
Hello my Mrs. Innocent

"My life is like Cindrella even worst then that, but i will not wait for my fairy god mother to swirl her magic wand and turn my life into a dream because dreams will broke as soon as you will wake up in reality". ------ June Ageous "True love is like ghosts, many people claims it exist, many even says they have seen it but like ghost people don't have their proper defination to prove it".-------Vicious Caesar ........................................................................... Acrencia, a world where you can find all types of supernatural beings has a strict rule "that werewolves can't fall in love with Orions" Vicious Caesar, was the ferocious werewolf king of Aphrodite gets a threat of being attack by the Amadeus kingdom decided to go their as a commoner spy up some secrets who ended up becoming June Ageous {the king s' daughter} s' servant which leads him to fall in love with her. The night when couples decided to run away king caught them. As they broke the rule they were given a unsparing punishment which took their life leaving just their bodies. ~100 years later~ They both again born destined to meet each other but in different worlds unknown from their love "will they be able to get reunited" "or this time also hate will win over love???" stay tuned to see what happens in story [Note] i am willing to take down the cover if creator wants.

DaoistXVrYsy · Teen
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29 Chs

"Emeralds eyes" *past 1*

I was cleaning her room for almost 1 hour but still there were things left to clean such as her almirah, study table ah..., why does she always mess around like this (i murmed to myself) as i looked at her room again, i rolled my sleeves up and again started my work which felt as if it s' never going to end, suddenly i got alarmed by loud slam-bang noise of the door "ah!!!, is she going to make me deaf"(i yelled unaudiably) you see werewolf have over alertive ears so even a small voice can make them startled and this girl!!! "Vicious"(she shouted) "yes my lady"(i said tried to keep my words honeyed) "keep a another set of clothes for me in dressing room"(she ordered still showing me her back) not again that girly works (i shrieked keeping my mouth shut) i went to her closet, looked right and left confusingly as what to give her, there were a lot of clothes of different colours misleadingly my hands took out a white coloured dress it looked good and would be comfortable for wearing at night i thought went to to her dressing room keeping the dress there, and came back, started to wait by laying on bed ahh.. it been a month i have been sleeping on mat i really miss my royal bed I turned my face towards the door of dressing room when i heard the sound of door opening and believe me she was beautiful as a godess her dark green eyes shone like emeralds, her wavy hairs, i could guess how much soft her skin would be beneath her white gown i gulped down hard at my own thought, but unlike other days she didn't critize my choice was something wrong with her today, "My lady"(i uttered as to gained her attention) looking at me she said "why are you laying on my bed" "uh, sorry my lady i did it unconsiciously"(i immediately said getting up from the bed) but she didn't react instead she

took out a book and started reading it while resting her back at wall, strange!! yesterday when i did just a small mistake i got a long 30 minutes lecture, how did she spared me now, was she sad?? although she was bossy, stubborn but still i didn't like that gloomy expression on her face, i went closer to her "are you sad"(i said holding her hand) which was slightly cold but yet very soft and small. I look deep into her eyes today there was no mischievousness, happiness in them, only caged tears and emotion, she shook her head in deny, and took her hand out of his grip i looked at her for while and then a plan strikr me "hey!!, do you want to go a special place"(i said with a perfect acting of being innocent) looking at my face, my puppy eyes of course she couldn't deny it ah!!, my miss innocent is so naive, i took her hand and take her close to her window "you have to jump from here" "do you want me to die while jumping from here" "i'll catch if you lose your balance"(i said rolling my eyes) "i don't trust you"(she said folding her hands to her chest) "well then do"(i said carrying her up in bridal style) "huh, leave me"(she shrieked while smacking my chest) i walked towards the window and jumped from it ordinaringly as i do it more often to exit rather using door, then i looked at my Innocent who was holding my broad chest tightly with her tiny arms while her face dugged in my chest "miss, by the way you're safe now"(i whispered in her ear making her shudder) she immediately snapped out, jumping from my embrace "i was not scared"(she said lowering her gaze) well i couldn't help but to laugh at her, her nose immediately turned red with anger when she saw me laughing, i stopped laughing trying very hard not to laugh at red nose monkey "come on let s' go"(while still grinning cheekily) "don't you dare to call me monkey"(she said pointing a finger at me) "huh, you can read minds"(i said with a shocked face) "nah!, i just guess it" and started walking,.....walking through dark forest with dim light of moon over heads was making the view of Achilles forest a little scary, i turned my head as to see how June was doing, when she found my gaze staring at her she said as whisper "can you carry me" Ah..., her voice is so melodious "why, are you scared"(i said and turned my gaze to front) "Ahhhhh!!!"(June screamed) gaining my attention to look back at her, who was sitting on ground holding her feet, i bent down and saw a piece of glass in her feet, blood continuosly flowing from it then he looked at her face, some tears were have rolled down from her tears "it will hurt a little", again i looked at her wound then slowly took out the glass piece i covered her wound with my hands and when i removed my hand the wound was already transferred to mine she took my hand and saw the same wound on my palm "this property is called Priscilla, same property our mother nature too uses she takes all the pain from the world in herself while always give happiness inside her to other"


(In the last line) here reader you may think that i shouldn't have given example as it was unnecessary but english is not my language so i don't how to describe it with words so i found it more meaningful with a example
