
Hell or Heaven

She is trapped between hell and heaven, will anyone be able to save her or will she be lost in hell forever? Let's wait and watch......

EmOtIonAl_wItch · Fantasy
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8 Chs

First meeting...

"Kimmy, wake up!! you have to go to college. Quickly wake up its past 8. Kimmy!!!!!!!!!"

'mm..mm let me sleep some more mamma'

"who do you think I am? , I'm your roommate you brat, fine don't wake up I'm leaving"

Oh God I overslept how am I going to make out today?

Kimberly quickly gets ready for college and without having breakfast she went to college. She was rushing towards the classroom but suddenly got stuck with a kid. He began to cry. "Big Sister, where is my Big Brother I want to see him now"

I think he is lost, ohh poor thing."Kiddy, don't worry sister will take you to big brother, come here", "what's your name kiddy?"

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing with my Lil brother?" asked the stranger man who was handsome, his deep blue oceanic eyes, his plum-like lips asking to be kissed. Oh God, I'm losing control.