
Hell Descent: I Am The Absolute Mastermind!

'No one knows what follows after death.' Life was but a blur for Zen, and when he came to, he found himself thrown into hell, forced to pass trials of sorts with nothing but a he lied about, teammates he didn't know if he could fully trust, and his wits. Zen only had one goal, and it was to know more about himself. If he was sent to hell, then he knew very well that something was waiting for him that could answer the questions he never had throughout his life, and while he's doing so... Nothing shall hinder his path. To Hell! ------------------ Release Rate: 2-3 soon

StellNem · Fantasy
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84 Chs


Chapter 62: Unexpected!

The group of men, having gotten a little more familiar with grottos, didn't find any incoveniences going forward, even the few nightwatchers that had appeared every now and then on their way towards the last room were quickly disintegrated with the torches.

Thus, in no time, the group reached the last room.

The gloomy atmosphere, the vines and roots around the room, everything was similar to the first grotto.

But there was one tiny single detail that caused everybody to become worried.

"Where… are the nightwatchers?" Dogan spoke out the words everybody had in their minds.

The room was empty. There wasn't one, not two, nor a hundred nightwatchers… there was none.

And this did not make things better in any way; if anything, it spelled danger.