
Help me save the world...

What would you say when God asked you to help them save the world, just out of the blue? I would've said no If I wasn't being kidnapped...Believe me, I would... Anyway, saving the world from the creeping doom with my ability alone seems impossible no matter how I played it. So what do I need to make that possible? Well, lots of things. Endless Resources. Talented People. Humongous Luck. And cheat like Power. But most important of all... I need Fate.

Sovrano · Action
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117 Chs

Chapter 16 : The Merchant.


The door pried open with a piercing yet slow howl followed by the heavy sauntering of the moving armor that made its way across the room. I took my time and observed the person standing on the opposite end.

She looked like a helpless lamb in front of a wolf. Well, I suppose the mood and getup were convincing nonetheless. Then again, she was doing a very good job at playing it cool. If it were not for my enhanced eyes, it would have been nearly impossible to fully capture the dilated pupil, her ragged breathing, and the surfacing cold beads that wet her skin.

I pushed aside the invading thoughts to the side and returned to focus on the task at hand.

A tall, skinny woman. A deep maroon hair that gracefully parted in the middle and fell down to her neck. Huge dark circles patterned her eyes, yet failed to conceal the gleam of intelligence that sparked out from her brown eyes.

Her sunken cheeks, eroded by fatigue were shown without any powder, and there was a clear ring mark printed on her finger. Her clothes looked plain and simple at best, but the fabric also didn't look rough and cheap.

I never thought the person Renata chose as a Merchant was a woman. Indeed she would not break any law by doing business due to her gender. But that didn't mean her journey would be smooth sailing.

I may not much yet, but I knew for a fact that a businesswoman was far from being the norm in this kingdom. Although this woman wasn't exactly the pioneer, she was close enough to be one...

Hell, she would surely be frowned upon just for going against the traditional views.

Then again, Renata chose her for a reason...

'Maybe that's why she wants me to meet this woman in person...' Beats me...Maybe it was, maybe not. It was hard to say at this point.

'Let's just do the job interview...' I concluded as much.

'Tell me your name.' I sent my intent.

And then she threw her body down, prostrating flat in front of me on the dusty, dirty ground.

'What in the living hell!?'



"I am called Margareth, O' revered god. And I received the instruction from the capital to come here this evening." Explained Margareth.

'Oh, please...not another cult member...' Yeap. That was my heart speaking...

'Rise, Margareth. Call me Shepherd. I am not a god and I don't want to be one. Do you understand?' I really feared that this organization was growing to become a cult.

"I-I..." Margareth seemed torn, but she chose to listen in the end. "I, Margareth, will comply...Shepherd."

Good. She was very wise and good. I seriously preferred this, rather than seeing someone willingly grovel beneath my feet like I was some kind of deity or some shit. Yeah, Margareth was good.

'Now, let's get to know her further.'

'Are you a widow?' I voiced inside.

"I am, Shepherd. My husband was a merchant. He perished at the hands of brigands while he was out there on the road. Now, I am taking over his business to provide for our son and daughter."

'Tell me more about your business.'

"Yes. Lorey, my husband, used to deal in trading commodities with a tribe of Beastmen, east of the Kingdom. He has a friend from the Beastmen's side to help strike a deal. So, he was able to come and leave their tribe unscathed and also engage in a trade with them."

'A daring man he is...Go on.'

Margaret nodded and continued telling her tale. "The business was very lucrative, with much profits. Just by dealing with wine, grains, and furs, we were able to expand and grow. But soon, the nobles got a whiff of wealth that came along our way. Taxes sprouted left and right whenever he needed to pass the territory of the nobles, and they never got lower, only higher and higher until they nearly wrung us dry."

"He wanted us to move into the east part of the Kingdom, but I cautioned him otherwise. I felt that the best location for us was the capital, and the problem lies not with where we lived. It was Power that we lacked. The power that came from connection, and power from authority...We simply lack them..."

'Standing alone is always harder...Did you succeed in finding the connection and authority you wanted?'

"We did. We chose to pay a hefty sum to become a member of the merchant guild seeking asylum and compromise from the greedy nobles' hands. We didn't make as much as we used to due to the cut for the guild, but our family could live decently, at least, if not comfortably. But sadly, that hard-earned peace didn't settle for long...My husband, not too long after that had met his end and left us for good."

'Hm...I guess, with the loss of your husband, so did the trade route with the Beastmen?'

"Yes...The Beastmen tribe didn't trust anyone aside from my late husband, and I was also not in favor of leaving my children behind to venture out as a peddling Merchant. My youngest has always been frail and can't handle living in a carriage, hence another reason why I abandoned the idea completely."

'So, how do you make a living now? From the looks of it, you're not going around on an empty stomach.'

"Although the trade was lost, we were still a member of the merchant guild, and I was able to make a living by relying on those connections...It started out by making a small deal of me keeping track and purchasing the goods in their stead while they were on the road. It spares them the hassle of dealing with it personally, and because I put a lot more emphasis on organizing their need, the efficiency had in turn boosted their profits."

'So she became their middleman and also handled their logistics...Since they have a headache in dealing with it personally each time, they let her handle it.'

'...Tell me the current state.' I sent.

"Before, I had to use my house personally to store and handle most of the goods personally, but now, I am able to rent a warehouse with dozens of employees to handle moving the goods."

It was impressive, honest to say and I am filled with praise for her. She was smart, resourceful, and also innovative...She passed with flying colors.

But here's the big question...

'So...what is it that you seek, Margareth?'

Did I sound like the devil enticing a lost lamb? Maybe...

"I...I wish to become a noble. For my children and their children after them to bear the title of nobility, Shepherd."

'You want a rank? A simple yet arduous dream for a commoner like you, don't you think?'

"I am fully aware of that..." Answered Margaret mildly.

'But it is not impossible.'

"Yes. It is a simple dream, and the solution is also a simple one..."

A commoner widow who wanted to be a noble...

'You wish to buy it...I see...' I said.

Margareth nodded low in response.

The price would be exorbitant I believed, but if she played her cards right...

'What's stopping you?' I could take a few wild guesses.

"The merchant guild."

And I was right.

So here's how it played out in my head...As Margareth's business kept growing, obviously, more and more merchants would come to know the benefits.

And while more and more merchants began to use her service, surely the more abundant her cash flow got. Now, what would happen when someone grew too big? She would obviously become a target of envy. Especially so if we were talking about something as big as the merchant guild. They must be scared shitless if she was to be left untouched...

From there, it would be simple. They have two choices, either to limit her growth or they could stomp her till nothing was left. And it seemed to me that the former worked just fine for them so far.

"They imposed non-existent fees out of the contract while delaying payments and ignored me altogether when I confronted them. They know that I am not safe without them, and they prey on that weakness."

'You want me to round them up and cough your money?'

"I-I dare not..." 

She trembled in dread. That was akin to asking me to be her thug after all. And honestly, I was a little glad she said no...

'Then what do you want?'

"I need only one thing, Shepherd. Protection. If I have it, then I am confident enough to rise to the center of Boreas's economy in the future. I believe that is also the reason why I was approached by your follower..."

The more I talked with Margaret, the more I knew that Renata was not blind in her choice of candidate. Margaret was ambitious as she was competent, and the more competent she was, the greedier I got.

'Do you know what it means to become a member of my House?'

"I am willing to do everything and serve you to the best that I can." Declared Margareth, unyielding was her gaze.

'Everything, you say? Think about your words carefully before you speak them, Margareth. I don't play well with sophistry and short-lived promises.'

"F-Forgive my insolence, Shepherd!"

It felt weird since I was not used to acting like this, but since I needed to play the part, I might as well do it right.

'Enough.' I stared deep at the trembling Margareth.

'The House of Light and Darkness has only one goal; to save the world from the coming doom. It is far from a simple and cheap request such as buying a nobility and living in peace. Think carefully before you answer me, Margareth...'

'Are you willing to claim the seat in my House and take part in bringing about the salvation for the entirety of Fysi? Will you offer your body and soul for that mission?'

'Damn it, now that I hear it in my head again, I do sound like a cult leader trying to scam a new member...'

"...I am willing." A subdued reply, but a good one nonetheless.

'Good. Now choose between the seat of light and dark. It will be your oath to guide you and a shield to protect you from now onward.'

'Ah, I should've explained more about what it means before telling her to make a choice.' It hit me that all those images were still buried inside my mind. How in the hell would she know the difference between the two choices?

So, while I was wallowing in my own blunder, Margareth had spoken.

"I choose the Light."

Well, it is what it is. What was I supposed to say...the show must go on.

'Hear me well, and carve this vow unto your soul, for it is your own to make...You shall live in the Light. You shall not point your fangs unjustly at the innocents, and to your enemies, you shall leave them to the clutches of the dark. You shall never let the greed of gold possess you, and for as long as the House stands, you will uphold the teachings of the good. For the salvation of the world, you shall live. And from now until nevermore, This House shall know you as The Merchant.'

And Margaret closed her eyes though she was praying.

"I shall live in the light. I shall not point my fangs unjustly into the innocents, and to my enemies, I shall leave them to the clutches of the dark. I shall never let myself be possessed by the greed of gold, and for as long as The House stands, I will uphold everything that is good, and shy my path from the treacherous. Until salvation has come to the world, I shall not rest my eyes and live for the cause. From now on until nevermore, The House shall know me as The Merchant."

'Bind her vow to me.' I commanded.

It was unclear why, but these people kept changing their vow to go the extra mile.

'Good. It shall be known from henceforth that Merchant has claimed a seat in the council of Light and Darkness. I, as the lord of the House, and Shepherd of the council, shall bear witness. May fate shine kind on our path...'

"May fate shine kind on our path." Followed Merchant.