
Help Me Step Gojo, I'm Stuck

In this fanfiction, the main character is granted their wish by a ROB (random omnipotent being) and is given the body and memories of Gojo Satoru from "Jujutsu Kaisen." However, Gojo (Not Gojo Satoru) is randomly dropped into different worlds, wreaking havoc on various plots as he pleases. The fanfic explores his adventures in different worlds, including "The Second Coming of Gluttony" and "Kaguya-sama: Love is War." In this third world, he unknowingly finds himself in "Oshi No Ko." Currently in Jujutsu Kaisen (starts at chapter Japan 25) While his personality has not been fully developed or fleshed, readers can expect Gojo to do some strange and unexpected things. The characters, ideas, and series featured in this fanfiction belong to their respective owners.

AnHa8 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Ai Ai Ai I'm your little butterfly - 17


Gojo's six eyes were able to allow him to uncover what the twins were desperately hiding. Unknowingly of course.

Upon discovering that the twins were reincarnators and the children of a superstar, Gojo found this whole thing absurd. Although he was interested in their history and knowledge, he decided not to delve too deeply, as his mind was already choking on the amount of information about Ai Hoshino that he was putting himself into to help Hayasaka. This is in fact beyond his scope of work.

All of this made Gojo wonder about the true nature of the series and whether it had strayed far from its original premise as an idol/talent agency. He even pondered whether it was all just entertainment for the real audience (manga/anime viewers). However, when he thought of the word "entertainment," it clicked into his mind.

A/N: Again, please note Gojo has no knowledge of [Oshi No Ko], Also he didn't read the twin's minds.

Gojo's mind was consumed by the concept of entertainment, particularly the idol industry in Japan. He has a good understanding of how this profession works due to his and Hayasaka's research on Ai Hoshino. And he couldn't help but get lost in his thoughts. His mind raced as he considered the various elements at play in the industry, from the agencies that managed the idols to the unique talents possessed by each individual.

He suspected that this idol world series by Aka is probably about looking into the inner workings of the entertainment industry.

As he continued to think, Gojo realized that the idol industry was not all glitz and glamor. He came to his own thoughts to understand what an idol life exactly is. The pressure and expectations that come with being an idol, and the toll it takes on their mental and physical health. The personal lives of idols, and how they balance their public persona with their private selves. The competition, the scandals, and the business.

'On top of that, The harsh reality is that idols aren't even rich,' Gojo quickly concluded his thoughts, which had happened in a matter of seconds, before his mind once again drifted to the twins.

'BUT WHERE THE FUCK DOES THE REINCARNTATIONS FIT INTO ALL THIS?!' Gojo slammed his hand against his forehead in frustration.

There are so many twists and possible scenarios in this story because of those two. 'Yeah, I'm just not going to think about it anymore.' Gojo frustratingly thought.

Ruby Hoshino and Aqua Hoshino were absolutely terrified when Gojo revealed their deepest secret, that they were reincarnators. The twins had been so careful to keep their past lives hidden, but Gojo's six eyes were too powerful to hide from. Hell, not even their mom knows—

A/N: I don't really know about that last line. But I still put it there.

"Wh—How did you know?" Ruby stammered in shock at Gojo's revelation.

Aqua quickly covered Ruby's mouth with his hand to prevent her from revealing any more information.

Well, that just seals it.

Gojo looked at them weirdly and tilted his head.

"I wouldn't worry about that. It just means you guys are a little special, that's all. Not that it means anything, since nobody would believe it." Gojo said with a thoughtful expression.

'Honestly, it's almost mentally exhausting to go through the tedious task of thinking. No wonder Gojo Satoru is always addicted to sweets. But his thought process is incredible, fast, and easy.' Gojo thought.

Ruby and Aqua breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that they could…maybe trust Gojo about him keeping it a secret. But they also felt a sense of loneliness and isolation, knowing that they were the only ones who had experienced another life. It was a heavy burden to bear, and they wondered if anyone else in this world could truly understand them. Oh, the irony.

"So, how has your second life been compared to your previous one? Being the child of a superstar? Is it any more bearable now?" Gojo curiously asked, looking at the twins.

Ruby responded with a sad frown, "...It was."

Aqua had a dark expression as he said, "No."

Gojo took a deep breath and then looked at the twins. "I know it's not easy to discuss or even recall your past lives. For now, I won't pry into your previous life. I can easily imagine the difficulties and struggles you've already faced recently too. And speaking of difficulties, I could use a break from unraveling Ai's past. I'm sure Flone has already filled you in on what's going on." He then sat down on the ground next to them with a reassuring smile.

After all, Hayasaka and Gojo were able to find what they kind of wanted within a couple of hours.

"Yeah, Flone told us about everything," Ruby replied, her voice trembling slightly.

Aqua nodded, his expression still dark.

Gojo lay on the floor now and let out a deep sigh. "Well, it's good to know you guys are still mentally stable after that. Now tell me what you two know of Ai Hoshino."

As Ruby and Aqua spoke, Gojo couldn't help but feel a sense of unease growing inside him. The more he heard from them, the more he realized just how little they knew about Ai Hoshino and the true extent of her. And this just goes to show how far she was mentally burdened and wounded. It looks like she never genuinely spoke her feelings about love until her moment of death.

'Overall, her life kinda seems like shit. Not that it is comparable to mine. Granted, it's not entirely her fault, but is it even a good idea to bring her back?' Gojo's eyes narrowed as he momentarily looked at the spirit.

Ruby and Aqua looked at each other once again before slowly nodding their heads. They recognized that Gojo was a reliable and perceptive ally, whose sharp intellect often provided valuable insights.

Gojo felt it was best to share his findings with them, Since Ruby and Aqua were reincarnators with somewhat sharp minds. He compiled all the theories and possibilities he and Hayasaka had come up with, discussing things he wouldn't normally do with children. The trio engaged in deep discussions, with Aqua attempting to steer the conversation away from the sensitive topic. Gojo could tell that Aqua didn't want Ruby to become too involved in the dark discussion that was about to come up.

"Hayasaka." Gojo calmly called for her while looking at the ceiling now.

Hayasaka quickly responded, walking over to him. "Yes, Goshujin-Sama. What do you need?"

Both Ruby and Aqua's eyes widened as they recognized the name from Flone's story - the hacker who had casually breached into high-level companies.

"Don't call me that." Gojo who was still staring blankly at the ceiling. "Help little Aqua, he has Ai Hoshino's phone. He's kind of a smartass and knows what he's doing. And have Flone keep Ruby company while we handle this." Gojo requested.

Flone took Ruby away to play and enjoy some snacks together, despite Ruby's initial reluctance.

The group (Aqua, Gojo, and Hayasaka) started their discussion and concluded that the father was the most likely culprit in Ai's murder. Aqua had handed over Ai's old phone to Hayasaka. They were able to unlock the phone using the password 45510, which was the most common password Ai used and had a significant meaning as it represented the founders of B-Komachi, the first group during Ai's time. Not that it means anything more.

Looking at the contact information on the phone, there was a hint of the twin's father's identity. They deduced that he must have been a previous member of the theater club of Lalalie Theatrical Company and was involved with her during around Ai's time, though they didn't know the exact reason yet. But with that hint alone, it was enough to come up with a huge lead.

'Hmm, who knew she would have gone to acting school,' Hayasaka thought to herself, realizing that she couldn't find that information on the internet. She had a gut feeling that this case was approaching its end.

"Based on the information we've gathered; it seems likely that Ai Hoshino attended acting school before her pregnancy. It would make sense that the suspect is also from the acting school then." Hayasaka stated.

Aqua wholeheartedly agreed with the statement, as he held both Gojo and Hayasaka in high regard for their exceptional investigative skills. He knew that he would not be able to make much progress without their assistance.

"I'd like to add to that," Aqua said with a serious expression. "Considering how this guy was an actor, he is likely skilled at reading and manipulating social situations. The fact that he used a pawn indicates that he is highly skilled in the field of manipulation and doesn't want to dirty his own hands. So, this should also mean he has at least a reputation in some sort of field."

"It's also possible that his phone number and identity are not in Ai's phone due to her desire for extreme secrecy," Gojo voiced his opinion, which was agreed upon by Hayasaka and Aqua.

Hayasaka diligently performed her duties, using her hacking skills to uncover all the identities of the individuals in Ai Hoshino's phone contacts. After thorough investigation, she and the entire group also came to the conclusion that none of them were Ai's ex-partner.

Hayasaka and Gojo knew the suspect was also one year younger than Ai Hoshino. They believe they also had a good lead on this too. All they had to do was imagine what an adult Aqua might look like, taking into account the possibility of having stars in his eyes. Or hack into the company's database and search through their archives for any video footage or information on past members.

It's all coming together; this murder case is finally nearing its end. It was getting late, they had to call it a day and rest for the night.


Ruby and Flone were in the kitchen room, located opposite to the meeting area where Shinomiya, Kaguya Otsutsuki, and the strawberry production president were gathered.

"Hey Ruby," Flone said with a mischievous grin as she continued to happily munch on the stolen fruits. "What if I told you there's a way to bring your mother back to life? Fully flesh and blood, breathing, and conscious. Imagine her coming back and saying, 'Wow, where am I? Wasn't I stabbed or something!' Haha, Ruby and Aqua, I won't die that easily, HeeHee."

Ruby, who had been lost in thought, suddenly looked up with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Happy," she said softly. "That's everything I want."

"Mhmm. I know a person who can do it." Flone nodded at her answer.

"????" Ruby looked at Flone with disbelief. "There's a way to bring her back?" Despite her desperate desire to have her mother back, Ruby knew deep down that it was impossible. Her mother is dead, and no amount of wishing can change that.

Flone smiled as if she knew she was thinking.

"While I may not have the capabilities to bring your mother back to life, watch this," Flone said confidently. She then proceeded to phase through the ground and reappear with some food in her arms, demonstrating her ghostly abilities.

Ruby, who had always been skeptical of magic tricks and the like, found herself unable to doubt what she had just witnessed. Flone's ghostly abilities made the idea of bringing her mother back to life seem slightly possible in Ruby's mind. Her mouth dropped open as she contemplated the seemingly impossible becoming possible. She didn't know how it could be done, but she was willing to do anything to make it happen.

Flone smiled at Ruby after finishing her snack. "But guess what? If he does bring back your mom she would have to—," she said, leaning in and whispering the last part in Ruby's ear before giving her a playful wink.

Ruby's eyes widened in shock, disbelief, and excitement. Despite feeling disgusted by Flone's last comment, she was so fixated on the possibility of bringing her mom back that it consumed her thoughts and gave her a newfound sense of hope and determination. "Please, tell me what I need to do," she said eagerly, her mind completely focused on the task at hand.

Flone giggled as she spoke. "Stop that thought, Ruby. Bringing your mom back won't be easy. But if you're willing to put in the effort, I think we might just be able to pull it off."


As the evening was drawing near, Gojo concluded that it would be best to head back for now and return later to finalize the details and sponsorship for the Strawberry production.

As the group walked out of the building after giving the others the goodbye, Gojo activated his teleportation and suddenly they found themselves in the Shinomiya mansion, leaving Hayasaka and Shinomiya momentarily shocked. (Hayasaka and Shinomiya) had already started to accept that there are supernatural abilities, but it was difficult for them to get used to it.

"Aww, Mo. That was the most annoying thing I had to do," Shinomiya stubbornly stomped her feet and ignored everyone. "Why do I have to help and watch everything Gojo does?!" She couldn't hold it in anymore and vented her stress. Her plans of trying to get the president in her free time were now cut short. Shinomiya stomped back to her room, leaving everyone a bit surprised by her sudden outburst.

Feeling exhausted from the overwhelming amount of information, Gojo decided to call it a day and take a break. Flone and Kaguya Otsutsuki followed suit and accompanied him to their rooms. Meanwhile, Hayasaka headed to her own room to attend to her own tasks.

When the trio arrived at their rooms, Kaguya went straight to her bed to immerse herself in a book, while Flone was pacing around the room lost in thought. Gojo made himself comfortable on the couch to unwind.

While Flone was contemplating what to ask, she eventually approached Gojo to inquire about resurrecting Ai Hoshino for the twins. "Hey Gojo, why not just do what you did for me and bring Ai Hoshino back? Is it because you don't like her?"

Gojo responded with a mischievous grin, "Don't you know? We could just solve this case step by step and have a whole lot of fun exploring the problem. Who knows what kind of crazy things we might find? Do you really want to go back to school so soon?"

And surprise surprise, Gojo found two reincarnators and that was beyond his expectation.

"No No No, I don't want to go to school, let's keep playing catch the bad guy!" Flone easily swayed.

"But you still haven't answered the question Gojo," Kaguya Otsutsuki pointed out.

"I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. It's strange to learn so much about someone's personal life, only to find out they had a difficult past and never experienced love. Being pregnant at 16 and not realizing her love for her children until she was 20, all because of fear and lack of understanding... and then dying. It's a lot to take in," Gojo's voice, his expression blank, his eyes growing distant as he spoke. There was a tense, ominous atmosphere in the room, as if the very air itself was holding its breath.

"Would you want to be brought back to life and continue living in a world that you considered shit? Especially after everything you've been through. To find out that it was your ex who planned your death? Top of all that giving birth to twin children holds a lot of responsibility." Gojo asked, stifling a yawn midway through his sentence. His expression returned to a more neutral state and the previously mysterious atmosphere dissipated.

Kaguya Otsutsuki was taken aback by all this and couldn't find the words to respond. She could relate to those questions all too well and was at a loss for how to answer.

After all, Kaguya Otsutsuki (The rabbit Goddess), the avatar of chakra in the Naruto world, had a history of a truly terrible life.

A/N: (Please note that I'm referring to Kaguya Otsutsuki as the "avatar of chakra" since she is the one who spread chakra, which earned her various titles and nicknames within the Naruto world. [not the universe])

'On top of that there are some supernatural things behind the scenes. This damn intuition of mine is telling me not to do it.' Gojo thought.

"Wouldn't it still be up to the person?" Flone tilted her head at that question answering the question.

"Honestly this whole thing makes me sad just thinking about it." Gojo admitted as he got up to stretch. He then laid on a nearby couch, lost in thought.

"Ah, all this talk is making me hungry. I'm going out to eat!" Flone announced and left.

"Sure, don't eat too much!" Gojo called out to Flone as she left, while Kaguya waved goodbye.

Gojo continued his train of thought. 'Her death...Supposed it was set up due to her ex. But why? Was it a toxic or manipulative relationship? In any case, this is a fictional world where everything happens for a reason. I need to consider all the information I know and imagine the possibilities and explore at different angles on the scene.'

Ai Hoshino, who had no idea what love is, suddenly fell in... love? With that unknown dude in acting school. Then they had unprotected sex one day. Broke up. Probably told to keep this an absolute secret because she works as an idol. And Holy fuck he didn't even bother taking responsibility? He went to grab milk and never returned.' Gojo thought.

Gojo also came up with several scenarios. But those are irrelevant. The point is that Gojo has a rough idea of how Ai Hoshino's life was before.

'Is it…because she was famous? Was that why she was killed? Or does the father know… about the stars?' Gojo thought.

Gojo turned to Kaguya Otsutsuki who was immersed in a book, and asked "Hey Kaguya, did you find anything about the stars on the twin?"

"No, but I have a feeling that it is related to emotions, and the effects may be interconnected. I sensed that Ruby's star eyes radiated purity, while Aqua's were dim and black, fueled by guilt and hatred." Kaguya stated, putting down her manga.

"So, it's a useless doujutsu eye that is fueled by raw emotion and runs based on mental stability?" Gojo replied, falling off the couch and rolling on the ground.

Kaguya offered her own theory, "You have to consider that this world doesn't have any special energy that humans can use, like chakra, cursed energy, mana, Ki/Qi, or any other strange reference you've mentioned. It only makes sense as it could only be using emotions."

"Ahhhh" Gojo said with a resigned tone. "Now, that makes sense, using emotion as a power source wouldn't exactly generate any supernatural power or abilities to begin with. Is that why we are the only ones who can see it?" He added.

"This is just a guess, but it could have something to do with standing out or hypnotizing people momentarily to look at them. Even without the stars on their eyes, people seem to be drawn to Ai." She added.

Gojo agreed, "A nice theory indeed… Do you think it could be related to reincarnation and such? Like losing the star on their eye when they reincarnate or die?"

Kaguya pointed out, "It's possible but that would completely destroy the concept of reincarnation. Ai Hoshino's spirits still linger in this world due to regret and refuses to move onto the afterlife."

"So, it's not really reincarnation or a second life either. Huh…" Gojo concluded, dropping the discussion as he realized this is probably something beyond his current understanding.

"So, how was the meeting when I left?" Gojo curiously asked.

"Well, Shinomiya seems a little displeased about having to spend quite a bit of money to sponsor a company that is as vague as that one. Despite being a small company, they were able to survive despite the times changing." She answered.

'They are adaptive and a bit smart, I guess. What was their company job again? Gathering some Internet talents? So, is it the Vtuber and streaming era?' Gojo wondered.

"Wait, why is Shinomiya annoyed? Isn't this still technically in the Shinomiya's family tab? Why is she complaining? She doesn't work." Gojo confused as he asked.

"Are we not freeloading?" Kaguya asked, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

"It's different. As guests here, we are entitled to the best treatment according to Asian tradition, especially given our status. In fact, she should be proud that she's spending a considerable amount of money on us," Gojo's smirk turned into a mischievous grin, his arms and legs flailing in all directions on the floor.

"I don't think that's how it works," Kaguya Otsutsuki replied with a wry smile as she watched Gojo perform his strange antics once again, before returning to her book.



Hayasaka and Shinomiya had gone back to their own rooms to work on their own tasks.

Hayasaka was lost in thought as she showered, reflecting on the events of the day. Kaguya Shinomiya had to attend to her duties as a student council vice president and finish her homework. Additionally, to set up a sponsorship for the strawberry production contract and worked on creating the necessary paperwork to be signed, specifying all the important details. And more importantly about how to get the president to confess to her. Plan 999998.

But this isn't about Kaguya Shinomiya.

It was late at night. While they may have school tomorrow Hayasaka had other plans.

Right now, Hayasaka was slowly approaching Gojo's room, her heart pounding in her chest. She had been harboring deep feelings for him for some time now, and she had finally worked up the courage to do something about it.

Hayasaka had been gathering her courage ever since the start of their relationship, longing for a time where they could move beyond the dating phase and evolve beyond the boundaries of master and servant. Her heart yearned for more. As she stood before Gojo's door, her desire to be embraced by him burned like a flame within her. She wanted to engage in a hot passionate and intimate relationship with Gojo.

As she reached his door, she took a deep breath and knocked softly. A moment later, Gojo answered, a puzzle expression on his face.

"Hey, Hayasaka. Are you good? Your kind of red right now." he asked, noticing the nervousness in her demeanor.

Hayasaka's voice was shaking with desire as she hesitated for a moment before finally blurting out "I want you, Gojo. Tonight, I will serve you."

As Hayasaka finished her confession, Gojo's expression turned to one of shock, but then quickly softened. He reached out and gently placed a hand on her cheek, looking deeply into her eyes. "Hayasaka," he said softly, pulling her in closer to him. Without another word, he leaned in and kissed her deeply, his lips moving with hers in a passionate embrace. He swiftly closed the door behind him.


It goes without saying Gojo kindly asked Flone and Kaguya Otsutsuki to give him and Hayasaka some privacy. Especially considering that it was her first time.


A/N: To those who are asking if Ai Hoshino is going to be resurrected or not?

Let's answer that question with another question.


While I would love to provide more context and details, I don't want to spoil everything.

On a side note: I realize I'm a total novice at writing ero parts. So, instead of including graphical, specific, fetish, fucked up sexual content. I decided it would be best to leave it up to the reader's imagination with the way I set it up and kept it subtle in the R18 section. Not only does it save space, but it also allows me to focus on moving the story forward in the upcoming chapters. As much as I actually want to write it. :P


For readers who have been with me since the beginning, you may have noticed that I've done a huge overhaul and revamped about 60k + words (Gojo becoming a Jinchuuriki) KEK. Despite all the editing, there still may be some imperfections and possibly missing details.

If you ever reread it, I hope you can forgive any remaining mistakes in my writing. I was trying to get it up to par, but I was also rushing to complete it. It was really hard to reread my own work. That was some huge critical damage to me. But I was slowly and steadily gaining experience.

On that note, I finally got an editor to help me on this project! (For Newer chapters though, (Ai Ai Ai I'm your little butterfly 15,16 and 17.) This person is a friend of mine and is only editing on their free time.

Any support is appreciated.

I like some stones now.

AnHa8creators' thoughts