
Hello, Mr Li

"You're crazy. But I love you" He said to her. ** She swore to never have anything to do with Socialites again. They were all backstabbing bastards and womanizers. She also found it difficult to believe that anyone was actually going to love her for who she truly was... Well, until Muchen came into the picture. He got attracted to her the very first time he saw her two years ago. It was the first time he saw a girl looking like a gangster. She had even beat up his cousin's bodyguards in front of him. And for the first time also, he allowed someone bully his dear cousin. After cunningly have her work for him two years later, she pretended like it was their first meeting since she didn't want her employer to see her as troublesome. 'This is going to be fun' He thought. The more he knew her, the more he got curious about her. But Sara didn't want anyone to ever find out about her past. Especially Mr Li. ** "Mr Li. I think...I know you like me and I'm kind of flattered that you do. But I... I don't like you that way" Sara tried to convince Li Muchen and herself. She had to put a boundary between them now before things become more complicated. He looked at her with an unreadable expression and took a step closer to her. "Its either you don't know it yet, or you know it but you're pretending. You do like me that way" He said in a low voice. "Mister... Mister Li. You are my employer" She tried to focus as she couldn't stand his gaze. "So should I fire you?" He asked. "I didn't say that." She panicked. "What I am saying is.. is.." She stuttered "Heya is like a sister to me. Which makes you like a brother to me" Muchen moved even closer to her and smiled. "You are getting something wrong Sara Wang. I..only have...one sister" And with that said, he covered the remaining distance between them and locked his lips with hers. It was soft, it was gentle. Sara's breath stopped. So did Muchen's. He had not actually intended to do that. Sara's stomach tightened. Her heart raced. She really couldn't process what was going on right now. He pulled away slightly to gauge her reaction. Her eyes were wide open but her focus was on his face. He smiled at her and was gradually lifting his head when he felt her soft hands which had been by her side, around his neck. He was startled when he felt her pull him back towards her. This time, She initiated the kiss. Me: Probably a sisterly kiss..lol Sara Wang is never going to be Li Muchen's sister. *** NOTE: This is a light drama. No rape or too many unclear misunderstanding. It is simple and straight to the point EXTRA NOTE: THE NOVEL IS NOW COMPLETED AND WOULD BE RE-EDITED. PLEASE BEAR WITH THE MISTAKES YOU'LL FIND! The sequel is currently ongoing so add it to your library! Hello, Mr Li: The Christmas trip. https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/14776018406659805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4303567347 THANKS :-) DISCLAIMER: Cover photo isn't mine. I am willing to take it down if the owner wants me to. ♡♡

ThatAmazingGirl · Urban
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337 Chs

Factory Trouble 1

When Sara got back to the living room, there was no sign of Muchen. She sighed in relief. She had been thinking for a way to escape and go home alone. And this was a good opening. Once she gets home, she would call and apologize for leaving without informing him first because something urgent came up at home.

She moved stealthily to the door and opened it. She locked the door silently and turned to leave then, she got the scare of her life.

Muchen was resting his back on his car, observing her closely. He stifled back laughter when he saw her startled reaction. Was she trying to run from him?

"Mr...Mr Li.." She stuttered. Not knowing what to say next.

"Get in. it's already late" He said as he opened the front passenger's door for her.

She had no choice but to get in and sit there awkwardly.


They both sat quietly as the car drove down the road. Thankfully, Sara's phone rang. It was a call from her father.

"Hello! Dad, I'm already on my way" She said as soon as she took the call. She assumed he was calling her to remind her about Joreen.

"Are you close by?" Jianjun asked.

"Not really. Any problem?" She asked.

"Mr Chu was supposed to send me a parcel today. But I guess he couldn't. He asked me to come collect it this evening unfailingly. He is in the factory now. Since you are taking the same route could you drop by and take it from him? There are a lot of customers here so I can't leave right now"

"Oh! no problem. He still works at the same factory?" Sara asked. Mr Chu had been working nightshift there for several years as a security man. Whenever it was someone else's turn to watch the night, Mr Chu ends up in Jianjun's restaurant and drink to a stupor.

"Yes. You are with your personal chauffeur right? He wouldn't mind right?" Jianjun asked.

Sara didn't want to tell him that it was Mr Li who was driving her tonight. So she assured him that 'he' wouldn't mind.

"Thankfully, I'm around there. I'll be home shortly"

After hanging up, she told Muchen to pull over.

"Thank you Mr Li. You can just drop me off here. I need to do something."

He looked at the surrounding. The area was dark and deserted. How could he leave her to go there alone?

"I'll go with you. Where are you heading to?" He asked.

"You do not need to Mr Li. Thanks for dropping me. I do not wish to waste much of your time anymore"

"I'm less busy. Let's just go" Muchen said

Sara couldn't win over him and just told him to turn left and drive inside. Soon, they got to the factory.

The factory was quite dark. But they could see a ray of light sipping through from somewhere far behind. A little building nearby was also brightly lit. Sara had been here before so she knew that was the block Mr Chu slept. Sara walked carefully, with Muchen trailing behind her and knocked on the door. But no one answered. If Mr Li was around the factory, they would have seen at least a torchlight when heading here. But there was nothing. She just hoped that he wasn't drinking somewhere.

"I think Mr Chu should be behind the factory." She said, pointing at the area where rays of yellow light could be seen.

Muchen just nodded. He hadn't bothered to ask her about anything. He just wanted to lead her back home safely.

They suddenly heard someone scream. Muchen unconsciously held Sara's hand and pulled her closer to him.

"I don't think it is safe here. We should call the police" He said.

Then they heard a loud groan. "That sounds like Mr Chu"

Before he could ask anything, she already pulled her hand out of his and dashed towards the direction the sound was coming from.

Muchen totally forgot he was about calling the police and ran after her.

What is wrong with this girl?

Sara halted as soon as she got to the scene.

It was behind the factory. The headlights of several motorbikes and a dilapidated car was left on which brightened the place.

An elderly man and a younger man where both lying on the floor with a bloodied body. They were both surrounded by about 5 men who were all dressed in black with wooden clubs in their hands.

"Who are you?" One of the men, sitting on a bench, who appeared to be the leader asked.

Mr Chu raised his head to look at the person. And as soon as he saw Sara, he panicked. Why did she have to come here now?

When Sara saw Mr Chu's bloodied face, she widened her eyes in shock. She grew up to see him as an uncle. He was a few years older than Jianjun Wang but he always treated him like a brother and treated her like his daughter. She looked at the younger man and realised he was Mr Chu's teenage son, Chu Bilike, who always gambled about.

He must have gotten into trouble and dragged his father into it somehow.

"Cute banana, hurry, leave this place" Mr Chu warned.

"Sis, please save us." Bilike pleaded as he sobbed.

"Shut up you scoundrel" Mr Chu would have slapped him if he was not so weak.

Sara did not know whether to laugh or to cry. He was almost dying and still had the energy to call her cute banana?


Another coming soon.... Hold on

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