
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 17 : First Meeting

Great powers comes with restrictions.

the mc is kinda op so ill nerf him then power up other characters. and this how i expect jjk end to be :

as the fraud Miwa stood before Sukuna saying

'Stand strong Nah id win, are you the overwhelming intensity because you are the honored one...or are you with this treasure I summon I summon because your stand proud Jogaot your strong win nah Id take backshots...'

he replied ' always bet on Hakari'

she said coldly 'always bet on Im you, fucking Monkey' ending him with hallow purple...

Enjoy! !



Reze woke up to the sound of Quanxi's gentle humming, a soft and soothing sound that filled the room. She smiled, feeling a sense of familiarity, but also a pang of confusion. She didn't remember anything about her past, but somehow, she knew how to react to certain situations, and she was familiar with the world around her. It was as if her body knew things, but her mind didn't, probably that what getting a second chance in life without consent feels like.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes, and looked around the room. They were living in Uritch's house, a cozy little place that felt like home, but wasn't really hers. Aki, the one who had -as he vaguely stated-revived her, had arranged for them to stay here, and Reze was grateful for the roof over her head.

Quanxi, the blonde girl who had been revived alongside her, was already up and getting ready for the day. Reze watched her, feeling a sense of comfort in her presence. Quanxi's cold exterior and shameless attitude often made Reze laugh, and despite their differences, they were on good terms since that girl was gentle after all.

Reze got out of bed, stretching her arms and yawning. She felt a little off, like she wasn't quite herself, something is missing, but she couldn't pinpoint what was wrong. She shrugged it off, telling herself it was just a side effect of not remembering her past.

The two girls got ready for the day, chatting and laughing ( mostly Reze and Uritchi ) as they went about their morning routine. Reze felt a sense of normalcy, of routine, that she hadn't experienced in a while. It was comforting, but also a little suffocating. She felt like she was living someone else's life, like she was just going through the motions.

After breakfast, Reze headed out to her job at the coffee shop. She had been working there for a few days now, and she had grown to enjoy it. The routine was soothing, and the customers were friendly. She felt like she was doing something useful, something that didn't involve fighting or violence.

As she worked, Reze's mind wandered back to Aki, and the contract they had. She didn't really understand it, but she knew that she was bound to him, that she had to do his bidding. It was a strange feeling, like she was a servant, or a subordinate. But at the same time, she felt a sense of loyalty to him, like she owed him something.

Reze's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the coffee shop door opening. She looked up, smiling, as a customer walked in. She took their order, chatting with them as she worked, but her mind was still on Aki, and the contract.

After her shift, Reze headed back to Uritch's house, feeling a sense of exhaustion. She flopped down on the couch, closing her eyes, and let out a deep sigh. Quanxi was already there, reading a book, and Reze felt a sense of comfort in her presence.

The two girls chatted for a bit, talking about their day, and Reze felt a sense of normalcy, of routine, that she hadn't experienced in a while. But as they talked, Reze was just going through the motions.

As the evening wore on, Reze's thoughts turned back to Aki, and the contract. She felt a sense of unease, like she was trapped, like she didn't have a choice. But at the same time, she felt in debited to him somehow.

Reze got up, feeling restless, and walked over to the window. She looked out, watching the stars twinkling in the sky, and felt a sense of longing, of yearning. She wanted to remember her past, to know who she was, and what she wanted. But deep down, she was scared.....

She was scared, scared of what she might find, scared of what she might lose. But as she stood there, looking out at the stars, she felt a spark of determination ignite within her. She didn't have to be held back by her past, she didn't have to be defined by what she didn't remember. She could create a new self, a new identity, one that was free from the burdens of her forgotten life.

Reze turned away from the window, looking around the room with new eyes. Quanxi was still reading, oblivious to the turmoil that had just taken place in Reze's mind. But Reze didn't feel alone, she felt a sense of companionship, a sense of friendship. She were always easily moved and swayed by simple things, only if she knew or rather realize that, she would find herself quite the sympathic soft character.

She walked over to Quanxi, plopping down beside her on the couch. "Hey, Q, what's the tea?" she asked, nudging her with her elbow.

Quanxi looked up, her cold, piercing gaze softening for a moment. "Just reading, Reze. You know, the usual."

Reze grinned, feeling a sense of mischief. "Oh, I'm sure it's super thrilling. I bet you're on the edge of your seat."

Quanxi raised an eyebrow, her expression unchanging. "You're hilarious, Reze."

Reze chuckled, undeterred. "Hey, someone's got to keep things lit around here.

You're always so...serious and a bit grumpy to be honest." teasing her with her

soft friendly tone.

Quanxi's gaze flickered, and for a moment, Reze thought she saw a glimmer of amusement. But it was quickly replaced by her usual cool demeanor. "Someone has to balance you out, Reze."

Reze laughed, feeling a sense of comfort with her friend. "Fair point, Q. But hey, at least I'm not boring af."

Quanxi's expression remained neutral, but Reze could sense a hint of dry humor behind her words. "That's debatable."

Reze playfully rolled her eyes. "Oh, Q, you're such a damned savage girl."

Quanxi's gaze returned to her book, but Reze could sense a faint smile playing on her lips. Despite her cold exterior, Quanxi was a good company, and Reze was grateful to have her by her side as she navigated this new chapter in her life.

Well else where.....

It was a crisp morning at the training grounds as Yuji, the current vasselof Sukuna, faced off against his senpai, the skilled and experienced Aki. The two had been training together for months, and Yuji was eager to put his skills to the test, being his determined self.

"Alright, Yuji, let's see what you've got," Aki said, a mischievous glint in his eye. He slid into a low fighting stance, his feet shoulder-width apart and his fists raised.

Yuji mirrored his stance, his brow furrowed in concentration. "I've been practicing with Maki and Gojo sensei. Time to show you what I can do."

Without warning, Yuji launched a flurry of strikes – a jab, a cross, and a powerful roundhouse kick. Aki deftly blocked the attacks, his movements fluid.

"Nice one, but you're gonna have to do better than that, bro," he taunted, countering with a series of lightning-fast Karate strikes. Yuji struggled to keep up, his blocks barely managing to deflect the blows.

"Whoa, slow down, senpai!" Yuji exclaimed, his breath coming in short gasps. "I'm not as fast as you, you know." With his friendly cute attitude.

Aki chuckled, his expression softening. "Alright, alright, let's take it down a notch." He stepped back, his stance relaxing. "Show me your some of throws, my dude."

Yuji grinned, grateful for the reprieve. He advanced, feinting a punch and then grabbing Aki's sleeve. With a swift pivot and a well-timed hip throw, he sent the older martial artist tumbling to the ground.

"Ehh not bad, Yuji!" Aki praised, rolling back to his feet. "But let's see how you handle this." He launched into a series of lightning-fast Judo techniques, his movements a blur as he swept Yuji's legs out from under him and pinned him to the ground.

"Oof!" Yuji grunted, struggling against Aki's hold. He immediately went for knee kick, reinforced by his cursed energy, escaping from his senpai's grip.

Aki went full speed striking different kind of coordinated and matched hits, pushing the boy to his limits. As Yuji countered with the same speed, trying to block every hit but couldn't help but receive some, Aki's face wore a huge proud grin upon seeing the boy's potential, going even harder at him.

The two sparred for what felt like hours, trading blows and grappling techniques. Yuji was determined to hold his own, but Aki's experience and skill were too much for him. Still, he refused to give up, pushing himself to the limit.

Finally, Aki called a halt to the session, his breathing steady. "Alright, Yuji, that's enough for today. You did good, kid."

Yuji beamed, his face flushed with exertion. "Thanks, senpai. I'm gonna keep working on it, though. I'm not gonna let you beat me forever."

Aki laughed, his mood shifting to a more relaxed and playful one. "That's the spirit, Yuji. You're gonna be a force to be reckoned with someday." He glanced at his phone, his expression brightening. "Hey, I gotta run. I'm meeting up with a friend. Catch you later, alright?"

Yuji's face fell slightly, his curiosity piqued. "Oh, okay. Who's your friend?"

Aki grinned mischievously. "Just an old buddy. Don't worry about it, bro. I'll see you at the next training session, yeah?"

Yuji nodded, trying to hide his disappointment. "Yeah, sure. See you later, senpai."

Aki gave Yuji a friendly pat on the back before turning and heading off, leaving the younger martial artist alone on the training grounds. Yuji watched him go, his mind racing with questions about Aki's mysterious friend. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity and jealousy, but he quickly pushed it aside, determined to focus on his own training and improvement.

As Aki disappeared from view, Yuji took a deep breath and turned his attention back to the training ground, ready to put in some more work and continue his journey to becoming a skilled jujutsu sorcerer.


I stepped out of the training room, sweat drippin' down my face like a faucet that won't turn off. My newbie, Yuji, was lookin' like a hot mess, but I was proud of him for keepin' up with me. I mean, I'm Aki, the king of the martial art, with my fiery red hair and golden eyes that seem to pierce through the soul. I got to keep my skills on point, you see.

I went to hit the showers. I needed to wash off the stench of sweat and get fresh for my hangout with Uritchi. That dude's always bringing the heat, and I got to be on my A-game when we're chilling.

As I lathered up, my mind started wandering to our plans for the day. Uritchi's been talking about just fooling around in Tokyo, doing whatever, going wherever. I'm talking spontaneity, no plans, no agenda. Just us, the city, and our crazy antics. My excitement was building just thinking about it.

It felt good to get away from this jujutsu shit for some time, away from all this aki thing, just being myself for a day, having fun and relaxing a bit, escaping the power and strength race.

Walking down the bustling streets of Tokyo was always satisfying, the sounds of people's conversations, children's playing, smell of local food trucks and classic restaurants, where the old marry the new in a perfect combination.

We agreed to meet at the same park we usually go to, I like parks so I feared he'd found them childish but he was so cool about it, as I went searching for empty seat my eyes fell on the most exotic view ever.

A young lady was sitting serenely on an old wooden bench, her presence a silent yet striking contrast to the vibrant life of the park around her. The sunlight danced through the leaves of the towering oaks, casting a kaleidoscope of shadows that played upon her delicate features. Her long, white hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of moonlight, its strands glistening with a pearlescent sheen as they caught the sun's rays, beating Gojo's hair by levels, that bitch was majestic !

Her eyes, a deep violet, reflecting the sky above in their depths. They held a gaze that was both penetrating and gentle, as if she could see through the very soul of the world. Her skin was like alabaster, smooth and flawless, glowing with an ethereal light that seemed to emanate from within, it was brighter than my own future.

She was dressed in a flowing gown that hugged her form in all the right places. The fabric, a soft lilac that complemented her eyes, shimmered with every gentle breeze, as if it were made from the petals of the most exquisite flowers. The sleeves of her dress were sheer, the hem brushed against the ground like a straight out of manhawa character.

I don't know I did it, don't ask me how but I iust somehow made my way and sat on the empty seat beside her, I was a bit nervous since a angel like being is next to me, but I kept my cool and brushed it off waiting for Uritchi's late ass.

I felt presence of cursed energy but I couldn't tell where was it from, probably since it was not that concerning and I really couldn't care less, it's my day no space for jujutsu shit.

I just sat there, kept silent since i don't want to waist my social battery, enjoying the dynamic atmosphere of the park, I took my phone and started to scroll but soon stopped after the cringe dose I got, so I just stole glances but I guess I was os invested she noticed it, catching me off guard with her playful opening.

"Well, well, looks like I caught a red-haired Casanova with golden eyes stealing glances. Ready to confess your crime, or should I call the love police—or the actual one?" Her teasing was light, but it caught me off guard.

I could only offer a blank stare, my face slowly turning as red as my hair. "Hhu? Eh-hh m-me…ummhm…No, I-I was j-just doing nothing!" My voice faltered, revealing my embarrassment. It felt like my old shy self kicked in.

Taking a moment to collect myself, I sighed and offered a quiet apology, avoiding her gaze to hide my flushed cheeks.

She giggled, a sound that seemed to ease the tension. "Sorry, I was just teasing you. It's kind of boring waiting here in silence," she admitted, her eyes meeting mine once more. I took a deep breath and faced her, my ears still warm.

"Waiting, you say? Well, it's the same for me," I said, regaining some composure. "Except my friend has no concept of punctuality," I added, trying to inject some levity into the situation.

Her laughter was a welcome sound, and it encouraged a smile from me. "At least you will be meeting with someone you like, which isn't the case for me."

"Who would be so unfortunate as to earn the dislike of someone like you?" I quipped, allowing a flirtatious grin to form.

"Hate is a strong word, but you might be onto something…" she responded, casually dismissing the flirtation.

"I'm usually right. After all, I have a knack for reading people," I claimed with a confident air. She laughed, seemingly amused by my bravado rather than put off.

"Is that so? Then you must have noticed my annoyance the moment you sat down," she retorted with a playful smirk, her tone light yet pointed.

"Excuse me? This is a public park, after all," I replied, trying to maintain a friendly demeanor.

"Yes, and?" she countered, her smile unwavering.

I couldn't help but laugh, though it was tinged with disbelief. "I'm glad we agree. I'm looking forward to our shared time here," I said, aiming to defuse any lingering tension. We were both adults; perhaps she was simply having an off day.

"I can't say I share the sentiment…" Her blunt honesty was paired with a challenging grin.

For some wierd reason she really got under my skin, and this is very odd thing to me, I ever since becoming Aki, I got really apathetic when it comes to people. As I continued 'chatting' she kept her shameless attitude, pissing me off by each word and moment, from hand gestures to her gaze till the way she talk.

Why did it have to be her, a complete stranger? Anyone else, and i could've brushed it off. But this girl? Every single time, she managed to get on my nerves. That perfect mix of arrogance and charisma was infuriating. And what's worse? SHE was hot, and she knew it. Her presence was distracting, and her antics more so. But I wouldn't let him win, no way. But to may dismay, she left after giving me some 'fashion advice'

After a while, she stood up, offering one last jab before departing. "Well, Tomato head, I hope we don't meet again. And if we do, please reconsider your wardrobe; those pants are an assault on the eyes." With that, she strutted away.

I had to admire her ability to switch from a Karen bitch attitude to a runway model's grace as she walked away. Yet, I was left furious. Not only had she disrupted my peace, but she also had the audacity to critique my fashion sense, tainting the memory of a happy shopping spree.

What an unhinged girl, one moment flirty and the other aggressive ...

Back to 3rd person pov

Well, you guessed it that girl was Ru, she was interrogating and observing this potential lost soul, after arranging this meet up, she watched him closely, analyzing every gesture and word, trying to peel back the layers of his persona.

His emotions seemed to her—vivid and human. A single flirtatious comment could unnerve him, and a sudden rude remark could rile him up. Yet, there were instances where he concealed his feelings so adeptly that it took her by surprise. She controlled her cursed flow and tried to minimise it but she could tell he noticed it, another point for him that shows how good he must be at energy manipulation, not to mention his enormous amount of cursed energy.

Lost souls are recognised by the surroundings of their soul in thier innate domain, if it's all dark then it's alright but if it's foggy then game is over, but to her utter annoyance this red boy was no ordinary since soul manipulation tricks wouldn't work on him, it was impossible to check his soul without him noticing, this was hard than she initially thought.

After Kenjaku finding about her, she knows she got to chose a side to survive in the upcoming chaos of a world she once left, ruled by none than keno himself, he was no joke giving his twisted ways and big ass scheming head of his, but Aki... Aki represented something else entirely, a mystery that tantalized and intimidated her in equal measure. As she weighed her options, she couldn't help but wonder: which path would lead her to true fulfillment - the darkness of Kenjaku's design, or the odd allure of Aki's crusade?


End of the chapter

Bye guys I'm ending myself

Dennis was mad dumb for not protecting REZE and what's with the authors and long breaks *i hate life*

Ps_Zakicreators' thoughts