
Helping My Man by having *Beep*

01 of my Worldhopping story. Author: MsInkySplatter {I acknowledge this is my own original work, Copyright infringement may result in story deletion or account closure.} Wei Qi held his chest because of the stab wound and as it was getting hard to breath he clenched his jaws and glared towards the two people who dared to kill and betrayed him. "Don't look at me like that Wei Qi you're in this position because of your own fault you tried to coveted my lover and make my company fall i'm just glad that you got fooled by Yen shou and really believes on him" Xien Xie said as he throw a punch towards Wei Qi who's laying on the ground who can't even move an inch of his limbs. "Yo..you are gonna regret this" Wei Qi said as he gritted his teeth and clenched his hand on his chest. He died miserable and was left out in that cold place. [Do you want to live?] He opened his eyes and only saw darkness because he knew, That was going to be the start of his long journey.... --------------------------------------------- Target: I'm an impotent who can't make his wife happy... Wei Qi: I don't really think that is true! really not. ----------------------------------------------------------- Wei Qi: System! Why are all of them claiming that they're impotent?!!! [Host hehe. I forgot to tell you im a system who only helps impotent target] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that's how wild Wei Qi's journey really began by helping the same man.

MsInkySplatter · LGBT+
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50 Chs

Third World: The Fake Young Master.

Xuiying looked towards the white clouds outside of the window on the airplane that he was riding at.

This is the day where he will go to Chongqing and cut his contacts with his parents and lover for a while to be independent. He even applied for a job immediately while he's still in beijing.

"System hides my whereabouts so they wouldn't be able to find me." Xiuying said as he was calmly looking outside it was already sunset and it would soon be dark.

[Yes host: Hiding the Host location activated] The system said.

Xiuying stared outside feeling guilty to his parents and Wang Shuai he didn't even tell them how long he will be staying in Chongqing.

[Host should i send you the location of Xiuying foster parents?] The system asked, yes that's also the reason why he needed to fly to Chongqing.

Xiuying foster parents escaped the place where Yuxing trapped them into with the help of Xiao Zhan system, They fly to Chongqing and keep a low profile to be safe.

"Send me that later, Btw System do you have a name?"

[Okay host... No i seemed to have no name except for system]

"Oh... I see well from now on you are named Yuan! you are my second greatest companion and call me Ying'er "

[Who's the first?]

"Of course it's my husband. Now Yuan, let's talk for a while until I fall asleep okay!" Xiuying says as he closes the curtain of the window and starts to have a conversation with Yuan.


"Well Yuan, give me the right address." Xiuying said as he was swinging his arms while holding his shoulders.

[Okay Ying'er] After a while Xiuying saw lines in-front of his eyes which made him confused but still waited for it to be done.

[Your foster parents are on St****]

Xiuying nodded his head and pulled his suitcase to get outside, When he went outside he raised his hand to stop a cab and put his suitcase to the cab trunk and he went inside of the passenger seat.

"To the St****." He said once that he closed the cab door, the driver nodded his head and pressed the gas.

"Are you new in this city?" The cab asked with a different accent.

Xiuying nodded his head and smiled"Yes but I'm not going to stay here for a long time, I'm just going to finish my studies here."

"I see well, Welcome to Chongqing. I hope that you'll enjoy this city." The Cab driver politely said, Xiuying immediately realized that this driver was kinda talkative but he didn't find it annoying.


He paid the driver double than usual, making the driver feel generous and thankful to him and wished him a happy living in this city before he left.

Xiuying smiled and took a deep breath before he turned around and faced the gate of the house. It's not that big but it's not that small either.

He pressed the bell twice before he waited for someone to open it. The door from inside was opened and a hurry of steps coming forward can be heard. "Hello? what do you ne-"

"Mama Shen." Xiuying softly greeted the woman inside.

"Xiuying?" Mother Shen asked as if she was making sure that she was not just seeing things, Xiuying nodded his head and smiled."Mama Shen."

The woman's tears suddenly falls to her cheeks as she opened the gate fast with her shaky hands. When she finally opened the gate she ran towards Xiuying and hugged him in her arms.

"Xiuying... Xiuying... Xiuying" Mother Shen repeatedly whispered as she was crying and sobbing, Xiuying hugged his mother and patted her back gently to calm her down.

"Mama Im here i came back." Xiuying said as he felt his eyes getting red from stopping his self to cry.

"Xiuying... you came back." Mother Shen said, Xiuying pulled away and wiped his mother's tears with his sleeves and smiled at her.

"En, Im back Mama '' Xiuying said with his bent eyes a heavy footsteps can be heard from inside."What took you so long She-... Xiuying?."

"Papa, I'm back." Xiuying said Father Ying hurriedly went towards them and pulled him in his arms for a hug.

"Welcome back Xiuying." Father Ying said and pulled away with a smile on his face."Let's get inside." Father Ying said and pulled the suitcase and closed the gate behind them.

Mother Shen hold his hand and pulled him to get inside of the house with smile and tears on her face."A-Ying im sorry if our house are not that big."

Xiuying shook his head when he heard what his Mother Shen said."It doesn't matter Mama, The most important thing is that both of you were with me."

Mother Shen felt happy to her heart when she hears it and pulled her son to sit on the soft couch."What happened? Did the Xiao kicked you out how did you find us?." She worriedly asked as she finally realized what's going on.

"No, they didn't kick me out. I decided to finish my studies here and have my degree here and I found you because I'm a smart mama." Xiuying said and winked on his foster mother.

"You're going to finally have your degree?, Xiuying, I'm glad to hear that if only I can give you something for you when you achieve your goals here, sadly our company will fall." Father Ying said and there's a visible sadness in his eyes when he says that.

"It's fine papa, don't worry, after I take over the Xiao company I will return your company to you and make it more successful." Xiuying said happily as he coaxed his father not to be sad anymore about the fall of his company.

"It's okay you don't need to do that but i'm happy that you have big goals on your mind son." Father Ying said and smiled, Xiuying squinted his eyes when he noticed something on his father's cheeks.

"Papa sits beside here" Xiuying said and pulled his father to his side, when he got to see clearly the thing on his cheeks he gritted his teeth. It's a cigarette mark.

"Papa don't lie to me, is this Yuxing doing?." Xiuying said with a serious face, Father Ying thought for a while before he sighed and nodded his head.

"Did he lock you guys out?" Xiuying asked his father who only nodded his head again, Xiuying hardly closed his eyes to stabilize his emotions before he opened it again.

"Papa, Mama, don't worry I will avenge you when the right time comes." Xiuying said calmly and smiled.

Mother Shen nodded her head and hugged her son for a while before she decided to send his son to a empty room with a clean bed.

"Take a rest first, I will call you downstairs when the dinner is ready, I know jet lag is hard." Mother Shen said with a soft smile on her face, Xiuying nodded his head and smiled at her before she closed the door and went downstairs again.

Xiuying looked towards his mobile phone and sighed before he decided to hide it. He opened his suitcase and the Cloakroom to put his clothes inside.

When he was done he removed his used clothes to change into his nightgown and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

As he was done he blew his hair with a blow-dryer before he went to the bed and lay on it.

[Host The Wang's only son was worried and was in a bad mood for the whole day.]

Xiuying regained his consciousness when he heard it and sigh, he knew his husband had a better temper than anybody else.

"Just let him." Xiuying said and closed his eyes to take a nap.



Xiuying opened his eyes when he hears the soft knocks on his door."Ying'er let's have a dinner?."Mother Shen said from the outside.

Xiuying supported his body with his arms to stand and yawn."I will be downstairs mama." He stretched his body and lazily walked to go downstairs and saw his parents happy smile.

"Good evening son, sorry for disturbing your sleep." Mother Shen guilty says Xiuying shook his head and smiled.

"It's fine mama I need to eat so I won't get a tummy ache." Xiuying said and he pulled the chair to sit, Mother Shen and Father Ying had a smile on their faces when they heard it, that is what they told their son when he's still a kid.

"Mama i met Hua'er again." Xiuying said after he swallowed the rice on his spoon, When the two adults heard that they were shocked and happy at the same time.

"Did Hua'er remember the promise he made to your mother?." Father Ying asked, Xiuying immediately nodded his head happily.

"En! He did not only that, he got rich and he's the CEO of their Company we both planned to have an engagement party when I got my degree, Btw I want you both there."Xiuying said with a smile on his eyes.

The two adults looked towards each other and sigh in their hearts, they didn't know if they could come.

"Mama, Papa, I know that you're hesitating on your hearts, but please attend on my engagement and wedding day, You're the one who teach me what's right and what is wrong you gave me clothes and foods to eat you teach me everything you know, So i want you both to come to my special day." Xiuying said with his soft voice making the two adults nod their heads.

"Okay then we will be on your special day." Mother Shen said and smiled.