
Hello Mr. Deos

As a part of the last surviving members of his School after 'That Battle,' between human and incomplete mutant, Deos Blackheart. He set up a teams of expert, Zero, to help Limit Brakers to control their power and to deal with numbers of incomplete mutants that sneak into the human world during 'That Battle.' ********************************************* The sky was beautiful, with stars twinkling, that night. The moon also appreciate the night, with warm milky light. It should've been a beautiful night if not for the— "Sister, it's alright I'm here, I'm here, please don't leave me" "Shut up and listen to me! I don't have much time. You guys can only safely retreat if only we used that spell. " "B-but, Headmaster and Teachers are all gone, there's nobody that can withstand casting that spell. " "Of course! silly. we student didn't even have the chance to bapti-" (cough-co-cough) " "Sister! Are you right? " "I'm fine, don't sweat it. Just go! I will be casting it! Just go! " "Deos! let's retreat! It's getting out of our hands. " "n-no, I-" "let's go, bastard! Don't be selfish. " "You hear it, Just go! "

Daoist_Chunibyoo · Urban
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2 Chs

Prelude II: Start of the Downfall and a brief of History.

5 years later.




In a wasteland filled with bodies, a zombie like person was sitting on the ground hugging dead bodies. He was crying with grief while looking around the bodies filled with bloody claws mark and sign of gnawing marks.

Is this the hell? Who would do this madness?! Ahh, right there was a war happened here. B-but this was to much for the man's heart to take it.

–(POV: Headmaster)–

No....No.... No.....Was I wrong to bring them to battlefield? Yes! it's my fault. I was the foolish one to believed that we can simply win this. I should've known that it's not gonna be easy battle when our ace jailer Blake died first. I know that was not assassination, he was just simply crush with brute force.

So all of this was cause because of my stubbornness and selfish, hahh? If I kill that Completant I can atleast die in peace, right? Or even if I died while fighting I don't need to face my student anymore, right? Right? Yes! That's it!

"Attention! Return to the fort. And rest for a while. But be on guard they might launch surprised attack once again. Now Dismissed! "

Huh, Why is that kid left alone? Well, atleast I will talk to him for last time before doing that.

"Cadet Deos, what happen ? "

"Headmaster, is it really fair for us to bear it without any support from outside world.? I know from textbook that they weapon that can simply tame a mountain or can kill hundreds of thousands? "

Well, this secret should be level red but who cares if I didn't teach them who will? He is good at deduction, loyal, rational and clam facing unknown. Maybe he will succeed my position, if my plan is success, that's it.

"Before that I will tell you what of us before our school and some brief history," I said while looking sternly at him. "

"Before we are simply allien to the civilisation. Some were living in the wild, being Noble's or Govt. secret warriors some pretend to be witch. But unfortunately after World War 1 started, Govt. and Noble's began to capture us to torture to know how we obtain our powers, " looking at his expresion I know that he wants to ask a question so I make a pause.

"But Headmaster what are you saying? Noble? Govt.? Alien to the civilisation? Are you saying that there has been Civilians living here? Or were we living on blue planet? If yes, then why are we here? I mean can we simply live there? And I though we were witches and wizard and teachers also said we are wizard so that doesn't make sense. " Deos said while looking confusedly at me.

Haa this kid is sure good, he quickly grab the important questions but impatient as always when it come to new knowledge. Well anyway if I didn't make it back then he should be able to shoulder my responsibility, so let's pour some important things to know on him.

"Be patient, my boy. Anyway, let's continue. So after world War 1, we were pretty much like fugitive. Even if we live on the wild they'll simply destroy the forest to find one of us or merciless slaughter the whole town to captured or killed us. As time passes my master or the greatest hero Daniel the Devil, who have achieve level 89, began to gather people like us and form party to resist. After even their enthusiasm died down we simply cannot live on normally so we migrate to a sub-continent that backward in technology, which they now call China and we live like normal people with civilians but that didn't last long. "

(3rd Person POV)

"Our side has a traitor. I remember at that time I was only 10 years old. Sister Lynda was a cheerfull person that she even manage fool my master. But what nobody knows that she has a secret lover from Nihon. She trust her boyfriend so much that after the World War 2 start she leak information about China's Noble's weakness, but atlast she accidentally leak that we "Spirit Master", were living between the civilians. No! Ask after I finished." He glup down a mouthfull of saliva and continued.

"So Nihon's Nobles got this news they simply started cruelly torture civilians to get news of us and before long, hundreds of our brothers and sisters were capture before our eyes but we simply can't do nothing or else the whole would know where was we. But they become even more maniac, there torturing method also become more cruel, so much so that they get to know for sure that we all are living in China. So we started migrating everywhere and gets capture if we were not carefully. But my master has other plan. He with 10 my senior brothers and sisters and me fled to America. After settle for 2 or 3 years we work, we started assassinating the world leader and lastly we simply manipulate the military officer of US, who was incharge of nuclear weapon to launch the "Little Boy" to Hiroshima and later "Fat Boy" to Nagasaki without thinking the consequences. But the aftermath scare us so much that some of us started to have mental illness." He stared at sky trembling.

"After the war was end, a pact was sign that stated

the civilians govt. won't interfere with us and never to pursuit again but we also have to hide the fact that we have power won't be show using it to the public. But after 5 or 6 years later anomalies and incompletant appears, after a through investigation we found that they came from other dimension and there's also some that came from outside world. "

"We again made an agreement with civilians World leaders that we will solve this problem by exploring the other side but they has to give us ration for all of us. "

"So that's it! That's they didn't interfere with us and we didn't interfere them or else there's gonna be another war, as the hatred didn't died till now. " Said the Headmaster making Deos stare blankly while looking a little loss.

"Alright, ask what you want to know. "

Deos quickly compose himself and ask, " From what I understand that we come here in order to check the origins of anomalies and incompletant and also to get away from the world govt. And what's the origin of incompletant and Anomalies. Why are we call 'spirit master'? And why did teacher lied to us? "


The Headmaster sigh and replied, " The origin of anomalies....they are the resentment of people that died unjustly in the outside world. But we didn't know of incompletant Or completant. As for why we were called Spirit master it's that simple the energy is derive from Spirit energy. But this Spirit energy is so powerfull that it can turn into any energy. Every person is born with spirit energy even the ordinary people. As we get older we unknowingly consumed the spirit energy to nourished our body. Only 1 person out of 10000000 got spirit energy remnants and according to what we practice it's changes. Like to qi and mana. If a person's level is higher than 50, their original energy turns back to spirit energy and that phase is called transformation. This is all. Alrighty boy, back with your team anything other than this you learn yourself. " Said the Headmaster impatiently.

After getting the answer Deos was about to head back but he suddenly stop, looking at Headmaster who was facing his back to him and ask, "Headmaster, are you not going back?"

The Headmaster replied as he walk to the opposite way, "Go back, I've some unfinished business. If I didn't return dawn don't wait for me. "

"What are you saying, headmaster? " Deos asked looking a little confused.

Taking out his nameplate with 'Headmaster' on it, "Take this and go back, also tell the teachers that I told you the Red code and they will understand. " After that the Headmaster didn't reply he simply walk faster. Deos was chasing him first, but he went back with a heavy heart, after he couldn't see the Headmaster's shadow, thinking what Headmaster was going to do,