
Hell hound reincarnation

I was just your average teen Well... Average as in I don't talk to anybody Some will call me a loner But that doesn't matter To put it short I died. How I died is just average. Some fat kid jumped on top of me while swimming. I was knocked out by him landing on my head. Some parents should teach their kids better. I died cause some fat ass jumped on me Now here I am. Not quite human. Not am I a beast. My best word to describe what I am is a human-like monster. Let's hope nobody kills me... Right?

ShoninRonin · Others
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24 Chs

One with the pack

It's been a couple of days since I've become a pack member. They see me as a cub, so they don't let me go out on nightly hunts.

Other than that it's been really enjoyable. No idea why I've just accepted from being an average loner to this.

Honestly, I couldn't care. This life is a lot more interesting than my last one. It may be the new body, but I've come to enjoy fighting. I crave a good fight.

The cubs are just so damn cute. They always are around me. That's what made becoming a pack member so enjoyable.

One night while the others were out hunting, I saw something move in the trees. Getting closer to take a look, I barely dodged the wooden spear aiming for my head.

Doing a backflip, I kicked the thing that tried to kill me. Sent flying into the air, was a short, ugly, muscular thing.

Grabbing its spear, I threw it at the goblin killing it.

That's when all chaos broke loose.

The cubs were sent inside, while the wolves fought the goblins.

Noticing a wolf about to take a fatal blow, I run to tackle the goblin. Smashing its head in, I got up to kill the next one, by snapping its neck.

I was surrounded by 5 goblins. They all charged at me with wooden spears. I jumped up and did a split kick in the air.

Knocking two of the five goblins out. Spinning in the air I knocked the rest of them down.

They were killed by the wolves shortly after being knocked down.

With half of the goblins that attacked us dead, a big one showed up. It had the same height as a human and was covered in muscle. The only other thing to notice about it was, that it was wearing a crown made of twigs.

It raised its hand. The rest of the goblins surrounded me and the gob King in a circle. I quickly caught on to what it wanted to do.

It wanted a duel.

Staring at each other for what seemed like hours. Until the gob king rushed forwards.

I duck underneath its straight kick. He slammed it down onto my shoulder.

Being knocked down to the ground, the gob king tried to stomp on me again.

But I caught his foot before it could land. Pushing him away, I got back up. Jumping at my opponent he caught me by the neck.

He went to headbutt me, but that was a fatal mistake for him.

Opening my mouth, I let a blast of fire come out.

With the gob king covering his face in pain, I ran up, and landed a uppercut on his gut.

Lifting off the ground a little, I landed another uppercut, sending him further up into the air.

Jumping off the ground, I spin and smash his head into the ground with the heel of my foot, killing the leader of the goblins.

With their leader dead, the rest of the goblins run away in fear. Shortly after, we can hear screeches of panic and fear.

A little bit later the hunting group came back.

'Looks like they killed the rest of the goblins.' I thought.

The alphas rushed towards the other wolves to check for injuries, and to see if the cubs are alright.

I didn't understand what they were saying, but I can still understand the meaning of what they said.

The wolves were explaining what happened. Shortly after the black alpha approached me. It knocked me on my back, with a swipe of its tail.

It dragged me back to where the cubs were.

When inside the cave, it started barking and growling at me.

I think it was scolding me.

I put my head down and bent my ears to show that I was sorry.

The black alpha huffed and rubbed its head on me.

For the rest of the night, was eating what they hunted, and shortly after falling asleep.

The wolves were acting a lot closer to me now. If they didn't see me as one of them, now they do.


2nd chapter for today

I tried making them longer like someone suggested

Hope y'all enjoyed it and have a good day

Till next time