

Prologue: Hell University (HU)

Zaine's Point of View

"We keep spinning around? Where are we going anyway? Are we near?" questions that I kept asking.

"We're close, just shut up." Vanilli answered. Damn! Vanilli can be a little.. Ya know? But somehow, I don't get mad at her. Haha.

"This is it right?" Gilbert stopped resulting us from stopping too. We saw a huge school. Scary. Grr.

"I was expecting this though." I said and shrugged. I was actually expecting this kind of school. Hell University, that's the name of the school after all. It would be weird if it's called Hell if it looks like a school for angels. Heaven University?

"You were expecting this? Are you serious?" Vanessa asked looking at the school gate.

"Yes." I answered. We were about to leave when suddenly an old woman poked me.

"Who're you?" the woman asked. "We're just explo--" I was about to say something but Josh suddenly covered my mouth.

"We'd like to enroll here." Gilbert said and smiled. The old woman looked at us five and suddenly grinned. Her grin gave me goosebumps. It was enough to kill.

"Well, come with me." the old woman said and I don't know why but we just followed her. As if we were drugged or something.

We went in some room. I guess this is the Principal's Office?

"Excuse me." the old woman said and left us with the Principal.

"So..." the Principal spoke that broke the awkward atmosphere. "You want to enroll? Are you sure?" she asked and she grinned. Another grin that gave me goosebumps. Grr.

I raised my hand. "Actually we--" once again, Josh covered my mouth. "Yes!" Vanilli, Vanessa, Gilbert, and Josh agreed and in harmony.

"What about her?" the Principal pointed at me and raised her eyebrow.

Sigh.. "Fine." I couldn't disagree, I mean, my friends were looking at me like 'Disagree and we'll make sure you'll regret disagreeing.' look.

"Okay, that settles it then." the Principal opened her drawer and took out five papers. Tuition, I guess?

"Wait, what about the tuition?" I, curiously, asked. She laughed. I'm confused, we're confused. Why is she laughing? Isn't it normal to ask if how much the tuition is?

She finally stopped laughing and had that fierce look again. "Sweeties, the tuition's free. Once you sign this, your life IS the fee." she said and we had second thoughts.

"On second thought, we should probably.." Vanessa whispered to us. I knew it, Vanilli and Vanessa are having second thoughts as well.

"Yeah? I think I want to risk it." Vanilli said. Never mind, only Vanessa's having second thoughts.

"Me too." said Gilbert. "Yeah, me three." followed by Josh. We couldn't do anything, so we just agreed and signed.

"Okay!" the Principal took the papers after we signed. She stored them in her drawer. She clapped twice and a beautiful girl came.

"Juliet, lead them to their dorms. The good for five dorms." Juliet. Nice name. Juliet bowed down, saying she'll do it I guess. "Also, call Romeo. I want you two to do something." she said.

"Yes ma'am. You five, please follow me." Juliet said, so we followed her. She has a pretty face and a soothing voice. An angel in a Hell school? Who would've thought!?

"Here we are." she said. "Here, read this." Juliet handed us a booklet and left us.

"Weird. She's cute though." Vanilli said. "What's this booklet for anyway?" Gil asked looking at the booklet and turned it around.

"Just read it." I said and opened the booklet:

Welcome to Hell University! (HU)

In this school, there are the three Golden Rules:

1. Never be late for class or else he'll catch you and give you warnings that you won't like.

2. Don't disobey him.

3. Killing is legal once the clock strikes seven.

Those are the three Golden Rules.


Student 00001: Kirsten Craige

Student 00002: Luke Gonzalez

"These are the students. What number are we? I guess we'll be the last students?" I said. "Ah! There!" Vanessa pointed.

Student 10023: Vanessa Khan

Student 10024: Vanilli Khan

Student 10025: Gilbert Diaz

Student 10026: Josh Gonzalez

Student 10027: Zaine Galilee

"Isn't it weird? We just enrolled yet, our names are already here. Shouldn't it take at least hours or days to recreate the student booklet?" Gilbert stated.

"It's a digital booklet after all." a deep voice said. We looked at the door where the voice came from.

"Name?" I asked. Walking towards her. "Secret." she said and disappeared. We just blinked our eyes then boom! She's gone.

"Guys, I bet you, we made a wrong choice. We enrolled to a bad school. We won't survive this."