
Help Me Step Gojo, I'm Stuck

In this fanfiction, the main character is granted their wish by a ROB (random omnipotent being) and is given the body and memories of Gojo Satoru from "Jujutsu Kaisen." However, Gojo (Not Gojo Satoru) is randomly dropped into different worlds, wreaking havoc on various plots as he pleases. The fanfic explores his adventures in different worlds, including "The Second Coming of Gluttony" and "Kaguya-sama: Love is War." In this third world, he unknowingly finds himself in "Oshi No Ko." Currently in Jujutsu Kaisen (starts at chapter Japan 25) While his personality has not been fully developed or fleshed, readers can expect Gojo to do some strange and unexpected things. The characters, ideas, and series featured in this fanfiction belong to their respective owners.

AnHa8 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Gojo’s Confession – 4

A/N: This is more like a big time skip for a side story.


A particular random day in the world, Kaguya Sama Love is War THAT HAS NOT HAPPENED YET.

"...I feel like having sushi," Kaguya Otsutsuki said outloud surprisingly everyone in the group.

'Write that down, write that down, write that down.' Gojo mentally noted that Kaguya Otsutsuki likes sushi.

Kaguya's mouth curved into a knowing smile, hearing his thoughts.

"Well, there's a great sushi restaurant nearby. I've heard that Fujiwara's family is a regular there," Ai Hayasaka chimed in, in her usual professional manner.

"What's sushi?" Flone asked, tilting her head in confusion.

The three special individuals looked like young human adults. Flone, Gojo and Kaguya Otsutsuki donning the Shuuichi Academy uniforms. And another two who were leading the three special indviduals were Kaguya Shinomiya and Ai Hayasaka.

"Sushi is a delicacy made with raw fish and small balls of rice, sometimes coated in vinegar and garnish. It's usually served with raw fish on top of the rice," Kaguya Shinomiya explained patiently to Flone, who had lived a sheltered life.

"Raw fish? Won't that give us a tummy ache? Can we really eat fish raw?" Flone exclaimed, her voice full of wonder.

Kaguya Shinomiya felt emotional difficulty as Flone reminded her of her "best friend." Flone's liveliness resembled that of Chika, and her well-endowed chest—. Enemy concluded.


The five of us strolled down the street, having finished our tour of Shuuichi Academy.

"Well, you can eat certain types of fish raw, but it's important to have it served by a professional chef who specializes in it," Gojo gave his input about sushi.

"The sushi restaurant is just 10 minutes away from here and it's known for having the best sushi in the prefecture," Ai Hayasaka added in her usual professional tone.

Kaguya Otsutsuki sent a telepathic message to Gojo's mind, suggesting that they should go to that restaurant that she just recommended. Gojo smiled at the thought.

Flone was excited to try new food and have a new experience in the new world. "Let's go together!" she said happily.

"Well then, would you mind joining us and helping us order the good stuff?" Gojo asked shamelessly, after all he does not have any money with him.

"As special guests of the Shinomiya family, I will treat you accordingly. I do have some free time. How about you, Hayasaka?" Kaguya Shinomiya said with a calculated smile.

"I don't mind," Ai Hayasaka replied.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Flone exclaimed happily, skipping along the sidewalk.

As they strolled down the street, the tall man with white hair and dark sunglasses walked alongside the five beautiful women, dressed in his casual outdoor attire. The scene had an almost surreal quality to it, as if he belonged in a different world entirely. And yet, somehow, it all seemed perfectly natural.


Flone chose their seating arrangement, she plopped down on Gojo's left side, while Kaguya Otsutsuki gracefully took her place on his right. Across from them, Kaguya Shinomiya and Ai Hayasaka sat primly. When the waiter arrived to take their orders, Flone's eyes lit up and she eagerly requested two of everything on the menu. Hayasaka was quick to intervene, shutting her down and expertly ordering for the entire group.

Flone pouted as Hayasaka shut down her ambitious order. "But I want to try everything!" she protested.

Gojo rolled his eyes. "Come on now, Flone. We're just here to eat some sushi, not a buffet."

Kaguya Shinomiya nodded in agreement. "Indeed. We don't want to cause any problems for the restaurant either."

Gojo rolled his eyes. "Come on now, Flone. We're just here to eat some sushi, not a buffet."

The group laughed, and the atmosphere around the table became more relaxed and enjoyable.

As they waited for their food, Gojo couldn't help but notice the elderly customer sitting in the corner. 'That person appears to be some troublemaker,' he thought to himself, recalling a few tough side characters he had encountered reading in the past. Let's just ignore him.

The group moved from discussing common topics to more specific ones.

As the conversation shifted into more casual and a bit personal, Gojo couldn't resist indulging into the topic of romantic gossip in this anime world with the main cast, "So, Shinomiya and Hayasaka, do you have any one you like? Or love?" he asked with a smirk, shamelessly inquiring about their personal lives.

Hayasaka quickly shut down the question, sensing something off about Gojo. "No, not really," she replied flatly, avoiding eye contact with Gojo.

Shinomiya, on the other hand, flinched a little bit and gave Gojo a calculating smile, silently trying to understand the intention of this question.

Flone and Kaguya Otsutsuki began to take an interest in the topic as well. Well Kaguya Otsutsuki was particularly interested in this because she has been reading the manga about this world. While Flone wanted to join in on this gossip of romance.

Back to whatever we were saying... Shinomiya was visibly shaking a bit and then 'naturally' replied.

Shinomiya felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment but immediately regained her composure. "I don't have anyone like that in my life at the moment. Due to my status and position as the member of the Shinomiya family." she replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Ai Hayasaka naturally had a poker face, but I could tell she mentally sighed. No. I'm sure she sighed. Maybe it was because she knew exactly who Shinomiya liked and wanted to spare her the embarrassment. Or maybe it was just Gojo's relentless teasing that was getting on her nerves.

"Ehhhh?! That's no fun. Women like you should definitely have a guy you like." Flone, who had her full attention on Kaguya, put down her enthusiasm and started playing with her chopsticks, twirling them between her fingers in boredom now.

While that was interesting, any average person would have fallen for Shinomiya's trick. I was a bit surprised Flone would have fallen for it.

As if it wasn't already obvious, Kaguya Otsutsuki, Ai Hayasaka, and I all knew that Kaguya Shinomiya had a major crush on the president. But where's the fun in just knowing? So, like a piece of shit I am, I decided to play a game of guessing who the lucky guy was. It was all in good fun, of course - a little entertainment to spice up our day.

Gojo leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. "Oh, come on, Shinomiya," he urged. "Surely someone has gotten your interest. In a prestigious school like that, who wouldn't be intrigued by certain individuals?"

Kaguya Otsutsuki nodded in agreement, while Ai Hayasaka remained stoic, but Gojo could tell she was mentally sighing.

"I won't pressure you to tell us who it is, though," Gojo continued. "But just know that we're all here to support you—"

Flone listened intently, then tilted her head at her own answer. Remembering that she watched the anime of this world.

"Isn't it that guy who was the President? Wasn't it that blon─" Flone asked

Kaguya Otsutsuki and Gojo acted quickly, covering Flone's mouth and their eyes widening with panic, as Flone almost blurted out a question that could land them all in trouble.

Kaguya Shinomiya, visibly nervous and tried to shift the focus away from herself. "Oh, that? Actually, you got it all wrong. It's the President who has a crush on me," she said with a forced laugh, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Flone had a puzzled look, wondering if she should believe her or not.

Gojo leaned in towards Flone, still covering her mouth with one hand and slowly releasing his hand.

"Psst, listen up," he whispered. "We're just temporary visitors here, so let's try to stay away from spoilers." He paused for a moment before adding with a sly grin, "Besides, we're here to have some fun. Also, you got it right."

Flone nodded, understanding Gojo's point. "Okay, I won't say anything," she promised.

As he finished speaking, he couldn't help but notice the skeptical looks on the faces of Hayasaka, Kaguya Otsutsuki, and Kaguya Shinomiya. After all he was the one who started all this.

He was fortunate that he had a good appearance, which allowed him to get away with it.

Kaguya Shinomiya then returned Gojo with a mischievous smile. However, her tone was tinged with a hint of darkness as she asked, "So, Gojo as someone is surrounded by beautiful women. Do tell us, who do you like the most out of all of us?" She was clearly playing with fire with this question to enact revenge for asking something personal.

Flone, Hayasaka, and Kaguya Otsutsuki who was intrigued by this type of question watched with bated breath, waiting for Gojo's response.

'As expected of Shinomiya, she is a tactical genius. Turning the shit situation into a favorable one' Gojo secretly thought.

"Oh, I don't know if I'm ready for the consequences of answering that," Gojo said nervously. But leaning in closer, a devilish grin spread across his face.

"But, since you're so curious, maybe we should up the stakes and play a little game of truth or dare. Just between me and you, Kaguya. You will even get to start first."

Kaguya Shinomiya's smile widened as she heard Gojo suggested playing truth or dare. "I'm totally game," she said, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "But let's up the ante. We each get three rounds of truth or dare, and they have to get progressively more intense.

Gojo raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Alright, I'm down. But let's add a condition: no backing out, no matter how crazy the question or dare gets."

Hayasaka was a bit nervous about this whole predicament while Flone and Kaguya Otsutsuki smiled and giggled at the scene of this. With Gojo and Kaguya sitting across from each other. Flone, Hayasaka, and Kaguya Otsutsuki were eager to see how this would unfold.

Kaguya Shinomiya leaned in, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Okay, Gojo. Truth or dare?"

Gojo grinned back at her. "Truth."

Kaguya Shinomiya paused for a moment, considering her options. "Alright then. Who's the person you've liked the longest?"

Gojo's expression shifted ever so slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. 'Hmm, if it was about love, my answer would immediately be Hayasaka (I'm a Hayasaka simp. Bite me), but that wouldn't make any sense since in this current situation, and the context of this is like '.

He answered without hesitation after he concluded his thoughts.

"Flone. She's got this unique charm that's hard to resist, and she's always up for a good time."

To the others, it appeared as if Gojo had answered Flone without skipping a beat.

Flone blushed and looked down, feeling both embarrassed and flattered. While giggling to herself.

Hayasaka and Kaguya Otsutsuki exchanged a glance, looking a bit disappointed but not surprised.

Shinomiya was surprised that there was no conflict among Gojo's group because she had anticipated one.

"Alright, my turn," Gojo said with a smirk. "I have a feeling you won't choose the dare option, but let's see. Truth or dare?"

After Gojo asked his question, Kaguya tilted her head slightly, considering her options.

"Hmm, let's see," she mused. "I'm not one to shy away from a challenge, but I also want to play it safe." She flashed a coy smile at Gojo. "Truth."

Gojo hummed. "Alright, then. Let's start easy. What's the craziest thing you've ever done to the person you like?"

Kaguya's smile faltered for a moment, before she regained her composure. She isn't the type to lie after all.

"Hmm, let's see. One time, I pretended to be interested in astronomy just to impress a guy. I even stayed up all night studying constellations and telescopes, just to make sure I could hold a conversation with him about it."

"..." Kaguya Otsutsuki thought, feeling a mix of shock and disbelief. Hayasaka couldn't help but facepalm at the memory that came flooding back.

'That wasn't even in the manga, but damn, I can actually see that happening.' Gojo was impressed.

"Alright, Gojo, it's my turn now. Truth or dare?" Kaguya looked at Gojo.

"Truth," Gojo smiled, secretly thinking to himself, "I don't think taking a dare is a good idea."

Kaguya thought for a moment before asking, "What's the wildest thing you've ever done?"

Gojo's eyes sparkled. "I once fought a master spearman while blindfolded. It was a risky move, but it worked out in the end. Kaguya Otsutsuki can attest to that."

Kaguya Otsutsuki was taken aback when she heard this statement. She did see him do it. While it was true, the way Gojo worded it was a bit weird.

"Really?! Wow, That's not a lie? That's insane!" Kaguya exclaimed, her mouth falling open in surprise. When Kaguya Otsutsuki slowly nodded her head.

It was at this time Flone snapped back to reality and pondered the situation before asking, "Hey Hey, the role of student council President sounds fun. Is it possible to become the President if I beat up the current president?"

Kaguya and Gojo exchanged a glance, unsure how to respond to Flone's unique question.

"No, I wouldn't recommend it. Being a president isn't all fun and games. It involves a lot of work and responsibility," Kaguya Shinomiya replied.

Flone nodded in understanding, although she still seemed intrigued by the idea. "I see. Well, I guess I'll have to find another way then," she said, still looking a bit disappointed.

Kaguya, who was still reeling from Gojo's earlier answer about fighting a master spearman while blindfolded, decided to take her turn again. "Alright, Gojo. Truth or dare?" she asked with a sly smile.

Gojo smirked back at her. "Hmm? Again? you're using your turn already? Truth," he replied confidently.

Kaguya's smile widened. "Alright then, tell us about your biggest fear," she said, intrigued to learn more about him.

"…" Gojo paused for a moment.

'Should I come up with some bullshit?' Gojo quickly thought to himself, trying to think of something plausible but he couldn't exactly come up with one for some reason. He couldn't very well say something out loud like "spawning ten tails out of his ass." After all that was one of his fears. As someone who takes games a bit seriously he doesn't want to come off lying in this type of game.

'Hmm, what can I say? Ah, I know, getting rejected by your favorite anime girl. It's not that traumatic kind of fear, but it'll work.'

"Getting rejected by Hayasaka," Gojo said with a confident tone, knowing that it was a believable enough answer.

Hayasaka, Kaguya Shinomiya, and Flone were all surprised, even though Flone had already heard about Gojo's crush on Hayasaka.

"Wait a minute, does that mean you like Hayasaka Ai?" Shinomiya exclaimed, unable to contain her surprise any longer.

Gojo tilted his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah," he confirmed.

"EH!???????" x3

'Wait, why are you surprised, Flone? Don't you already know about this?' Gojo thought

Kaguya Otsutsuki took a small sip of her tea, savoring the rich, fragrant taste. She couldn't help but feel a little amused at the idea of the game truth or dare as she watched the game unfold.

She set her cup down on the table and leaned back in her chair, watching as Gojo answered the last question. As he finished speaking, she couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. <You certainly have a way with words, Gojo,> she said telepathically, a glint of amusement in her eyes. <I have to admit, I never would have guessed that getting rejected by a fictional character would be possible fear of yours.>

Gojo grinned in response to the telepathic compliment. "<We all have our fears, mine is just a bit out of the norm,>" he replied simply.

Flone looked at them in surprise, seeing how they were able to communicate without speaking. "Hey, what are you guys doing?" she asked, looking confused.

Kaguya smiled at Flone and explained, "We're communicating telepathically. It's a skill that those like Gojo and I are able to use. Perhaps one day you will be able to be too."

A/N: (She was able to when she was dead and a vengeful spirit. But now she is a human? Superhuman? But she can phase through wall)

Flone's eyes widened in amazement. "Really, Yayy."

"Wait, you can communicate telepathically?!" Shinomiya and Hayasaka exclaimed in disbelief.

Flone looked at Shinomiya and Hayasaka and noticed their disbelieving expressions. "What, is it not common here?" she asked, confused.

"Well, let's finish my questions first," Gojo said with a sly grin. "Shinomiya, truth or dare?"

Kaguya Shinomiya didn't even have to think twice before answering. "Truth," she replied confidently, taking a sip of her tea.

Gojo raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Playing it safe again, huh?" he commented teasingly.

Kaguya Shinomiya chuckled softly. "Oh please. I prefer to think of it as being strategic," she countered with a smirk.

"Well then, is it true that you have a crush on Miyuki Shirogane, the student council president of Shuchi'in Academy? And do you see him as a man?" Gojo asked, a teasing smirk playing on his lips as he took a sip from his tea that Hayasaka had poured for him.


Flone watched the exchange with interest, taking a sip of her tea as she listened to their banter. As she swallowed, she couldn't help but make a face. She didn't like green tea at all, but she didn't want to be rude.

So…She took another sip, trying to hide her distaste, but as soon as they continued with their conversation, she couldn't hold it in anymore. She discreetly spat out the tea into a nearby tissue, hoping that no one had noticed.

Fortunately, she didn't miss too much of the conversation and now Flone had caught up with the others, asking her fair share of questions. While she was out spitting tea.


Basically, Kaguya Shinomiya confessed to having 'some feelings', but she tried to downplay it and came across acting as a bit of a tsundere in the end.

"Wow, so Shinomiya sees the student council president as a man, but they are both holding back their feelings and refusing to confess to each other unless the other side does it first? Is it because of something stupid like pride?" Flone asked bluntly, always eager to ask new questions.

Kaguya Shinomiya started to panic and tried to make an excuse, but was interrupted by Gojo who simply said, "Yes."

Ai Hayasaka maintained a poker face, though a small smile was visible on her lips. Hayasaka could see a glimpse of desperation on Shinomiya's face, indicating she was seeking help. However, Hayasaka nonchalantly ignored it.


Then the food arrived, stopping all conversation.

Flone immediately exclaimed, "Oh, wow, that looks delicious!" as she carefully examined the meal, ignoring the earlier topic of conversation.

"Yes, that's what sushi looks like," Gojo commented casually as he picked up his chopsticks.

'Ah, right, Flone still doesn't know how to use chopsticks. But wait, I could still use that opportunity.' he mused

Gojo picked up a piece of salmon sushi, dipped it in a perfect amount of soy sauce and added just the right amount of wasabi, all with my chopsticks, before feeding it to Flone.

She looked surprised but happy at the same time, as if she had just discovered a new world of food.

Hayasaka's blush deepened as she watched the situation between me and Flone. Shinomiya, on the other hand, couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at Flone's excitement over the sushi.

But after that moment of gestures the girls were looking at us weirdly, I realized that we had forgotten to say "Itadakimasu," the traditional Japanese phrase said before a meal to express gratitude. I didn't really care about it, but I could see the disbelief on their faces.

Kaguya Otsutsuki glanced over at us once more before returning to her own meal, unfazed by the commotion at our gesture.

Any case Flone started to eat with her hands, Gojo couldn't help but feel a little bit of second-hand embarrassment. because he wasn't used to seeing people eating with their hands. But at the same time, he was glad that she was enjoying the food.

"So, what do you guys think of the sushi?" Gojo asked.

"It's amazing!" Flone exclaimed, still gushing over the food. Hayasaka nodded in agreement while Shinomiya simply smiled.

"Um, I've always wanted to ask, are you two dating?" Kaguya Shinomiya inquired.

"We are," Gojo shamelessly replied, munching on his sushi.

"And I'm also dating Kaguya." Gojo added as he turned to look at Kaguya Otsutsuki who decided to remained silent, who was continuing to savor her meal and tea.

"Wait, you have two girlfriends and you're not two timing?" Kaguya Shinomiya gasped in disbelief and confusion.

"Yes, and they both get along pretty well. But I'm currently on the lookout for a third girlfriend," Gojo said, winking at Hayasaka.

Hayasaka's eyes twitched at Gojo's statement, but it blew Kaguya Shinomiya's mind.

"Just to clarify, we are all in love and I happen to be incredibly handsome. I'm not trying to brag but it is only natural for me to have multiple supportive partners," Gojo said with a smile while continuing to eat his sushi.

Kaguya Otsutsuki rolled her eyes at his statement, but said nothing. Flone happily nodded in agreement while enjoying her sushi.

Despite polygamy being generally frowned upon, Gojo lived by his own set of rules.

And so Gojo boldly made his move, turning to Hayasaka and confessing, "I have feelings for you, Hayasaka. Would you go out with me and be my girlfriend?" Hayasaka was taken aback by the sudden confession and her cheeks flushed with color. As this was totally unexpected for her.

"Um, what about Flone-sama and Kaguya-sama?" Hayasaka asked, uncertain of how the other girls would feel about this new development. After all, how can he even say that when his two girlfriends are present?

"Ehhhhhhh?! Whaattt?! What is happening here??" Kaguya Shinomiya's head seemed to be spinning from the sudden turn of events.

"Mmhmmhmmmm mmmmmhmmm" Flone happily said yes with a mouth full of sushi.

"...I don't care. Do as you wish." Kaguya said as she proceeded to pick up to enjoy another quality sushi on her plate

"Flone, you need to learn to chew and swallow your food before speaking." Gojo gently scolded, amused by her enthusiasm.

Flone nodded obediently and continued eating. Kaguya rolled her eyes at the exchange but couldn't help but smile at Flone's adorable reaction. She went back to enjoying her sushi at her own pace.

"I'm glad you are worried about their opinion. But welcome aboard Hayasaka!" Gojo chirped happily.

Hayasaka raised an eyebrow at Gojo's boldness but kept her cool demeanor. "I didn't say anything," she pointed out, shaking visibly. This is her first confession from a male who she considered as a friend. And technically her first male friend.

Gojo's grin only widened. "Then let's make it official. Ai, Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, his tone confident and playful.

Ai sighed and shook her head. "You're so mean, Gojo. But... I suppose it wouldn't hurt… to give it a try. But please give me some time." she finally relented, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Wha-! She agreed? Wait, doesn't that mean Hayasaka likes Gojo as well?" Kaguya Shinomiya asked in disbelief, her eyes widening in surprise.

"You know...I have Ai's phone number and we talk and text frequently. I'm pretty sure I'm one of her few male friends on her contact list," Gojo clarified, pondering the idea that it would be strange if she didn't have some level of liking for him if she still maintained regular communication with him.

Flone chimed in, "I could tell that Hayasaka had some feelings for Gojo, but I wouldn't call it love." She continued to stuff sushi into her mouth with her hands.

" ...Same." Kaguya Otsutsuki said while sipping her tea

Ai Hayasaka blushed and looked down, feeling embarrassed.

"Wait, Gojo, when did you start liking Hayasaka?!" Shinomiya exclaimed in disbelief, feeling like something was being taken away from her.

'Since her debut in manga and anime, But I'm not going to say that,' Gojo secretly thought.

"When I first laid eyes on her, I knew she was special. Her perfect looks and unique charm drew me in, and as we talked, I found myself growing more and more attached. I just can't resist her," Gojo confessed with a smile looking at Ai

'How the hell could he say that up front with his girlfriends by his side?' Kaguya Shinomiya thought.

"Can you give me some time to think about it?" Hayasaka asked, her face expressionless now.

Wow, that's a first. I have never seen Ai make that kind of facial expression. A look of guilt and conflict was clouding her mind.

'I used to think that looks and charm were enough to make women fall for them, but that was a myth. To think I still have to put in more effort to win someone's heart.' Gojo sighed inwardly while thinking, After all his first rejection wasn't really a rejection.

Kaguya Otsutsuki frowned at what she was hearing as she listened to the conversation.

'As for why Ai asked for more time, is it because her secret job?' Gojo momentarily thought about her situation.

Giving confidential information to Kaguya's brother. Gojo wanted to help Ai, but he knew it was best for Ai to come clean and confront Kaguya Shinomiya about it.

He isn't one to meddle in other people's affairs. But when it came to Hayasaka, he couldn't resist the challenge of winning her heart.

"Just wait and see, Hayasaka. I'll make sure you fall in love with me." Gojo grinned at the thought, willing to go all out for the chance to be with her. Hayasaka's smile in response gave him hope.

They finished their meal and moved on to other topics, promising to revisit this one when Hayasaka was ready.

Right. Shinomiya paid for everything. Thanks Shinomiya!!! ~ Gojo, Flone, and Kaguya Otsutsuki said.

A/N: This is more like a side story

AnHa8creators' thoughts