
Henan Zhong: Three Wooers, The Bride Is Not Ready Yet

With a different identity, she has entered in the enemy Kingdom. She wanted to bring back Wan Hu Shang. The Crown Prince is ignorant about her real name and identity. He invited her to live in his Palace for a month and celebrate the Event of Winter since she saved his life from the angry crowd of wild sambars. The time comes and she is able to reach Wan Hu and free him but she herself got trapped by the enemy and fell in his personal prison. Will she be able to free herself and reach her father? The sparks those initiated between Prince Wan Hu and Henan, could she be able to understand her heart? Will she ignore him again? What would be her choice either to fulfill the wish of her father or fell in love with Wan Hu Shang, what would be her destiny? A Queen or an Army General? A quite unique and strong female lead is meant to shine in history. Join me author on this journey. The above is the synopsis for second volume. ... "I don't need another life to prove myself. I have this one. let me see if I lose or win. I am Henan Zhong." "Stay with the story and each and every chapter will be a new revelation for you readers." The opening first volume is the setting of the great story ahead. The story revolves around deception, untold emotions, newfound passions, strong characters, and many more. The daughter of General Zhong becomes General by way of chance in an era where girls were not allowed to wield weapon or study Martial Ways. This story is not for those who like to read weak female lead stories. Chapter release rate: 2-3/daily ... Photo Google courtesy, not mine. Just edited

_Sha · History
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240 Chs


Henan fell on her knees she could not run further, she was out of breath, her bare feet were riddled with wounds, she looked up at his face, eyes filled with water, and said "I wanted to find some whereabouts of my father that I kept checking their activities, I think that I put you in difficult situation, I am sorry," warm water from her eyes slipped through her cheeks because her cheeks were wet with rainwater.

He bent and his hand touched her face and he could feel that she was weeping.

"Henan, it's alright but you need to tell me in future before you do anything like this," he tried to stand her up.

She stood up with his support and looked at him and looked at him.

"Wan Hu, the day you gave me hope that I could find my father, I never slept peacefully, I worked hard, learned and practiced with the hope that one day I would be able to bring back my father but now it seemed that all was useless, my father is nowhere, every night I dream to meet him one day, my hopes are much powerful but I am too fragile to bring him back, I am broken," she again fell on her knees crying helplessly.

Wan Hu could not tell her that he saw his master.

It was not the right time.

"Why do you think you are fragile, you are strong and you are not alone, we both would bring back General Zhong my Master," there was a strong determination in his eyes.

She was living to see her father, it was clear to her, she had no other purpose no other plan, and she stood up but fell because blood was seeping from soft skin of her feet.

Wan Hu saw painful expressions and secured her in his arms and started walking.

Rain stopped and both could hear that there was a third being who was walking behind them. Wan Hu asked out loud, "Who are you?" there was silence for some time.

"I am Shadow Martial Guard of your ancestors," a composed calm voice echoed. "Is that Father King sent you?" he wanted to hear just to feel that his father cared for his son.

"He sent me to protect you," and with these words, he was assured.

He hugged her with happiness and to give some warm her, the whole day lived in the Old Nie house to look after her and because of his care, she did not suffer cold or flue, he was rubbing her hands and then wrapping warm clothes around her and ordered Old Nie to prepare strong herbal tea and he himself crushed some leaves to make some paste and applied on her feet, kept her room warm and so on so forth.

Few times Henan felt guilty to trouble the Prince but it looked that he was satisfied to do all this.

Next day he went back to his tent and ordered to make preparations for a diligent attack on Fang Men before they could make any move, he did not want to leave any hurdle to stop the construction of forteBi and most of all he wanted to bring back his master.

He wondered what kinds of circumstances lead his master to present state.

They planned to take on the action next week, he sent a letter to the King for the approval of his attack but two days after he received the answer of the letter warning him to not muddle with Fang Men.

As soon as forteBi came into existence north border would be safe and this was the priority of the King, Wan Hu was disappointed with the answered letter.

He was thinking how he would face Henan in future; he risked alone and went outer edges of the north and the population of Fangs but many Fang Groups had shifted to some other locations, disappointed he came back.

After six months, the crucial period of forteBi was over.

Wan Hu prepared to go back because King had sent responsible Incharge of remaining construction. Wan Hu was also tired of all this.

He brought back Henan and on her request sent her in her mansion.

It's been two and a half year since Queen saw her only son and she could not describe her emotions in words, Wan Hu spent his whole day talking to his mother, next day he met his father who came from hunting.

After a week, she informed him that a ceremony would proceed in next month fortnight and he would choose his bride in that ceremony.

Queen got busy in the preparations. Wan Hu was troubled thinking whether he should tell Henan that he saw his master that night but he was worried how Henan would react.

All noble girls who turned sixteen were invited with their families to attend the ceremony.