
Hellbent~Denied Love

This two men fighting for their love for one girl. Samson vrs Hezron, who will Alicia pick??

Peterson_89 · Urban
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26 Chs


This was a great mismatch right? Every nook of her body cried to figure out why that bloody fellow was gazing at her and then removing contact even before she had gotten the time to read him.

Immediately she settled on to listen to others who would have to introduce themselves to her. His turn would come definitely so why ponder on it.

Alicia smiled after Annabelle had awkwardly introduced herself. And then, two other lady who she remembered to be Ellie and Asha. Ellie was a girl of her age, while Asha looked to be an aunt or probably, Ellie's mom. Ellie was really beautiful, she had round and profound face. Dimples on her and a very pointed nose, she was devastatingly beautiful and seeing Ellie look so pretty, Alicia began to have doubts about her looks. For a while she was satisfied with what looks she turned out to have but after seeing Ellie, she began to wonder if she ever hold a candle to such beauty. Holy shit, Asha herself was a beauty on her own. Was she an aunt or was she a mom? She doesn't know, but all she knew was that Asha looked to be so young and now she couldn't believe a woman of her status would look gorgeous as hell. She was one in a million, her hourglass figure was comparatively unique to view any man seeing this would definitely know that she had that bodily figure and good looks. Who would even think that Asha was a mom, or an aunt.. Damn, she thought it wise not to confuse herself with thoughts that wasn't for her to think at the moment.

An intermediate smile worked it's way to her lips. She even began to laugh within the confines of her mind "So youthful and young" Alicia thought.

"It's nice to meet you both, Ellie. I can't keep to myself, you are quite a damsel. You look stupendously beautiful." Alicia complimented and Ellie smiled. "Oh, thank you. You look beautiful too, I got jealous at the sight of you honestly" Ellie said. Alicia was shocked to hear that Ellie envied her beauty too.

"Oh my, speaking of jealousy, I had the same feeling too. I am sorry if I kinda envied.. I love beauty" Alicia said and Ellie smiled brightly. Her facial expression exploding with excitement,

"oh, and Miss Asha... I don't know if I should call you just Asha or aunt but you look ravishing... " Alicia said and Asha smiled "No dear, you can call me Asha. Ellie here is my sister. Am just off age to get married. My husband to be isn't here maybe you would meet him tomorrow." Asha said and Alicia smiled "No problem..." Alicia said.

Samson have been watching Alicia's behavior during this dinner. "She is acting nice, all nice, that no one would see her hidden agenda." Samson thought as his eyes still held hers.

"It's nice to meet all of you, truly.. am happy." Alicia said and finally turned to look at the man. The man who had been throwing furtive stares at her. The man who had let his bloodlust wander and bathed her with it.

He was as young as Samson, he had an alluring icy blue eyes. His hair was tussled and dark and even his eating process was stylist. As if he went to some fancy country and learnt their way of eating. The graceful and godly young man finally lifted his head from his food to face Alicia. He realized that he was the only one left to introduce himself. To Alicia's notice, he didn't smile, he held in his blue eyes anger which burned like two crimson ruby. Surprisingly, this anger was directed at her and Alicia wondered why? No smile, no smirk at least, it would have made him look extremely handsome with that beautiful face of his. But no, he just remained serious. Well at least Gareth did try to smile but look, he is now listed as one of those people In her book titled; the book of the cold and sinister"

"Call me Hezron!!" He said and Alicia's eyes shot at him.

Hezron's gaze held hers and Alicia gulped.

"Those face looks familiar, do I know him somewhere?!" Alicia kept wondering as her focus on him doubled and then tripled. But frankly speaking, she did her possible best to avoid his dangerous eye contact. She digged in deep into her dinner as if nothing occurred. The family members were wondering why on earth she didn't say a word to Hezron at all after the introduction. Alicia was carefree and quite a talker but now, Hezron seems to pose as a negative energy to her and they could see it clearly. Meanwhile, Alicia kept wondering her eyes flashing all the time as Hezron's icy blue eyes came to her mind. Those eyes seems to ring a bell but still yet she couldn't put in where and when. It was hard though so she decided to forget about everything and continue with a jolly self before the family realize that something was eating her up.

"Alicia!!" Hezron's deep voice echoed in the silence that had taken it's place few minutes ago and Alicia raised her head to face him.

"I would like to have a word with you after dinner." Hezron stated and Alicia gave him a warming smile, but before she could respond, Samson butted right in. "Why Hezron?!"

"Look Sam, I have every right to have a word with my sister-in-law, don't I?" Hezron asked and Samson's eyes blazed sullenly.

The blazy aura swirled and loomed from both men as if they are on war fighting for the same girl. The bloodlust they both emitted, no one, not even one member of the family was exempted from feeling it. The burning furnace was protruding revals like demonic energy filling every gaps in their heart.

Lizzy immediately intervene in the situation.

"Listen you both are no longer kids, will you please stop acting childish." Lizzy added and both Hezron and Samson turned back to face their food, only that Hezron raised his head back up and his eyes rummaging over Alicia's delicate figure.

"Alicia... Still meet me after now" Hezron stated.

Alicia noticed that Samson wanted to start all over the problem that Lizzy had struggled put to solve in a minute but she was quick to stop him.

"What are you doing Samson? This is your family, why treat them like strangers?!" Alicia whispered softly to his hearing alone and of course Samson grew more angrier and he stood up from the dinning and darted out leaving everyone puzzled for a while. Hezron didn't care either as his gaze swept over Alicia who seemed to be relieved herself that he was gone. What a man! She sighed.

After dinner, everyone left the dinning except for Hezron and Alicia.

If Hezron wants his head intact, then he had better wrap this up because Samson wouldn't want him talking with her for so long.

"I heard you got married to my brother, huh?" Hezron started and Alicia creased her brows. He sounded like he knows her from somewhere and had warned her not to get married to Samson but she refused so she was confused. "Why is he speaking like this?!" Alicia wondered and she cocked her head to the side and asked.

"What are you talking about?!"

Hezron immediately clasped both his hands together in a tight ball as his gaze penetrated.

"Wow, Alicia wow."

"You are acting like you know me somehow" Alicia added precisely and Hezron smirked bitterly.

"Of course... I know you Alicia. Infact we know each other" Hezron said and his eyes scorched with a radiating heat.

"Listen you are confus..." Alicia's statement was serenely interrupted.

"I am confusing you? Huh, answer me Alicia." Hezron shouted as he stood up from the chair. Alicia was confused and surprised. She watched as Hezron walk around the table until he got to the other side where she sat and he picked her up.

"You don't remember Hez. Your Hez back then in college. You don't remember him? You mean, you forgot me?" Hezron asked as his jaws worked and his voice strained.

Alicia's eyes widened. A bright monoliths of granulated light flashed in her head revealing her, back in her college days and this guy Hez have always been beside her. She had never thought that this part of her past would ever come back to haunt her, but now look, here it was.


A/N: Hello readers, the next 6 chapters to come would reverently be all about Alicia's life in college. I want to add a twist in this book so expect. It's going to be a long one though. I might add up the chapters or I might reduce them, anyone but don't worry you will always get full updates and it's going to be regular.

Please, don't forget to vote for this book, add up your collection and then write a review, once I see your support, I would definitely be revitalized and the energy for new updates will come.



Daoistkpykalk ❤️❤️❤️