
First Kiss

Danson, Emerson, and Marissa had just finished 10th grade and they were in the middle of their winter vacation. Danson spent this time thinking about his feelings towards Marissa. He had never felt this way about a girl before and it confused him. Had he really fallen in love with her? He didn't even know how love was supposed to feel like. Did he only feel this way because he couldn't have her? 

The winter vacation came at the worst time. Separation only made his feelings grow stronger. He couldn't see the girl that he saw at school every single day and it was like torture.

In the end, he was determined to resolve his feelings as soon as possible. So, he decided to do what he always did. He would date her for a week. After a week, he would break up with her. That was what he did with all his past girlfriends and he moved on easily.