

"A mine full of diamonds and rubies. I dug, found it and placed it upon you and now your wealth is assured. Guard it with your life. Robbers and thieves will appear from all sides. Those you trust shall rise against you. Never take your wealth for granted constantly renew it - protect your reputation. Never let your guards down." "I'm battling demons everyday not sure I'll see the next day. Waking everyday thinking I'd die tomorrow. One day I'll be right ,by then I had already left.... And everyone will go solo." "What you'll be, you'll be..." Riev, a young promising boy who has lived all his life as the son of the church’s exorcist grows up to discover he has been living a lie all these while. Son of a great Demon and a once upon a time deadly witch, birthed in fire and baptised in the blood of Demons.This history, he has no knowledge about. His mother gives him off in order to protect him from his past and future. The destroyer of realms. He’s been protected by his mother’s curse all his years. Can a curse be cursed? Destiny twirls and unwind in this thrilling story.

Princewill_Ibekaku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


It continues.

"I feel Fr. Nicholas may drop this transfer. I really don't want him to leave. Do you?" She spoke from the bathroom. She didn't get any reply from him - not even a Hmm.

"Simon?" She stiil got no answer. The quiet was freaking her out. She rushed her bath and got out of the bathroom. She kept calling his name as she dried her body with a towel. She slipped into a new lingerie.

She got on the bed, her eyes were consumed with shock to see Simon in that state. He was soaked in his sweat. He was quivering - his hair was soaked in sweat. She was perturbed, had she transfered her sickness to him? She quickly reached out for his forehead. He was boiling hot - she was amused by the amount of sweat oozing out of him and the degree of this body temperature - enough to burn his skin.

She was extremely overwhelmed. She didn't know what to do right then. She began trembling in fear and calling his name. He wasn't responding to her calls, he was deep into the sleep and lost in his scary dream. She didn't know when tears began filling her eye, dulling her vision. She was very miserable.

"Simon wake up..." Jessica kept pushing his body more vigorously in hope that he responds - Nil. He was sleeping and sweating profusely with a trembling body motion. Tears were seeping silently from his closed eyes. Pain and bitterness was visible on his face. He turned and was clutching his chest in pain and agony. This most be the part where she has disintegrated. He was having a daylight nightmare.

"Simon!" Jessica didn't know what to do. She didn't even have a clue on what was happening to her friend. She was earlier in the bathroom speaking to her friend and was getting no reply. She felt helpless. Devastated. And much attention was what she wasn't ready for if she yelled for help.

Fear had engulfed her, she was trembling slightly when he squeezed his eyes open and sat up like he was being pursued. His moon-kissed bright silver eyes had lost its spark - like a black hole had drain its spark leaving an ash dust.

"Jessica?" He hurriedly locked her up in a tight hug. He was squeezing her but she didn't mind.

"It's alright Simon, I'm here." She returned the embrace with an enfeebled smile as a tear rolled from her left cheek. She was glad her friend was back from wherever he was but he was still soaked in sweat and as for his body temperature - it was cooling normally.

"Thank God it was all a dream. I don't want to loose you." His voice was just as hoarse as it was in the dream. The statement made by Simon caused Jessica's eye to widen a bit.

He gently pulled out of the embrace and held her in both arms. He took his time to observe her body, making sure that every nook and cranny of her body were intact.

"What happened Simon? Are you alright?" so much worry filled her eyes and her frail voice. She was sure he wasn't alright.

"I was talking to you from the bathroom and you weren't responding so I got worried when you weren't answering your name. Are you sure you're alright Simon?" She narrowed her eyes in worry and also in suspicion. What was she supposed to suspect or know? Get off it.

"I'm fine Jessy. I just fell asleep and had a bad dream. That's it?..." He was trying to escape her probings. She gazed at him from hair to stomach. She tilted her head to the right and shook her head in disagreement and narrowed her gaze into his eyes - her gaze this time intensified. He better bring sup a good idea to shove the worried mother hen in front of him off. She was sure not buying only that.

"...I'm sure Jessy. I'm okay Jessy. I'm not sick. Only a bad dream." His voice became mellow and gentle like his voice was never hoarse few seconds ago.

He looked down towards the bed. He was hiding his face or something. He dropped his hands off her shoulder and stood up from the bed and walked to the side of the bed she sat. He was trying to hide his eyes from her. He hid the unreasonable amount of fear of loosing her behind those ash eyes. His eyes had lost it's silver at that moment. She had noticed he didn't want her to see his eyes.

He stood up, gently pulled her up from the bed and walked her to the door of her dressing room. He went before her and held the door knob.

"Ya naked." He chuckled as opens the door for her.

"You'd better be fast girl. I wouldn't want to miss Fr. Nicholas say good bye." He scoffs and smiles. His voice was just very much vibrant. He stood in front of her with the door open. Jessica couldn't help but observe him. Quite an observant girl she was. She wasn't even sparing a smile. She was worried and confused with the turn up of things. Why are you being so worried Jessy?

"You sure you okay?" She tried to probe into his eyes once again.

"Now you're being a worrywart just like your mum. Don't be a worrywart Jessy. I'm great." He paused, turns his head away, avoiding his eyes from meeting hers, scratches the back of his head with his left hand.

"...it just that it felt so real." He dropped his hand and turned to Jessica.

"You get in there, and get dressed to kill..." He gasped as he realised what he had just said. Jessica was already laughing.

"No! No! No! I didn't mean kill. You won't be killing anyone in the church. Just dress okay." He flashed her one of his mesmerizing smiles. Jessica couldn't help but giggle as she closed the door.

With all the display and reactions she knew that he didn't want her probing. She understood he wasn't ready to tell her about the dream that he just had and she was willing to wait till he was ready to.

She didn't take more than three minute, she bounced out of the door. She twirled around and chuckled letting her hair flow with the calm current of air she caused.

"How do I look." She stood in front of the door to the dressing room smiling as she adored her dress. She was dressed in a purple blouse and ash pants. She was looking just exquisite just as the dream. Her make-up wasn't an exception. The vibrant red lip stain and the lip gloss was a matching pair, the pair of green shoes and her green eyes. He was left with a round eye and mouth in 'O'. A flash of the dream came flying through his head but he held his resolve knowing she was on purple blouse and her hairdo was different. He smiled and sighed in relief. It can't be repeating. Can it?

He smiled in astonishment on seeing her.

When she had seen his reaction, she took her time to observe her self. Was she wearing the back of her dress or was her make-up done badly or was her lip stain too bold? She didn't know what to think. She didn't observe when he was cool again while she was pondering on her thought.

"Extremely mesmerising." He smiled at her as he stood from the bed and went for the door. She saw the smiles on his face. He was keeping his mind in check.

"After you, Milady." He stood at the opened door and raised a smirk to the left of his lip. He looked...flirty. She couldn't help her cheeks from flushing red.

"If I remember right, we are going to the church." She could only giggle as she left for the door.

Mrs. Lyon was on her way upstairs while Simon and Jessica came downstairs. Just as Mrs. Lyon was about to take the stairs, she heard footsteps approaching. Jessica and Simon were already on the stairs. She gasped on seeing Simon's shirt all damp and wet by whatsoever the source maybe. She narrowed her gaze to observe Simon very well. Her eyes were locked on Jessica's as of asking her series of questions through glaring gaze. Jessica gave her the the most clueless gaze as she gently walked down the stairs behind Simon.

"Simon, what happened with your shirt?" She stood by the stairs holding unto the rails waiting for them to approach her.

She was an overreactive woman, it wasn't a surprise for simon seeing her very worried face.

"Daytime nightmare but I'm okay, Mrs. Lyon." He rapidly answered to avoid further questions and worrisome exhibit. He quickly went down the stairs leaving Jessica to banter with her mom.

"If you say so, Simon. Don't forget to tell Fr. Nicholas about this Daytime nightmare, Okay?" She spoke quietly trying to hide her worried face behind a wry smile.

"Hmm." He nodded in response to what she had just said.

Jessica and her mother where glued in their eye contact. Mrs. Lyon was obviously worried - she couldn't even hide the fact that she was - about her only child and daughter.

Just when Mrs. Lyon was about to say utter a word...

"I'm okay mum. I'm fine." Jessica pushed her mother's words back into her mouth.

Mr. Lyon who had already seen Simon's ruined shirt had gone to the laundry room to get a clean shirt for him. A neatly folded blue T-shirt.

Mrs. Lyon was being too overreacting about Jessica's choice of going to church after the miraculous recovery.

"Are you sure you can go? You just..." Just before she could finish her statement.

"Don't worry Honey. She's better now and besides, she's headed to the church. She shouldn't be restricted. Don't be a worrywart now honey." Mr. Lyon interrupted her from completing her statement. He had just given Simon the blue T-shirt, took the soaked shirt and went towards his wife. He didn't want his wife being too worried about every little thing.

Jessica sighed in relief - she had just been saved from her mother's worrisome cry. She quickly went down the stairs to avert anymore questions from her mother.

"Thank you Lyons." He had already worn the blue shirt and was ready to leave.

"I'd be back to return the shirt. I'm grateful." He dashed out of the door.

Jessica was already on her bicycle and her safety helmet ready. They were going by bicycle besides that's what Simon used in coming their what else would it have been?