
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

chapter 1 :typical reincarnation

Reincarnated into Madness: A Jujutsu Kaisen x Chainsaw Man Crossover

In a world where cursed spirits reign supreme, one man's obsession with manga becomes his ticket to rebirth. Zachary, a shy and introverted med student, finds himself reincarnated into the dark and twisted realm of Jujutsu Kaisen. But this isn't just any ordinary reincarnation – Zachary awakens with the powers of Makima, the enigmatic and terrifying figure from Chainsaw Man.

Renaming himself Aki, he sets out on a journey to become the next "Fraud" – a title reserved for the strongest and most feared sorcerers in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. With Makima's abilities at his disposal, Aki is determined to carve his own path, even if it means embracing the madness that comes with it.

As Aki navigates the treacherous landscape of Tokyo Jujutsu High, he quickly earns the attention of the school's elite students, including the infamous Satoru Gojo. But Aki's not interested in making friends – he's on a mission to surpass them all and claim the title of strongest.

With his newfound powers, Aki takes on the toughest missions and faces off against the most powerful cursed spirits. But as he delves deeper into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, he begins to realize that his Makima-granted abilities come with a steep price: his sanity.

Will Aki succumb to the madness that drove Makima to the brink of destruction, or will he find a way to harness his powers and maintain a grip on reality? Can he outmaneuver the likes of Kenjaku and the mysterious forces manipulating the Jujutsu Kaisen world from behind the scenes?

Now enjoy this fake masterpiece, hope yall support me in my journey of faking being an author.


**Chapter 1: A Day in the Life of Zachary**

Zachary "Zach" Thompson trudged through the university campus, his dark hair messy from a late night of binge-reading his favorite manga, Jujutsu Kaisen. His brown eyes, a deep shade that seemed to hold a world of wisdom, scanned the crowded quad, taking in the familiar sights and sounds of another day at med school. At 25, Zach was a bit older than his peers, but he'd taken a few years off to "find himself" – aka, devour every manga and anime series he could get his hands on.

As he walked, Zach's thoughts were a jumbled mix of excitement and frustration. "Man, why did Gege have to kill off Gojo?! He was the best character in Jujutsu Kaisen, this is the biggest fraud in history! And don't even get me started on Makima's fate in Chainsaw Man... Fujimoto's crazy ass, what were you thinking killing her with literal yapping? One died off screen and the other with protagonist plot armor, though in this case both of them did so !" Zach's love for these two series was unmatched, and he often found himself lost in thought, imagining alternative storylines where his favorite characters didn't meet such tragic ends.

Despite his shy demeanor, Zach had a way of overcoming his introverted nature when it counted. He'd developed a quiet confidence, which served him well in his studies and interactions with his peers. His tall, lanky frame moved with an easy grace, earning him more than a few admiring glances from his female classmates.

Zach's mind wandered back to his anatomy exam, and he mentally rehearsed the intricacies of the human circulatory system. "Okay, okay, got it... coronary arteries, pulmonary veins... ugh, why do I need to know this again?" He sighed, feeling a familiar sense of frustration.

As he approached the lecture hall, Zach spotted his friend – the one person who could tolerate his constant manga rants and enthusiastic outbursts. They exchanged a brief nod, and Zach mouthed, "Coffee, ASAP?" His friend smiled and gave a thumbs-up, and Zach felt a small sense of relief. At least someone understood his caffeine addiction.

The lecture itself was a blur of PowerPoint slides and droning professors. Zach's attention span was short, and he found himself zoning out, observing the people around him instead. "Dude, why does that girl always wear those ridiculous heels? Does she not know we're in med school, not a fashion show?" He snorted to himself, earning a curious glance from the girl sitting next to him.

After the lecture, Zach met up with his friend at the campus coffee shop. They grabbed a table by the window, and Zach ordered his usual – a large coffee with room for cream. As they sipped their drinks, Zach's friend asked about his exam prep, and Zach launched into a passionate discussion about the latest Jujutsu Kaisen chapters.

"Dude, have you seen the latest arc? It's insane! The way Gege-sensei is handling the storyline is genius... and that cliffhanger?! I need to know what happens next!" Zach's eyes lit up, and his friend chuckled, used to Zach's manga-fueled enthusiasm.

As they chatted, Zach's gaze wandered around the coffee shop, taking in the eclectic mix of students, professors, and campus staff. He couldn't help but think that everyone looked so... ordinary. Same old, same old – people going through the motions, without any real passion or excitement.

But Zach knew that wasn't entirely true. He had a good relationship with his family, who supported his dreams of becoming a doctor. His parents, both high school sweethearts, had instilled in him a strong sense of empathy and compassion. Zach's younger sister, a precocious 12-year-old, was the apple of his eye, and he loved spending time with her, watching anime and playing video games together. And his twin brother, his best friend and secret keeper.

As he finished his coffee, Zach felt a sense of contentment washover him. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, and he had just finished a productive morning of work, and interactions with his friend. He decided to take a short walk around the block to clear his head and enjoy the fresh air. As he strolled along, he noticed the vibrant colors of the flowers in the nearby park and the sweet songs of the birds filling the air. He felt grateful for this moment of peace, a rare respite from the chaos of his daily routine.

As he turned the corner, he noticed a group of children laughing and playing tag in the park. Their carefree joy was infectious, and Zach couldn't help but smile as he watched them. He felt a sense of nostalgia wash over him, remembering the countless hours he spent playing in the park as a child.

Lost in thought, Zach didn't notice the large truck barreling down the street, its tires screeching as it took the corner too sharply. The sound of the children's laughter and the birds' songs were suddenly replaced by the blaring of the truck's horn and the screeching of its tires.

In a split second, Zach's world went from serene to catastrophic. He tried to step out of the way, but it was too late. The truck, dubbed "Truck Kun" by the locals for its notorious reckless driving, slammed into Zach with a deafening crash. The impact sent Zach flying through the air, his body crumpling to the ground as the truck sped away, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

The children's laughter and the birds' songs were replaced by the sound of screams and screeching tires, as the peaceful morning was shattered by the sudden and brutal collision. Zach's contentment was replaced by a sense of shock and horror, as his world went dark in an instant.

Zach's eyes fluttered open, and he was met with an unfamiliar ceiling. He tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over him, forcing him back onto the pillow. As he lay there, fragments of a dream began to resurface in his mind. A dark place, a figure with a menacing grin, and a swing of her index finger that sent him flying into oblivion. The image of Makima, the Control Devil, lingered in his mind, sending shivers down his spine.

But as he looked around, he realized that this wasn't his bedroom. The furniture, the decor, everything was foreign to him. Panic set in as he scrambled to remember who he was and how he got here. His hands trembled as he touched his face, and his eyes widened in shock. His features were different, his skin tone was lighter, and his hair was jet red.

"Aki... Kamo?" he stammered, reading the name on a nearby certificate. "Who am I?"

The door slid open, and a woman with piercing green eyes and raven-black hair entered the room. "Aki, brat, you're finally awake. How are you feeling?"

Zach's mind raced as he tried to process the situation. "W-who are you? Where am I?"

The woman's expression turned into *wtf*. "I'm your mother, Yuri Kamo. You're in our apartment, sweetie. Have you finally gone crazy ?."

As the days passed, Zach struggled to adapt to his new life as Aki Kamo. Everything was unfamiliar, from the food to the customs to the people around him. His parents, Yuri and Kaito Kamo, were... unusual. Yuri was moody and unpredictable, while Kaito was cold and distant. And then there was his older brother, Aqua, who seemed to be perpetually annoyed with him.

It didn't take him long to realise he reincarnated into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen since the memories of the og Aki flooded his head, plus a knowledge we may call it, it's about his cursed technique that envolves around blood manipulation, the Jujutsu high and how he will intend it soon, the Japanese language and culture, Aki's previous interactions with his family which he found it quite odd, and the most wierd one how awfully similar he was to Makima, he would brush it off as coincidence if it weren't for his golden eyes with rings in them, that was a control devil thing, he even found himself acting wierd like hearing thoughts , the urge to manipulate everyone, his very calm demeanor in such situation, and most importantly his boldness that is so unlike him.

It hit him like crazy, he was a male version of Makima, something within him tells him so, and soon enough he was able to perform the control ability just fine, like he was born using it, from his contracts to his pawns that he can summon, how ? Well we can say instinct !

All this was too much for him, Aki decided to take a walk around the city. He needed to clear his head, to get away from the suffocating atmosphere of the apartment. As he strolled through the streets, he marveled at the towering skyscrapers and the bustling crowds. It was a far cry from the peaceful life he had left behind.

As he turned a corner, Aki noticed a group of people gathered around a street performer. The performer was a young girl, no older than him.As Aki watched the street performer, a spark of determination ignited within him. He realized that he couldn't just sit back and wait for fate to catch up with him. He needed to take control, to forge his own path and create his own destiny. The dream of Makima pointing at him still lingered in his mind, a constant reminder of the danger that lurked in this world.

Aki's eyes narrowed as he made a vow to himself. He would become strong, stronger than anyone could imagine. He would learn to harness his cursed energy, to wield it like a sword and shield. He would interfere with the original path, alter the course of events to ensure his own survival.

The thought sent a shiver down his spine. He was no longer just a reincarnated soul, but a force to be reckoned with. Aki's determination grew with each passing moment, fueling his resolve to stay alive in this treacherous world.

As he walked back to the apartment, Aki's mind raced with strategies and plans. He would start by learning more about his family's history, about the Kamo clan and their role in the Jujutsu Kaisen world, about his new found otherworldly control ability. He would train tirelessly, honing his skills and building his strength. Or was it a temporary motivation given his lazy attitude?

A question echoed in his mind like a mantra: What would it take for Aki Kamo to become the strongest, to defy fate and forge his own path in this world of cursed spirits and deadly battles? To master powers that didn't even exist in such verse before ?


End of chapter

Did yall like the chapter if so don't hesitate to compliment me

Ps. aki's age is 15, he has the same contracts that makima had plus angel devil is an angel in this verse, idc I'm the author and devils are treated like spirits with new abilities or old one idk ?

Well given some devils are really strong I will try to balance the power between verses wether upgrade or downgrade it, idk this something the future me will handle.

I'll treat devils as shikigamis and hybrids...well I will make up something for them.

Tell if u want me to give him more devils aka shikigamis

idk a ting about kamo clan so I'll start yapping

Ps_Zakicreators' thoughts