
Hellish Angel

In the quiet town of Bordania, where mundane routines blend seamlessly with the ordinary, an extraordinary secret lies dormant. The MC, nameless and unassuming, is the product of forbidden love—an angel’s ethereal grace entwined with a demon general’s dark allure. His existence remains veiled, hidden from both celestial factions. But when an accident triggers dormant powers, the fragile balance shatters. Angels descend, their wings like shards of moonlight, determined to reclaim their lost kin. Demons, sinewy and relentless, surge forth, drawn by the scent of celestial blood. The MC’s sheltered life unravels. His mother’s whispered lullabies now echo with cryptic warnings. The mirror reflects eyes that flicker between heaven and hell. As the MC grapples with newfound abilities—summoning storms, bending shadows—he discovers allies in unlikely places. A rogue demon with a penchant for riddles. An angelic healer who questions her loyalty. And a mortal friend who unwittingly straddles realms. Caught in a cosmic tug-of-war, the MC must protect his beloved ones—the quirky neighbor, the stray cat that curls on his windowsill, the girl who sells flowers at the market. Each choice ripples across dimensions. Survival demands sacrifice, and love becomes a battlefield. In Bordania’s cobblestone streets, the war rages. The MC’s wings unfurl—a mosaic of light and shadow—as he soars toward destiny. But which side will claim him? And can a hybrid find redemption when the heavens themselves collide?”

Rowan_Nel · War
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Awakening

Paul found himself hiding behind a some roses as he analyzed the situation in the shop. He could hear the gunman threatening Gabriella to give him more cash and she won't be receiving any help soon.

Paul looked around for a weapon and saw a flower pot filled with dirt. He checked on the gunman and quietly took his shoes off. On his socks, Paul grabbed the flower pot and made his way to the gunman.

As he got closer he started accelerating and drove the flower pot into the back of the gunman's head. The gunman collapsed on the ground and Paul could hear Gabriella gasping for air.

Paul tells her it's going to be alright and pulls out his phone to call the police. He quickly asks for some help and provide the police with his personal information and their location and just as he was wrapping up the call, a sound rang out.


Paul looked at the place the sound came from and saw the gunman pointing a small pistol at him. He looked down at his clothes but didn't see any wound until he heard Gabriella collapsing behind him.

He looked at Gabriella's chest and saw blood pouring out of the wound. Blood was also running down the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were locked onto Paul and all he could do was stare at her. His mind was frozen with no idea what to do.

Gabriella coughed and a huge amount of blood shot out of her mouth. She kept staring at Paul and then she said one sentence, "I'm scared."

Something surged in Paul's mind. "Do you want to save her?" a voice rang out. "I can help you, all you have to say is yes."

"Yes," Paul said and his right eye turned completely white as light emitted from it. His back started aching as he felt something moving behind him. It felt like an extra arm and as he tried moving it, a gust of wind appeared out of nowhere.

He looked at Gabriella and held his hand out to her. For some reason he knew exactly what to do. A small ball of light floated into her mouth and soon light emitted from her eyes, nose and mouth.


Something hit Paul in the back. He looked to the back and saw the gunman on his feet pointing his pistol at him. Another energy moved through Paul's body but this energy felt weird and he couldn't help a sense of anger building in him.

Paul trying calming the energy but suddenly, a pain shot through his head. He could feel something piercing his forehead. It felt like something was growing out of his head, the pain was far worse than before.

Just as Paul thought the pain couldn't get any worse his back started aching again but this time it was way worse. Paul couldn't take the pain anymore and he lost conscious.

Unfortunately, he wasn't alone in his current body and his left eye turned completely black. Paul had half an angel halo on the left side of his head and a horn that looked dark on the right side of his forehead.

Two wings were flapping behind Paul the left one was white with feathers and the right one was dark with scaly skin and horns here and there. His left eye was completely white and his right eye completely black.

The gunman looked at Paul and threw the gun at him before making a beeline for the entrance. Paul's body looked at the gunman and disappeared. He appeared before the gunman and grabbed his head.

He lifted the gunman up before smashing him headfirst into the floor. He saw that the gunman was unconscious and looked at Gabriella. The glowing stopped and her breathing stabilized. She was unconscious as well but if it wasn't for the hole in her shirt, nobody would say she got shot.

*Whoop whoop*

The sound of the police approaching reached Paul's ears and he looked at his surroundings, there wasn't much destruction so he kicked his shadow and it made a dark circle around him.

"Let's get this body somewhere safe," Paul's body sank into his shadow.

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