
Hell Land

Notice: As you are all aware, I am now working on two projects at the same time, which is causing discipline issues and making it difficult to complete both. As a result, I'll put an end to Hell Land for the time being and concentrate on The Kid: Series. Many thanks (The Author) EternalBalance "It seems like a typical day," Ashad said to his closest buddy or cousin, whichever he preferred, as they drove Saad's niece to purchase them chocolate or candies. Saad sang a happy response, "Yeah it is!" The buddies find themselves in a situation akin to a battle zone, where people are becoming insane and they must do nothing more than "survive!" As the families make it through this crazy apocalyptic event, see how important it is to have a relationship with one's family. The cover is not mine, the owner can ask me and I'll remove it

EternalBalance · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: Mission 2 "Survive!"

"There is the pipe; petrol is there," said Ahmad as he cut the pipe and filled it in a bottle. "Ahmad, I think it is a bad idea!" said Anees, but Ahmad replied, "I don't remember it being a good idea!" Before Anees could say anything, Ahmad said, "Relax; life doesn't give us these golden chances every day!" He sprayed the patrol to the end of an alleyway took out a match said, "Hide yourself after it goes boom!" and lit it on fire. As the fire reached the car, a big explosion happened, and leftover parts of the vehicle flew here and there. Luckily, three men came out of the store, and one of them shouted, "If you're here for the boy, you will have to walk on our corpse!" They were fully armored but had swords and axes all painted yellow; the armor was painted yellow and red; some gang they were; they were hiding; and they taught why the boy was so important. Thankfully, a horde of at least 20 zombies rushed at the 3 men; instead of going inside, they ran in the opposite direction while they shouted.

After some moments, the way to the mart was clear, so they slowly entered the mart. Omar and Khaleel stood behind the gates as guards while the rest were on. They sat together to decide what to do next. Ahmad said, "I still believe that there is more enemy inside!" Anees said, "They will be hiding or going defensive!" Ashad proposed an idea: "Why don't we send Saad in as a wandering survivor? As he is the weakest in the group, they will see him as a no- or low-threat, and maybe they should come out to capture him!" They all agreed as Saad said, "Of course, you have to point me out!" Saad put down his weapons and said, "Wish me good luck!" As he went in, he shouted in a weak, scared, and weary voice, "Anyone here alive, anyone!" And within the blink of an eye, he was surrounded by three men. Saad put his hand up and said, "Please don't kill me; I'm not here for trouble!" One of them said, "You don't have the bodies at the entrance; we put them there as a warning so no one can enter, but you did!"

"Well, I didn't see them; I'm too scared!" but they didn't care as one of them asked, "You're short and dumbass; where are you, Mama and Papa, child?" Saad said, "Hey, I'm average height; as for my parents, they are dead!" The three men sighed, and one of them said, "So said, I wish your mama was here with you, so I could have fucked her!" Saad was enraged. "Little fella angry!" the same men said, and in the blink of an eye, two of his mates fell to the ground, and the backs of their heads were bashed badly before Anees could strike the men. Saad stopped him and kicked the same men in the crouch; he fell screaming in pain, "Curse you; I should have killed you in the first place!" Saad took the sword of one of the dead bodies and said, "Well, you didn't!" He leaned forward to whisper in his ears and said, "Well, fate has chosen me to fuck your mother first!" The man was enraged and said, "You Moth...!' and before he could finish his sentence, Saad impaled his sword right through the man's throat. As blood spilled out of his mouth, Anees said, "Saad! What happened to you? You were struggling to kill the man we were fighting yesterday, and you killed him easily and brutally."Saad cleaned the sword off the man's clothes and said, "You are right, but he said something that could have made me behead him, but I didn't have the strength. Well, anyway, where are the rest of them, my brother-in-law and my friend?"

Ashad was perplexed; he had never seen this face of Saad. Saad, from his point of view, was a nice and humble guy who never fought with anyone in school or their area. The rest of them came to Ahsan and said, "The boy, Ahmad, found him!" Anees said to Ashad, "You go. We will go and collect stuff!" Ashad agreed and followed Ahsan to the frozen food area, where they saw the boy who was the same age as Ashad. "Hasnain you?" Ahmad said, "So you know him!" to which Ashad replied, "Yes, he is my homie; Saad knows him as well!" Ahmad thought for a second, then said, "Ahh, Hasnain Saad told me about you. You are a fine boy; I've heard good things from your many friends, but what the hell are you doing here?" But Hasnain was beaten up badly. "It's all part of a plan!" All three of them were confused, and Ashad asked, "What plan?" And before Hasnain could answer, they heard Saad shouting, "We are under attack; they returned and brought two more men!" He was breathing heavily as he said, "They have got pistols!" Ashad gave his sword to Ahsan, and Ahsan gave his weapon to Hasnain. "We have a business!" They left the frozen food area and went behind the bakery where all of them were hiding. "They came back and instantly started to shoot at us; we can't fight them, knife to bullets; there is not even a debate!"

Ahmad nodded and said, "Well, you did the right thing; what shall we do now?" Anees proposed an idea by saying, "You and Saad, come here often. Maybe you will know where the light button is. Maybe if you turn it off, it will help us make a run for it!" but Ahmad said, "I came here twice a week, but don't you see the switch?" but thankfully Saad said, "But I know where the switch is; just don't ask how I know it." Saad, Anees, and Asahd went for the switch. "Make a run for it when the light goes out!' said Anees to all of them.

The switch was at the backside of the frozen food section, but the door was hidden behind the rack, which was filled with frozen pieces of chicken breast and chicken wings. They slowly removed the rack, but the door was locked, and there was no chance of finding the door key, so Anees very professionally and silently broke the door locks. Inside they found the big red box. "It is it!" said Saad. He opened the box and saw many switches, but it felt like he worked there as he switched off the perfect switch and all the mart's lights went out, and they without wasting a moment ran for the gate, slowly, but in front of them there was a man with a pistol. They split up, and Ashad was alone. He was scared he didn't know the route out of the mart, but he felt a hand as he was pulled back, and it was a relief that it was Ahmad. "Come with me, son!' he said quietly as he took them, but to their demise, a man with a pistol came pointing at them with a flashlight, "Don't move or I'll blow your brain bits!" They both lifted their hands. "We don't want any trouble!" replied Ahamd, but the man said, "Where are the rest of you?" They both refused by saying, "No, we are only us!" replied Ahmad, but the man said, "Don't like fuckers; I know there are many of you!" But before a second breath was drawn, a sword was impaled through the man's stomach, but he shot, and Saad finished him off.

The bullets hit Ahmad's stomach, and he fell. Saad came forward. "Go run!" said Ahmad. The boys were crying. "Yes, we will go, but not without you!" Ashad and Saad picked him up, but Ahmad was fighting back and said, "Leave me; I'm heavy; you both will never make it out alive!" The boys didn't listen to what he said; they successfully escaped the mart, and Anees said with a sword, "There is a car there, Omar fou..." He looked at the injured Ahmad and said, 'What happened?" Ahmad was gasping, but Ashad said, "We don't have time to waste; let's go back!" Ahmad said with a weak voice, "Do we have the supplies?" Anees gave support to Ahmad and said, "It's all safe!" They took him to the car, sat him in, and ran for the house.

In the car, Saad asked, "Oh Hasnain, how did you find us? Sorry, I didn't see you; it was a battleground thing going on in the market!" But Hasnain was sitting there silently. Hasnain was a 5'8 boy of the same age as Ashad, had a black complexion, and had hazel eyes.

The safety reached the door of the house, and the door was opened by Waleed, who opened the gate and asked, "What happened to him?" asked Waleed as he saw the weary body of Ahmad, they quickly took him inside and took him straight Drawing room and place him on the dining table and they called Mahnoor and Omar's wife Rabia, who are Doctors, they came rushing in the drawing room, fortunately, Rabia had med kits always in the car, and she always took it with her, they brought her med kit from the kitchen where she had hidden, and simply said, "All of you out leave me, Mahnoor and Omar alone!"

They all came outside and it was a madhouse, Saad reached Ashad and whispered in his ears, "The man had a pistol I have them, he had 10 magazines capable of 10 rounds, I hid them in my room?" then they suddenly remembered about Hasnain and went to see him, he was at balcony, Ashad immediately went to the point, "What is part of the plan?" and Hasnain begain