
Help! My Husband Is A Grim Reaper

"I fucking hate you, my dear husband!" "Same here, my dear crazy wife!" ++++ When a rebirth deal was proposed, Ziana accepted it without hesitation. All she needed to do was marry a Grim Reaper and be his wife until he completed his mission on Earth. It was that simple. But wait, did she mention that this Grim Reaper was not just handsome but also rude, sarcastic, and arrogant AF. Mischief and menace were his middle names and he brought nothing but chaos to her peaceful life. What's worse? He loved playing with her and she wanted to get rid of him soon. But now that her blood was strangely attracting demons, would she still push him away? And perhaps end up dying again? +++ Excerpt: "I hope you drown in your bathtub!" Ziana fumed in frustration. It had only been a week, and she was already aching to kill this damn creature. "We can try it together, sweetheart." Zayden smirked and leaning closer, he whispered in her ears, "Preferably naked." ++++ If you find it interesting, please add it to your library. Votes, comments, and reviews are much appreciated ^.^

YuZee · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Awakening a sleeping demon

Ziana anxiously sat in the ambulance, her heart pounding as the paramedic checked her vitals. Her eyes shifted to Zayden, who was being interrogated by the police, accompanied by the car owner they had accidentally scratched during their catfight. She hoped they wouldn't press charges against her, as that could complicate her upcoming interview, where past case records had to be submitted.

The paramedic asked, "Are you hurt anywhere?" as they monitored her oxygen levels and blood pressure. Ziana shook her head. It was a minor accident, where no one was harmed, but her worries persisted when Zayden turned towards her, shooting her a glare.

This reaper might kill her tonight! She gulped, as he suddenly appeared like a genuine grim reaper—some skeleton wearing a cloak, holding a scythe, ready to claim their souls.