

While James was walking towards his car, he heard some noise from the bushes. So he immediately checked the mini map and saw that there is a red dot near him, looking at that he immediately took out the pistol.

"Armour on" after putting on the armour James looked like a person who is ready for battle.

"Come out you son of a bi...." Before he could finish his words a boar came out of the bush and attacked him.

Looking at this scene he started shooting frantically at the boar. He used 10 bullets to kill the boar.

When the boar died a notification appeared in front of him.

[You have killed semi-mutated boar. You receive 100 SC and 10,000 ₹]

[ 25 XP]

"Awesome." After looking at the notification, James was quite excited. He wanted to hunt some more but then he remembered that first he will have to get his family to safety first. So he went towards his car and took off to where his family leaves.

On the way to the house, James called his brother.

RING.... RING..... RING....

"Hello, You better have good reason for calling me at the time of my math classes." Josh shouted on James.

James was never strict on his brother and sister and he always took care of them lovingly and always ignored their mistakes. So they never showed respect towards him but they loved and respected him from their hearts.

"Listen to me Josh, Buy all canned foods, bisleri bottle, chocolate, and rice sacks. Buy as many as you can."

"What are y...." before Josh could ask James the reason for buying those things, he was interrupted by James.


"Okay big brother, I will get those things and get Sara home." Josh replied to James.

"Sorry, I shouted on you. Get home with those things ASAP." James told Josh.

"Okay brother."

After the phone call, Josh was a bit amazed as his big brother has never raised his voice against him. He just shaked these thoughts and did what James asked him to do.

"I am there." After driving for 4 hours, James reached the house where his mom, dad, his younger brother and sister lives.

As soon as he entered the door he saw that his mother was waiting for him and she had angry looks her eyes.

"Follow me" Hellen told James with a bit of anger in her voice.

James followed Hellen, as he didn't have guts to say no to his mom.

"Why did you tell your brother and sister buy these many rations?" Hellen asked James.

"Mom, I don't have time to explain things to you, Just get your clothes and come with me. I will explain everything to you on the way." James tried to gather some courage told these word to his mom.

"Okay, I am considering these because you never made any decision recklessly." Hellen remembers that his elder son never makes any decision recklessly, she decided to what James asked her to.

"Ross, Sara and Josh pack up your clothes, We are going with James to a new place." Hellen told everyone to do as James asked them to.

"Yes, Honey" Ross never raised his voice against his wife in his whole life.

"Yes, Mother"

"Yes, Mom"

When everyone was packing there clothes, James sent all the food bought by his brother and sister, in his inventory and he also took dinning table, chairs, and kitchen utensils by just waving his hands.

"H-How did you do that, brother?" Josh was shocked when he saw his brother vanishing everything just by waving his hands.

"Hehehe... Well, that's a secret." James was messing with his brother.

"And why are you still standing here? Go get your stuff ready." James ordered Josh.

"Hmph, I have already packed my bags." Josh was quite angry on his big brother reply.

"Okay, go tell every one to pack their bags and wait for me in the car." James told Josh to get everyone ready and get them down.

When everyone was in the car waiting for James, he was in the house packing everything in his inventory. He even took the bed, refrigerator, t.v. and sofa with him.

"Hi, Hellen are you going on a vacation?" One of the neighbor asked James mom, after looking at the luggage they were carrying.

"Kind off. My eldest son, James just came home and... " Hellen was interrupted by James while she was talking with the neighbor.

"Mom, come on we are getting late." James told Hellen. James told those because when he was collecting all bed and cupboards in his inventory he received notification from system.

Contents of notification were as follows.


Looking at this message James was a bit scared so he ran out of his house and towards the and also told his mom to get in the car.

Soon James and his family were on their way to base created by James.