Henki Business It is a true story about my perspective of the past and prior to post seeing the Netherlands Kingdom I learned working for a Polish recruitment agency in a Netherlands company. A storyteller storyline of a case of his visit on vacation and business trip to a nation the plot developed itself. It was a never unexpected journey but I never knew it would happen. The story of what you expect and what you see. Author had in mind to write the Henki Legal title but due to coherent and pragmatic reasons he chose to call it a business, a very bad business. He was never pleased nor never hoped to write about this beautiful tulip nation.
The financial magazine wrote a Republic of Lithuania business article fake news about how rich and wealthy the nation is? Yes it is true news.
Who paid for it? The Republic of Lithuania.
Is the Republic of Lithuania a wealthy nation? It is fake news.
They obtain a financial portfolio? It is the truth.
They made a profit? Yes they made money.
Has the Russian Federation done it? No.
They swap face masks from one lying politician to another. It is the culture of Lithuania.
Do we have political sects in the world? We have conservative thinking poisoning this world. The Christian Democrats.
Yes, they are. I know.
Did Hitler pay Kaunas SS fire squad to kill Jewish? Yes he did. Yes it is the Republic of Lithuania.
Welcome to conservatives stronghold Kaunas.
I hope no missing fascist gold train missing in Poland from Berlin did end up in the end stop of Kaunas.
Yes it was then Berno.
Conservative means Satan. They are trash. "t means koto kotato or bitc* bitc* die." Only my colourful words save the day.
I won't say twice. The thoughts run through the author's mind reading through truth. You understand without special characters.
Conservatives are fake prophets and their sick children of faschim should never be born. They are straight out of the satanic mouth.
The sick conservative culture. The sick planet. Our sick culture.
Best story ever.
They all will die. They will end.
The prayer. They will not be silenced. The United States occult should learn who they are. Do they play God?
No is the word. It is the word! I will make this nation perish.
I am God's foot soldier. The sick United States of America and its tests with human life. I am with Ukraine.
One wise man spoke.
The democrats black pride and our god's plans are unknown.
You like to make a god laugh? You tell him your plans.
The humour belief writing about faith.
We cannot find United Nations Human Rights articles one, two, three and five.
How about British refugee workers or a sex aid work?
I hope she found a resolve enjoying eight strong Syrian war refugees hoping one will have her pregnant.
The tents had fun to shelter, keep them warm and mouths full. It was a rewarding job.
Thank you Britain!
The English laws clearly stated she cannot bring her child's father over the English Channel from the French Port of Calais.
Our Swed-Lithuania Bank illegal financial portfolio scheme and Republic of Lithuania Oval Presidential Office Illegal foreign scheme?
Who made 100 million euros in fake stocks for an economics doctor for the Republic of Lithuania?
Maybe you can find it on LinkedIn?
The Revolutionary Travel Bank?
It is like a murder of an innocent financial scheme to become King of Child abusers. Yes they are doing it. The financial laws have changed. Is the finance group able to refinancing systems legal? I don't know.
FNTT corruption or SODRA sexually explicitly fake charity is an organisation designed to rape and rob innocent families? Yes. We do suspect a fake charity.
They are new government designs that make you suffer for their welfare.
Welfare makes you suffer. I know.
How about if mother and son do make laws applicable to starve to the death masses and they profit because they make laws not applicable to them? Yes, Charles of England is right.
The industrial espionage and the foreign capital attracts to our Capital Vilnius we will have capitalism further encouraging corporate manslaughter and the criminals will attract to monitor financial and newly established economical hubs will hurt our society and our lives.
We are already experiencing high financial inflation like the Netherlands Kingdom took over from BREXIT. We are due to our President and nation's economics doctor hoping to earn profits.
The prices and inflation are direct reasons we cannot afford our daily living.
Thank you sick President of Baltics.
You should read about it in the reference and link we provided to you in our Hiroshima Office Press.
How about China's supreme leader and his government planned business to buy everything past Greece government economic collapse.
Their supreme leader and comrade have bought everything in Greece to spread his trojan horse in Europe.
When he collapsed the whole economy in the People's Republic of China for his hope to have economics and economic security.
The illegal black market scheme was manipulated to close and conceal his nation from the truth.
Their national security laws and their flaws to create a genocide.
The human mind and rights rape out of China is unbelievable.
The trial of human faith in their government courts is not acceptable.
He made every possible living Chinese decadent guilty of murder and genocide.
His supreme rule and law showed no mercy nor respect to human life nor in the United Nations nor in public bathrooms.
The dirt smeared laws have crippled out economic sustainability. Their construction and shipping lies businesses. The inflation and industrial espionage or crime analysis and research is highly visible from Lithuania.
We can monitor them through our technology and banking systems.
How about illegal children of the priests and the government of Lithuania uses the truth to blackmail them?
How about the largest houses they build and riches they shower in the Republic of Lithuania controlling religious sects to murder relatives of those who left them heritage?
I know it is showing your dick in the mouth of Christ. The Thai outcast in the Georgia Republic would speak, turning the crucifix upside down and holding it between her legs to show her passion to our Holy Father.
Our government of Lithuania and the Republic would support it.
We can breach each rule of the biblical rule and have free sex in the church making us rich?
Dear Vatican State! I would like you to please answer the truth before your God.
Have Charles of United Kingdom raped Diana to have his two boys? I think he probably did.
Has he ordered murder of Diana? He probably did.
How about our human rights with these insane mass serial killers available from article one, two, three and five.
The United Nations is not available to comment.
How about David Cameron? Who set Britain to poverty.
How about Muslims concentration camps in the People's Republic of China.
Where are our Human Rights? Do we all deserve to die?
I think not so.
They are massive murderers. The United States of America the 45 and 46, United Kingdom King, Netherlands Kingdom King, Republic of Lithuania President and Parliament and China's Supreme Leader.
They might be the ones who do not understand the Human Rights of the United Nations and meaning of it.
The one question for one to answer. The humility of a human and rights are nothing before the capital of the Republic of Lithuania?
I think so. It might be another waste disposal chapter of literature to read.
It is our great reset no one should touch!
My Director?
The British government is planning to bring British student loans laws back to the Republic of Lithuania to set an example. They can recover from international students the loans they took and by law they had to repay in the United Kingdom.
This breaks the laws contract agreement and breaks sovereign laws in Lithuania.
They already forced the Republic of Lithuania to be a milking cow, forcing one nation in its banking system not allowing local laws to control its finance and directing every finance to sustain British business plans.
The Bank of Lithuania funds are British Crown funds. We do not hold our international banking agreements responsible. The European Banks are victims from British law spreading like a virus in the financial vein of euro stock held agreements between financial institutions in Europe.
The financial scheme the United Kingdom made did defraud local families of its rights to have family finances and new British landlords made Lithuanian families poor in the European Union like they would be poor beggars families from the United Kingdom.
We should not allow British rule in the European Union post their completely finished BREXIT to exploit poor nations.
The colonial king is back and it's imperial army rule.