
Chapter 4

"Then you will come with me." His eyes locked onto mine, seriously, as if he were searching the depths of my soul.

I was stunned by his words.

"Sueret, you will accompany us as well," he added.

Lord Sueret stood up. "Your Majesty, I beg your pardon, but may I also bring a Renki for this lady? She is gravely wounded from the battle with the monsters earlier. If you allow, I would like to bring just one Renki." He spoke respectfully, head bowed to the king.

I glanced at him, and so did ord Remus, whose eyes widened in surprise at what Sueret had requested of the king.

Sueret remained bowed.

The Renki are small creatures, about the size of a hand. They resemble humans, with green bodies and clothing. They also have small wings that, when they flutter, release shiny specks of ash. They use medicinal herbs for their healing practices.

"No problem. I permit it, Sueret," the king replied.

We all looked at the king once again, all at the same time. His face remained serious.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Lord Sueret smiled, though still bowed. He pulled me to stand.

Pain shot through my side as the deep gash throbbed, forcing me to wince. The wound had been repeatedly aggravated by my kneeling earlier.

I glanced at the king and noticed a hint of pity in his eyes, but he quickly turned and walked away.

Lord Sueret and I followed behind him.

~ * ~

In the Council Chamber

"As the general of the warriors, I task you with rescuing my daughter, Princess Ceres. Sueret will explain the details of your mission, so listen carefully to what he has to say," said King Herman, seated on his throne.

Lord Sueret stood beside him, holding a scroll containing the orders from the king.

I stood before them, my head bowed in respect to the king. I bit my lower lip, feeling the sting from the wound on my side, which was being treated by a female Renki.

The Renki finished dressing the wound on my side and moved on to treat the large scratch on my arm. The blood there had already dried.

"Hemira, do you understand the threat to our kingdom if Princess Ceres remains missing?" lord Sueret asked.

I couldn't answer right away, but I lifted my face to meet his gaze.

He looked directly at me. "In three months, Princess Ceres will turn twenty, at which time her true power, inherited from her father, will awaken. That power can defeat any foe, no matter how strong. However, until then, she can only rely on the magic she already knows to protect herself from harm."

I nodded in understanding.

"The good news is that no one can completely kill her before that day. She could be wounded, she could bleed, but she would not lose her life. However, when she reaches her twentieth birthday..." Sueret paused, looking at the king as if asking for permission to continue.

The king did not glance at him but kept his eyes fixed on me.

The king's silence signaled Sueret to continue.

"At the moment she turns twenty, even a dull blade or a simple dagger will be enough to end her life."

My eyes widened in shock.

"Do you understand what Sueret has explained, Hemira?" the king asked me.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The monsters have taken the princess to wait for that day, when she turns twenty, to end her life and seize control of our world. They are creatures of pure evil." My fists clenched in anger.

"While she can use half of her power now if she uses it recklessly, it could cost her life even before her twentieth birthday."

His words stunned me. So, the princess wasn't truly safe even now.

Suddenly, I felt a tug on a few strands of my hair and looked down to see the Renki pulling them.

Smiling, the Renki pointed at my arm, where the scratch had been bandaged with leaves. It seemed they were done treating my wounds.

I pulled out a single strand of my hair and handed it to the Renki, as payment for their services.

The Renki collect strands of hair as compensation.

Upon receiving the strand, the Renki flew around me in excitement, sprinkling glittering ash from their wings. The Renki bowed before flying out as the guards opened the door.

I turned my gaze back to lord Sueret, who was still looking at me.

I dusted off the shiny ash that had fallen on me from the Renki.

"That's the happiest I've ever seen a Renki after receiving payment. It seems they found your hair particularly beautiful," lord Sueret said with a smile.

I smiled as well, but the king cleared his throat, so we both became serious again.

When lord Sueret handed the scroll to the king, I immediately knelt and bowed. Orders from the king required that I kneel and bow.

This was the first time in my life that I would receive a direct order from the king. Even as the general of the warriors, it was always lord Sueret who delivered orders to me.

The king read from the scroll, "Hemira, General of the warriors of Gemuria, from the third race of White Mages called Tritus, I task you with rescuing my daughter, Princess Ceres. Bring her back alive and safe from the Mostros led by the red witch, Abellona."

I bowed my head even lower. "I accept your command with all my heart, Your Majesty."

"Before you can complete this task, you must first find six other beings who will join you in your journey to rescue Princess Ceres," lord Sueret added, prompting me to raise my head.

He stood before me, holding a folded piece of paper, which he extended to me. "This contains clues about the powerful beings who will join you on your journey."

I took the paper from his hand and unfolded it, but it was blank. I looked up at him, confused.

"Blank paper, reveal the secret written on you," he said. When I glanced back at the paper, words began to appear.

I read the words aloud.

"Kingdom, kingdom, kingdom of Gemuria

Home of peace and tranquility

Princess of this land, taken and seized

By the red witch, Abellona."


"A woman, leader of warriors

With strength, wisdom, and beauty

Bravery unmatched by any

She has been tasked—her name is Hemira."

"You are the first, Hemira, but you are not one of the six. The true number of your party will be seven. Together, you will save the princess." Lord Sueret looked directly at me.

"My apologies, sir. I know Abellona is truly powerful, but why do we need so many to rescue the princess?" I asked, full of curiosity.

"It is not only Abellona you will face, Hemira. You will also encounter monsters and other malevolent beings during your journey. Many will try to stop you from reaching Abellon, Abellona's kingdom."

I nodded, finally understanding.

"Each of the beings you find will play a crucial role in your journey and your fight against the red witch, so you must gather them all."

I looked at the paper in my hand again, but there was no other writing except for the poem about me. I checked the back, but it was blank.

"Cut your finger and press it on the paper. The blood of the one written on the paper is needed to reveal the clue to the next being you must find. This way, only you will know who your allies are, for if the enemy learns of the beings who will aid you in defeating Abellona, they will kill them before you can reach them. Do you understand?"

"Yes, lord Sueret."

"That is called the 'paper of secrets.' It is vital, so do not lose it. The first companion you must find will guide you to the others and the princess. You have a long journey ahead before you reach the kingdom of Abellon, and this being will be key."

He handed me a small dagger.

I took the dagger and cut my thumb, then pressed the bloody finger to the paper. The writing disappeared, replaced by new words.

I read the new words aloud.

"Ocean, ocean, ocean of Syierian

Home of the mysterious water-dwellers

There lies an ancient book in the deepest depths

That speaks and guides one's path

Wherever it may lead you, Ariadne will be your trusted ally."