
Henki Business Volume Two

Henki Business It is a true story about my perspective of the past and prior to post seeing the Netherlands Kingdom I learned working for a Polish recruitment agency in a Netherlands company. A storyteller storyline of a case of his visit on vacation and business trip to a nation the plot developed itself. It was a never unexpected journey but I never knew it would happen. The story of what you expect and what you see. Author had in mind to write the Henki Legal title but due to coherent and pragmatic reasons he chose to call it a business, a very bad business. He was never pleased nor never hoped to write about this beautiful tulip nation.

Audrius_Razma · History
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Is my director the right to just and favourable remuneration? No. It is the United Nations.

The Ethical Jihadies or Atheists Airlines in Abu Dhabi praying to their God urinating in infidels luggage to pay respect to their God? Yes it is true. My director? No, it is not true.

They urinated on my last flight. What a nasty God but the Internet is full of truth.

How about the right to just and favourable remuneration is a fundamental human right recognized by the United Nations.

It is enshrined in Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work, and protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work."

Yes and they have a right to peacefully release their bowls in the workplace. It is Abi Dhabi.

This right means that all workers, regardless of their gender, race, or any other personal characteristic, should receive fair and reasonable compensation for their labour.

Yes it is true.

This includes not only wages or salaries, but also benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. The principle of equal pay for equal work means that workers who perform the same or similar duties should receive the same compensation, regardless of their characteristics.

But I rather should not use their company services because they opened past customs, personal belongings and left a trace of themselves to prove they are humans too.

Thank you Jihadies Airlines!

The right to just and favourable remuneration is essential for ensuring the well-being of workers and their families. It helps to reduce poverty, promote social justice, and improve the standard of living for everyone.

How about my family? Yes they had no rights. Is Moscow guilty? It is not true.

Employers have a responsibility to respect this right and to provide fair and reasonable compensation to their workers. Governments also have a role to play in ensuring that labour laws and regulations are in place to protect workers' rights and promote fair and equitable remuneration practices.

Workers in the food service industry and other industries have been going on strike over wages recently. These strikes have put a spotlight on the issue of fair or living wages for employees. Some business owners have argued that raising wages may lead to negative consequences, such as higher prices for products. However, the positive effects of paying a fair or living wage far outweigh these. Living wages offer the following benefits.

Workers who are struggling to get by due to lower wages don't have much money to spend on goods and services other than food and other necessities.

My luggage was full of dry food soaked in urine. The Jihadies urine.

Am I a true infidel I paid them? It is true.

Offering fair or living wages provides employees with extra spending money. These employees can purchase goods and services that they couldn't afford before. This spending power boosts the economy and helps it continue growing. With living wages, consumer demand increases. This helps ensure a healthy economy.

This fee I paid helped Jihadies urinating mania reach through the month for his pay he could buy prostitution and alcohol. I think Jihadies say thank you.

We never caught a mass urinator in our airports. This is not a Moscow problem.

Paying fair or living wages can lead to increased productivity among workers. Employees who are paid these wages typically have less stress, since their wages allow them to cover living expenses while also having extra money to spend or save. This can make it easier for them to focus on their work rather than worrying about finances.

Higher wages can also raise employee morale, resulting in a higher level of productivity. Employees who are more satisfied with work due to a fair wage are often motivated to perform better on the job. This helps create a healthier workplace environment that benefits employees and employers alike. Higher productivity helps businesses thrive.

The gender gap in wages refers to the fact that women earn less than men on average in a wide range of industries. Earnings for white women are roughly 82 percent of earnings for white men, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For BIPOC women, the gender gap in pay is even higher. The National Women's Law Center (NWLC) reports that Black women earn 63 cents for each dollar that white, non-Hispanic men earn. According to the Institute for Women's Policy Research, American Indian and Alaska Native women earn 59.7 cents for each dollar that white, non-Hispanic men earn. The NWLC also found that Latinas earn 55 cents and Asian American and Pacific Islander women earn 90 cents for each dollar that white, non-Hispanic men earn.

The Atheist Jihadies in Abu Dhabi earn his 100 cents to each other's race. He could pay for whores and buy cheap spirits to help him not to control his bowels and perform a satanic ritual in customers luggage.

My direct?! Really?! No it is not him.

Paying employees fair or living wages can help businesses achieve pay equity and close the gender gap. This results in fairer and more equal opportunities for men and women in several occupations. Keep in mind that closing the gender gap can also boost employee productivity.

You will read more. Zekenksi I don't know? I keep forgetting everything on the news? It's true. My cousin told me what to write? It is true.

Will you read more? It is true. My director?! It is not true.

How about Bangkok Mayor in Bangkok Airports is King Rama's pedophile? The ill masturbation to withdraw satanic practices. Yes it is truth what I found in my luggage.

How South Korean Samsung Company is usless in Thailand Kingdom and honest Japaneese Companies like Toyota and Mistsubishi is suffering from the Bangkok Conglemorates. Yes it is truth the car cost more than TV but Japanese citizens are treated like prostitute to Koreans in Thailand Kingdom.

They should learn Toyota and Mitsubishi 'kamo' is imperial symbols.

How about Police in Lithuania monitoring and selling their citizens secrets to Kremlin? Yes it is truth.

How about from 30th to 31st of July my pregnant wife cheated on me with her govermant work colleague away in project I was waiting for her in hotel? Yes it is truth in Thailand's Korat Government Sex Scandal.

The airport theft from luggages, the Kingdom of Thailand Airport luggage psychopath, a native Thai masturbating in foreigners luggages? Yes it is truth the ill Thai and their Royal practices to welcome foreigners.

How about Thai King's delegates used Detol with British delegates? Yes it is truth.

How about Ukrainian's daughters are prostitutes around Oslo Royal Palace? Yes it is truth.

How about Chinese Communist Dinasty daughters slept with the French delegates? Yes it is truth.

My director?! Really!?

The millions of Thai citizens were schemed of their last cash during their covid lockdown by a Netherlands citizen. His scheme made poor Thai families in invested scheme a poor beggars.

Thank you Netherlands!

Kingdom of Thailand lobbied for truth. The Netherlands Kingdom is growing now narcotics in your Kingdom of Thailand not caring they robbed your nation they make you grow drugs.

The cannabis is A Class narcotic the drug killer makes you mentally ill. The King of Thailand is trading it? Hell yes.

The tree blind pigs of Hague Royal Palace will learn the drugs are not good they loose their eyes.

The vision.

They should learn what is a real prostitution rather buying candy taxing a poor women selling their bodies for profit. I hope King of Netherlands will drop his eye balls from these news.

My director?! Really!

This is not United Nations problem.

My director?! Really?!

The 2022 Republic of Lithuania Education Ministry made secondary schools mathematics students illiterate. The 30% of school students failed mathematics exam. How does your future speaks dear economics and commerce doctor and dear President of Lithuania. It is like a real shit? I believe you.

How about our Sydney Olympics? The Australian medalist in Velodrome Track Racing from the Republic of Lithuania.

How many condoms she received a symbolic gesture to sleep with her fans. I think plenty because she is unable to give a birth.

The whore owns a private athletes school in Siauliai, Republic of Lithuania.

The Olympic Sidney gold medalist adapted three retarded children and is married to Kazakhstan trainer.

My director?! Really?!

How about my born brother brought mafia to Netherlands, Sweden and House of God? Yes it truth.

He brought Republic of Lithuania mafia links to his wedding. He worked for international companies working for Godfather of Lithuanian mafia in Palanga linking mafia links across the world.

The two nations I know he linked mafia was in Amsterdam and Stockholm.

He happily used Lithuanian mafia Godfather's steroids to make his wife pregnant with a second child the wedding night. Yes it is truth. He brought mafia accountant to his wedding.

My director?! Really?!

He never graduated from university and failed a technician school learning to be agriculture tractor driver.

The pure luck he worked for international cruise ships renovation company and was assistant project manager or the project manager in construction company? No.

The both companies are in Klaipeda? Yes.

Therefore I finish with these thoughts I am looking for the next chapter because I have no more words to find the way to say to you.

Thank you Alpha's Slut Mate for support through juicy details!

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