
Hellsing: I Reincarnated as Seras Victoria

What happens when you take a guy who wants to be a vampire, loves Hellsing Ultimate, and reincarnate him into that world as Seras Victoria? Current Schedule: Once A Week On Sunday’s At 11:59PM

crazy1324 · Anime & Comics
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95 Chs

Chapter 90 - End of the War

Ten minutes before the trap was released, Katara and Sokka were on Appa looking for any sign of Aang. They were both scanning the ground but the water tribe warrior was still mumbling complaints.

"Shut up, Sokka! Focus on finding Aang!" After yelling that, she turned back to the ground.

"We wouldn't have to if Seras came with us!"

"You know why she couldn't! She stayed behind to- Wait what's that!?" She pointed behind Sokka.

He turned around to see a cave with a bright light emanating from it. Since the north is always cloudy, the light shown far.

"It must be them! Appa, go down!" Katara grabbed the reigns and yanked them.

Appa growls as he descends. During this, Aang was slowly waking up from the hit to his neck. He opens his eyes and it takes a few seconds before he realizes the situation he is in.

'What happened...? Wait, I was with Sokka and Katara when...!' He remembers and tries to move but finds out his hands are tied.

"You're awake." A rough voice was heard from his right.

He turns his head to find a ragged Zuko with bruises and some almost healed cuts. Zuko's breathing was also labored.

"Zuko!? Why are you doing this!?" Aang struggles more.

"Why? It's so I can regain my honor!" Zuko yells which made Aang pause.


"I was banished." When the prince said this, it makes Aang remember what Zhao said when he was at the temple on Crescent Island.


"Huh?" Zuko was surprised.

"Why were you banished? I remember you said that you've been searching for me for 3 years. You couldn't have been 12 or 13 when this happened."

"Heh, you're smarter than you look."


"It's because I went against my father." He rubbed his scar whiles saying this.

"You-" before he could continue, they both heard voices from the cave entrance.

"I'm telling you katara, we can't just walk in without a plan!"

"Well yelling isn't helping either! For all we know, Aang could be hurt!"

"I know, but-" a fireball flies past and hits the cave wall mere centimeters beside Sokka's head.

"Whoa!" Sokka grabbed his boomerang while Katara immediately bended two water streams around her.

They both observe as Zuko grab Aang and use him as a shield.

'I'm not in top form to begin with and with the cold....I need to play this smart.' He grimaces.

"Zuko! Give Aang back to us!" Katara yells.

"...." he stays silent making Sokka angry.

"Didn't you hear her! If not, I'll help you open up your ears." He throws his boomerang but forgot one very important aspect.

He is in a cave.

The boomerang barely flies a few meters and embeds itself into the wall between both parties. An awkward five seconds pass where Katara is embarrassed and Zuko doesn't know what to say.

"I'm....just going to wait outside..." Sokka quickly walks away.

When he's gone, Katara and Zuko stare at one another again.

"One last time, release Aang or else!"

"Heh, or else what?" He condescendingly asks back.

This made Katara angry so she makes her right palm face upward and creates a fist. The snow beneath Zuko's left foot melts into water and then encase it in ice before he can react. Aang uses this moment to get free and turns 180 before blowing out a large amount of air from his mouth, to propel him to Katara.

Zuko punches a flame against the ice around his foot and then uses it to propel a tornado of fire against both of his opponents. Aang dodged using his bending and landed at the wall between them.

Katara used her water around her arms to diffuse the flames while Aang used Sokka's boomerang to cut himself free.

'Not good! This is my last chance, it's do or die! I'm sorry Uncle!" Zuko was about to release a devastating attack when a bright light almost blinded them.

Before they could react, the ground beneath them begins to shake. None of them have ever even heard of an earthquake on ice, so they do the only logical thing they can think of. RUN!

Aang and Katara were near the entrance so they got out in time but the cave collapsed with Zuko inside. Aang stopped in his tracks when he noticed this and turned back.

"Aang! We have to go!" Katara and Sokka yell after him but the avatar only says one thing.

"We need to help him!"

"WHAT!? You want to help the person who kidnapped you!?" Sokka was incredulous while Katara was just speechless.

"I don't know why, but I feel like I need to! I can't explain it!" Aang begins to move the ice rubble but his proficiency in water bending isn't good enough.

Katara thinks back to Seras and how she already knows everything that's going to happen and decides to help aang. It takes a few seconds to find Zuko's boot and they water bend the snow to get to them.

At this point the shaking was a magnitude larger making them scared beyond belief. All four of them get on Appa and fly away. It took only a couple minutes to reach the edge of the cliff when they see an unbelievable sight they will never forget.

"My god..." Sokka was dumbstruck as his jaw fell open.

"S-Seras did th-this?" Aang was pale as he observed the thousands of men drowning to their deaths.

"..." Katara was silent but equally horrified.

The ride was silent as they went to the palace. When they arrived they saw many of the tribesmen asking for answers while Arnook was trying to pacify them.

"ENOUGH!" His yell silenced them.

"What you've all felt was the result of the Avatar's companion Miss Victoria! She set this trap a few days ago in hopes of settling this war with the least amount of our casualties!"

"...." everyone was silent after hearing this.

"Chief!" Aang's yell was filled with fear making the Chief once again realize his age.


"Was this necessary? All those people..." he shakes from the memory.

"...Aang." Arnook uses a strong tone but not harsh which made Aang look up.

"If I remember correctly, the Air Nomads are a peace loving people, right?" He nods.

"Did they ever tell you what to do if enemies came to your door to kill you?"

".....no they didn't. It wasn't even a thought when I was still at the Southern Air Temple."

"I see. Have you been there since?"

"Yes. I went there as soon as I woke up."

"What did you see?"


"It must have been awful, but allow me one more question." Aang nods once again.

"Did you see any fire nation corpses among your people?"

At this Aang remembers the many soldiers surrounding his mentor's corpse and he realizes what the chief is saying.

"Based on your expression I am assuming there were. Now tell me, Aang. does a peace loving tribe mean that you'll just let someone come in and kill your family? No! It only means you advocate for peace but when trouble comes knocking you will do anything in your power to protect your loved ones! That's all that we did today! That is all that she did."

All three of the heard this and their feelings of fear and dread were somewhat pacified. Arnook sighs tiredly as he gets a servant to send them to their room.

"I'm glad we had this talk before you saw Miss Victoria again. Her actions today have saved thousands of my people's lives and I hope your childish notions won't affect your relationship with her." He walks away after saying this.

The gang walk to their rooms but Katara decides to head to Seras' room out of worry. When she arrives at the doors she notices that they were open and peeks inside. She sees Seras lying on the couch with an extremely pale face as she is sucking from a blood pack.

Before Katara leaves, Seras speaks up.

"You can come in Katara, I'm ok." Her voice was raspy like she was sick.

"You don't sound ok. What's wrong?" The young water benders walks inside quickly and kneels by the couch to get a better look.

She notices dark circles under Seras' eyes which were bloodshot. Also, her body is trembling every now and then from exhaustion. Katara's tears begin flowing at this sight.

"....Why?" She eventually asks the weakened vampire.

"Hmm?" Seras sounds out quietly.

"Why must you keep doing this!?" She yells which makes Seras groan in pain.

"Sorry!" Katara notices this and apologizes with a whisper-yell.

"It's ok. But you seem to be under a lot of stress. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong!? You almost die at the Crescent Island, you get captured by the Fire Nation and now you look to be on death's doorstep again. Why must you put yourself in danger when you weren't even supposed to be here to begin with?" She cries hysterically at this point.

A few seconds later, Seras sits up as she feels a bit better after drinking blood. Katara looks at her through the tears to find Seras giving a sad smile.

"It's because I needed to change the outcome without disturbing the future too much."

"What does that mean?"

"Do you really want to know?" When Seras asks this, Katara feels like her life is at a major crossroads.

On one hand she can get the answers she's been wondering about for the past couple months. On the other, it feels like once she knows her entire life will be changed. A couple minutes pass before she nods.

"Very well....then let's begin with you guys arriving in the water tribe..." Seras explains the entire water tribe arc to Katara as it should have happened.

When it reached the point where Yue turns into the moon spirit she covers her mouth from shock. Seras finishes the story after that and then explains what she wanted to change.

"I've befriended Yue after I arrived here and she doesn't deserve such a fate. I have the means to heal her without the interference from the Water Spirit. However I needed the outcome of this war to be the same as last time so the future wouldn't change much." She sighs before continuing.

"Although, the more I try to keep something the same, the more it changes it seems."

Katara was silent for a While before she hugs Seras. The vampire was surprised for a little bit but returned the gesture. When they separate Katara tells her that they rescued Zuko from the cave and she asks what they should do with him.

Seras decided on talking with the banished prince for a bit before returning him to Iroh. They goto Arnook and he orders a servant to lead them to the prison. When they get there they see that Zuko is awake but seemed to have lost his soul. Like he has no goal left to seek.

"What are you two doing here?" He asks angrily.

"Hostile~." Seras smirks which makes him gnash his teeth.

The trio are silent, so Seras brings a chair out from her inventory and sits in it in front of the ice bars. Zuko was shocked but doesn't ask any questions.

"What was your plan?"


"Let's say you successfully got Aang, went back to the ship, and somehow escaped from the other 99. What was your plan?"

"....I didn't have one."

"Ooh! So you're more physical than smart. That certainly explains a few things."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Some embers leak out of his mouth.

"Exactly what you think. Do you really think that magically capturing the avatar will just let everything go back to the way it was before you were banished? How childish." She laughs condescendingly making Zuko angrier.

Before he can yell back, Seras leans forward and touches his scar. He flinches for an instant but soon regains his composure.

"This scar is far more mental than physical. Tell me young prince, do you regret the actions that have lead to it's creation?"

"What would you know!? You know nothing about me!" He pushes her hand away with his cheek.

"Seras, that's enough." Katara says in hopes Seras would stop antagonizing him.

"I'm only trying to knock some sense into the boy. He's throwing away a much better father figure than his biological one could ever match. Tell me Zuko, does you're father love you?" The question made him pause still as he tries to find a memory of Ozai saying that to him.

When he can't think of one, tears begin forming.

"Not even one, Huh? Does such a man even deserve the love you so clearly have for him?....Before I send you back with your uncle, I want you to think on a few things Zuko."

"....and what's that?" His voice was hoarse.

"Think of the people who have supported you in your darkest time. Those are the ones who deserve your love. A man who treats his children as pawns is nothing but a beast." Her eyes glow red making Zuko unconscious.

Katara watches as Seras phases through the bars and picks up the prince.

"What are you going to do with him?"

"I'm going to send him back to his uncle."

"What!? But he will still chase after us!"

"Yes, but you need to realize that he is just a child who is willing to do anything to go back home. Even if it is a home that doesn't deserve him. You should get some rest. It's been a tiring few days and we all need it." Seras phases into the ground after saying that.

Katara looked at the empty cell for a few minutes in deep thought before leaving. She heads to the room where Sokka and Aang are to see how they are holding up.

On the last remaining ship near the wall, Iroh was in the command room alone sipping tea when a dark portal appeared in front of him. At this point he has seen it a few times and wasn't that shocked.

He sees Seras holding an unconscious Zuko in her arms. Initially he thought the worst but relaxed when he saw the boy breathing in a calm rhythm. He sighs in relief before giving Seras a grateful smile.

"Thank you for bringing him here. Ever since you left I was very worried about him." He grabs Zuko and places him gently on a pillow.

Seras watches the gentle actions and feels sadness that she can't experience such a thing.

"It's not a problem. Although I don't think he'll be as grateful to me for a little while."

"Oh? You didn't say anything about what his father did, did you?"

"No. I only gave him a direction to look for. He still has to decide the route himself though." She gives a long yawn which shows her fangs to Iroh.

'Fangs? Is she not human?' He thinks but puts it off when she continues.

"Anyway, this will be goodbye for a while. Have fun playing Rummy." She waves goodbye before phasing away.

I don’t own Avatar or any of its characters. However what I do own is this version of seras and the Alternate reality she creates by being there. Yes, that’s all mine....ALL OF IT!

I feel awful about my disappearance. I’m glad nobody got angry and spammed bad reviews, but I don’t have an excuse. I lost interest in writing this as it felt like it became a job to me. I didn’t write anything because I didn’t know when I would regain interest. Good news though! I’m back.

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