
Hell of A Soldier

[COMPLETED 3/11/20] Dylan Richards is a girl who comes from a broken household. All her life she had been beaten and abused by her lowlife father and her gold digger mother. Once midnight stuck the clock on her 18th birthday, She enlisted in the Army. It was her only out of the hell she called home. Riggs Perish is a well respect Sergeant in the Army. He had always had a serious attitude and a "stick up the ass" mood. This got him where he is today though. This serious attitude seemed to be melted away when a rookie soldier caught his attention. "Hell of a Soldier" is based in the 1930s-1940s. Disclaimer: ‼️Not accurate historically as women were not able to join the military in this time period! ‼️Contains Mature Content! -Cursing -Sexual Scenes

Logiwriting · Teen
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23 Chs

Ch.2| Run Little Bird

I had managed to run all the way to the post we were having orientation at.

I usually was tired by 3 miles, but i had managed to run almost 6. I'd thank the adrenaline in my body for that one.

I caught my breath before joining the small group of what looked to be kids around my age. I guess they had enlisted as well. There were around 6 boys and 1 other girl. She looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here. Her blonde hair was curled and her nails a hot pink. No way she had enlisted.

"Okay, Settle Down!" A loud voice bellowed.

Everyone in the group instantly dropped any conversation they were having and stood straight.

"Welcome! Im excited to see so many of you here." The man smiled proudly.

"Thank you Sir." Everyone except me responded.

Was there a book I was supposed to read or a manual? I followed suit though.

"Im Sergeant Avery. You may only refer to me as Sergeant Avery, unless I say otherwise. I, on the other hand, will call you whatever I see fit. If you don't like that, you may leave now." Sergeant Avery crossed his arms and examined the crowd. No one budged.

"Good. Now Sergeant Perish," He nodded towards a tall man standing off to the side,"And I Have worked very hard to get where we are. To receive the titles we have. We deserve respect and If you are not willing to give us that, this will be a living hell for you." Both of the men waited for someone to move or speak up but no one did. This appeared to satisfy them.

They droned on about the expectations we need to live up to during Basic Training in order to pass and become a Private. They also gave us a speech about keeping up with our appearances and cleaning our bunk house.

I had done most of this all of my life, Basic Training would be easy.

"Blueberry, Are we boring you?" I blinked, pulling myself out of a deep thought.

Everyone was staring at me.

"No Sir." I said and met his eyes.

"Then tell me, Where were we?" Sergeant Avery glared at me from the small platform in front of us.

"You were explaining how after Basic Training we would need to choose a path within the Army." I dug my fingernails into the palms of my hands. I hadn't been paying attention so I took a guess about the topic.

"Good." Avery nodded with approval and returned to his speech. I felt eyes on myself the whole time. I refused to meet the culprit. I knew it was Perish.

After what seemed like hours, We finally ended the orientation and were taken to an airport. We were currently in Utah. We needed to be in Oregon. Ill admit I had a lot of anxiety about being on a plane. I had never even been in a car until today. This was all insane.


I exited the plane on jello like legs. It was a bumpy ride. We had what the pilots called turbulence. Just bumps and a little bit of violent shaking.

The whole ride I felt eyes on me. Multiple pairs. I must've been having an anxiety attack or something. Why else would they pay attention to me?

"Straighten up! Long day, I understand. But the faster you correct your posture, the faster you'll be successful." Sergeant Avery smiled and put his arms behind his back. We all followed.

"We have about a 5 mile walk to our post. Once we arrive, you may shower and find your tents. You will have a test tomorrow, both physical and mental." Avery cocked an eyebrow at us.

"Yes sir." We all replied in union.

About a mile into the walk and my feet were already sore. I blamed it on my cheap sandals. We hadn't been given the uniform yet, so I was without proper shoes.

"Shouldn't have worn faulty attire." A deep voice sounded from my right, making me jump a little.

I looked up, up, up, at the tall man. It was Perish.

"Sir." I nodded.

"Perish. Riggs. Either works. Not that 'Sir' bullshit though." He smiled warmly at me.

"Okay then Perish. I forgot to buy boots before orientation." I looked down at my exposed toes in my brown sandals.

I hated them.

"Ah. Well about 3 miles till camp. You'll be given the basic uniform for newbies." Perish nodded towards the lights in the distance. Camp wasn't too far if we could see it.

"Can't wait." I replied sarcastically which earned me a lovely laugh.

"It's not that bad. Training is easy and so is the exam if you passed third grade." He winked at me.

I never got a proper education. If I fail I'm going to be sent home. Back to the hell I originated from.

Perish must of sensed my fear as he put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"You look tough. You'll be fine." He smiled and quickly removed his hand.

We're sergeants usually this friendly? Wasn't he supposed to be yelling and spitting in my face?

"I hope so."

We arrived about an hour later to the camp. It was actually gorgeous. There were camouflage tents set up all over. Campfires and lanterns lined the pathway through the camp.

There was a big concrete building with lights and smoke. I assumed that was the cafeteria.

"This will be your home for the next few weeks. Treat this the way you'd treat the one back home." Avery glared at us.

We all nodded with an added 'yes sir' and continued on with the tour.

Each of the Sergeants had tents. Soldiers were to sleep outside until training was complete. Then we would, maybe, receive somewhere warmer to sleep.

By the end of the tour, I was exhausted and just wanted to shower and change into reasonable shoes.

I took my bag and made my way to the water well, which had faucets and shower heads at the top.

Unfortunately no privacy. There were stalls on the side but the back was completely bare.

Letting out a groan I took my towel and clips and clipped it on each side of the 'Stall'.

A few of the guys were walking around camp. Some with mugs filled with what looked like beer.

I hated alcohol. My parents were both alcoholics. My mom turned into a nightmare and my dad turned into an abusive prick.

I'd never touch the damned thing.

I quickly removed my T-shirt and slacks.

I turned the knob which released freezing cold water. I was used to having cold water so it didn't stun me.

I washed the dirt and sadness off of my body. All of today's events rolling off of my body with the cool water. Every splash onto the concrete releasing more build up.

I scrubbed my legs and arms. My face, which stung because of the giant bruise in the center of my cheek.

Finally finishing, I went to the trading mart to receive a sleeping bag. I didn't have much to trade. Just my sandals, some paper, and a bottle of ink.

"Good Evening Sir. How may I help you?" A young boy asked from the counter.

Maybe Not young. I was only 18. He could easily be 20 maybe 22.

"Just a sleeping bag. I have ink and paper if that's enough?" I asked sweetly with a smile.

I hoped I could negotiate a little. Everyone knows these things couldn't even get a loaf of bread back home.

"Sorry Ma'am. That won't be nearly enough." He eyed me up and down.

"How about the ink and paper with sandals. That's all I have." I placed the 3 objects on the counter.

"Still not enough." The boy crossed his arms.

I sighed. I wanted to scream from frustration.

"I have something in mind, if you really want this sleeping bag." The boy licked his lips and looked me up and down a second time.

"Anything. I need the sleeping bag." I hoped he would just take the items and start a plan so I can pay him back with anything I might get during missions.



"Jimmy, what are you doing?" A deep voice sounded from behind me.

I turned only to be met by Riggs. He had a look on his face that could kill a man.

"Oh Perish! Nothing. Just helping this young lady get a sleeping bag." The boy, Jimmy, winked at Riggs. Which wasn't a smart move on his behalf.

"Give it to her." Riggs crossed his arms and stood behind me like a boulder.

What was his issue? I had it handled.

"Sorry man. We only do deals or trades." Jimmy glared at Riggs.

After what felt like ages, Riggs pulled out a green slip of paper and slammed it on the counter.

"Thank you Perish." Jimmy smiled smugly.

Riggs grabbed my sleeping bag and my arm and hauled us both out of the shop.

"What the hell?" I asked when he had finally stopped.

"What?" He gently handed me my sleeping bag.

"I had that under control." I crossed my arms and glared at the tall man.

"So you were going to have sex with him?" Riggs' face scrunched up with disgust.


Have sex with him? I was just going to try to set up a plan to pay the shop back.

My parents may have been abusive but they still sheltered me. I knew all the curses in the book. Life and Death. And of course the birds and the bees. But I had no clue people would trade sex for a sleeping bag.

"I'm an idiot. I had no idea." I rubbed my face with my hands and groaned.

"Thank you Perish." I gave him a half smile.

Riggs rolled his eyes and walked off. I returned to my spot next to the fire and rolled out my sleeping bag.

Sleep came easily.