
Hell of A Soldier

[COMPLETED 3/11/20] Dylan Richards is a girl who comes from a broken household. All her life she had been beaten and abused by her lowlife father and her gold digger mother. Once midnight stuck the clock on her 18th birthday, She enlisted in the Army. It was her only out of the hell she called home. Riggs Perish is a well respect Sergeant in the Army. He had always had a serious attitude and a "stick up the ass" mood. This got him where he is today though. This serious attitude seemed to be melted away when a rookie soldier caught his attention. "Hell of a Soldier" is based in the 1930s-1940s. Disclaimer: ‼️Not accurate historically as women were not able to join the military in this time period! ‼️Contains Mature Content! -Cursing -Sexual Scenes

Logiwriting · Teen
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23 Chs

Ch.20 Help is on the way

"Fuck you. Keep your grubby hands off of me." I spat at an older gentleman.

I had been locked In a dark room for god knows how long.

There aren't any windows. Lights. Lanterns. Nothing.

I was in the dark. In every way possible.

Everyday at the same time, an older man would come in and try to have his way. Never the same man and never the same intentions.

It was horrid.

"You little wench, I'm tired of this shit." A younger man came storming in and struck me across the face.

I yelled out in pain when my jaw connected with the concrete floors.

"Go. Fuck. Yourself." I managed through breaths.

"No honey. That's what you're here for. Now stop acting like a fucking child and let this process run smoothly." The man tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and ran his thumb over my lip.

I opened my mouth, pretending to be seductive.

"That's right. Good gir- YOU FUCKING BITCH OW!" I bit his thumb and blood filled my mouth.

The door was wide open. This could be my escape. I stood on shaky legs and slammed him into the wall.

A scream of pain erupted from him and I dropped my grip and ran to the door.

There were no guards or anyone really in the hall.

Yes! Score!

I ran barefoot down the long white hallway and took a few random turns.

I ended up in front of a giant glass window.

If I had more clothes on and maybe a helmet, this would be ideal.

But it's now or never.

I first attempted to open the window and to my absolute surprise it was locked.

I tapped the glass a few times and found out it was thin. It would be a bitch to get out of my skin later but it's better then the alternative.

I took a few steps back and raced towards the glass window.

It shattered around me.



"I should be home trying to crack this shit." I groaned.

"It's for your own good. Now shut up and look pretty." Avery stood straighter and we watched as real guards passed by.

We had been forced on an undercover mission in Spain.

It was nothing huge like a war but the Spanish government have been tracking some sketchy male figures for a little over a year now.

They believe they've brought sex trafficking and possible drugs into their country.

I mean... It's Spain?

"You two." The lead equivalent of a Spanish sergeant pointed to Avery and myself.

I tightened my grip on the gun I was sporting. Dont get caught.

"A girl in the south wing managed to out run the guards. Go collect her and I will give you a pricey reward." The sergeant ordered us in spanish.

Im guessing one of the girls they used for sex trafficking had escaped. Good for her.

"Si," Avery nodded and took off to the southside of the building. I followed him.

"Should we just let her go?" I whispered in english to Avery.

"No they'll have our heads. We will get whoever it is and give them back to the guards." Avery turned a corner and held up a hand for me to slow down.

I followed his orders and slowly turned the corner.

There was shattered glass and blood everywhere. I looked up to find the window above was broken.

"She jumped out? The hell?" Avery was just as confused as I was.

"Thats a lot of blood, Think shes alive?" I grimaced at the sight.

"Probably but unless they get medical help probably not. " Avery pointed to an alley on the left.

"Got it, Boss." I nodded and aimed down the barrel of my gun.

Please dont let her be a psycho. I didn't want to kill anyone today.

I followed the splatter of blood that lead down the alleyway. It soon turned into a puddle behind a dumpster.

"Please give me a sign if you are alive!" I called out.

No movement. No noise.

"Avery Ive got something!" I called in spanish.

I didn't want to blow our cover.

Seconds later I heard boots trudging down the alley.

"What is i- Fuck." Avery covered his mouth.

"Cover me," I whispered as we approached the still pool of blood.

I peaked around the corner to see a brunette with gashes all down her legs. Some also on her arms.

"Avery, Its clear." I nodded and he stepped forward to the girl's side.

"Dylan?" His eyes went wide.

Dylan? I crouched down and moved her hair to see Dylan's familiar face.

Except now it was ghost white.

"Dylan, baby, wake up." I gently patted her cheek. I had no idea what to do.

Avery pushed me back and held his ear up to her chest.

"Theres a heart beat! Its faint but its here! Call in the squad!" Avery yelled with excitement.

We had Dylan.

Not for long if we didn't hurry.

I unstrapped my radio and called in to headquarters.

"We have Private Richards. Please send immediate medical help to Palma, Spain. Address Ctra. Villena 94." I kept my eyes on Dylan. Every now and then you could see the faint rising of her chest.

Avery had torn his shirt and mine into pieces for makeshift- bandages.

It was more or less to keep pressure and maybe stop the bleeding.

"Rats! American Rats!" A Spanish solider began screaming at the end of the alley.

"Fucking shit." Avery began panicking.

"Calm down." I whisper yelled.

"How are you not freaking the fuck out man? We just found your half dead girlfriend in a fucking alleyway in which we are about to be trapped in!" Avery tightened the strap on his rifle and double checked it was loaded.

Truth is, I was freaking out. I wanted to cry.

I wanted to scream.

I wanted to pull Dylan's little body into my lap and hug her and apologize.

But right now? Not the fucking time.

We had to get her out of here carefully without causing her more harm. Then we have to get ourselves out.

"Focus, Avery." I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Riggs?" Dylan's small voice called from behind us.

"Yes baby, Im here." I rushed over to her and squeezed her hand.

"I don't want to die..." Dylan mumbled, out of breath.

"I wont let you. We will get you out of this. I promise." I kissed her temple.

"Im sorry I left. I was so mad, Riggs." A red tear trickled down her cheek.

She had a cut on the right side of her eye.

"Riggs if we run now we can make it to the plane. But only now." Avery yelled.

"Its okay,D. Lets get you home, okay?" I gently slid my arms under her thighs and lifted her off the ground.

She moaned in pain.

"Im sorry. Hang in there." I looked at Avery and nodded.

We raced through the deserted streets of Palma. The plane would be downtown.

We ran and ran until we saw the plane.

"Go. Hurry!" Avery slowed and shot a few shots off at men who were chasing us.

I reached the plane and laid Dylan out on the benches.

"Avery, Lets go!" I shouted, hanging out of the plane.

Avery finished his mag and ran to the plane.

A enemy bullet grazed his arm, and it sent him tumbling forward.

I ran down the ramp and to my friend.

" You're good. You're good." I managed through grunts. Avery was a heavy bastard.

But somehow we still managed to get on the plane and soon enough we were in the sky.

"Riggs?" I tore my eyes away from Dylan and towards Avery.

"For the tenth time, I dont have aspirin." I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

The chuckled turned into a coughing fit.

"You oksy, bud?" Avery was next to me in a second.

I couldn't catch my breath. I looked down my bare torso to see an open wound on my side.

"Well shit."