
Hellbound Loverboy

Once every Millennia a strange affliction is spread across Hell where only the sinners of lust are effected. Once it's over the denizens usually go back to their lives but this time around Charlie wants to celebrate the passing of the vicious week-long cycle but she'll need help. Unfortunately Alastor is too busy avoiding the "events" of the cycle so she ends up enlisting the help of a mysterious blue deer demoness coordinator who shockingly looks a lot like Alastor. Who is this lady and will she be able to make Charlie's vision a success while also fighting off a very...frisky Radio Demon?

AnjieKun · Others
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18 Chs

Cgapter 15: This is Bad!

Angel Dust sat on his bed, as he painted one of his nails while talking on his Hellphone to his best gal-pal, Cherri Bomb. "Heh I'm tell'n ya cher-bear! I got this bet in the bag, I can't wait ta see the look on his face when those two start go'n at it, Hehe!" He laughed as he kept the phone under his right shoulder, while he continued painting. The fluffy spider was currently shirtless, wearing only a pair of small pink boy shorts and thigh-high stockings. Fat Nuggets laid by his side as he talked on, his pride growing with everything word he divulged. "She was literally fuck'n herself with a knife over im', a romp in da closet can't be too far behind." He said.

On the other end of the phone, Cherri was held up in a bar, with some other girls and a few guys battling it out with a bunch of demons looking to, "fuck them up" so to speak. Just another side effect of the Lustlorne Cycle. They held their own pretty well and despite the severity of the situation, Cherri found it to be a fine time to talk to her best friend. "Shit that is messed up. Speaking of knife fucking- HEADS UP JACK ASSES!!!" She tossed a bomb over at a group that were violently defiling a dead demon with a blade, until it fell by them and went *BOOM!!!* This caused Some the others to either flee or end up subdued, long enough for Cherri's group to escape toward the back. hopfully there was an emergency exit, for them to get out through. "So did she like, stick in her leg, or arm or did she put it up her...?" She trailed off as she ran with the others, while throwing bombs back at the violent sex-crazed bastards who chased them. "Fuck if I know. I didn't see anything but I heard a lot of slashing. I assume she was just cutting or even stabbing herself." He said. Angel then blew on his nail art as Cherri spoke. "Damn, well can't blame her too much." She said. "For being int'a pain?" He asked. "No for being into the Radio Demon. I mean I'm not into the stuffy stick-in-the-ass type but in general he's pretty fuck'n hot." She explained as she lead the group up a set of stairs, after loosing sight of the hoard.

"No duh! Dat's why I made that fuck'n bet in da first place. Wit da way he looked at'r, Al either wanted to fuck'r or kill'r, an' since he hasn't killed her by this point, I'm bett'n on da latter." Angel said confidently.

"Well good luck with that Angie! I gotta go, we're ending this crazy-ass night with a bang." Cherri said now lighting a pile of bombs and arming a ton of detonators and mines outside the bar. All the while the others were making it out of the fire escape and running far away.

"Kay Cherri! Talk ta ya lat'a toots!" Right before ending the call, aloud firey explosion could be heard over the phone. Angel then got up to find something to wear for dinner. The announcement was given by Charlie and Brisk earlier. Though the spider was a patron of the Hotel, he was somewhat of an acception when it came to the staff's gatherings, since he was their very first guest.

He tossed aside outfit after outfit, unable to settle on anything, until eventually, he found a low cut simple white t-shirt, with a pink heart on the front, and a short pink mini skirt.

After setting out his clothes he fed Fat Nuggets, then got dressed, put on his boots, then finally headed off to eat.


Vaggie was setting the dishes out for dinner, while Allison was still cooking. She was, at the moment, stirring a cream and vegetable stew while the goat thighs were roasting in the oven.

There were also some rolls left over, from serving dinner to some of the hotel guests. Allison let them toast a little in the oven while cooking everything else from scratch. As Vaggie gathered some utensils, she looked over to the doe silently. She wondered if everything was really okay with her.

So, the moth decided to probe a little. "Sooo- you're not upset anymore?" She asked carefully. Allison startled at suddenly being spoken to. "O-oh no, I-I mean yes...um." The doe stammered, trying to get out her answer. "I-I am still mortified by what I did b-but I'm n-not as upset over it a-as I was before." She said. Vaggie nodded with a thoughtful hum. "Well at the least you only killed one shitty guy, according to your story Alastor got most of them." Vaggie said.

Allison didn't say anything to that but, she mentally agreed. "Ya know technically-- that means he saved your life, kind of." She fought hard to get that one out. As hard as it was to see Alastor be any kind of savior, he did in fact help her out, he even comforted her afterwards. Even Vaggie had to admit, [at least to herself] it was kind of nice of him.

Allison's ear tufts perked up at the revelation of the Latina's words, it was true. Alastor did help save her, before she lost control of her powers. This in some ways shocked her. Alastor didn't seem the type to play the savior. So why would he care enough to stop those demons from killing her, wouldn't it be more profitable to him if she were dead?

"I-I suppose you're right." She responded after realizing she was silent for too long. "Aaaand...I wouldn't be surprised if you...ya know-- ended up like, really liking him...like alot?" She said phrasing that last part as a question. Allison paled at the words as she froze in place, fear stricken across her face. Her form began to tremble. Did Vaggie know, did someone hear her after all? She knew Vagatha was aware of their date but now she was being directly questioned about her feelings. "I-I..." Allison was on the verge of having a panic attack. She did her best to keep it together as she tried to answer obliviously. "W-what a-are y-you..." She spoke as she turned to partially face Vaggie but was stopped by the stern look the small goth gave her. She seemed neither angry nor concerned, just-- blank, as though warning her not to deny the truth.

Allison tensed at the look. 'Shit!' She thought. "I-I..." She stammered while trying to keep her tears from spilling over. "I-I d-didn't m-mean t-to..." Allison was then cut off by a hand to her shoulder. "Hey calm down I'm not upset. I told you already, I won't tell you who to like." She said. Allison turned away shamefully. "I-it's complicated." The doe said simply, not wanting to tell her too much. "I get it, those kinds of feelings are hard to deal with sometimes, I won't judge." Vaggie assured. "Just wish it was anyone other than Alastor." She finished while gathering the utensils.

Allison's eye fell on the stew as she stirred it slowly. The Thick creamy liquid swirled like a whirlpool of veggies and mushrooms, mimicking the storm brewing within herself perfectly. "I do too." She whispered. Vaggie watched her companion with pity. She couldn't help but sympathize with her. She had been in her position years ago when she had developed feelings for Charlie. Being in love with the princess of Hell was not a very smart choice but she couldn't help it. Here she is now six years later dating Lucifer's daughter and miraculously still alive. Sometimes these things just happened and there wasn't much anyone could do about it, you could only go with it and hope for the best, or try to escape it.

Vaggie sighed and tried to think of something to say, to ease Allison's worries. Finally she gave her own thoughts on the matter. "I don't know too much about Alastor but what I've heard is pretty bad. Now what I've come to know is that when he isn't being, a stubborn, glutinous, overly-playful jackass, he's kind of a decent guy." She admitted. "Just remember what I said before, about keeping your guard up. Al likes to turn everything into a game and that won't be good for you or anyone else." Vaggie warned. Allison looked downward. She didn't forget what the moth told her before. She felt so foolish to have fallen for the Scarlett demon. "I-I know, th-that's why I want to do w-whatever I can t-to s-stop feeling this way, o-or at least distract m-myself from it." She said.

Vaggie sighed with pity. "I don't think it's that easy. But if it's a distraction you need I've got some stuff around the hotel you could do, to keep yourself busy." The Latina said.

Allison smiled and nodded in approval, that was perfect. "Oh my goodness, r-really? Th-that would be very helpful!" She exclaimed, it was probably the most excited she'd ever seen the doe. "Sure thing just promise you won't go working yourself to a second death, okay?" She agreed.

Allison happily responded. "Of course I won't overdo it." She promised. Vaggie nodded then picked up the dishes to be set up in the café. She could feel Allison's grateful gaze on her as she exited the kitchen. She gave out one final warning before leaving, though this one was much more mundane.

"Don't forget to take out the rolls." She said then walked out, while Allison frantically pulled out the smoking, but not quite yet burned bread from the oven.


At the bar Husk drank away all his concerns, about Alastor possibly liking that sad-sack doe. It couldn't be possible. He knew the guy better than most people [which wasn't saying much], this was maddening. Not only would this mean that the bastard would likely come to him, all sappy and upset over his feelings and try to talk his ear off about it but worst of all he'll lose his bet with Angel Dust. Maybe it was nothing, maybe he was just plotting something and didn't want her to see him so deep in thought about it. Maybe the light just made him appear to be blushing, the fuck did Husk know about how feelings worked anyway, right? At these various thoughts he drank some more, chugging the bottle of cheap booze quickly, ready to embrace the bitter/sweet darkness of another blackout, to alleve him of his worries. "Fuck Al, what the hell is going on?" He asked under his breath.

"What's going on?" Asked a sudden voice that startled the old drunk. He sighed in relief when saw it was only Niffty.

"Nothing." He said. Niffty was a little confused but she quickly shrugged it off and proceeded to dust the counter and barstools. Husk tiredly looked away from the bug while she frantically spruced up his bar. His thoughts were mangled in the potential that the red nuisance himself, might be into that blue crybaby. However he also recalled how Niffty and Charlie had some kind of matchmaking charade going on lately which would surley end badly, if they continued finding themselves on Vaggie's bad side.

He wondered for a moment how it would all likely play out. What their meddling could do if they refused to listen and caused the two to end up put off by each other. It seemed kind of petty and stupid, not to mention it might be considered cheating at the bet. However the chimera was tipsy, annoyed and not ready to lose that mystery wine mixer recipe. He just needed to push the girls' curiosity a little bit further than it already was, surely they'd take the bait right?

Niffty swept around with her duster quickly until Husk gruffly called to her. "Aye Nif!" She darted over to him lightning fast. "Yeah Husk?" She answered sweetly. The cat looked around for any eavesdroppers, when he found none he leaned over to the little cyclops and whispered silently, but loud enough for her to hear.

"Listen I need to talk to ya about Al." He said casually. Niffty cocked her head to the side, not quite understanding until the cat continued talking. "I think he might have a thing for that sad-faced chick." He said. "Allison?" Niffty questioned. "Yeah her. I dunno he just seems, different with her here now. Act'n weirder than usual, more secretive, he's even backed off on his fuck'n tricks." The tiny housekeeper became more and more intrigued by the second. Her pupil growing larger with interest, Husk noticed it to? This was so exciting! "I dunno I might be look'n too much into it but something about it just don't sit right with me." He said. He wasn't totally lying as this was all speculation but it was still a great way to get the girl curious.

"Wow! That's amazing! I think Allison likes him too! They-...uh...well-" she wanted to talk about the date the deer were on but she knew better than to tell anyone, lest Vaggie and/or Alastor find out she'd said anything. Niffty shuddered internally at that potential outcome, so she decided to just skipped it. "They've been a lot more friendly to each other lately. You think there might be a chance?" She asked hopefully. Husk gave a shocked expression. Was she serious? That bitch might be into him too? He wasn't expecting that, this was not good for him. "Uh, well..." He trailed off, his mind still reeling over how fucked his chances of winning the bet was.

"Hey sinners! What's shake'n!" Called Angel, jovially. He seemed a little too happy, like he had won the lottery or something. Either way Husk didn't like it. What if he also noticed something between the two deer. "Hi Angel!" Niffty squeaked happily while Husk glared venomously. They both watched as the pornstar sat down on a stool, happily humming to himself. "The fuck are you so happy about?" Husk asked in his gruffy old man voice. "Oh noth'n." He answered vaguely. The cat squinted suspiciously at the spider, until Vaggie walked in with the plates and utensils. "Hey guys we're eating in the café, we freed up a table that we can all use." She informed. Niffty hopped off the stool and scampered off to catch up with the moth, the other two demons got up as well both strutting and lumbering toward the dining area, when Angel said. "Ya know I over heard sumthin real interesting earlier and let's just say I got a good idea of what oľ sad-eyes is into, an' sure enough, she ain't vanilla." He whispered to Husk leaving the cat stunned and silent, so much so that he stopped in his tracks and watched the staff go on ahead, Angel knowingly kept on walking, sashaying confidently away like he owned the place.

Husk's eye twitched in horror. This was not good. He could only hope Niffty would do something stupid to keep the deer at bay from each other. At this point it was his only hope.

To Be Continued...