

A four scientists unknowingly opened the door of the hell way and they went to the hell with the soul camera, they invented. And they are getting goosebumps after finding interesting about the hell. " What happened to Hell Protector Wren Kabono? What we are going to do now? " " Penelope Jennings, How we are going to destroy that bad Avallach Liege Lord?". How we can destroy him just like that? " In the hell, we have to invent a brightest light to destroy this bad spirit. And we have to do this very careful, many spirits are living in the hell school". What ??????? We have to invent a brightest light ah??? Yes, it's up to us.... (COPYRIGHT © This work should not be printed or published or copied without permission of the author and even dialogues also.)

Kamali_S · Fantasy
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52 Chs


Wren: I'm really sorry.

Why Wren is saying sorry to them?

Sasha: Why are you sorry Mr. Wren? What you did wrong?

Carter: Why are you telling sorry to us?

Evelyn and Greyson came there and asking the Wren, same question. Still he is smiling.

Wren: Greyson I'm sorry.

Greyson asked Wren, why you are asking sorry to me Mr. Wren?

Evelyn: What happened to you Mr. Wren? Are you alright? Now only I'm looking you in serious condition.

Wren: I thought you guys are not understandable and was very easy to split and I'm wrong. I'm the one who possessed Evelyn to talk like that. I'm sorry Greyson, if it hurts you.

Sasha: Did you really do that Mr. Wren?

Carter: Why you did that?

Greyson: Thank you so much for it.

Greyson and Evelyn is smiling at each other.

They only know what happened in the lab.

Carter: Hey, what happened in the lab?

Sasha: Evelyn, How did you convinced Greyson too fastly? Mr. Wren Did you know what they talked inside the lab?

Wren: No, I didn't hear it. And also I don't want to eavesdrop.

Greyson: Evelyn apologies melted me softly and I forget to talk. I want a more fight with her. Her apologize is very cute. I request our author to write more fight scenes between me and Evelyn.

Evelyn: Greyson, stop. Mr. Wren, thank you for did that, Because what you did before, it helps me and Greyson to understand each other very well.

So, thank you for possessed me.

Wren: Then, that's a relief.

Carter: Why you did it?

Wren: Because I'm jealous.

Greyson: Jealous about what?

Wren: Jealous about.... uhmm.... Friendship.

I don't have any friends. I don't have anyone by my side. Okay leave it, I don't want to say it.

I'm having a dark past.

Sasha: We also having a dark pasts. Don't feel like alone. If you want, we can be friends.

Evelyn: Yeah, she is right. Mr. Wren will you ?

Wren: Thank you for saying that. I don't forget this day.

Carter: Mr. Wren, How this hell is really look like? In your eyes, how it will be?

Sasha: Is the hell having a houses here for ghosts ?

Evelyn: When we will see the true hell?

Greyson: He already told, we have to believe it is hell by our mind, Then only it will be. Why are you asking the same question?

Wren: It's okay, Are you guys really wanna to see the real hell?

Evelyn: Yes, We want to see it.

Wren: Then okay. Let me do it.

Again he said them to close their eyes. He said welcome to my world.

Wren: Slowly open your eyes guys.

They are slowly opening their eyes

Wren: Welcome to my world! Don't be scared.

Evelyn: Is this true? Hey guys , are you seeing that?

Sasha: I don't think it will be like this.

Carter: Oh my god! I can't speak.

Greyson: Same here, No words to say.

What they saw?