
Gypsies Camp Office

They abnegate Lithuanian Asian women holocaust and use Taiwan for money pig.

They cast different information every time, it is nothing pragmatic. It does show the government iron curtain setting up plans to break plans.

The politicians know Taiwan is a cow to milk, stuffed in an impossible position: pay now or leave.

The situation reminds of prostitution management control showcasing over our national television air time.

The government licences and controls TV schedules. We have no morale. I know.

Our embassies are not functioning and many laws are made in favour of corporate manslaughter.

Who else likes blood money or staying in an employment bloodbath?

I don't. You do?

It is made to bleed money from projects hit and run or use it or lose it. When we know only alternatives to the Russian and Belarusian military might of our borders.

We agree only to steal your money in our sane minds in our sound situation. You would do it the same in this case, in geographical politics, geographical employment and geographical location founding our society post two world wars warzones of battlefield trenches not a nation to be born in.

We have no army, we like no army, we are a small nation unable to build an army nor hire or train a professional army nor do we plan ever to fight a war. We know war breaks out, we have no money we run.

We run to your side for asylum to take your money. It is ok with our national and cultural position. We as a nation and millennium civilization are pleased.

When you fight for us and capture our nation back in return we return. We have no problems.

It is the greatest position ever, money never lasts forever nor victory. I think being a loser can save your life.

We never had a luxury nor we think we have now we are ok about it.

It is ok.

What would happen if Russia would decide in the war zone to bring all the plastic and rubber to burn it, including the remaining of the waste to clean its landfills.

It would solve their pollution problem by clearing it in a warzone to see the Chernobyl effect.

This would poison all the livestock outside the Russian Federation. It would be to call pollution a war crime?

I do not think so but I would not recommend to use this territory in land possible to live nor farm.

The rivers would spread in internal streams infecting water. It would spread like a virus.

The fumes of burning rubber would poison the air, unable scientifically proven livestock provide diary products.

It is scientifically proven black fumes of hard plastic waste poisons animals breathing it to effect its milk and eggs are hazardous for human consumption.

The poisoned national water stock would kill the crops or be declared none edible for health and safety.

It would not be ok nor would I recommend it.

The state controlled television channel made a documentary observing the witness statement asian women are here in Lithuania to spie and sleep with us.

I wonder how useful it is for Lithuania to open Taiwan Government representation and ask from them 100 millions plus investment funds?

Is it a sincere or politically made decision?

I answer from a citizen's perspective. I believe it is financial greed.

I am thinking about our neighbours Latvians, always peaceful and an international nation open to tourism and multiculturalism. They have many restrictions free from conservative and open minded society.

It is not compared to Xenophobic Poland I learned and will write about it in my new autobiography Henki Business.

I was working for a Polish agency in the Netherlands Kingdom for a Netherlands company.

It was an awful and disappointing experience in the middle of Porto welfare informal plan to relocate jobless and find a solution to employment seeking workers.

I learned the Netherlands Kingdom is no tulips nation nor a good country.

How would you explain your growing children it is ok to work a prostitute and government collect taxes from you or it is ok to take narcotics? I would never be able to explain it.

But it is and will be in my autobiography for working and living in the Netherlands Kingdom, Henki Business.

I think Lithuanian embassy is a sick joke, never representing its country, only presenting you can see its financial will to gain political will. They exploit their own citizens. I hope we have something left to sell or they start selling their own organs. I am not sure about it.

I did not vote in government elections. It might have been the wisest decision to see no government.

I have no moral obligation and I am objective to my decision. It saved a lot of problems.

I will continue to write this business case thinking article one, two, three and five of human rights.

It should be ok to examine and question their morals in an autobiography. I can write to entertain, educate and learn from the nation and its business foundation.

The business sector is the Belly of The Beast if the private sector has its feet and the public sectors its top.

I should further learn from three set factors about human rights in this business case of personal experience I had, research and analysis from news reports, the government reports and applying further pressure myself to present the information I have for you.

The reference is not necessary because material is publicly available in Lithuanian and English press.

I hope I established my theoretical questions for you to see why I write autobiographical stories about myself in the environment I live in.

If I do not feel human rights it means nobody does feel human rights. If I can see corruption it means it is corruption.

The justice is left for article four of legal defence to a human one breaking its rights to set itself free from the rights one owns.

I have in mind the United Nations Charter of Human Rights you and I own.

Those high paying adverts for jobs in Lithuania are an economical devaluation public relations stunt hoping to portray high paying jobs to display a strong and increasing economy because I worked for the same model business.

They set promotions for position jobs with requirements impossible to complete. They never pay you the money it offers nor will you gain employment for specific fictional advertisements.

It is only to discipline present employees, show company fraud display business is doing well, create higher market stock and in cause further cases.

This is only good for the company. The central banks should have felt the stimulus of internal shadow monopoly.

The microeconomics does the job.

I know. I understand. The case is to attract applicants for human resources market scouting and data analytics further data mining volunteers.

Does no good to fake application hopes and employees stimulate industry?

The fake economy does make an influx from the business sector to the public and private sector leaving us with a tax authority short end.

It only stimulates piracy and erosive infection percentage to further recession and theft of cash from a good and healthy money cycle.

It is a good idea to further problems. I would monitor to avoid further problems.

Why do we need human rights?

Every employee gains a living budget to government future forecasting its value per one.

The idea came from a veteran Wall Street journalist. I would see the same problem now if I apply the shadow monopoly theory I wrote and human rights does not apply.

Why does it not apply? It has no effect and it is impossible in our modern society to define what it is and how we define our breadwinners.

We cannot prove article one, two, three and five works.

I see European project operational effectiveness when it was set to a project from the British American government to reach the deadline it was built for a functional economy.

It is not the project because every project has a deadline, it is a well built business. It is a single continent.

I hope it is meaningless to think the European Renaissance is over for sovereign nations of European precincts struggling for power.

The word sovereign is wrong now.

It reminds me of the Italian Kingdom divided into the era of the kingdoms. When we learned Leonardo Da Vinci and Niccolò Machiavelli.

The cause has its effect now gathered in one clause.

Lithuanian government is threatening international security, controlling the integrity and industrial safety of international telecommunications company businesses operations, influencing national cyberspace, creating and sharing bugs in IT devices, casting malware spying.

I am not happy about it.

They made Delta1 cyber team spying business passing via this nation's web to be a victim to involuntary data collection.

It is a sovereign nation.

It might be Microsoft.