
Hell Descent: I Am The Absolute Mastermind!

'No one knows what follows after death.' Life was but a blur for Zen, and when he came to, he found himself thrown into hell, forced to pass trials of sorts with nothing but a he lied about, teammates he didn't know if he could fully trust, and his wits. Zen only had one goal, and it was to know more about himself. If he was sent to hell, then he knew very well that something was waiting for him that could answer the questions he never had throughout his life, and while he's doing so... Nothing shall hinder his path. To Hell! ------------------ Release Rate: 2-3 soon

StellNem · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Filtration Pills!

Chapter 65: Filtration Pills!

"Now let's try another example." Zen turned towards the mana filtration device that was on top of a small makeshift table and held it in his hands.

"This is the mana filtration device. The way to use it is by filling it with mana." He stated.

He needed to sit down to concentrate, but since it was just the simple act of transferring mana, he closed his eyes.


The lines that decorated the cube lit up with a blue luster that went on to shine brightly for the world to see.

Zen felt the colors and blinding light even with his closed eyes, but the ones who could see everything were the villagers.

They watched as the cube floated for a bit and the small circular rune on top of the cube borrowed strings of mana from the four lines connected to it, Then it started to converge in the middle and after seconds of this process, it formed into a shiny blue pill.
