
Help! I Married A Vampire CEO

"It's not just your blood; I wish to taste every inch of you, darling." --- Christina's life shattered at the sight of her almost-fiancé hooking up with another woman. She had left behind so many things just to be with this jerk, and yet he dared to cheat and blame her? "Screw you! I'll find a better man!" She vowed, and it miraculously came true. In a very grand way! Reylan Blackwood, the enigmatic CEO of her company, a man whose charisma made women weak in the knees, proposed an irresistible deal. He offered to take care of her debts, her ailing mother, and even deal with her bastard ex, all in exchange for a one-year contract marriage. “And at what cost?” Christina wondered, unwilling to fall into this infamous playboy’s trap. In the end, forced by the consequences, she accepted his generous offer. However, as the facade of her fairy-tale life began to crack, she slowly realized her husband wasn’t the prince charming he pretended to be. He didn’t even have a heart to begin with, and what’s worse? He loved drinking blood—human blood! Now trapped under the same roof, how would she escape from this bloodthirsty husband? Or would she slowly succumb to his dark desires? --- Excerpt: "Why? Changed your mind and decided to sleep with me?" "No, I was here to grab a pillow." Christina retorted, attempting to push away the shameless stripper wrapped in nothing more than a towel around his waist. Reylan smirked, unaffected by her futile attempts to escape. Tracing a line over her neck, he leaned close to her ear and whispered, “Don’t deny it, darling. I clearly caught you staring as if you wanted to eat me earlier.” Damn, this bloodsucker! Christina cursed inwardly, feeling her cheeks flush not just from his words, but also from something unmistakably hard pressing against her waist. She shot Reylan a glare, only to find him smirking, fully aware of the effect he had on her. But she couldn’t fall for his tricks, not until he fulfilled his end of their contract! With a fake smile, Christina replied, “Sorry, sir. But I have long given up eating pork. So, if you could move-” "...." Wait! Did she just call him a pig?!

YuZee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

A Little Cursed Creature

"Boss?" Christina's voice, tinged with confusion, pierced the night's silence. She had awakened to an eerie cry, her tired eyes shifting towards the balcony where the gentle rustle of the wind hinted at an unseen presence.

Reylan turned towards her, his face inscrutable in the dim light. He settled beside her, tenderly adjusting her hair. "The night is chilly; you should sleep," he urged, his voice a soothing whisper.

A glint in his eyes caught Christina's attention, his words lulling her back into the realm of dreams. Her eyelids grew heavy, and she nodded, sinking into the soft mattress. As Reylan tucked her in, his gaze lingered on her peaceful face, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.

Once Christina was lost to sleep, Reylan moved swiftly to the balcony, alert to the night's sounds. Stepping into the moonlit garden, he encountered a disheveled cat glaring at him with fiery red eyes.

"Are you planning to spend your life in the defender's dungeon?" he asked, frustration coloring his voice. Beatrix, recently released from punishment for harming a human, was already prepared to strike again.

Beatrix, cursed to a feline form each night, retorted with a human-like voice, "Didn't you vow to cease searching for her and focus on securing your seat? Then why is she here?"

Reylan sighed, attempting to convey the situation to his cousin, Cassandra's only daughter. "Circumstances changed, Beatrix. She's our best hope now. Grandpa Theo is captivated by her."

Beatrix grumbled in response, her feline chin defiantly raised. "And what about you? Have you fallen for her despite the uncertainties?" When Reylan remained silent, she continued, "She killed you, Reylan! She's the reason for your current state. Yet, instead of resentment, you harbor feelings for her?"

Reylan found himself in a familiar dilemma. His cousin despised love, the very cause of her curse. But not all love stories had to end tragically.

"I worry for you, Rey," Beatrix finally admitted, her voice softening. "She might hurt you again."

"She is a human, Bea. I think I need not explain power dynamics to one who enjoys causing human mischief," Reylan replied with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Their conversation was interrupted by Darren's arrival, rushing from the old mansion upon hearing of Beatrix's return. "Why the distressed look?" Darren inquired, eyeing Beatrix's disheveled state.

"Ask him," Beatrix sneered as Darren picked her up, beginning to groom her fur.

"Allow me to draw a bath for you, Young Miss. You'll feel better," Darren suggested, ignoring the fishy smell clinging to Beatrix. The cat purred in agreement, her tail wriggling in anticipation as Darren carried her inside.

Reylan shook his head, observing Darren fussing over Beatrix, highlighting his love for pet animals. Darren wouldn't care if Beatrix died in her human form, but as a cat, he wouldn't let a speck of dust touch her. With a sigh, he quickly followed them inside.


[Viktor Mansion]

Hena, now in her human form, entered the room, eliciting a frustrated sigh from Viktor. "Master, I have promising news," she declared, eager to redeem herself after her previous failure.

"I've delved into that woman's past and found someone who may aid us in separating her from your brother," she announced, her excitement palpable. Despite Viktor's skepticism, she persisted.

"And who might that be?" he asked, his tone tinged with boredom.

"Her ex-boyfriend!" Hena exclaimed, finally capturing Viktor's attention away from his desk. Seeing his raised eyebrow, she hurriedly explained, "He's a veil-walker like her, and quite vengeful. He used to work for your brother's jewelry company but got expelled for prying. He's seething with resentment and might assist us in cornering her."

Viktor's eyes gleamed at her words. He set down his pen, considering her proposal. After a moment, he nodded. "Lure him in then. You know what to do, right?"

"Right away, master!" Hena replied, grinning. With that, she transformed into a raven and flew out of the study window.

"Things are getting interesting, dear brother. I might bring you an exciting wedding gift," Viktor mumbled to himself, his gaze fixed on the family portrait hanging on the wall.


Hena spotted Derrek in a secluded corner of the bustling bar, surrounded by empty bottles, his demeanor a mixture of resentment and despair. With a confident smile, she approached him, her movements graceful and deliberate.

"Mind if I join you, handsome?" she inquired, her voice carrying a hint of flirtatiousness as she settled into the seat beside him.

Derrek, who had been nursing his anger and shame, looked up at her. The memory of his dismissal from the company was still fresh in his mind. He was seething with rage towards Christina and was dying to teach her a lesson. 

Before Derrek could reply, Hena's voice shifted to a surprise, as she faked recognizing him. "Wait, I remember you! Weren't you the one kicked out for bullying our CEO's girlfriend?" she asked, her tone laced with sympathy. Derrek's mood soured instantly at the mention.

"I feel bad for you. But even more so for your ex-girlfriend," Hena continued, shaking her head in mock disapproval. "How could she leave you for a beast?"

Derrek nodded, chucking his beer. "He is far worse than me. All he does is shove his dick in every hole he finds amusing." He grumbled in response, his voice loud enough to catch the attention of those around them.

"And sink his fangs into the innocent's neck," Hena murmured in agreement, her words audible to Derrek. 

Derrek's brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Oh my god, don't you know? I thought everyone working under him knew about his secret identity." Hena babbled, feigning shock. Her words piqued Derrek's curiosity.

"Just spit it out. Don't beat around the bush," Derrek grumbled, taking another swig of his beer.

Hena looked around before leaning to whisper, "He's a vampire."

Derrek choked on his drink, looking at Hena in shock. He burst into laughter at her claim. "Vampire? Seriously? Come up with better jokes, you silly."

"Jokes? Wait, don't tell me you're a veil walker? I thought you were a smart man, but you are all just the muscles."

Derrek gritted his teeth and shot back, "And all you have is beauty but no brains. Even children don't believe in such fictional delusions."

A wicked smirk played on Hena's lips, as he had walked into her trap. "What if I show you the reality? Are you sure you'll be able to handle it?" She challenged him, earning a scoff.

"Don't faint, you muscled fool," Hena commented, playing a video on the phone, and passed it to him.

Derrek initially paid little attention to the video, his annoyance evident as he watched his boss in the dimly lit valley. However, as he watched one man after another being tossed aside at an insane speed, his curiosity was piqued, and he leaned in closer.

A gasp escaped his lips as he witnessed Reylan grabbing hold of another man, pinning him against the wall, and sinking his teeth into the man's neck. "No way," Derrek exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief at the gruesome sight unfolding before him.

As Reylan turned towards the camera, blood staining his lips, Derrek's shock deepened. He watched in horror as Reylan's eyes gleamed with a primal intensity, their red hue like that of a beast. Before he could fully process what he was seeing, the video abruptly ended, leaving Derrek stunned.

Hena smirked, taking back her phone. She couldn't wait to see this news reach Reylan's bride.