
The Escape

Trisha leaned forward in her seat as the plane took off and tried to look at Jackson and Halia. "What are they doing?" she asked.

Oliver looked at the woman and chuckled. "Probably discussing what to do when we land."

Trisha furrowed her brows. "Hurry, help me map out a good plan. I need to think of a better plan than that woman! Have you ever been to Munich?" she asked.

Oliver shook his head. Surprisingly, he had never been.

Trisha frowned. "Then why are you still here? You serve no purpose!" she complained.

Oliver laughed. This woman had always been competitive and straightforward, but he knew she meant no harm. "What about you? Have you been to Munich?" he questioned back.

Trisha shut up her mouth and shook her head. She knew what he was trying to say: he was trying to say that she served no purpose either.

"I'm following along to document this case. I want to write an article about this issue," Oliver said.