
Hell's Salvation

Aytee · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The Monarch's Silhouette

As Melek's gaze wandered off Kitša two of her sisters were at sword's length away from Melek, the oldest Lilime being strangled by Melek's tail. Laughter was ready to burst from Melek's lips as he said, "OK girls, let's begin from the top once again. Those who are still unsure what's going on, I'll give you to the count of three... 'RUN'!"

The pale-faced girls stood still, cowering, all with the same thought: if we run, we're dead. Melek's eyes gleamed with a sinister light as he said, "Come now, I'll be gentle... just like you were with me."

The sisters exchanged terrified glances, knowing they were trapped. Melek's power and control were absolute, and they were at his mercy. The oldest sister, still strangled by Melek's tail, struggled to breathe, her eyes bulging in desperation.

The atmosphere was heavy with fear, the air thick with the scent of terror. Melek's laughter echoed through the training halls, a cold, mirthless sound that sent shivers down the spines of the sisters.

The sisters thought to themselves, "He is just one man, and there are 13 of us remaining. We can take him down." But, in what seemed like a long time, a single swing from Melek's dagger inflicted a thousand cuts on each sister. They were bewildered by the turn of events, their bodies crumpling to the ground in agony.

Just as Melek was about to deliver the final blow, Lilith stepped in, her voice commanding and authoritative. "Enough, Young Master. You've made your point.

As Lilith entered, commanding him to stop, Melek's gaze tilted towards her. He took a step back, his eyes narrowing slightly as he regarded her. Lilith took a closer look, it was as if he was the Monarch himself, his silhouette, aura, and breathing all screaming "do not approach".

Lilith's eyes widened, and she took a step back, a fearful smile spreading across her face. She had never seen Melek like this before, his power and the aura radiating from him like a palpable force.

For a moment, the two locked eyes, the air thick with tension. Then, Melek's gaze dropped, his expression softening slightly as he regarded Lilith with a hint of curiosity.

"The Monarch's power suits you well, Young Master," Lilith said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But do not forget, you are still my student. And I will not hesitate to remind you of your place."

Melek's lips curled into a sly smile, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I would never forget, Lilith. You have taught me too well."

The atmosphere remained charged, the sisters watching in awe as the dynamics between Melek and Lilith played out. It was clear that Melek's power was growing, and that Lilith was walking a fine line between mentor and foe.

As the tension left his body, Melek collapsed from exhaustion, his legs buckling beneath him. Lilime The oldest sister leaped to catch him, her arms wrapping around him as she lowered him to the ground.

But her act of kindness was met with anger from the other sisters, their faces twisted in jealousy. "Why should she get to touch him?" one of them spat. "He's ours, not hers."

The atmosphere turned ugly, the sisters bickering and snarling like wild animals. Lilith's voice cut through the chaos, her tone cold and commanding. "Enough. You will respect the Young Master's boundaries. He is not yours to claim."

The sisters fell silent, their eyes flashing with resentment. But they knew better than to cross their mother, and so they backed down, their anger simmering just below the surface.

As the oldest sister tended to Melek's wounds, Lilith watched with a calculating gaze. She knew that Melek's power was growing, and that he would soon be a force to be reckoned with.