasuke because he was too soft spoken to secure himself anything other than her mouth.

"Ahnn. There's so many big cocks.." moaned Sakura, panting heavily in anticipation.

The intense pleasure that the orgy was giving her distracted her from the fact that her husband was even there, making eye contact for the first time in a while as she stared at the flushed expression on his face. After giving him a slight smile, her eyes fixated onto the two bobbing penises in front of her, one covered slick with her juices while the other was drenched in her saliva. The size difference was quite evident, with Naruto being much bigger of the two, his 8 inches and girth proven to be much larger than Sasuke's 6 inches.

"Sasuke.. Your penis really is quite small compared to Naruto's, huh?" playfully teased Sakura, who immediately took him inside of her mouth as a quick apology.

"Nngh.. Shut up, Sakura.. Don't make me file for divorce." coldy stated Sasuke, trying to shove as much of his cock as he could into her wet mouth. He could feel her lips form into a smile onto his shaft, which was then followed by powerful moaning once Kiba and Jiraiya had both begun to fuck her again. The vibration around his shaft caused Sasuke to groan, fisting her hair as he plowed into her face in response.

Meanwhile, Kiba was retracting his hips before slamming forward with significant force. Her puckered hole proving to be the greatest source of pleasure he'd encountered in bed, it was almost as if she was sucking him back in for more. Combined with the sensation of their skin slapping, Kiba was beginning to feel overwhelmed by their anal sex, grunting uncontrollably as he began to lose himself in his crazed lust.

"Jesus.. The rumours about your ass is definitely true, Sakura!" praised Kiba.

"Oohh!.. Mmnnn.."

This time, everyone was quickly approaching their limit, their erections already incredibly sensitive after having so much cum extracted from them. Unfortunately, as everyone was preparing to cum, Sasuke had been the only one left who wasn't close to release. After giving her husband a few bobs of her head, she'd turned her attention onto the Hokage's much more thick member and had trouble separating from it. There was just something about how good Naruto tasted that always kept the pinkette coming back for more.

The other three once again started to orgasm, with Sakura joining them by squirting all around Jiraiya's nine inch cock, her moans interrupted by the streams of semen produced by Naruto. After many curse words and praise for the sexy woman, Naruto, Kiba and Jiraiya had all pulled their throbbing members away from Sakura. Their finally limp cocks slapping against their legs as the pinkette continued to consume all of the jizz sprayed inside of her.

The trio of men were completely gassed, plopping down onto the floor with their entire bodies covered in sweat. After a few more moments of heavy breathing to collect herself, Sakura noticed that her husband was still sporting his erection, finding out that he hadn't joined the others in cumming yet.

"Ahh… Sasuke, you want me to take care of that?" said the pinkette, pointing at his erection with her fingers.

"Y-yeah.. I really feel like fucking you right now, Sakura.."

Sakura liked how vular he was being, a trait that was generally out of character for the Uchiha. Turning her body around to face Sasuke, she spread her legs open wide, showing off her beautiful pink pussy that was continuously dripping in her own juices combined with the other's semen. Much too horny to care, the typically cool ninja swiftly entered the missionary position, trying to fuck his wife the best he could to relieve himself from all of this pent up lust he'd accumulated from watching her get taken by other men. While the others were trying to regain their breath, they all turned their attention to the husband and wife in the middle of attempting to have intimate sex.

Wanting to pleasure the in the best way he could, Sasuke began to play with those massive new breasts of hers, while frantically thrusting his hips into her sex. Despite his increased effort, Sakura wasn't exactly moaning from his cock. It wasn't as if he was terrible at sex or anything. It was just that she'd become so much more accustomed to much larger men, that anyone either slightly above average or below would feel like the equivalent of using her own fingers.

Despite her lack of response, she did intimately wrap her arms around his neck, lovingly staring into the eyes of the husband she claimed to still love. Feeling overwhelmed and after being pushed way beyond his usual sexual stamina, Sasuke joined the others in ejaculating inside of her tight vagina. His entire body felt limp, laying down on top of his naked wife after being completely drained of both energy and his semen..

The Kumo Man had yet to leave the room, still having trouble getting over the incredibly hot orgy he'd just witnessed. It was inconceivable that a ninja as renowned and powerful as Sasuke would allow for her wife to be passed around like a whore, and seeing said wife's sinful body getting fucked caused the landscaper's erection to grow completely hard.

"Sakura's body looks amazing.. It's such a shame that she was only treated by such small penises" thought the Kumo man, wishing that he was apart of the orgy, and viewing the other men of Konoha as inferior in terms of sexual attributes.

The four men were completely defeated, bodies dripping with sweat and other fluids while their chests heaved for air. Yet, somehow the incredibly sex driven woman was the only one left standing. The Kumo man's heart skipped a beat when their eyes met, afraid that he would get in trouble for watching them. Seeing the big kumo man rubbing the insanely large tent in his pants flipped a switch in Sakura's head, remembering how disproportionately big they tended to be.

"Ah.. He's fucking huge.. I love how he's touching himself to me.." thought a very horny Sakura, entering a trance where it'd seemed that nothing would get through to her, except for anything involving sex.

Making up her mind, the pinkette reached her arm out towards the landscaper, beckoning to join her in the middle of the room. Hardly believing his eyes, the Kumo man didn't have it in himself to refuse the opportunity to sleep with one of the most attractive women in Konoha, rushing over to the middle table where he was then greeted by a squatting babe.

After the others began to realize what was happening, Sasuke cleared his throat before scolding Sakura.

"Sakura?! What are you doing?.. It's taboo for a man of Kumo descent and a woman of Konoha to be together.." panted Sasuke, who still had qualms about their race considering the trouble Ay put him through.

"Y-yeah.. I don't think that'd be right.." commented Kiba.

"That's enough, guys!.. I can't believe you all are still holding onto those outdated views.. There's nothing wrong with men from Kumo.." panted Sakura, eyeing the unbelievable bulge in front of her. She had an apparent blush on her face, silently displaying her hidden infatuation for black cock that she'd developed.

"Why? Are your manhood's threatened? Maybe you're jealous of how your sizes pale in comparison?" provoked Sakura, the rest of the room growing silent in disbelief of her words, rendered speechless from the truth behind her provoking statement.

"What the hell's going on?.. I can't believe my luck.. I had just happened to trim my bushes down there this afternoon.. And now I'm going to get blown by the famous Sakura Uchiha.." thought the Kumo man, gulping at the sight of the seductive kunoichi, who suddenly stuck her head into his crotch, licking attentively at the fabric of his pants.

"Oh my god!.. I can't believe this is happening.. Her tongues so warm.."

Satisfied with the hardness of his bulge, Sakura took her time to unzip his trousers, staring into his eyes while erotically sticking her tongue out of her mouth. The large Kumo man was breathing hard, once again having no clue how he'd end up in this blessed situation he was in. Not wanting to waste anytime anymore, the pinkette yanked his pants down to the floor, pulling down his boxers in the process, revealing his monstrous 15 inch cock to the rest of the room.

The men of Konoha were in utter shock seeing the absolute beast of an erection, having no clue that penises could get this big. While Jiraiya had the reputation of having the longest cock in Konoha, it was evident that the men in Kumo were a different breed. Meanwhile, Sakura felt as if she was in heaven. Her pink eyes sparkling with excitement, absolutely amazed that she'd managed to find a black cock that surpassed even Dee's.

"See, Sasuke?.. I told you that he'd be way bigger.. He's almost three times as long as you." teased Sakura.

"There's no way Sakura's actually going to-"

He didn't know what to think when he witnessed his wife opening her mouth, taking on the challenge of engulfing the intimidatingly girthy slab of meat. The massively huge black cock forced her jaw uncomfortably wide, threatening to diagnose her with lock jaw if she'd considered giving him a lengthy blowjob. The kumo man rested his hand on top of her head as the horny woman took her time to press her head down his unbelievably turgid member.

"Oohhh… That's so deep!.." moaned the Kumo man, staring at the magic happening below his waist.

She couldn't help the tears forming in her eyes after beginning to deepthroat him, forcing the man past her gullet which warranted abrupt coughing around his shaft. It took her a few seconds to finish before continuing, eyes shut closed as she gagged uncontrollably around his fat cock, somehow almost completely inhaling it until the sensation of hurling caused her to back away. Sakura covered her mouth and coughed uncontrollably, causing Sasuke to worry over her and ask if she was okay. After spitting a large amount of saliva onto the table, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand before holding onto the base of his erection.

A satisfied grin formed on her face after admiring his shiny black cock, glistening with her spit as she successfully lubed him up.

"Ahhnn… I love big black cock so much... " moaned Sakura, rubbing the sides of the cheek along the sides of his manhood, her tongue darting out to get a better taste. No one could believe what they were seeing, believing that the sight in front of them was taboo.

After kissing the tip of his cock, Sakura held onto it tightly and dragged him across the room, asking him to follow her lead while she brought him over to the nearby couch. Laying flat on her back, Sakura grabbed the sides of her weighty breasts and pushed them together, the sexy view making the Kumo man's erection throb in anticipation.

"Come on.~ , I want you to fuck these obscene tits of mine.." urged Sakura on, with the heavy man immediately climbing on top of her, easily sliding his wet cock in between the squishy carress of her cleavage. The sex craved woman welcomed the dark bulbous head in between her lips, the Kumo man beginning to push his hips forward, his 15 inch beast managing to successfully deepthroat her while also receiving a titjob at the same time.

"Holy shit!.. This is amazing!.."

The black man grabbed onto the back of her head, relentessly fucking her face while she massaged the shaft by skillfullly squeezing it with her tits. The intense boobjob caused continuonous gurgling noises to fill the room, as well as the underside of her weight breasts slapping his wide thighs. The pain that deepthroating a Kumo man's cock had never ceased to amaze her. The slutty persona she hid loving the rush of being forced to suck something that monstrous in size.

"Yes.. You said you loved my black cock, right?. Sakura, you must need a real man, don't you?" taunted the Kumo man, with the other men preparing to take action in retaliation before they noticed the expression on Sakura's face. The depraved woman moaned lovingly around his shaft, agreeing with his statement of wanting a "real" man. His comments stemmed from being slightly bothered by the racist comments and treatment made by the elites of Konoha, causing him to feel slightly resentful towards them. However, after having one of the prettiest woman in the world praising him and boasting about how much she loved his cock, the man's confidence was inflated and felt no fear in confronting them, asserting his dominance by erupting inside of her mouth, with no prior warning.

"Fuck!.. Eat it all, Sakura!"

Sakura's eyes grew wide as her face was immediately covered in semen. He was still lodged inside of her wet passage when he came, but the amount was so overwhelming that it instantly managed to spill between her lips. The pinkette yelled into his shaft, feeling as if she almost drowned from the immeasurable load. Not wanting her to actually lose consciousness from being unable to breathe, the Kumo man pulled out to instead release the rest onto her enormous tits.

There was just way too much of his load to handle. But even after a generous amount spilled out of her mouth, Sakura clamped her hands over her lips, trying to force her way into swallowing as much of his strong semen as she could. The Kumo man was awed by the sight, having never slept with a woman that was so determined to pleasure him. Typically, his intimidating size would actually drive them away, but Sakura was dirty enough to actually crave his incredible length.

Watching her struggle to down his jizz and recognizing how much she wanted him revitalized his erection, maintaining his extreme length much to both of their delight. With Sakura still recovering, she didn't yet have the energy to begin moving around. Luckily for her, the Kumo Man insisted on finally getting to fuck her, easily picking her body up and positioning her in a full nelson hold.

"Yes!.. Fuck me!.. I want your 15 inch cock in me!" moaned Sakura, her face still dripping with semen. Her face grimaced in pain at just the tip of his dick entering her pussy, causing her legs shake uncontrollably while a fountain of her juices sprayed onto his crotch.

The black man had to slowly ease his way into her tight insides, stretching her significantly which elicited screams mixed with pain and desire for more. Sakura's almost incoherent moans were drowned out from another orgasm, the more of his length that he inserted, the stronger her climax was. Over and over, she continuously orgasmed. Her legs trembling until he was finally fully plundered into her warm, extremely wet, tight walls. The pinkette's entire body rocked from the force of just a singular experimental thrust, trying to test her limits to find out how much of his black cock she could take.

"Oooohhhhh!!! It's sooo bigg!~"

Her tongue was hanging shamelessly outside of her mouth, too consumed by the pleasure of him fucking her to even notice her degraded appearance. As the exhausted men watched the taboo sight, they couldn't help themselves but feel aroused. The forbidden scene of watching the pale woman of Konoha getting ravaged by a man of black descent caused them to get excited, which greatly confused Sasuke considering his conflicted emotions at the moment. It was admittedly incredibly hot, and he wasn't sure whether or not to stop her after seeing how much she loved it.

As Jiraiya watched the busty pink ninja come relentlessly from the black man's cock, he thought back about her sensei, Tsunade, who'd have frequent visits with the Raikage. Seeing the expression of ecstasy splattered all over Sakura's face had caused him to realize something. It was at that moment where he'd recognized the reason why there were so many private "Kage" meetings that Tsunade had with Ay, and what it really meant.

Removing her from the full nelson position, the Kumo man roughly pushed her onto the couch, roughly grabbing onto her hips and opting to fuck her doggy style instead. Wanting to feel even more of his cock force its way into her womb, Sakura began to meet his powerful thrusts by pressing her large ass back against him, trying to fully engage in sex together as she weakly returned his rampant thrusts.

"Admit it, Sakura.. You really are a black cock whore, huh?" taunted the Kumo man,riding on a sexual high from making her come so many times before even beginning to fuck her.

"Y-yes!.. I'm such a slut for black dick!"

He smiled after hearing her response, rewarding her slutty behavior by increasing the speed of his thrusts, her plump butt cheeks growing red from the skin to skin contact. Her hair flew everywhere from the strength of his hips, the couch shaking in place in the process.

"That's right.. You're a whore for my big black cock.. You want me to come inside, don't you?"

"Y-yes! I want your cum inside me!"

He started to breathe heavily in excitement, having never experienced the sensation of being able to cum inside a woman before. Just imagining it caused his shaft to throb uncontrollably.

"Sakura.. Do you want a kumo baby?.."

"I do! Fuck!... Impregnate me!. I want your cum inside my womb!" shouted the depraved woman, any form of logic or restraint being thrown out of the window due to the endless amount of orgasms she was experiencing.

"Sakura! Wait!.. Don't let him come inside!.." yelled Sasuke in a panic, recalling how his load almost caused her to literally drown.

"You might actually get pregnant!" he said , standing up to begin walking in their direction.

He was too late. The moment he'd walked over to the couch, he couldn't even comprehend what he'd just saw. His hot wife had an absoutely dumb expression on her face, tongue drooling out the side of her mouth as spit dripped down her chin. Her hair an absolute mess and body covered in sweat as she moaned at the top of her lungs. The Kumo man had a flushed expression on his face as he shoved his hips completely forward, easily penetrating her womb before completely filling it up with his cum. Sakura's legs began to spasm out of control, the overpowering force of his ejaculation causing her entire body to shudder under his weight.

Sasuke was at a loss for words, staring at his depraved wife get creampied for the fourth time that day. His ejaculation was abnormally long this time, his pulsating shaft continuing to dump loads upon loads of his hot spunk for an entirety of a minute. Eventually, her moans died down, her voice being unable to produce much noise as her body felt completely drained from its energy. He was forced to watch as her butt shivered with every torrent of semen that sprayed out, the rest of her body falling limp onto the couch while her hips remained still, held by his tight grasp.

He wasn't sure if he was supposed to feel pain, anger, resentment, or all of the above. The entire situation was so fucked up already, but for some reason watching this stung compared to sharing her with the others. Sasuke was so turned on from her body that he'd forgiven her for cheating on him, and was starting to feel those same conflicting emotions as he watched her get creampied by the biggest cock she'd ever taken.

Finally, after nearly two minutes of pumping hot jizz directly inside of her womb, and overflowing her tight walls, the Kumo man finally began to slowly pull himself away from the addicting suction of her now sloppy cunt. He stared intently as the gaping hole quivered upon release, her powerful climax accompanied by waves of his semen pouring out of her at an alarming rate. The couch was immediately stained by his spunk, a puddle forming underneath her crotch as the man's limp cock slapped against his thigh.

"Fuck.. That was amazing.."

After taking a few deep breaths, he felt a shiver down his spine. Turning around, he noticed Sasuke's conflicted emotions, unsure of whether or not he should just kill the man or let him go and be accepting of Sakura's newfound obsession. Not wanting to stick around to find out, the Kumo man quickly grabbed his pants that rested on the floor before running out.

Sasuke turned his attention to his exhausted, cum covered wife. She was whispering something at him, speaking too softly for him to initially hear. He leaned down towards her level, and asked her to repeat herself again.

"S-sorry, Sasuke… I'm sorry I'm such a shameful wife.. My body just can't go without it anymore.."

With a blank expression on his face, Sasuke rested his hand onto the couch, whispering his response into her ear.

"Don't worry, Sakura.. No matter what, I'll still love you.." he reassured her, before she quickly drifted into a deep sleep. That night, everyone had ended up crashing at their place, nobody having the energy to function until they finally received some good rest.