
Hell Detective

In this world, strange cases occur every day. The busiest steamed bun shop serves buns filled with human flesh. The luxurious mansion in a prime location has blood flowing down its walls. The deceased beauty queen at the university takes away one person on every anniversary. Is there any truth to the legend of the zombie babies in Building 7 of the hospital? The last mortician in China, using a thousand-year-old autopsy technique, takes you directly to the crime scenes, revealing that there are no ghosts in the world, only skilled hands that uncover injustice. From serial killers to sex addicts, vampires, necrophiliacs, people with enchanting eyes, and bizarre cases investigated by the Public Security Bureau, everything is decrypted!

lian_ye · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 1: The God of Broken Prisons

Have you ever seen a strange boss who chops up his customers and sells them steamed buns?

Have you ever seen a strange doctor who turns his love rival into a pig and keeps him captive in a farm?

Have you ever seen a strange orphan who was raised by bats to feed on human blood?

I've seen them all.

My name is Song Yang, the current chief consultant of H Provincial Public Security Department, and my real identity is a work.

Have a friend confused, do do is to do what?

A piece of work is the ancient Chinese coroner, a good piece of work not only can autopsy, more proficient in a set of unknown stunts.

They can often use rice wine, silver needles, red umbrellas, rosin and other folk life items to pry open the mouth of the dead and arrest the murderer.

In the whole 30 years of serving the Public Security Department, I used my family skills to solve numerous major cases that shocked China, some of which were abnormal, some were horrible, some were cruel, and some were scalp numbing.

In order to let future generations know the magic of this industry, I decided to share my experience with everyone.

But in view of the security principle of the public Security Department, many cities and people have used pseudonyms, I hope you can understand, well, book back to business!

I was born in a small town in the south. I never saw my parents since I was a child. I lived in a simple ancestral house with my grandfather.

Although I have no parents, my grandfather's love for me is beyond everything.

In my life, he only sternly taught me once: "Yang 'er, you have to remember that when you grow up, grandpa will not stop you from doing anything you want, but there are only three professions that you should not touch, the first is to be an official, the second is the police, and the third...? It's the medical examiner!"

I was very young at the time and didn't even know what a medical examiner was, I just nodded ignorantly.

But as I grew older, I gradually had a strange feeling that the identity of grandpa is definitely not simple!

The reason why I feel this way is because my grandfather does nothing every day and never goes to work in the field, but he has a steady stream of money to buy me delicious food and for me to study

And every once in a while, there is always a big leader with a group of small police to visit the door, the attitude of grandpa is very respectful, and often bring some gifts, such as Maotai wine, special panda cigarettes and so on.

They would talk to Grandpa in his room for as little as an hour or as long as several hours, sometimes from morning until evening. A few days after each of these leaders left, a major case would be solved in the province, such as the case of a Sichuan restaurant with dead money and the case of the dismembered body of Southwest University. These cases caused a national sensation, so that even I living in a small county city had heard about them.

I vaguely feel that these cases have been solved and grandpa is inextricably linked, but he never refused to reveal a word to me!

Grandpa's relationship with this layer, so that the whole family is followed by glory, aunt's business outside has been very smooth, once aunt lost a car on the highway, the police took a day to send the car respectfully.

Even when I was worse than several points in the college entrance examination, I was finally admitted to a key university.

When I was 12 years old, the county was ready to build a big road, which just passed the old house of the Song family, and the neighbors could not resist the demolition office's persuasion and moved away one after another. Only grandpa is not willing to give up the old house handed down from his ancestors, and he is determined to be a 'nail household'.

The contractor who undertook the construction of this road is not a fuel-efficient light, see the soft is not good, directly drove two excavators to our door, rumbling down a wall, clearly is to stand up!

The scene scared me to the point of tears.

Grandpa sighed gently, picked up the phone to dial a number, said a few words, who expected a few minutes later, the excavator unexpectedly left in a hurry.

And the next morning, many leaders and the contractor personally came to apologize, and the contractor also took out 100,000 yuan to make amends. The couple

Petite county

It was a lot of money for the city, but Grandpa just gently waved his hand and declined the intention.

Of course, the main road continued to be built, but it turned a big bend in front of our house, which buried a strong curiosity in my young mind, why on earth Grandpa was so powerful?

When I was fifteen years old, I accidentally found two broken books in the box of the old house. One was called "The True Book of the Collection of Redress Wrongs", written in the seventh year of Chun You in the Southern Song Dynasty, and the author was a person named Song Ci. The other is called "The Inferno," and it has no author.

With my classical Chinese level at that time, it was really a little difficult to understand these two ancient books, and I could only barely understand the small figures drawn on the two books, which were about the structure of the human body, the examination of dead bodies and so on.

I don't know why, these two books have a kind of extraordinary magic for me, after opening it, I can't put it down anymore, I hide from grandpa, carry forward ants gnawing bones

The spirit of these two obscure ancient books to 'chew' finished!

These two books seemed to me like the door to a new world, although the books mentioned that one such occupation was specialized in examining dead bodies in ancient times

Looking for clues to solve the case. But I didn't find it scary at all, I found it new, interesting and challenging.

For the first time in my life, at the age of sixteen, I had the opportunity to apply what I had learned.

At that time it was the dog days of summer, grandpa went out early in the morning, I was at home during the summer vacation, nothing to do, with a bamboo stick glue catch the cicada tree to play, then a black Jetta car a sudden brake, '囐' stopped at the door of the Song family old house.

From the car came a burly man, a country character face, thick eyebrows, skin tanned into the yard. I recognized him as a police officer who had visited Grandpa several times before, and I think his surname was Sun.

Today, Officer Sun did not wear a police uniform, but a short-sleeved shirt, holding a briefcase in his hand, he was hot and sweaty, and there were strands of heat on his head. When he saw me split his head, he asked: "Kid, is your grandfather at home?" "

"No, he's gone out."

Police officer Sun frowned, pulled up his collar and fanned, and muttered: "This weather, it's really hot."

I quickly said: "Uncle, go inside and sit for a while! I'll get you a cold drink."

"Well, how sensible!"

This officer sun style is very bold, and into the living room unceremoniously to find a chair to sit down, take down I gave him a large glass of cola splash splash fill her belly, carefree to wipe your mouth, and then lit a cigarette to ask me: "kid, in high school?

"Just started freshman year." I replied.

"How are your grades? "

"Not bad."

"Are some of your classmates bullying you? "


"If some classmates bully you, tell your uncle, uncle help you find a place to go!" Officer Sun laughed.

"Uncle, what is your relationship with my grandfather?" I thought it would be a great opportunity to get to know Grandpa.

"Your grandfather, ah, can really be a rare high man, but the temper is also a rare stubborn, these years do not know how many leaders to ask him out of the mountain, he is not willing to die." Last year, a director of the department gave him an offer, as long as he worked for our police for one year, let him retire, take fifty thousand a month's pension, this condition is not moved, I can also be taken! So we had to work together in another way." Police officer Sun sighed.

"Cooperation? Cooperation for what?" I asked.

As soon as Officer Sun wanted to answer, he suddenly seemed to realize that he had slipped out of his mouth, and he quickly covered his stomach and said, "Ouch, why did my stomach suddenly hurt, probably because I drank too much cold, where is the toilet?" "

"In the backyard." I pointed my hand.

Officer Sun, clutching his stomach, ran out into the backyard like a gust of wind, and then there was a loud crashing sound.

The button of the briefcase Sun threw on the table opened, and a picture slipped out of it. There were some red and green things on it, which aroused my strong curiosity!

While there was no one around, I reached my hand in the past, but my heart was like beating a drum. In my mind, it's against the law to read classified police files, maybe even jail time, but I'm dying to see them.

So I convinced myself to just look at it, just look at it, and then put it back.

I took the picture out of my briefcase and, as expected, it showed a dead body, and although I had seen a lot of dead people in the movies, I knew they were fake, far from the shock of a real corpse.

The body was of an adult male in a suit, his white shirt stained red with blood, his head hanging down

He sat leaning back in front of an open safe with a pair of glasses hanging from his right ear. There was a long, deep cut on his throat where the blood had come from.

There was a lot of money lying around, and there was a lot of blood on the body.

My eyes were caught by the content of the photo. I did not feel terrible at all. I even felt an irrepressible excitement, like a hungry man seeing food

The pervert saw the beauty, I know this metaphor is a little inappropriate, the dead should respect, but I just feel inexplicable excitement!

Just as I was watching, suddenly a large hand reached out behind me and suddenly took away the photo in my hand.

I looked back, and Officer Sun was standing behind me, staring at me with a serious look.

"Kid, who gave you permission to read my papers? It's illegal to read police papers, okay?" Officer Sun said angrily.

"I'm just.... I only looked at it once... Really. ..." I was speechless with fear.

Police Officer Sun squinted his eyes, his mouth suddenly flashed a sly smile, and said: "How about this, I will test you, if you answer up, this matter is not; If you can't answer, don't blame me, please go to the police station to reflect on it for a few days."

When he said this, I felt at ease, because I probably guessed what he was going to test me!

As expected, after I nodded in agreement, Officer Sun asked me: "Tell me, what kind of weapon was used to kill this man?" "

"Give me the pictures."

I took the photo, glanced again, and said with great certainty: "The wound on the throat is the fatal wound, from the shape of the wound, it is injured by sharp objects with edges, but if it is a knife, dagger and other weapons, I think you probably won't ask me such a question, so the weapon must be very special!"

Police Officer Sun came to interest: "Yes, the little hairy child said a model, you tell me, what is the murder weapon?" "

I handed over the photo. "The murder weapon is in this photo."

Police officer Sun stared at the photo, winked and said, "The murder weapon is on the photo?" You're not talking nonsense. I was on the case myself, and I looked everywhere, and I didn't find the murder weapon, and the killer would have been caught, and if it wasn't for the murder weapon... ..." He stopped talking suddenly


He said, "Stop talking, tell me what the murder weapon is!" "

"It's the money on the ground!" I replied briskly, "The bills, to be exact."

Officer Sun blinked in amazement. "Money? No, how is that possible?"

"Why is it not possible to bundle up a bunch of brand-new bills so tightly that the edges are sharp enough to make a wound this deep and this long, and then spread them out and scatter them at the murder scene, so that the 'murder weapon' is gone?" I replied.

Officer Sun gasped and gave me a thumbs-up: "Impressive, worthy of being the grandson of Song Zhaolin."

In fact, this is not my thought out, "Jailbreak" recorded in the bizarre cases, there was a paper knife murder case, when I saw the photos scattered everywhere bloody money, unconsciously associated with the above. Judging from what Officer Sun just said, this case should have caught the murderer

But not

We couldn't convict him if we found the murder weapon, so we came to grandpa for help.

"Ok, thank you, this trip is not in vain, when to the provincial capital to play, uncle please eat Kende.


By the way, I have a daughter in high school, so you two will have fun." Police Officer Sun smiled and put the photo back in the bag, and said to himself: "Song Zhaolin, this old thief, has been telling me that the Song family will not make a piece of work from now on, and it has been secretly cultivating you, it seems that the Song family has a successor, which is really good.

"Sun Tiger, what do you mean there is a successor?"

At that moment, a voice came from the door, I looked back to see Grandpa standing there, suddenly scared to play a cold shiver. Because Grandpa never allowed me to touch these things, let alone that I peeked at the two banned books.

Grandpa slowly turned his gloomy eyes from Officer Sun to me, as if he understood something. At that moment, I was really scared to the extreme!