
Hellwalker: the tale of a mage

A six-year-old boy was kidnapped for occult practices by a psychotic serial killer. The boy couldn't forget what he saw even if everyone around him was convinced he was just so afraid that he misunderstood what happened to him, so he ignored it until one day he was introduced to the world of the supernatural due to dying. This is the story of a normal-ish boy getting climbing his way up in the realm filled with magi, vampires, demons, spirits, and many more

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11 Chs

Growth log

Growth log

It's been five more months since I got into the ivory tower. I practiced quite a few fields of spellcraft. For starters, my ability to use gems to store spiritual energy has surpassed most jewel crafters here. Only the master of old families of the jewel division and a few members of old families can surpass me. At least the ones I know, there are still many things I don't know about the Magi world. According to what I heard, most people who reach my level leave this place if they aren't part of an old Magi family. It's because the secrets they may unravel might get them hunted by the Magi council. Officially it's called sealing selections. My understanding and proeitura would probably land me on the list. It's given to Magi who can produce material unique to them. Now, I can create psudo-proeitura of crystals and store spiritual energy in them without the need to use a gem, using this I can. I can also gather mana much faster. Through witchcraft, I managed to alter my magic circuits, now I have a max output of 810 and I can gather 270 units of prana for single-action spells. I also met a guy who could use B+ rank fire spells in less than two seconds named Albus Severus. All I can say about him is I don't want to mess with him. He is the one that wiped out the mess Yuuki's father made. He has familiars who can move at mach 1.2. If you can survive his monstrous fire spells, there is no way you can survive his hounds. He is probably the last entry in my prep book filled with strategies to take down certain individuals during my time in the secondary academy of the ivory tower. I would graduate from the secondary academy inlevel three months and become a delta rank. In terms of my spellcraft. I have mastered mental interference. I can even cast it on veteran mages without any issue. Because of this, I chose my familiar to be crows. Thanks to my ability to use a oris spell, my spell craft learning rate exploded exponentially. Now, I can do a mind split by a factor of 4. Because of this, and my ability to just scan books using understanding, I have learned a lot about spell craft. I also learned a way to cast spells I don't use often faster. I mostly learn and make spells that can help me deal with complex and specific situations, like breaking through mystic fields or dealing with other spells, spell codes, etc. Spiritual evocation and mystic engineering is my greatest strength. I can also make decent puppets and have above-average expertise in everything else. I have learned all I can from Yuuki too. He taught me how to track people down and how to find the enemy's weaknesses. I learned nearly 7 different kinds of hand-to-hand martial arts and 4 weapon-based martial arts. I also learned that Magi with more than eight spirit circuits can't use thought-modifying spells like aloris ones. That explains why I was the only one among my peers who would become a Delta class. My peers can't use aloris spells so they have to spend a lot more time to reach my level. I want to become a Gamma rank before I graduate from secondary academy. I plan to do that through making craft codes.

The last thing to do before Yuuki allows me to go on my own is to complete a few tasks with him. I am already making craft codes and spells to deal with vampires. I also want to learn some spacial interference spell. That's why I will have to get an imaginary element. I also changed my 'understanding' spell name to 'scanning'. Yuuki also told me that his family used to research how can they control the flow of time. He lost most of his family's insignia because his father getting a sealing selection.

He taught me some of the basics of Nozami family spellcraft. He didn't teach me the rest because he himself didn't know. It was taken by the Ivory tower. I can now control the flow of time inside my body. I can heal my wounds faster and also increase my physical ability, though doing it results in dizziness and my body being destroyed. Even after all that sacrifice, I would still die if I don't shut it down within 12 seconds. Nozami also told me a bit about his past. Namely, his wife and daughter.

He told me to save his daughter. I agreed to his request. He also adopted me. So, I am now

Ayato Nozami. The next three months would mostly be spent with fulfilling Yuuki's tasks.