
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 22 : Skills Issues

Guess who finished school raaahhhh, yeah yeah I here I had business to deal with that the reason of not updating.

BTW I just gave a cursed spirit catakism of cat noise and none one pointed that out in the last chapter, speaking of last chapter for jjk it was good for character development of Yuta yet disappointment, for csm no words needed literally no comment .

All eyes on Rafah

Enjoy !


"30 Minutes ago is crazy, how did you finish the mission that quickly? " Aki asked as he leaned on the kitchen counter, he was at Uritchi's place alongside Reze and Uritchi himself, Quanxi was out for some hunt.

"Nahh, I just bombed the whole thing and came here flying with explosions " the girl explained.

"They really mentioned some wierd phenomenon of explosions in the sky in the tv news, guess you're famous now" Uritchi said smirking while lying on the couch.

"Ohh God! " face palming himself, Aki sighed. "Told you not to get attention, now I have to manipulate some local news companies to delete the articles they're probably making now.."

"Ok OK sorry, I get it but I had no other choice, you told me to come early, remember? " hands on her hips. "Those explosions worked as firework, as if I would use much blood to make an atomic one"

"Yeah really ? They didn't say that, they seem to be investigating it, amd didn't you take my lovely daggers with you " the blonde scoffed.

Reze gave Uritchi a look, then kept avoiding Aki's gaze, while he just sighed then proceed to huff as he was making some coffee to cool off, he was good at cooking everything except for coffee, finishing the brewing, he took a sip taking the taste in.

"Blrffff ! This coffee taste so bad wtf, what did I do wrong !" Frustrated as he pit the coffee all over the kitchen counter, getting some on the leaning girl's hands.

"Ewwww wtf Aki ! Don't SPIT CLEAN THIS MESS RIGHT NOW ! "she screamed at the boy who got jump scare from her sudden rise in voice.

"Ok OK chill girl...the coffe was just that bad.." as he cleaned the mess, getting chuckles from the lying Uritchi.

"Aughhh.... how bad could it be ? *takes a sip* OH MY GOD THIS TASTE LIKE LITERAL SHIT ! " she also spat the coffe, taking judging glares from the boys.

She helped cleaning the mess, whipping it as Aki groaned in frustration while Uritchi was surfing on his phone.

"Does not-being able to make coffee make a man less attractive ?" He asked his friends, who looked at him with confusion, then raising their eyebrow as they realized he was worried about his date, seizing the opportunity

"Totally a red flag ! " they responded in sync, both of Reze and Uritchi now are onto making Aki feel actually concerned, because that's what friends are for.

"A man who don't know how to make coffee is a red flag, like why you don't know such basic thing, are you a misogynist ? Are you irresponsible ? Who is making you coffee, you cheater !" Reze explained with a serious face, gaslighting Aki.

"Yeah ! imagine a kitchen wench who don't know how to make coffe !" The poor blonde tried helping Reze's point of view, only to fuck it up and have them looking at him with a blank maybe a disgusted expression.

"You're a misogynist? " they both said in sync, looking at him brows rised, they looked like a siblings for a second.

"No ! What is that ? I never heard of it ?" He shook his head.

"Dumbass....." the girl mumbled.

"Haaaa what should I do now ! I wanted to invite her to my place sometime, she likes coffee and I'll have to make her when she visits, can't fumble now OFFFFFFF.." He whined like a teenager .

"I can teach you ! " Reze said.

"Really ?" He responded.

"Yeah, I am a master at making any kind of coffe you like, I'm the gem of the coffee shop, everyone like my coffee! " she said proudly.

"Just don't destroy my kitchen...." Uritchi warned in a lazy voice.

"Come on, with Reze sensei, you will a professional at making coffee. " She encouraged him, ignoring Uritchi's comments.

Reze stood behind the counter, her dark hair tied back and her green eyes focused with an intensity that could only be matched by her passion for coffee. Everything was cleaned up, the perfect setting for a private lesson. Aki, with his fiery red hair and golden eyes that always seemed to be lit with mischief, stood opposite her, a determined set to his jaw.

"Okay, Aki, making coffee is like a dance," Reze began, her voice steady. "You have to feel the rhythm of the beans, the heat of the water, the softness of the milk."

Aki nodded, though the look in his eyes suggested he was about to dance off-beat. "Got it. Feel the rhythm. How hard can it be?"

Reze couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm, yet she triedt to keep the act of the strict teacher. "First, the grind. It's all about consistency." She demonstrated, pouring the beans into the grinder. "Not too fine, not too coarse."


Notification of a message lit her phone, she picked it up as she read through the notification bar, then started typing fast like crazy.

"Woah calm down girl, whoever you're texting must be his bad day" Uritchi joked since he noticed how she was dismissively engaged.

Meanwhile Aki watched, his brows furrowed in concentration. When it was his turn, he poured in too many beans, and the grinder jammed with a sad, whirring noise. Reze bit her lip to keep from laughing. "Maybe a little less enthusiasm," she suggested.

They moved on to the water. "Temperature is key," Reze explained. "Too hot, and you'll burn the grounds. Too cold, and you won't extract the full flavor."

Aki nodded, taking the kettle in his hands. He waited, watching the thermometer like it was an enemy to be defeated. But in his focus on the temperature, he forgot about the pour. Water splashed everywhere, missing the French press entirely.

Reze jumped back, barely avoiding the hot splash. "Aki! The aim is just as important!"

He grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oops. I guess i missed it, but why are you on your phone this whole time, you should be teaching me instead."

"It's literally coffee man ! And I'm getting these messages from this bitch that keeps spamming me with insults." She explained in frustration.

"Why, what happened, who is she ? Now she got the full interest of the boys.

"Spill the beans gurl ! " Uritchi said eagerly, adjusting his sitting.

"Nah just some bitch coworker who would boss around like she owned the place" she said.

"Then put her in her place" the redhead said, followed by the blonde's approval.

"I think I'll lash out at her at once, maybe she'll stop bothering me then."she responded, though kind of hesitant since she'll see her tomorrow, but she thought again and decided to fuck it anyway.

"Tell her that she looks like she jumped and her face froze mid jump" Aki suggested.

"What kind of insult is that ?" The girl said.

"Oh no tell her she looks like she cut her hair with forks and knife" Uritchi said.

"She makes drinking water seem like a skill"

"She is build like a loaf of bread "

"Her eyes are so far apart they make social distances ashamed "

"Tell her to make sure to love herself 'cause no one will " as both of the boys went on roasting the girl just from her profile picture, Reze just enjoyed the bullying she witnessed and made sure to sand all that have been said so far.

Everything turned into a conversation about how to properly roast someone in the midset of Aki's attempts, shifting to other nonsense and random topics, the trio chatted without a care in the world everyone saying his thoughts no matter how twisted and unhumaned it sounds.

Despite the chaos, Reze found herself enjoying the process. There was something endearing about Aki's earnest attempts and the way his face fell with every mistake. She stepped closer, guiding his hands. "Let's try again. Together this time."

With Reze's help, Aki managed to grind the beans to the right consistency. They laughed together as they cleaned up the spilled water, and when they finally pressed down the plunger of the French press, it was a small victory shared between them.

"Now, the milk," Reze said, picking up the pitcher. "We want it velvety, not bubbly."

Aki watched her swirl the milk in the pitcher, the steam wand hissing gently. "Like a cloud," he murmured.

"Yes, exactly!" Reze beamed. "You're getting it."

When it was Aki's turn, he somehow managed to create a milk volcano. Foam erupted over the edge of the pitcher, and Reze couldn't contain her laughter any longer.

"I don't get it!" Aki exclaimed, throwing his hands up. "I followed everything you did!"

Reze wiped tears of mirth from her eyes. "It's okay. It takes practice. And maybe a little less… Aki-ness."

They tried again, and this time, Aki's milk ( au,note : 😭💀) was less volcanic and more cloud-like. They poured the coffee, and Aki attempted latte art. It was supposed to be a heart, but it looked more like a misshapen blob.

"It's a… unique heart," Reze said diplomatically.

Aki looked at the cup, then at Reze, and a wide, goofy grin spread across his face. "It's an Aki-heart. You may have the honour of the first taste, not to make sure it's bad or something."

Reze's frustration melted away, replaced by warmth that had nothing to do with the coffee. "Thank you, Aki. It's perfect."

"Uhh what about me ?" Uritchi asked

"Nuh uh I'm tired, tell Reze to make you some" as he took another cup he made, and threw himself on the couch, on Uritchi's laid feet making him groaned in pain, he later adjusted himself from lying to sitting properly.

~~~~~~~~transition pow pow ~~~~~~~~~

The sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm glow over the living room. It was a cozy space, an open plan that seamlessly merged into the kitchen, allowing the aromas of freshly brewed coffee to waft through the air. The walls were adorned with an eclectic mix of art, from traditional Japanese prints to modern abstract paintings, reflecting the diverse tastes of its inhabitants.

Reze moved gracefully around the room, her dark hair cascading down her back as she tied it up in a casual bun. The soft fabric of her tank top hugged her frame, and her shorts allowed her the comfort to lounge at ease. Her green eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief.

Aki lounged on the plush sofa, his legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. His red hair was a fiery crown, catching the sunlight and glowing like embers. The golden hue of his eyes seemed to hold the warmth of the sun itself.

Uritchi, ever the contrast, sat opposite Aki. His blonde hair seemed almost luminescent in the sunlight, and his red eyes had a piercing quality to them, as if he could see right through the facades people put up. His posture was relaxed, yet there was an alertness to him that suggested he was always ready to spring into action.

The trio sat in comfortable silence, the only sounds being the soft clinks of ceramic as they set their coffee cups down on the wooden table. The air was thick with unspoken words, a tension that was not quite uncomfortable after the brewing session.

Reze picked up her cup, the steam curling up into the air before dissipating. She took a sip, savoring the rich flavor, and then set the cup down, leaving a faint lipstick mark on the rim. She leaned back, her eyes scanning the room, taking in the details as if seeing them for the first time.

Aki watched her from the corner of his eye, a small smile playing on his lips. He had always admired Reze's ability to find beauty in the mundane, to take pleasure in the simple things. It was a quality he found endearing, a softness that balanced the harshness of their world.

Uritchi, meanwhile, was lost in thought, his gaze fixed on the abstract painting that hung on the wall. It was a chaotic swirl of colors, a stark reminder of the turmoil that often lay beneath the surface of their lives. Yet, amidst the chaos, there was a pattern, a sense of order that resonated with him.

The room was filled with the comfortable hum of companionship, a testament to the bond they shared. It was a bond forged through shared experiences, through battles fought side by side, and through moments of vulnerability that had allowed them to see each other's true selves.

As the time wore on, the conversation flowed as smoothly as the coffee in their cups. They spoke of trivial things, of the weather and the news of Reze's bombing, but also of deeper matters, of fears and dreams and the uncertain future that lay ahead.

"Can't believe I'm single while Aki got a girlfriend " the girl said.

"I can believe it" Uritchi almost immediately answered.

"Fuck you" she said

"You wish you can't fuck anybody Reze" he said.

"Shut up man, you're the one to talk, you got no rizz no bitches no social life no mon-" he was cut off by him "I got way more money than your broke ass can make from that pathetic job of yours in the next ten decades"

"True" Aki approved.

"Shut up both of you, and Uritchi you can't talk like you're some kind of relationship expert, you suck at dating that's why you're ass is single"

"Nuh uh" "Yuh huh" "Nuh uh " "Yuh huh" both of them invested in their banter, after a while of yuh huh and nuh uh, Reze spoke up "what do you know about dating huh !?"

"I know a lot, I can even give you advices for empty dating life" he said, while aki enjoying the show.

"Ohh yeah like what ?" She asked challenging him.

"Ummm.....uh.....so.....If you take his phone and he freaks HE IS CLAPPING ANOTHER GIRL'S CHEEKS ! " the dumb blonde said in enthusiasm

"Oh my god" as she turned her head to the side in shame.


"HHHHHAHAHAHAHAH" Aki laughing like crazy at them.

"If you acuse him a guy of cheating and his voice goes high pitch, he is talking to another bitch" he added.

"Accurate " the girl said then giggled.

The laughter and banter continued, the lightness of their conversation belying the weight of the world outside their door. But for now, in this moment, they were content to simply be, to enjoy the peace that was a rare luxury in their lives.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its golden light across the room, their conversation took another turn.

"Hey, Aki didn't you say you suspect something will happen in Shibuya in the future ?"

"Ohh yeah Shibuya Incident big spoiler ahead guys !" He said

"Wierdo...anyway didn't you say before that probably it won't happen " the blonde said.

The conversation took a turn, as Reze brought up a topic that had been on her mind for a while. Her expression was thoughtful, her eyes reflecting the seriousness of her words.

"Why wouldn't it happen, why would Kenjaku postpone the attack? "

Aki responded with his usual candor, his voice carrying the weight of his convictions. He gestured with his hands, emphasizing his points as he spoke.

"Well now he was supposed to seal gojo but now he sees me as threatening as gojo, and there's only one prison realm so..."

Uritchi listened intently, his red eyes locked onto Aki's face. When he finally spoke, his words were measured, each one carefully chosen for its impact.

"How do you know he got only one ? What if it only takes one to seal two people?"

Reze leaned forward, her interest piqued by Uritchi's perspective. She nodded along, her green eyes shining with a mix of agreement and curiosity.

"He is right though, he might change his plans into something else to deal with ya"

Aki chuckled at a remark from Uritchi, the sound rich and warm. He shook his head in amusement before adding his own thoughts to the mix.

"Nah, even if I got sealed I have literally angle technique, Jacob's Ladder can undo the seal and given Kenjaku's nature he probably already knows that "

As the morning progressed, the dialogue between the three friends deepened, touching on personal anecdotes and shared memories.

"Well does anyone lately know where Quanxi often goes to ? I'm just curious." Aki asked.

"She goes wandering around with no purpose, sometimes spend nights in motels " the blonde said.

"With men, right ?" The redhead reasked.

"Oh my god, you think she is a lesbian?" Reze in surprise said.

"Ewwwwwww .....of course with men duh !" Uritchi said.

"Thank god she is back to default settings! " the sorcerer prayed.

"What was that reaction, are you homophobic? " Reze asked.

"Duh ! I'm also like straight up racist I don't know why me being homophobic is surprising "

"That's right but you're not racist, I think you're just from an old clan with ignorant point of views just like satoru" Aki explained.

"I still hate gay people " the blonde added.

"We know" they both said in sync.

~~~~~~~transition ~~~~~~~~~

Sunday evening, the sun dipped below the horizon as Aki fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. His red hair glowed softly in the twilight, making his tall, muscular frame look almost ethereal. He glanced at Ru, his date, who stood beside him, her violet eyes sparkling with curiosity and a hint of sassiness. She had a normal, everyday clothes, something that Aki found irresistibly charming.

"This is it," Aki said, a bit shy yet with a flirty undertone. "Ready to meet my friends?"

Ru flashed a confident grin. "Ready as I'll ever be, Aki . Can't wait more."

They walked up to Uritchi's place, a modest yet cozy house that screamed comfort. As they entered, they were greeted by Reze, with dark hair and green eyes, exuding a sweet and welcoming vibe.

"Hey, Aki!" Reze beamed, her smile wide and genuine. "And you must be Ru. Nice to finally meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too, Reze," Ru replied, her voice smooth but friendly. "Aki's told me a lot about you guys."

Quanxi, the blonde with a cold yet gentle demeanor, approached next. Her piercing eyes softened slightly as she extended a hand to Ru. "Welcome. Hope you enjoy the movie night."

Ru shook her hand, noting the strength in Quanxi's grip. "Thanks, Quanxi. I've heard you're quite the character."

Quanxi just nodded.

Uritchi appeared, his blonde hair and red eyes matching his clothes almost eerily. " You must be Ru. Any friend of Aki's is a friend of ours, well that's what we were told to say at least."

"Thanks, Uritchi," Ru said with giggles, feeling genuinely welcomed by the group.

They settled into the living room, snacks spread out on the coffee table. The movie they chose was an Japanese old film about a man, who make films, recording his mother's last days. It sounded somber, but everyone agreed to give it a shot.

As the movie played, there were moments of awkward silence, punctuated by bursts of laughter and light-hearted comments. Quanxi, ever the wildcard, had everyone in stitches when she tried to use slang she clearly didn't understand.

"That guy is totally... uh, lit?" Quanxi said, frowning as she looked to Reze for confirmation.

Reze giggled. "Close enough, Quanxi."

Halfway through the movie, a scene where the protagonist was recording a heartfelt conversation with his mother had everyone quiet and contemplative. Ru glanced at Aki, who seemed particularly engrossed.

Then came the ending—an unexpected explosion at the hospital. The screen went black, leaving everyone in stunned silence.

"What the hell?" Uritchi exclaimed, breaking the silence.

"Did not see that coming," Reze added, shaking her head in disbelief.

Quanxi furrowed her brow. "Was that supposed to be deep or just confusing?"

Aki, however, was on the verge of tears. His eyes were red, and he looked down, trying to compose himself, with laughs and giggles that made him seem mad.

Ru placed a hand on his arm, her voice soft. "Aki, are you okay?"

He nodded slowly, his voice choked with emotion. "Yeah, I just get really invested in movies, I sort of had this takeaway from the ending too. To add-on to this, I think the shot of the mc watching his mother"die" is just reused footage from the reaction to the first film mc made. Also, I think the lack of more characters was also a sign that it might just be one big meta movie. Nonetheless, I still love stories that let readers have different interperetations of the ending.."

The room fell silent again, but this time, it was a respectful silence. They understood the depth of what Aki had said, even if they didn't entirely grasp it themselves.

Reze, always the empathetic one, reached over and gave Aki's hand a reassuring smack. "What a bigass manchild crying about a film" Yeah that was empathy.

Quanxi, in her own unique way, nodded. "Yeah, man. Everyone has their own way of seeing things. Guess that's what makes us... human....half human? or whatever."

The mood lightened as they began to discuss the movie, each sharing their interpretations. It was a mix of serious insights and humorous takes, a perfect blend for the eclectic group.

As the night wound down, Ru stood up, stretching her arms. "Well, I think it's time for us to head out. Thanks for having us, Uritchi. It was a great night."

Uritchi smiled. "Anytime, Ru. You're welcome here whenever." The boy was threatened to talk less since he was a complete disaster and autistic when it comes to social skills.

As they stepped out of Uritchi's place, the pale moonlight bathed Aki and Ru in a soft, silvery glow. Ru glanced up at Aki, her violet eyes reflecting the moon's ethereal light.

"Thanks for today, Aki," Ru said, her voice warm and sincere. "I had a great time."

Aki smiled, his red hair glinting in the moonlight. "I'm glad you did. Let's get you home."

They walked to Aki's car, a sleek, black vehicle that contrasted sharply with the serene night. Aki opened the door for Ru, who slipped inside with a grateful smile. He then got in on the driver's side and started the engine. The car hummed to life, and they began the drive through the quiet streets.

Halfway through the drive, Ru turned to Aki, her eyes sparkling with a mix of mischief and curiosity. "You know, the night's still young. How about we grab a drink?"

Aki raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "A drink, huh? Sounds like a plan. Let's find a place."

They drove a little further until they spotted a cozy restaurant with a welcoming sign that promised good food and better drinks. Aki parked the car, and they walked inside, the warm ambiance a pleasant contrast to the cool night air.

They found a table near the window, the moonlight casting a gentle glow over their faces. A waitress approached, taking their orders with a friendly smile. Soon, they each had a cold beer in hand, the glasses clinking together in a quiet toast.

"To a great night," Ru said, her voice light and cheerful.

Aki nodded, taking a sip of his beer. "To a great night."

They fell into easy conversation, the kind that flowed naturally between two people who genuinely enjoyed each other's company. Aki's nervousness seemed to melt away, replaced by a relaxed confidence that matched Ru's sassy yet goofy demeanor.

"I don't get drunk" aki said, taking another sip of his glass.

"That's unfair! Augh ....I'm half drunk right now" she mumbled, then shook her head trying to regain her composure.

"So," Ru said, leaning forward with a conspiratorial grin, "Quanxi's slang was pretty hilarious tonight, don't you think?"

Aki chuckled, nodding. "Yeah, she really tried. 'Lit' 'bussin bussin' 'ate and left no crumbs' ? I don't think she has any idea what that means."

Ru laughed, the sound like a melody in the cozy restaurant. "And Reze, she's so sweet. I felt like I was being pampered all night."

"Reze has that effect on people," Aki agreed, his smile softening. "She's always looking out for everyone."

They continued to chat, their conversation a mix of light-hearted banter and deeper, more thoughtful exchanges. Aki found himself opening up in ways he hadn't expected, sharing stories and thoughts that he'd usually keep to himself. Ru's presence was comforting, her genuine interest in his words making him feel seen and heard.

"Tonight was special," Ru said after a while, her eyes locking onto Aki's. "Not just because of the movie or the company, but because of you. I really appreciate you inviting me."

Aki felt a warmth spread through him, his usual shameless replaced by a sane boldness that surprised even him. "I'm glad you came, Ru. You made the night even better."

They lingered in the restaurant, enjoying each other's company and the easy flow of their conversation. The beers were slowly emptied, and the waitress brought another round, each sip adding to the light, pleasant buzz that surrounded them.

Eventually, the restaurant started to quiet down, signaling the approach of closing time. Aki glanced at his watch, then at Ru, a reluctant smile on his face. "Looks like it's getting late. Should we head out?"

Ru nodded, her expression mirroring his reluctance to end the night. "Yeah, I guess we should."

As they stepped out of the restaurant, the cool night air wrapped around them, a gentle breeze ruffling Ru's white hair. The moonlight bathed the street in a soft, silvery glow, creating an almost magical atmosphere. Aki glanced at Ru, noticing how the moonlight made her violet eyes sparkle even more.

"Hey, Ru," Aki said, pulling out his phone. "Can I take a photo of you? You look amazing in this light."

Ru giggled, swaying slightly as she struck a playful pose. "Sure, but make sure you capture my good side, okay?"

Aki grinned, lifting the phone to frame the shot. "You only have good sides, Ru."

She burst into laughter, a bit louder and more carefree than usual. "You're too corny, Aki. Really, you are."

He snapped the photo, capturing Ru's radiant smile and the way the moonlight played off her hair and eyes. Looking at the picture, he felt a rush of affection for her, the moment perfectly encapsulating the magic of their night together.

"Perfect," Aki said, showing her the photo.

Ru leaned in to look, her eyes shining with delight and a bit of a drunken haze. She stumbled slightly but caught herself on Aki's arm. "Not bad, Aki. Not bad at all."

They lingered for a moment, the intimacy of the moment deepening their connection. Aki slipped his phone back into his pocket, his heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time.

As they continued walking towards the car, Ru turned to Aki, her steps a bit unsteady but her playful smirk intact. "So, does this mean I get to take a photo of you next time?"

Aki laughed, nodding. "Only if you promise to capture my good side."

Ru nudged him playfully, almost losing her balance. "Deal. But you're gonna have to help me find it."

Back in the car, they drove in comfortable silence, the city lights flickering by like a dream. The bond between them felt stronger than ever, their shared moments creating a tapestry of memories that would last a lifetime.

When they reached Ru's place, Aki parked the car and turned to her, his expression soft and tender. "Thanks for tonight, Ru. It was really special."

Ru leaned over, planting a slightly unsteady kiss on his cheek. "Me too, Aki. Let's do this again sometime."

Aki's heart skipped a beat, his smile widening. "I'd like that."

As they walked towards her door, Ru fumbled with her keys, dropping them. She bent down to pick them up but nearly toppled over. Aki quickly steadied her, his hands gentle but firm on her shoulders.

"Whoa, easy there," Aki said, his concern evident. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Ru straightened up, giving him a slightly embarrassed smile. "Maybe I'm a bit more tipsy than I thought."

Aki sighed, glancing at his watch and then back at her. "You know, it's pretty late. Maybe I should stay a little, just to make sure you're alright."

Ru's eyes lit up, a mix of relief and happiness. "You would do that?"

Aki nodded, smiling. "Of course. I wouldn't feel right leaving you like this."

Ru unlocked the door, and they stepped inside her cozy apartment. The living room was warmly lit, a soft, inviting space that immediately put Aki at ease.

"You can sit on the couch," Ru said, pointing to a plush sofa. "I'll grab some blankets and pillows."

Aki nodded with confusion, did she think he will stay the night or what ?watching as she stumbled off to a closet. She returned with an armful of blankets and pillows, almost tripping over her own feet in the process.

"Here you go," Ru said, handing him the linens. But as she did, she suddenly looked pale. "Oh no…"

Before Aki could react, Ru's face contorted, and she leaned forward, vomiting onto his shirt. Aki's initial shock quickly turned to concern as he helped steady her.

"Ru, it's okay," he said gently with awkward giggles, helping her to the bathroom. "Let's get you cleaned up."

Ru, still a bit dazed, nodded and allowed Aki to guide her. Once she was settled, Aki peeled off his soiled shirt and rinsed it in the sink.

Ru, now sitting on the bathroom floor, looked up at him with wide, apologetic eyes. "I'm so sorry, Aki. I didn't mean to."

"Don't worry about it," Aki said, offering a reassuring smile despite the mess. "Let's just get you to bed."

Ru, still feeling woozy, clung to Aki as he helped her to her bedroom. "Can you... can you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep?"

Aki hesitated for a moment, but seeing how vulnerable she looked, he nodded. "Sure, Ru. I'll stay."

He helped her onto the bed and tucked her in, but as he started to step away, Ru grabbed his arm. "No, stay with me here. Please."

Aki sighed softly, but he couldn't deny her. "Alright, I'll stay."

He settled onto the bed beside her, propping himself up against the headboard. Ru snuggled closer to him, resting her head on his bare chest. Aki could feel the warmth of her body and the gentle rise and fall of her breathing as she began to drift off to sleep.

"Thank you, Aki," she murmured, her voice heavy with sleep. "You're the best."

"Anytime, Ru," Aki whispered, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Just get some rest."

As she fell into a deep sleep, Aki found himself relaxing too, the events of the night washing over him. Despite the unexpected turn of events, he felt a profound sense of contentment. He looked down at Ru, her peaceful expression illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight streaming through the window. He couldn't help but smile, feeling closer to her than ever before.


End of the chapter

What a corny ahh chapter damn, I'll stop romance for a while now clearly I'm bad at this. I made a drawing of the coffee scene in paragraph comments of 'enjoy! ' idk if u get it but click at enjoy at the start to see the drawing I posted.

The reason I took forever to post was my country fucked up Internet so here is a chapter of 5k words count, the longest I ever wrote. Mostly bullshit

I got so bored I quickly wrote the movie part..

Ps_Zakicreators' thoughts