
A couple treat

Ziana's face turned beet red as she choked on her food, coughing uncontrollably. The room fell into an awkward silence. Yael's laughter slowly died down as he realized his words had hit a sensitive spot. Lady Winter shot him a warning glance, while Zayden's face lit up with a smirk, thanking his brother for knocking out the alcohol-induced amnesia in this wild raccoon.

Sensing the tension, Lia quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to Ziana. "Are you alright?" Lady Winter asked, her voice filled with concern. She placed her hand gently on Ziana's back, offering comfort as Ziana accepted the glass from Lia.

Ziana managed to say, "I'm... I'm fine," her voice slightly shaky. She took a few more sips of water, trying to calm herself down. The heat of embarrassment spread across her cheeks. Did she really kiss him?! She pondered, desperately trying to recall the events of that night.

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