
Hellish Desires

He is a being meant to be in Hell from the very beginning. Silverstein Ashton Ivan Caestria. Crown Prince of Kingdom Caestria. Said to be the most powerful human, could destroy an entire kingdom with just a sword, kill thousands with just a flick of his long fingers. Most sought after man by all women. Alexandra Carmarthen. Daughter of the Duke of the East. Pretty fair lady. Has utmost grace and skills in sword dancing. Chosen to be the bride of the Crown Prince of Caestria. But what happens when the two finally gets married and her husband is not the human everyone thought he was? And she was just not a normal human girl aswell?

Diaval_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 23

As it was the time of evening. Silverstein decided to walk Alexandra back to her room before dinner, as they had spent the day beautifully with eachother. 

Standing before Alexandra's room door, Silverstein let go off her hand after kissing the back of her hand. "I'll see you at dinner." He smiled and said to her.

Alexandra blushed and nodded. "Thank you for today." He nodded and when he saw her enter inside and made sure the door was clicked locked. He left her room. 

His room was on the floor above hers. He walked fast, as though his life depended on how fast he walked back to his room. When he got to his room, he removed his robe and opened the first three buttons of his inner suit. He went inside his lavish and luxurious bathroom. It was a contrast to what his room looked like.