
Hellbound Loverboy

Once every Millennia a strange affliction is spread across Hell where only the sinners of lust are effected. Once it's over the denizens usually go back to their lives but this time around Charlie wants to celebrate the passing of the vicious week-long cycle but she'll need help. Unfortunately Alastor is too busy avoiding the "events" of the cycle so she ends up enlisting the help of a mysterious blue deer demoness coordinator who shockingly looks a lot like Alastor. Who is this lady and will she be able to make Charlie's vision a success while also fighting off a very...frisky Radio Demon?

AnjieKun · Others
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18 Chs

Chapter 9: What does he Want?

Later that Evening...

After Husk finally sobered up Brisk was able to start on dinner. She made some steamed vegitables, mashed potatoes and a meatloaf. The latter had been in the oven for about half an hour now and so far everything else was coming along nicely. She sprinkled in some various spices and herbs into the pot as she stirred it some more then covered the top to let it simmer. The cat then put aside her ladle before putting on some mitts and opening the oven door.

She carefully pulled out the meatloaf while Vaggie sat nearby on the counter. She watched the chimeress cook with interest while Allison was standing by the fridge, cataloging and checking off the recently finished desserts. All of the confections were done and accounted for and after today Angel and Niffty would be cooking the food.

While Allison finished going over the list the moth continued watching Brisk cook. She was use to observing Alastor while he cooked but she only watched him out of distrust in case he tried to poison everyone or used some poor bastard for his recipes. She however believed Briskette wouldn't break her promise to Allison and add anything extra to the food. So the chica only observed out of anticipation to eat. "Is it ready yet?" She asked. "Hold on..." The cat said as she stuck a meat thermometer into the main course. With a satisfied smile she proclaimed. "Okay it's ready!" Vaggie sighed with relief before sliding off the counter. "Finally. I wonder if Charlie and Niffty know yet." She said to herself. The blue doe snapped her fingers and made the clipboard disappear before walking over to help Brisk with serving the food.

As she helped fill the plates she contemplated how she was going to get out of eating with everyone. It would be unorthodox if she ate two dinners in one night but she couldn't just say she wasn't hungry. Brisk looked over and noticed her friend was still looking a bit upset. "Allie do you want the first piece of meatloaf?" She offered hoping that the taller woman would feel better being given the best piece of the main meal. Allison struggled to give a response as her friend held out the plate to her. "I-I..." She said before a loud voice butted into the fray. "Hello my dears! What seems to be on the menu for us tonight?" Alastor questioned as he emerged from a shadow and pulled Allison close to his body.

The doe looked down in fear hoping that the demon wouldn't do anything reckless. "We're having mashed potatoes, veggies and..." Brisk was unable to continue as Alastor interupted her. "How drawl! I'm afraid I'll have other plans for dinner tonight!" He exclaimed before pulling away from the blue lady his arm lingering a bit as it slowly uncoiled from around her waist. A shiver went down Allison's back at the touch it was uncomfortable and tantilizing all at the same time.

"Have a lovely evening ladies!" The radio demon called as he made his way out of the kitchen. "Weird-ass creep." Vaggie mummbled. Brisk tilted her head silently with wide expressive eyes as she said in her usual cheery tone. "I don't like him." She stated much to Vaggie's agreement. "That's probably the most sense you've made since you got here." The moth said. Soon Brisk felt like something was amiss as she looked around in confusion. "Wait where did Allison go?" She asked. The shortest demoness also looked around finding that the doe woman was gone.


Outside the kitchen Husk sat at the bar where everyone would soon be eating. He rubbed his face but not just because of his hangover it was because of his burning embarrassment from waking up face-planted between Briskette's boobs-- her fucking boobs! Why did it have to be her? God he wanted to crawl under the booth and die a second time if it meant escaping enternal shame. "Hey Husky♡~!" Called the obnoxious voice of Angel Dust as he walked into the bar. "Get lost Jackass." The cat grumbled in annoyance as he tried to ignore the idiot spider. "Calm down Puss'n Shit! What's got your asshole pegged?" He asked.

Husk looked away with a low growl like hell he was telling this piece of shit anything about what happened between him and Brisk. "Fuck off." He said. "Jeez okay? Anyway you seen hide or hair of Charlie or Nif? I hadn't seen 'em since earlier." The spider asked as he took out a cigarette. The chimera sneered in disdain at the mention of the two pests who got him all flustered over Brisk in the first place. "Nope and I don't care." He stated while resting his chin on his folded arms. "Good evening gentlemen!" Called an extravagantly loud voice from a few feet away. Husk ignored the cheery greeting and instead focused on the fact that Alastor wasn't going to sit down for dinner. "Where the fuck are you going?" Husk questioned as the deer walked by toward the elevators. "I won't be dinning with you all tonight! I have other arrangements to attend to." He said ominously. "Oh~! Hot date?" Angel asked suggestively. Alastor just gave a smirk and a half lidded glance before walking off down the hall humming a tune to himself.

The two demons shared a glance with each other a little stunned and confused. "What was that all about?" Angel questioned. Before either of them could even guess an answer the kitchen door opened as Vaggie and Briskette walked out holding everyone's plates full of food. "Alright everyone dinner is served!" The chimeress called out happily as she trotted over ready to despense the steaming dishes to the pair of males.

"Finally!" The tallest of the group cheered. However the shortest slapped the spider's hand away as he reached for a plate. "Wait until it's been handed to you estúpido!" She scolded then handed the striped whore a hot plate filled with decently sized portions of steamy delicious looking food.

Brisk also placed one in front of an almost nervous looking Husk as he turned his head away from her, blushing slightly. "Enjoy Husker!" She chimed as she poked the conflicted cat's heart-shaped nose playfully. The old man didn't look angry and grumpy like usual instead his brows were furrowed worrisomely like he was slightly afraid of the peppy woman. Why would he be? Maybe because every time she was around the chimera he'd be reminded of how his face was peacefully nestled in her chest and even though he could care less about what Brisk thought of him he couldn't help but feel like she was secretly judging him harshly for unconsciously being a pervert.

Angel observed the cat's reaction then laughed. "Holy shit did you two fuck?" All the composure Husk held fell away when that question was asked. The cat pounced and began beating the ever-loving shit out of the slutty arachnid. Vaggie yelled at the two to knock it off but it was no use. Brisk just watched the whole thing with worry but not for the two fighting demons. She was worried for her dear blue friend who seemed to have gone Awall.


Meanwhile a hotel room door was opened as the muffled sound of boots clunked against hard carpeted floors. She shuffled into the room somberly from blue heel and toed shoes to flattened ear-like hair tufts, Allison drooped miserably like an innocent inmate on deathrow staggering toward their end. It was already dinner time but she would not be eating with everyone else. The doe was going to use the hour set for everyone else's meal to get ready for her "date" with Alastor- yes a date with the bloody Radio Demon. It was a nightmare come true.

She closed her door promptly before leaning against it rubbing a hand against her face exhaustedly sighing in defeat. There was no backing out now. The hour was upon her and now she had to prepare. After pushing herself off the door then trudged further into the room. With the flick of her finger Allison lit up the room with the light of the descent sized chandelier that centered her domain.

Her eyes widened at the sight of her papers from her work drawers scattered haphazardly all around her floor as though they'd been ransacked. Who would be looking through her stuff? Why would anyone look through her stuff? She owned nothing of value so what would anyone hope to steel from her? With a disinterested hum and a shrug of her shoulders the doe turned toward her make-up station to look at herself in the vanity mirror. The vanity itself was a modest size; the dresser had a few items like a hair brush, a perfume bottle, a compact of powder, an eye-glass cleaner and some liquid eyeliner. Allison barely owned any make-up, she has only ever dolled up for the events she throws and even then she hardly does as much as pat some powder on her face and spritz on some perfume.

She intended to do the same now since it was mearly a dinner date with death. She slowly removed her jacket, then placed it on the coat rack that was next to her station. She then looked at herself in the mirror feeling a bit rundown. Between all the planning and proplems and now Alastor it was becoming a lot to deal with, Just one pile of stress on top of another. She just hoped that what ever happened tonight she'd be able to survive the deer demon and her shot nerves.

The doe then walked over to her wardrobe opening it to reveal a great variety of blue pinstripe jackets and fishtail skirts. She didn't exactly own any other clothes but Alastor told her to "wear something nice" it didn't seem too serious but she wouldn't want to upset him if he was actually was. She wondered what to do until she got the idea to alter the clothes she did have. She used her magic to untuck her blouse then she changed it into a simple form fitting sleeveless dress with a slit in the front. She also altered her deep blue skirt and changed it into a pencil skirt-like slip which peeked out from under the wavy knee length slit.

Finally she manifested some simple blue high heeled shoes to match, then magically bunched her hair into a neat bun, which completed her look perfectly. She looked like a lady elegantly dressed for a night on the town, even if she was only having dinner behind closed doors. She may have dreaded being in the radio host's presence again but she had to admit it was nice to dress up for something fancy. It had been a long time in both her lifetimes since she's done anything leisurous.

Her work could be time consuming and she hated doing a lot of interacting with other demons but thinking of this as a break of some sort helped her get over how dangerous it really was. Pleased with the result of her progress she sat at the vanity to work on her makeup, which included powder, lipstick, eyeliner and perfume. Allison usually hated lipstick and how it would smear if she drank anything but she decided to apply just a little noir color onto her bottom lip anyway --no use half assing it at this point, blush was unnecessary because she was prone to producing a natural one. Her eyelids didn't require much attention due to her defult demon form already having dark blue colored eyelids so there was no need for eyeshadow however she would put on some eyeliner.

After tracing the black liquid on her eyelids she secured the brush within its confines and set it down before proceeding to apply her sweet mint scented perfume. It was a stong fragrance mixed with a little water to keep it from being too over bearing. Allison streched her hold of the bottle away at her arms' length then sqeezed the nozzle spritzing the perfume three times onto her exposed neck. She deeply wondered if the scent would possibly put the red demon off then perhaps he'd cut the meal short and she would be safe to leave.

The doe looked at her reflection before sighing. "That's unlikely he would possibly just kill me on the spot for offending his senses." She said to herself quietly. She then decided to add some accessories such as a little twenties style hat and her light blue necktie with a blue gem which she was now wearing as a form of choker as she tied it around her skinny neck. She looked at herself in the vanity mirror from head to chest turning her head slighty every which way to make sure she appeared decent enough to please the overlord she was meant to dine with.

After a deep breath and some more mental preparation the doe manifested a simple blue handbag then walked toward her door and toward her potential doom.


Alastor hummed happily as he straightened his neck tie in front of the mirror on his wall. The front of his hair was slicked back making him look extremely attractive as his monocle gleamed in the dim candle light of his lavish hotel room and his jacket was removed leaving him in only his bright red dress shirt which now donned white pinstripes, black pants and black shoes. A small table for two sat in the dining area decorated with a vase of roses and two shiny empty plates settled between the forks and knives.

Old timey jazz music played from a radio in the background and the room was faintly lit by a few red candles around the sitting area and one was placed in the center of the small but decent sized table. Everything was presented beautifully and Alastor could hardly wait any longer for his guest to arrive. He didn't dare show it- not even to himself- but he was a little nervous that Allison wouldn't come after all. By this time it was nearly past dinner time for the staff. Soon everyone would be heading off to bed. He didn't know why he cared so much. If he really wanted to see her and she failed to show up, he would've just gone to her himself but deep down he hoped she'd decide to join him as per agreement. As much as the demon loved to strike fear into others, he couldn't help the ever fluctuating feelings between excitement and guilt when he'd scare the innocent little doe.

When he danced with her and drank with her he relished in her discomfort but when they spoke of their potential to become friends he was slightly hurt by her admitting to being afraid of him. This bout of confusion within the wendigo was becoming a hinderance to his entire persona. He was veiwed as a merciless psychotic killer, a mysterious force with boundless power and a hunger for demon flesh. Now he was quite likely slowly becoming an absolute loverboy for the cool-colored miss. Ever since he first talked to Allison he's been in a constant state of love and hate for her. He enjoyed her company and he applauded her skills as a coordinator. In fact it just made him more interested when she undid his mess in the bar and café but he also wanted to watch her progress crumble into pieces. Whatever he truly wanted with his second player in this twisted game he did know. However he was sure that whatever his true desires were, he'd be sure to expressed it in his own threatening Radio Demon way.

She was his opposite in nearly every way after all and we all know how opposites attract one another. Once the deer finished fixing his tie he snapped his fingers making two cloches manifest onto the plates with hot food underneath them. He had prepared it long before Brisk even started on everyone else's dinner back in his room and had kept the meals warm ever since. It was almost time to begin dinning. He continued smiling as he wondered if Allison would be fashionably late or...


Alastor looked up with relief as he smoothed back his hair and made his way toward the door.

Outside Allison was a nervous wreck. Her forehead and palms were sweating like she was in a sauna and her knees felt weak. What if he disliked how she dressed and killed her? What if she put on too much perfume? What would she do if she didn't like his cooking? So many "what-ifs" this was not good for her wellbeing. She quickly decided to look through her small handbag to make sure she had what she needed; small spray-can of holy water, a switch blade, a stun gun...she meantally checked off all these items and more in her purse not realizing that Alastor had opened the door. The deer looked brash and confident until he took one look at the back of the blue clad woman before him then shut the door loudly causing the doe to jump with a start.

Alastor exhaled shakily as he processed what had laid before him; a pure vision of perfection. He told her to wear something nice but he would've never guessed she'd wear something so simple yet so elegant and sleek. Not to mention the style of the woman's clothes. It was like he had been thrown back into his own time period it was a bit nostalgic. For a moment he had nearly forgotten that the doe had died during the same era as himself.

The deer took a deep breath then straightened himself up before reopening the door. Allison stared at the door in shock. The deer just slammed the door on her though it wasn't anything new to her. Instead of feeling offended she was actually a bit confused. "Huh." She said to herself. 'Maybe the perfume worked.' She thought before she heard the door open again this time more slow and eloquently.

There stood Alastor again in an undressed state as his jacket was removed but now he was wearing a different shirt and pants, his bangs were slicked back and tied with his bobcut into a small ponytail, while the sides of his hair framed his already angular face. "My apologies dearest I was not expecting you to look so enthrawling." He said honestly as he observed the lady more calmly. Her dress was silky, bright blue in color, sleeveless with a low V-neckline exposing a bit of cleavage and was wavy at the bottom reaching just past her knees showing off her thin light grey legs. She also had on blue heels, her hair was tied back into an elegant bun, her make up was light and flawless and she accessorized with a lovely hat and her bowtie was now a simple choker.

She looked absolutle breathtaking in his eyes. Allison blushed as she held her head down submissively and darted her eyes away from the taller man. "Th-thank you. Y-you look v-very handsome yourself." She said trying not to sound too nervous as the demon eyed her hungrily.


All the while Charlie and Niffty were walking quickly down the hallway of the top floor carrying various rolls of papers and notebooks. They all consisted of hearts and stick drawings of their plans to successfully get their coworkers together with their respective counterparts, they even missed dinner just to plan everything. While Angel and Husk just wanted to win their prizes, the girls were eager to see the radio demon and coordinator together. Real honest love was extremely hard to come by in Hell and if Charlie ever sensed even a hint of it she was bound to begin scheming to make it flourish and Niffty obviously felt the same way but a more fan-gurlish way. "Maybe we could try a love potion!" The little cyclops suggested happily.

"I dunno. I kind of want them to get together a little on their own. It's not real if they're under an influence." Charlie responded thoughtfully. Niffty nodded as she walked beside the princess helping to carry the papers they wrote their ideas on. "That's true...huh who's that?" Niffty questioned as she looked on. The royal looked up to see what the shorter demoness was talking about finding a sight that briefly looked like Allison being invited into Alastor's hotel room by the well dressed spirit himself.

Upon seeing the door close the girls' jaws and supplies dropped in shock and disbelief.


Looking around the room again Allison was impressed by how Alastor set up everything. The first thing she noticed was the table in the middle of the room it had all the fixings for a fancy romantic dinner: candles, covered food, roses, the whole nine. This made her worry a little as she wondered, why this was all set up to be so lavishly intimate when the deer hated her. As the blue eyes of the doe stared in shock Alastor wrapped his fingers around the lady's exposed shoulders and spoke to her in a low whisper. "I see you're speechless dearest. I hope everything is to your satisfaction."

He then lead her toward the spread then sat her down before snapping his fingers, making the lids disappear and revealed two plates of steaming hot jambalaya. Allison was surprised. She was expecting a severed limb of a demon or a bloody organ but instead she was greeted by a fairly delicious looking meal. "Oh my...d-did you m-make this yours-self?" She asked. Alastor leaned in behind the demoness to answer. "I most certainly did my dear just for you." He whispered lowly. Not wanting to seem ungrateful Allison took a spoon full of the rice and sausage and ate. The aroma of the dish was very promising she didn't know what to expect but what she didn't expect was for the food to taste so good. "Wow this is delicious!" Allison exclaimed. With a chuckle Alastor loomed over the doe with silent elation as he said to her. "I'm glad you enjoy it dearest." He suddenly appeared in his seat on the other side of the table, then used his magic to levitate a bottle of white wine and filled his and the doe's glasses before eating his own plate of food with satisfaction.

Allison sipped her newly poured drink while staring at the deer with a little more ease. He was so calm and charming despite his reputation, she felt the urge to know more about Alastor so she decided to quell the silence by making a little small talk. "I have to ask..." Alastor paused his eating to address the doe. "Are you from Louisiana? I've heard this kind of food is considered a delicacy there." She questioned. Alastor beamed as he answered. "How observant of you my dear. Yes, I hail from the very heart of New Orleans herself." He gloated. "So you've always known how to cook?" Allison asked before sipping her wine some more.

"With the guidance of my dear mother yes." He answered. This statement got the lady more interested. "What was she like? O-of course y-you don't have t-to if y-you..." The radio host just chuckled amusedly at the doe's flustered ramblings. "It's quite alright dearest...my mother was quite the gal. She had a few screws loose but she was hardly ever seen without a smile." He described happily. Allison put down her glass in genuine interest. "Is she in heaven?" She asked. Surly a woman who was so kind and well loved must've gone to a good place. Alastor just laughed. "Hahaha! No, I'm afraid not my father was quite the brute which caused her to become a tad unhinged. She may have been a kind soul to me and many others but she wasn't entirely innocent. Where do you suppose my exquisite tastes comes from?" He answered making Allison surprised.

She then eyed her food with fear before Alastor reassured her. "Not to worry dearest it's nobody you knew it's merely venison." The doe was still hesitant. After all she was a deer demon. Wouldn't it still be considered cannibalism? She sipped her wine again quietly until the demon decided to speak. "So darling while we're on the subject, what was your mother like?" Allison's eyes shot open before they lowered she then answered simply and coldly. "Vain." She responded. "My mother only cared about perserving her looks. The only reason she had me was so she could raise me to become a sacrifice." She explained somberly while Alastor listened intently. "I suppose it worked to some degree but I have no idea if she ever got what she wanted but frankly, I don't really care." She finished on a grim note her face scrunched into an angered scowl before it fell suddenly. She gasped and covered her mouth in surprise at how cruel she sounded. "Oh dear! I-I didn't mean to seem so harsh." Alastor just reached his hand over and touched his guest's free hand and smiled genuinely at her. "No worries darling you have every right to be crossed with that woman. No matter what you were taught you're free to your feelings as you should be." He said comfortingly as he looked to the doe with caring eyes. She stared back in astonishment no one except Briskette had ever said such a thing like that to her before. She blushed as a tiny smile crept up on her lips. Alastor was suprised by the faint grin as he watched her lips turn up ever so slightly. This was the second time now that he saw a smile on the woman's face. Those warm tingling feeling from before resurfaced vigorously making him freeze like a deer in headlights. Allison noticed his strange subtle behavior and asked with a now conserned look on her face. "Are you okay?" She questioned. The demon soon realized how peculiar he was acting and promptly fought it off before standing up from his seat. "I believe it's time for dessert!" He proclaimed as he then snapped his fingers which manifested a spread of different Louisiana styled desserts. Cakes, pies, bread pudding, even pralines were plated all over the small table. Allison was a tad intimidated by the large amount of sweets but she was also excited as she was very partial to pastries and there were so many to choose from. After a little hesitation she finally gave in and started eating while Alastor watch in silent amusment.


Vaggie was currently looking up and down nearly every floor of the hotel trying to find her mysteriously absent girlfriend and housekeeper. They never showed up for dinner and the moth was certain that they were both up to something crazy. Charlie had been acting really weird ever since she saw the deer and doe demons dancing together. Whatever she was planning the moth just knew it wasn't gonna end well.

"Urgh! Charlie where are you..." *shwup!shwup!shwup!*- "What the hell?" The worried Latina's musings were interupted by strange sounds. She turned toward the general direction of the noises and gasped at the sight of someone walking up past the window outside. Vaggie rushed over and threw open the window turning at an angle to look up finding Niffty and her girlfriend scaling the building with fucking suction cups! "Charlie what the actual hell?" She screamed.

"Oh hey Vags!" Charlie greeted nervously as she looked down toward the scary face of her partner. She looked like a kid who got caught stealing a cookie. "Why?" Vaggie asked not needing to elaborate on what she was refering to. "I think Alastor and Allison are on a date!" She said in a justified tone. The exasperated moth was not amused as she just shook her head and sighed. "Hon that's ridiculous Alastor doesn't even like Allison and she's scared to death of the guy. Just come down from there!" She demanded but the princess was not detered from her mission. "No way there's a connection between those two and I'm gonna prove it!" She declared. "By spying on them?" Vaggie questioned furiously.

"Exactly! Come on Niffty." With that the young royal continued spider crawling up the wall. "God damn it Charlie! Niffty come down from there!" The moth yelled. "Sorry Vaggie we can't go down we can only go up!" Replied the little cyclops before she followed the blonde upward. Vaggie groaned to herself like a vexed caregiver. She was getting really sick of these antics. "You can't use suction cups on brick you goofs you're gonna..." *AAAAAAAH!*-*BAM* the girls suddenly fell from the wall as predicted luckily the impact was cushioned by the trash bin below them. "...fall." *sighs* "why me?" Vaggie asked herself as she facepalmed and shook her head.

Just then her thoughts were interupted by the sound of sticks against solid ground. She looked up again in shocked as Charlie was walking on freakishly tall stilts with Niffty on her back both battered and bruised but still smiling triumphantly. Vaggie was speechless this was crazy and where did those things even come from? "Ha! I always have a back up plan!" Charlie proclaimed before walking off toward Alastor's window. "Love never dies!" Cheered Niffty while Vaggie still watched the insane turn of events with silent disbelief. The moth then growled in annoyance. This was the last straw she needed to end this idiocy now!

She promptly pulled the window shut and stormed off toward the Radio Demon's hotel room where she would put a stop to this madness once and for all!


Back with Alastor and Allison the two were now moved to the sofa where Alastor sat next to his guest comfortably with his cheek resting on his fist as he dreamily watched his dear Allison elegantly eating her peach cobbler, cake, pudding and pralines with such gusto, it was actually quite flattering. Even with such an insatiable sweet tooth she still ate her meal ever so gracefully like a true lady. She was far too preoccupied with her treats to be bothered by the demon's intrusive gazing. It was the most delicious desserts she had ever tasted though she probably shouldn't mention that to him, his ego was swollen enough as it is. It wasn't until Alastor reached over and took hold of the doe's chin that Allison became startled. The deer tenderly turned his guest's head toward himself in order to lock eyes with her then started speaking in a low seductive tone as he read her soul thoroughly. Allison couldn't look away from the handsome man though part of her instinctively wanted to. He then caressed her full cheek with his thumb lovingly as he looked into the wide eyes of his shocked guest. "You certainly are lovely company my dearest." He said making Allison tense a bit. She timidly swallowed her food with an audible gulp trying to keep her nerves under control as the sweet flavorful contents of her bolus descended down her throat giving her one last taste of bliss before fear completely overtook her.

With a mirthful chuckle the deer eased the lady's conserns and moved himself closer to her, their bodies touching at the sides as he brought his opposite arm over the shoulder of the sofa and descreetly draped it around the doe as she stared at the deer in shock. "You're probably the most captivating creature I've ever met." He said.

Allison darted her eyes left and right trying to process the things being spoken to her. She had figured Alastor disliked her but it seemed as though she might have been wrong. "Uh...r-really? I-I don't know what to say." She said as she shyly pulled away from the man's hold but he never broke eye contact with her as he followed her retreat until she couldn't get away from him anymore. "You don't have to say a thing dearest. Neither of us do." He whispered sensually as he leaned his face into hers. The doe stared into the glowing eyes of the demon, her fear began to turn into something magnetic as she subconsciously began setting her plate of treats on her lap, while she continued trying to decipher the hidden emotions that lied behind the voodoo man's peircing orbs.

Just as Alastor was getting closer the door to the demon's room was suddenly kicked in by an angry moth demoness. The deer both looked up in shock as the Latina stomped into the room grumbling obscenities to herself making her way toward the window opposite of the door. It was left half opened to let in some air but it also made it easy for a certain pair of wackos to spy on the pair during a very intimate moment. They both stood watching the young demoness pass them without so much as an acknowledgement of their presence. This confused them as they were sure she was there to put a stop to their evening but this turned out to not be the case.

Vaggie at the moment could care less about the two being on a date, not when there was a more pressing matter to deal with. She pulled the flowing crimson curtains apart to reveal her sneaky companions watching everything from the opened window like a couple of creeps. The moth's fuse was even shorter when she saw her girlfriend was recording everything on her hellphone. "Heh-heh..." the princess chuckled nervously. As the deer awkwardly darted their eyes back and forth between each other and the two demonesses being dragged in through the window Charlie yelled out in fear for her life. "I regret nothing!" Before she and Niffty were being pulled toward the exit like two dumb sacks of potatos.

The trio soon left the room silently while Alastor and Allison followed the display with their curious gazes and differing yet similarly shocked expressions. The two deer stood in the doorway as the three continued descending toward the elevator leaving them alone again only this time the moment was no longer as sensual as it was before. Now it was just silent and awkward. "Well...that killed the mood." Alastor said as he stared off into the hallway in slight disappointment. Allison pursed her lips before looking to her desserts then mindlessly took one of her pralines between her fingers and held it up to Alastor. She hoped he'd appreciate the attempt to lighten the bizzar situation and to her surprize it did. The deer glanced over noticing the gesture. It caused him to raise a confused brow but after getting the gist of the lady's offer he happily leaned down to her level arms crossed behind his back with half lidded eyes, as she placed the treat between his teeth easing the doe's somewhat frazzled nerves. Allison feared what Vaggie would do after finding out about their date but at the moment while she and Alastor were sharing gazes neither of them really cared. They'd just have to face her wrath tomorrow, at the moment dessert wasn't over yet.

With that the hotel door was magically closed while the pair continued with their evening.

To Be Continued...