
Hellish Desires

He is a being meant to be in Hell from the very beginning. Silverstein Ashton Ivan Caestria. Crown Prince of Kingdom Caestria. Said to be the most powerful human, could destroy an entire kingdom with just a sword, kill thousands with just a flick of his long fingers. Most sought after man by all women. Alexandra Carmarthen. Daughter of the Duke of the East. Pretty fair lady. Has utmost grace and skills in sword dancing. Chosen to be the bride of the Crown Prince of Caestria. But what happens when the two finally gets married and her husband is not the human everyone thought he was? And she was just not a normal human girl aswell?

Diaval_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 10

It was the time of evening that the Ladies retired for the day. Kiara, even though on edge, still enjoyed the time she had with the girls.

The Duchesses and their daughters were given different rooms. Of course, they had hundreds of rooms in the king's castle.

Alexandra took off her clothes and shoes. All jewelries and accessories, left with only her petticoat on. She walked to the room's door to make sure it was locked, after that, she walked into the bathroom.

The bathroom was large. Larger than hers in her father's house. The bathroom owned a toilet, a floor to ceiling mirror on the left side of the bathroom wall. Tiled floor. And there was the bathtub. It was bigger than both her parent's in their mansion. It was embedded with marble beads at the rim and the inside was already filled with lukewarm water. She couldn't wait to enter inside and relax. And just as the thought came, she finally took off the last piece of garment on her body and slowly entered inside the bathtub that could hold two more people.

"Ah this is so nice." It wasn't that Alexandra was short. She was rather average, the bathroom was just too large. She slowly dipped herself inside till it was only her face that was showing on the surface. She closed her eyes and different kinds of thought on how the carnival would be, filled her mind. "But... What if he actually chooses me? Of course it's going to benefit me, the royal title... everything is, but am I ready?" She asked herself. It was another habit of Alexandra to always speak to herself, whether or not anyone was around. "Mama and papa would be so happy. Their happy smiles is all I need." Even though somewhere at the back of Alexandra's mind was screaming that she wouldn't be the chosen bride. "Well what's there? There are a lot more handsome and eligible men in Ylzia. It wouldn't be much of my loss." She shrugged, still dipped inside the water. The environment right then was serene for Alexandra. It was what she needed.

After Alexandra's long bath, which must've taken up to an hour, ended. She changed into her nightwear. Closed the windows and went to the big bed. But then she didn't just sleep yet. After thinking God-knows-what, she finally fell asleep.


The next morning. The loud sound of trumpets. Drums, citizens and villagers screaming and shouting, jolted Alexandra from her sleep. The noise was too much she felt like screaming but a second later, the realisation hit her. She scrambled from the bed and to her window. Although her window wasn't facing the roadside, it was facing the other side where she could see tons of children and parents, throwing flowers and she could tell it was for the Crown Prince.

Alexandra ran to her bathroom, after cleaning her teeth and having her bath, she changed into something red, presentable to the Royals. After she was done, she sat on her bed to calm her running nerves, she heard a knock and then the door opened to reveal the two maids that were assigned to her.

When they saw she was already dressed, they were surprised.

"Ah, my bad. I usually dress by myself but you can help with my hair." Even back in her father's mansion was the same. She'd usually wake and dress herself before the maids even came. It was around the age of fifteen she learnt to do things on her own without needing people's help.

She sat before the vanity table, looking from the mirror what the maids were doing with her hair.

The maids liked the texture of Alexandra's long orange hair that was wavy at the end. They combed through it with ease and didn't want to stop. "Should I pack it in a ponytail or a different style?" One of the maids asked.

Alexandra looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was one with ponytail. It was either she let her hair free or she did with a pony, but then something inside her was telling her to make a change and then she said; "Any style that'll make me look pretty." She smiled, looking at them through the mirror.


After some minutes. The maids were done with Alexandra's hair.

Alexandra looked at her reflection through the mirror. The way the maids styled her hair made her look very beautiful. They braided the two sides and packed it in a round bun behind. They used pins and other hair accessories on her ginger hair and she smiled.

"It's really beautiful. I like it." She stood up and faced the maids.

"We're glad that you like the style, My Lady." One of the maids, Jemima, said as she smiled looking at their handiwork.

"We put the accessories because the prince has returned from war. If it's too much, don't hesitate to take them off." The second maid, Cynthia, said.

Alexandra only smiled because she didn't mind the pins. She liked them instead.


King Aaron, Queen Selina and the four dukes with their wives and daughters stood outside the Royal castle of Caestria. They all stood looking at the huge gate awaiting a certain someone's presence.

The Queen and King were given a throne chair each to sit, and then they heard the loud horning of a trumpet and the huge gate of the Castle Caestria was pulled open by the two gatemen on each sides.

"Welcome Crown Prince SILVERSTEIN ASHTON IVAN CAESTRIA back from war!!!"