
Hellbound Loverboy

Once every Millennia a strange affliction is spread across Hell where only the sinners of lust are effected. Once it's over the denizens usually go back to their lives but this time around Charlie wants to celebrate the passing of the vicious week-long cycle but she'll need help. Unfortunately Alastor is too busy avoiding the "events" of the cycle so she ends up enlisting the help of a mysterious blue deer demoness coordinator who shockingly looks a lot like Alastor. Who is this lady and will she be able to make Charlie's vision a success while also fighting off a very...frisky Radio Demon?

AnjieKun · Others
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 6: I don't Believe this!

In the kitchen Niffty was making desserts with Briskette which was probably not the best idea but after Allison's little talk with the cat, the sweet old lady vowed to be more mindful of the girls' orders so there would not be anymore drugs of any kind in anymore sweets. "So we're just adding sugar, fruit, nutmeg and vanilla. That's it?" The chimeress asked confused by the recipes. "That's what the girls said: no drugs." Niffty said as she mixed a bowl of batter for the cupcakes. "Hmm. That doesn't sound very appealing." The cat thought aloud. "I'd just follow the list if I was you, Vaggie was pretty mad about yesterday." Niffty suggested.

Briskette thought about it then recalled how upset Allison looked when she came to her about how furious she'd made Vagatha. It made her guilty as she was only trying to make everyone happy but she must've gotten a tad carried away. To repent she promised not to share anymore of her confections and concoctions unless she made them without any "happy stuff" and to tone down her over the top wild antics. She didn't mind the request at all but it would take some getting used to. "Well alright then." She said as she sat down the recipe and tied her apron.

She was going to make some fruit tartlettes, which were easy enough. She'd made similar desserts like this in her past life all the time even in her afterlife she's made all sorts of delicious sweets. She rolled out the dough thoroughly then used the cutter to make smaller sized pieces of dough. After that she placed the pieces into the slots on the muffin tin until there was no more room. She then moved to start chopping the stawberries that would go into the tarts it was pretty simple however, it felt odd not putting anything extra into the mix. She wondered if it would even taste as good.

Brisk couldn't even remember the last time she'd made normal desserts. As she chopped the berries finely Niffty started asking questions. "So why do you put drugs in your candies and desserts anyway?" She questioned as she poured the batter into another muffin tin. The chimeress thought for a moment trying to figure out how to answer the girl's query. "Well...When someone is having a bad day they usually want to forget it and move on. My desserts can do that especially when I add my special ingredient into the mix." She answered while she put the chopped fruit into a bowl. "The ingredient helps make people even more at ease and forget their problems completely, so I like to add it in and give it to people who need it." Brisk added as she stirred the fruit.

"Wow that's really nice of you. Is that also why you use it, to forget your problems too?" Niffty asked. The cat paused in thought. She shrugged a little before answering. Briskette truly didn't know why she needed such substances she was pretty happy despite being forced to live in eternal damnation. She may not have had any family but she had Allison who was like a daughter to her and now she had new friends at the hotel [at least she considered them friends]. "Hmm...honestly I don't know." She said.

The ladies then continued baking happily blissfully unaware of the dark grinning shadow that slinked around the walls waiting for them to put the sweets in the oven so that the first round of the game could begin.


Allison was with Charlie and Vaggie going over the itinerary for the event in the princess' office. The rules and restrictions that Alastor and Allison agreed on were fair enough though Vaggie would've preferred a few more to ensure this party would go on without any fights or murder. She wanted the celebration to be perfect so Charlie would be happy but she supposed not everything was meant to go one hundred percent when it came to her idea of order in the hotel. Even so she couldn't argue with the accepted regulations so she begrudgingly approved of them.

After looking over the rules and restrictions they moved on to the activities. Most of the original ideas were a bit childish for a Lustlorne Celebration and some would need to be changed. "Okay what about the entertainment? Are we still going with Alastor's idea?" Charlie asked. Vaggie rolled her eye and sighed. "I guess it's all we've got to work with right now." She answered. "We could also get someone to perform." The royal chimed in. Allison wrote down the suggestions putting a star next to the second idea as they would have to find someone to perform or ask for suggestions. She then tapped her pencil to her face in thought. "Hmm what else..." the doe asked aloud. "Ooh! We could also have a contest!" Charlie beamed. "That could work what kind of contest?" Allison asked. Charlie bit her lips in elation as she fought to contain it.

"Okay I'm willing to switch out my pin-the-Heart-on-your-lover game idea for a Tango dancing contest!" The ladies were surprised by the mature nature of Charlie's decision. Vaggie hoped it wasn't part of some weird plot. After seeing the way she looked at Alastor and Allison in the café it unfortunately brought some suspicion. "I...suppose that could work." The coordinator said as she wrote down the last of the additions. "Great! Could you run these by Alastor as well? I want him to have a say in all this too." The blonde asked the doe. The pale grey face seemed to fall as light blue irises surrounded by deep blue sclara widened in horror. She did not want to confront the deer again not after that unnerving dance earlier.

She made a gesture holding up her index finger to decline but one look at the hopeful stars in Charlie's eyes made her stop. Allison didn't want to disappoint either of the girls and she couldn't just back out now. The doe lowered her hand slowly then sighed defeated and without any other choice. "I-I...*sigh*...alright." She stood up with her notes then begrudgingly headed toward the door. Vaggie thought they should go with her but by the time she even moved to say anything the blue woman had left the office.

The moth crossed her arms before giving her girlfriend a worried glance. "Hon are you sure it's a good idea to have Allison be anywhere near Alastor? Alone? She doesn't ever seem very comfortable around him." Vaggie asked. Charlie smiled and replied nonchalantly. "You're right..." her tone then gradually turned more excited as she bounced up from her seat. "That's why we're going to follow her!" She said before grabbing her confused mate and dragging her out after the doe.


Allison looked really depressed having to go see the Radio Demon one on one again. She was very frightened by the male. He had no respect for boundaries and his idea of entertainment was turning all hers and the girls' hard work into a disaster. She contemplated not going to him and just telling the girls that he approved but it would be very unprofessional of her and she strove for professionalism. The doe was soon at the entrance to the beast's lair.

A large red door with a gold plate on the front engraved with Alastor's name on it. Allison had been here too many times before and every time was the same; she was too timid and scared to knock right away. As the female held up a fist poised to knock on the door she paused worried that she'd be interrupting his work. Unbeknownst to Allie as she tried to find her courage to make her presence known, two little demonesses were watching from around the corner much to the shorter one's dismay. "Charlie why are we doing this?" Vaggie asked concerned for her girlfriend. "No reason just wanna see their interaction with each other." The royal said trying not to let her giddiness show. "Why?" The chica questioned. She knew how much of a hopeless romantic her girlfriend was and she only did things like this when she was playing matchmaker.

If that was the case setting Alastor and Allison up was a terrible idea. They had nothing in common, Allison was clearly terrified of the man and on top of all that, neither of them seemed interested in each other like that. If either of them had an interest in the other it'd be Alastor but his infatuation would probably be equivalent to that of a child getting a new toy for Christmas. He wanted to add her to his little game of horrors like the rest of the staff there and that was not something Vaggie would wish on anyone, especially not someone as emotionally fragile as Allison.

"Hon." The moth said in a warning tone. She wasn't convinced that there was anything too innocent about her partner's reasons for letting the two deer be alone together. "L-look I just want to help them get along better that's all! The better friends they are the better they'll work together.- now shush." The goofy manager whispered before turning her attention back toward the doe. Vaggie didn't believe any of her girlfriend's reasons for a second but at the least being here could better ensure Allison's safety if Alastor tried anything. So she too sat and waited for something to happen as the shy woman stood at the demon's door slightly fidgeting.

The poor blue demoness was not sure what to do. She didn't want to face the demon on the other side of the door but she couldn't let the girls down. She tremble and squeezed her notebook to her chest in fear as her heart rate sped up, as though her life were in danger. She finally decided against her original resolve as she turned away from the door thinking it would be better to come back later. She then stopped dead in her tracks when she heard the sound of the door creak open slowly. The doe's perked ears shivered as she turned fearfully to see the shadowed outline of the radio demon standing in the doorway. A creepy smile and holes for eyes glowed before the terrifying creature's form appeared as he leaned forward to greet the horrified woman.

"Well if it isn't my dearest Allison!" He exclaimed loudly scaring the doe enough to freeze for a moment. Her brain couldn't handle it anymore. His excessive personality was too much for her to handle at the moment. Her brain finally decided it'd be best to just shut down and save whatever was left of her sanity causing her to faint with a hand to her forehead like something out of an old drama picture.

The deer caught his associate before she could even hit the ground as he put an arm around her torso keeping her up on her feet slightly. "Now now darling let's have none of that." He then lead the almost unconscious woman into his office holding her up with one arm and holding her limp hand in the other. "Can't have you getting injured during preparations for the Celebration, can we?" He said as they walked in through the doorway before the door dramatically shut itself behind them.

Charlie and Vaggie peaked out from their hiding spot as they watched to pair go into the office and heard the ominous slam of the door. The blonde gave a wide-eyed glance as she wondered about her decision. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea." She said out loud. "Ya think?" Vaggie retorted before the girls moved to listen from the other side of the door hoping that Allison would be okay.


In the lobby the patrons watched the 666 news on the t.v. to see just how bad the cycle was getting out there. It seemed as though sinners in some places are not as safe indoors as others are it was quite unfortunate but it was what it was. Husk took a swig from his drink that Brisk made him earlier, letting the rich combination of chocolate and bourbon assault his taste buds as he tried to ignore the shit that was going down on the news.

He really didn't want to hear about how many fucking sinners got raped to death throughout Hell. He'd rather be piss-drunk or as fucked up as Angel Dust right now than have to comprehend some sick shit that went on outside the safe haven that was the Happy/Hazbin Hotel. The cat almost felt sympathetic towards the people who suffered out there. God! Fuck'n Charlie was starting to rub off on him that was the last thing he needed was to start giving a shit about others. With that thought he took another swig of his drink.

He paused when he realized something that just started bugging him. Why wasn't he all spaced out and incoherent like the spider-slut by this point? 'Weird' he thought before continuing his drinking. Just then the smell of smoke and something sweet burning wafted through the air. Husk sniffed at the strange scent before screaming was heard from the kitchen. He wasn't usually one to come running toward danger but the other staff members were all preoccupied and Angel was stoked out on more halucinaganic shit. Niffty was the one he heard screaming, so someone had to see what was up. "Fuck!" He cursed before he lept out from behind the counter and made a mad dash toward the distressed sounds.

He pushed the doors to the kitchen flinging them open finding the craziest shit he'd ever seen. "Aaaaaaah!- hi Husk!" Niffty said as she was standing on a table holding up a fork against a glob-like cake monster holding Briskette in it's tight unwavering grip and below her little fruit tartlette creatures with jagged teeth and sharp claws hopped around trying to reach her. The chimera pinched the bridge of his nose tiresomely this was the last thing he needed to deal with today. The cat then unfurled his wings and levitate his cards. It was gonna be a long fight.


Alastor used his magic to conjure up a comfy pillow and a cup of tea for Allison with snap of his finger making his office couch the doe's makeshift resting area. The blue demoness was shocked but greatful to the voodoo creature for his kindness, if of course this was kindness. "Th-thank you." She said as she accepted the cup greatfully. "Do be careful my dear its quite hot." He purred making the doe blush profusely. She hesitated drinking the balmy drink but it smelled of her favorite ginger and mint blend. She couldn't resist so she blew on it lightly and took a tenative sip.

It was just right and it helped calm her nerves a lot. Alastor took in the scent of the tea recognizing the cooling scent of mint. It reminded him of how the lady doe smelled the previous day. "So that's where your scent comes from." He said softly without thinking. "Excuse me?" The woman asked as she couldn't really hear what the dark man had said. Alastor cleared his throat and tugged at his collar a bit looking away from his guest as he responded. "N-nothing." It was strange for a moment it sounded as though he was now the one flustered.

He quickly reverted back to his usual manor and addressed the now more relaxed Ms. Blue as she stared at him with calm half-lidded blue eyes. "Anyhow what is it that I can do for you today dear?" He asked. Allison nearly forgot why she'd come to the sponsor's domain until she remembered her notes. Where were they? Oh no! She realized she'd dropped the book outside the office when she had her fainting spell. "Oh dear m-my notes...where?" The demon chuckled fondly at How frantic the doe became as she looked around her person. He waved a hand effortlessly and summoned a book from nothing then handed it to her. "I believe this is what you're looking for?" He questioned almost mirthfully making the frazzled woman look up. She noticed the book and took it into both hands before pressing it to her chest in relief. "Thank you Alastor." She said softly but it was definitely loud enough for him to hear.

For some reason hearing his name roll of her tongue being laced in her sweet gentle voice brought a pleasurable warmth to his stomach, making him grin more genuinely. The blue demoness then opened the book and pulled out the panflet for the itineraries and handed it to him. She felt her heart stop when his fingers brushed against hers making her draw her hand back to her chest as she looked away bashfully her face tinted red like the man's hair.

"Th-the girls and I w-went over the activities a-and d-decided on some changes." She stuttered out. Alastor became intrigued. He instantly materialized next to the doe leaning toward her with a smile on his face. "Oh and what did you have in mind." He questioned smoothly. Allison gasped before pushing up her glasses. "U-um... w-well Charlie suggested a T-Tango dancing competition." The sheepish female said before taking a sip of her tea.

"Why that sounds like a terrific idea my dear! I can picture the cut-throat atmosphere the depths they'd sink for the sake of winning a measly prize! Oh ho-ho! Tremendous!" He cheered following with an applause track. Allison wasn't entirely thrilled with the demon making something troublesome out of their manager's idea but she was too nervous to say anything. "Any other changes I should be aware of?" Alastor asked as he scooted closer to the doe's side. Allison was right against the arm of the couch so she couldn't move away much. "U-um...we w-were also thinking of hiring a-a singer." She answered as she turned her upper body so she could face the male.

"Really now who is it that you'll have perform?" Allison clenched her drink in thought. "W-we don't know yet..." She was suddenly cut off by loud exuberance. "FEAR NOT DEAR! I have the perfect person for the job and I'm sure she'd be happy to do it at no charge!" He said. Allison gave a small but meaningful grin. "That's wonderful!" She beamed. The furrow of her brows was as permanent as the smile on Alastor's face but she was clearly happy to hear this news. Alastor laid his ears back slightly as he stared at the woman's genuine smile. As small as it was it had an incredibly conflicting effect on him. His stomach tingled as though butterflies were fluttering around in it, and he felt beads of sweat on his forehead begin to form as he took in the admittedly lovely visage that graced his sights.

It was the first time since he'd met the doe that he was at a loss for words. It made him a tad confused and with that he moved a short distance from her on the couch and moved to undo his tie while looking away from the woman. Allison noticed how strange the demon was acting it made her a little concerned. "My it's become quite humid in here hehe- wouldn't you agree Ms. Blue?" He chuckled a bit before snapping his finger to make his jacket disappear and his sleeves roll up. Allison blushed at seeing this more casual version of the radio demon again she hid her fluster by finishing her tea before putting the cup down then moved to sit in a more comfortable position.

Alastor glanced at how his guest removed her own coat by hand. It was such an innocent action yet it seemed so aluring to him. He had never seen the lady without her blue pinstriped women's tailcoat before. Her blouse was like his shirt but it was a brighter blue than her coat and the cross was much lighter. It also puzzled him why the doe didn't ever use her abilities. With how convenient they were he figured she'd take advantage. He soon voiced his thoughts as the woman curled her legs onto the couch. "I'm curious to know why is it that you don't use your powers more often? You could get a lot more done if you did." He asked. The doe just fiddled with her fingers before answering. "I-I d-don't like using them t-too much n-not if it isn't n-necessary." The she said. The deer gave a surprised look the lady doe was seemingly almost as powerful as himself yet she chose not to indulge in her abilities unless it was for her work as a coordinator.

"Interesting." Alastor responded. There was an awkward silence that lingered in the air before Allison asked. "S-so...who exactly is this person you had in mind for the entertainment?" She asked. "She's an old friend of mine from my time being alive!" He said fondly. "I see...well I'm sure she'll be a big help." Allison retorted not knowing why she felt a little annoyed by this mysterious friend's gender. "What about you dear do you not have any friends or acquaintances down here from your time being alive?" Alastor countered the question. "N-no Briskette is my only associate but I met her down here." She answered.

"Hmm." The demon hummed thoughtfully. He remembered how Allison regaled her story of her life around his time in the 1920s-30s and how she died a few years before him. How she was raised as a conservative woman by her family only for them to sacrifice her to the Devil. It was probably why she ended up in Hell at all. Her soul was marked so by technicality this is where she had to go. In light of her upbringing it made sense that being socially isolated meant she wouldn't have a lot of friends. "Although I s-suppose I could consider Princess Charlie and Ms. Vagatha friends and-with time- everyone one else as well." She added hesitantly.

"Does that include myself?" Alastor asked nonchalantly though there was a slight touch of hopefulness in his cadence. Allison blushed again and fidgeted a bit. It was a little hard to answer the man. She was scared to death of him however this was the first time they've been able to sit and talk like normal demon's without much incident. She supposed with enough time she could become his friend. "I-I'll be h-honest...you scare me something fierce..." This comment caused Alastor's smile to lessen a bit which was a strange reaction for him. He lived to strike fear into others so why did knowing that he scared Allison make him feel so...bad?

His thoughts were soon interrupted by the doe continuing her answer. "But...you're a very decent man when you're not doing th-things to frighten me s-so I suppose you and I c-could become friends." The lady said shyly. Soon the blue doe was pulled gently into a side hug by the radio demon who cuddled her fondly as though she'd just told him something that saved his life. Allison let him hug her since he wasn't trying to hurt or intimidate her it was a little awkward but she couldn't help but like how warm he felt or the scent of cinnamon that came from him.

"Heh heh heh...I'm flattered by your offer my dearest elated even. But don't think this will stop our little game." The demon whispered in her ear. Allison bristled in strange delight at the warm breath and the vibration of the staticy radio voice that caressed her ear canal. She clenched his shirt trying to fight the strange feeling welling up in her. Alastor then emphasized his half-hearted threat by sinking his claws into the woman's upper arm it made her shiver and bite her lip in pleasure as the blood gushed from the small wounds. She's felt this many times before but she would always suppress it due to her upbringing and her work. The doe had always had a pain kink but could never let it out not even in Hell where all kinks were welcome.

Alastor could tell the woman was getting frisky and though he had little interest in sex he was very enamored by the doe's reaction to pain. He wanted to see more so he brought a claw to her bitten bottom lip. He traced it toward the corner then pressed into it until blood seeped out. "Mmm~" she quietly moaned. The deer could feel the doe tremble at the puncture it was enough to make the man purr delightfully.

Outside of the office the girls couldn't hear anything anymore. At first they were talking and getting along but then all that came after that was quieted whispers and now nothing. "Damn it I can't hear anything!" Charlie quietly whined. Suddenly their attempts to listen in on the pair was ruined by the distinct sounds of screaming and things breaking downstairs. "Shit what was that?" Vaggie yelled as she manifested her spear into her hold poised to defend against whatever was going on.

Charlie was still pressed against the door but had her head turned toward the sound in concern. Just as the girls reacted to the sounds the door to Alastor's office was swung open causing the young princess to fall. The two deer demons looked down at the blonde in confusion then Alastor looked to the moth in knowing annoyance. "For the record I advised against it." She said boredly before Charlie immediately stood up on her feet. "Something's going on downstairs!" She said trying to deter the subject. Niffty then appeared from the air vents. "Guys help we're being attacked by cake!" She pleaded to the group. All eyes darted toward Alastor accusingly while the man just smiled in sinister innocents.


The Lobby was in complete cake covered chaos as the monster pillaged the entire lounge in rage while Husk tried to fight it off. His magic cards had little effect and the thing was made of fucking cake batter there wasn't much he could do to injure the thing so evading and defending was all he could do at the moment. Keeping the creature from destroying anymore of the hotel was the main priority to him right now or else he'd never hear the end of it from Vaggie.

After dodging another flail of the monster's claw, Husker noticed the grey-furred chimeress looking really dizzy and droopy. He groaned in exasperation knowing that he'd have to save her. "God damn it!" He said as he dragged his paw down his face. He unfurled his wings again then went for the creature full force. He flew around it a bit then threw several magically charged cards at the creature's wrist causing the appendage to slough off still gripping the female cat. Husk swooped her up in his arms before the monster could retaliate with a swipe of its other razor sharp claw-like appendage.

Once the chimera were on the were on the ground the creature roared and charged after them but Husk thought fast and dodged again before it could get them. He backed up as the bright piercing red gaze of the walking glob of cake batter stared them down like a rabid bear. Husk held a weak Brisk to himself as the dripping bastard advanced on them again. The growling chimera backed up then felt his back hit something he felt its smooth surface then realized it was his bar counter.

He immediately reached back and pulled out what looked like hose. He then blasted pressurized beer at the monster causing it to recoil as though it was in pain. The heavy blast shot through the creature's arms that it used to shield itself and its chest causing it to fall to its knees then heap into a pile of runny batter as a shadowed apparition rose from the mixture of sugary ingredients and dissipated into nothing. Now all that remains was a harmless glob of vanilla flavored cake batter which pooled onto the floor as it mixed with the beer that was by this point, no longer being sprayed.

Once the cat was sure the thing was no longer responsive he put the chimeress down. She was all ruffled up and was swaying lethargically like she was ill. "You good?" The chimera asked boredly before his counterpart suddenly threw up all over the floor. "I probably shouldn't have eaten so much of that monster's hand." She said then threw up again making the male wince lazily as he brought up his bottle of cheap booze and began drinking from it. "Ugh...oh God! I think I'm detoxing. Anyway thank you for..." Briskette was cut off by Husk as he held a paw to her face. "I don't need you thank'n me for anything I. Don't. Care." He growled. The chimeress just stared with pursed lips before speaking almost offendedly. "Did my chocolate fruit shake surprise not help with your grumpitude?" She asked.

Husk became wide eyed at her response then sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "What the fuck!" Called an angry female shrill. The cats and a few patrons that weren't knocked out or injured looked up simultaneously and saw the coordinators and four Hazbins standing in the entrance to the lobby. Vaggie was wielding a spear and looking shocked at the mess, Niffty threatenigly holding out a fork and Charlie looking just as shocked as her girlfriend and Allison. Alastor however looked pleased.

The two chimera just stared at the group then darted their eyes around toward the destruction. They then looked back at the staff then pointed toward the pool of cake mixture and beer on the floor and said simultaneously. "He did it."


Angel Dust watched as a world of colors and indescribable shapes danced around him some were beautiful but others were horrifying. He couldn't decipher what was real and what wasn't. It was like everything had turned into the inside of a rainbow lava lamp and there wasn't a lot of sense to make. The spider then came across a figure sitting like a meditating Buddha but once he floated closer to it the figure turned and he saw the head of his pet pig on the body of a man. Angel squinted in sureal confusion wondering what the fuck he was looking at.

Despite how strange it was the most bizzar thing to happen was the third eye on the pig's forehead that suddenly opened releasing a blinding light that caused the demon's eyes to widen before the beam engulfed him then...

Angel shot up from his high pupils normal and his head pounding again. "Shit! What the fuck did Brisk put in that drink?" He asked himself. The pornstar then looked forward to find his beloved pet at the foot of his bed watching him intently. It made him wonder if the little porker was watching him the entire time. The pig oniked a few times while Angel just warily squinted at the swine as he made his way out of the bed.

After feeding Fat Nuggets Angel realized that it was really late in the day so he made his way out of the room and down the stairs only to be greeted by the result of a fucking cake hurricane. Cake batter covered the walls and ceilings, there were even a few folks basically drowning in it, couches and chairs were torn, the rug was a mess and poor Niffty tried frantically to clean it all herself. He also noted Vaggie yelling at Alastor accusing him of being responsible for the destruction as Charlie and Allison tried to calm the livid Latina all while Alastor smiled that shit-eating cheesy, asshole grin he always did when the moth blew up on him.

Brisk was sat at the bar poking a finger to Husk's heart-shaped nose smiling gleefully while the grumpy old cat gave her a conflicted expression before rolling his eyes and going back to setting the stools that were still intact, back up again. Angel watched as people struggled to even get up and walk while others just begged for help or death, like the poor bastard that had a large splinter of wood stuck in his chest, who reached out to the spider's boot desperately, making the diva move away in disgust.

He looked around at the disarray confused, annoyed and ignored by everyone. This was too weird and he just came down from a high where his pig was a rainbow light world guru with a third eye. "WHAT THE FUCK DID I MISS!?" The spider demon yelled in frustration attracting everyone's attention to him. Just as the whore was noticed the tartlette creatures came running in and attacking the spider. Though he was infinitely taller than them the little shits were a menace and caused Angel to sprint off and away from them while they relentlessly chased him.

Allison watched as the spider screamed and ran around avoiding bodies and debris. She couldn't believe this. She walked through the ruined lobby toward the café. It was covered in batter which instead of bringing a frown of despair, it brought a scowl of determination to her face. She swiftly turned around fists clenched tightly at her waist as she glared narrow-pupilled daggers at the smarmy radio demon. The bastard actually widened his grin. He enjoyed this; everyone's reaction to this disaster, the potential delay in their plans. It angered Allison an emotion she hasn't known for quite a while in either of her lives.

Just a few moments ago the deer were getting along, basically flirting with one another and now Alastor does this? This catastrophe had the stench of voodoo bullshit all over it and this fact infuriated the doe. Alastor stared at the woman as her dark glare penetrated him ever so harshly. The two girls were surprised and even a little frightened by the unfamiliar look in the lady's usually timid ice blue eyes.

The demon was hardly phased as his gaze grew more mirthful and dark as though he wanted this reaction from his little rival. He thought it was only a matter of time before she broke, unleashed every dark ability she possessed then once she got it all out she'd leave his property in shame and this little party would prove a failure before it even started. He waited for that inevitably delicious outburst patiently as her eyes turned into radio dials turning menacingly in her glowing sclara, but suddenly Briskette was coming out from behind her with her hand in her paw and patting it soothingly like a mother calming her child. "Calm down sweetie it's alright just take deep breaths." After that Alastor saw the demoness taking deep controlled breaths as she closed her eyes and flattened her already limp ear-like tufts flat against her head.

The chimeress continued cooing soft comforting words while the girls and Alastor watched intensely waiting for whatever was going to happen next. Allison finally found her bearings and her breathing became more controlled. She let out a final deep sigh then elegantly slipped her hand from between her friend's paws and set it on her lap while using the other to fluff her hair in a calm but frantic manor. "*siiiiigh* Thank you Briskette." She said as she straightened her ribbon tie and smoothed her skirt. The cat smiled in relief as the doe put her hands to her hips and looked at the demon unamusedly.

This was not what he anticipated even less that she would use her powers more tamely. She snapped her fingers and made the cake covered mess disappear in a flick of blue flames bringing almost everything back to the way it was before even the tartlette creatures were vanquished as little shadowy wisps were all that was left of them. If not for the still injured patrons it would've seemed as though nothing happened. The Hazbins were astonished by the instant clean-up. They all looked around relieved that the hotel was no longer in dessert-splattered ruin but they would still have to tend to the infirmed patrons.

Allison then straightened her glasses before she walked regally toward the group she'd shown up with. Her hands were folded in front of her lap, her nose was held high in the air and her eyes were closed as she briskly sauntered pass the bewildered deer demon. She opened her eyes slightly following the demon's form as she passed him and headed back toward the elevator. Charlie and Vaggie just stared after the doe then glanced at each other before looking back at the lobby full of pained and unconscious demons in need of attention.

"Um...let's just get these people some help." Charlie said as she began tending to the broken patrons. All the while Vaggie dissipated her spear and glared toward the radio demon before going off to assist her partner. The deer was left alone in his spot not really understanding what the hell just happened but he knew his dearest Allison was the one who caused it and after her little show of undoing his glorious work, he was prepared to make this game more interesting.
