

"Everyone deserves love and happiness.....Even you Zander!" "No! Do you know who I am Brooke? I'm literally the face of Evil! I'm not capable of such things, I now realize that! I can't even-" "Do you even want it?" His eyes widened at the surprising question. "What do you mean?" He asked. Brooked yelled her heart out in exasperation as tears fell from her eyes like two waterfalls. " I mean do want it? To be happy? To be free? To be loved? Do really want it? Do you want ....me?"

Andrea_Sky · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 1: The locket

Deep inside a thick forest ...

"Mommy! Are you OK? Mommy!"Said the loud voice of a little girl.She wasn't yelling but the eerie silence in the atmosphere made her voice sound inexplicably loud.

"Mommy ur trembling. Look at ur fingers

they're-" Suddenly the girl's mouth was covered by five long fingers


Said the mother with nothing but fear and dread conveying her voice.

"Shut the f*** up! Do you have any idea of the kind of trouble you'll get us in? Good, little girls don't go around screaming at 2 a.m.-" the mother's nightmare came true when she was suddenly interrupted

"No one! goes around screaming at 2a.m!!!"

The voice seemed bored but full of danger "Not in Beverly, and especially not here! Aren't you afraid you'll wake the demons littlegirl? "

"D-Demons?" asked the girl with intrigued curiosity. Her mother's hand had slipped out of her lips the momment the unknown voice spoke.

The girl yelled "Liar! Mommy said that the demons live in Hell! Why would they be here?"

The person's eyes widened for a moment at the girls response before letting out a dark and mysterious chuckle. Then the owner of the voice stepped into the dim lighting of the street light reviling his devilish but undeniably handsome figure to the ladies.

The person was,...A Boy?

The boy seemed barely over thirteen. He was dressed in silky pajamas of black and white and his hair was a weird shade of silvery white. But his aura didn't seem any less terrifying.

He's hands were in his pocket and his eyes were.. she couldn't see his eyes. He was staring down maybe looking at something or avoiding eye contact she couldn't tell.

All too suddenly, the chuckle ended without a trace, the air turned extremely cold. It was as if a ghost of death had suddenly passed through them. Warning bells rang everywhere.

The mother wanted to run but she couldn't. Her entire body betrayed her and refused to move. What happened? Was there an invisible off button that was pressed to make her body shut down.

The girl wondered the same thing but didn't seem as terrified as her mother, she seemed rather surprised and curious.

As fast as a tiny flash, the boy faced the little girl with a cold gaze.

"listen here little one, this place IS hell. The demons are EVERYWHERE!!." His eyes finally came into view, he didn't seem to have any pupils. His eyes were filled with a dangerous color of smoke-like black.

The girl gasped in shock earning a smirk from the boy. But the smirk barely lasted a second before vanished without a trace. His voice thundered hard, loud and cold

"Leave! Now!"

As soon as those words left his mouth, the mother grabbed her child's arm and ran like there was no tomorrow. But the girl seemed reluctant to leave without knowing why. She stopped dead in her tracks but because of the force her mom was dragging her with, she fell. Her mother couldn't be bothered in the slightest. She continued running at lighting speed. The girl stood up and looked at the boy one last time who in exchange met her gaze. She felt something way too familiar lingering in those eyes. They both didn't know why but at that moment time stood still. It felt like they had known each other for years.

The boys eyes gradually switched to normal without him realizing it...though something was still off with his pupils- They appeared to be grape-like purple.

The girl was mesmerized and couldn't help staring as the boy stared back as though they were communicating with their eyes.


The unmistakable voice of her mother yelled.

Brooke, brought back into reality, gave the boy one last look then turned around and ran after her mother.

The boy stood frozen for a while wondering what just happened. He had to stop himself from running after her when the girl left. He walked slowly to where she fell maybe hoping that she would magically re- appear. To his disappointment, nothing of the sort happened but he found something else. Covered with dust in the dark night, glowed a silvery moon shaped locket. He picked it up and opened it.

Inside the locket was a picture of the girl with her mother and a person he presumed to be her father.

But there was something else about the picture that got his attention. The family inside the picture.They seemed to have a feeling he was never felt before.

They seemed- Happy!