
Hell's Salvation

Aytee · Fantasy
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26 Chs


Try as he might, Melek couldn't quite pinpoint the source of his wistfulness. It was as though a fragment of his past had been lost to the sands of time, leaving only a vague longing in its wake.

As he navigated the bustling thoroughfare of Ardentia, Melek found himself pausing amidst the sea of bustling bodies, a furrow forming between his brows as he sought to unravel the enigma that tugged at his heartstrings.

Closing his eyes in a futile attempt to summon forth the memories that eluded him, Melek allowed himself to be consumed by the cacophony of sounds and sensations that surrounded him. The hustle and bustle of the city seemed to fade into the background as he delved deeper into the recesses of his mind.

But the memories remained stubbornly out of reach, like elusive phantoms dancing on the edges of his consciousness. Frustration welled up within him as he struggled to make sense of his emotions, his brow furrowing with concentration.

"What is it that I long for?" Melek whispered to himself, the words carried away on the breeze as he searched for answers in the depths of his soul. But try as he might, the elusive threads of his past slipped through his fingers like wisps of smoke, leaving him grasping at shadows.

With a heavy sigh, Melek opened his eyes, the weight of his uncertainty pressing down upon him like a leaden cloak. He knew that the answers wouldn't come easily, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was on the brink of uncovering something profound.

As he resumed his journey through the labyrinthine streets of Ardentia, Melek couldn't shake the sense of unease that gnawed at him from within. But deep down, he knew that he was determined to unravel the mysteries of his past, no matter where the path might lead him.

As the streets of Ardentia welcomed Melek with open arms, their cobblestones bathed in the golden hues of the morning sun. Kitša, his loyal companion, trotted alongside him, her presence a comforting reminder of the journey they had embarked upon together.

As they strolled through the bustling marketplace, Melek couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe at the world unfolding before him. It had been over 70 years since he last walked under the open sky, since he last felt the gentle caress of a breeze on his skin.

The sights and sounds of the city filled him with a newfound sense of joy, each moment a precious gift to be cherished. He marveled at the vibrant colors of the market stalls, the intoxicating aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through the air.

With each step, Melek felt the weight of his past burdens begin to lift, replaced by a lightness of being he had long forgotten. Kitša, ever attuned to her companion's emotions, nuzzled against his leg, her silent reassurance a balm to his weary soul.

They wandered through the streets, exploring every corner of the city with a childlike curiosity. Melek's heart swelled with gratitude for this chance to experience the world anew, to revel in the simple pleasures of life that had eluded him for so long.

As the sun reached its zenith in the sky, Melek found himself standing in a vast meadow on the outskirts of the city, the lush green grass stretching out before him as far as the eye could see. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, the scent of wildflowers mingling with the sweet fragrance of freedom.

In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the warmth of Kitša's presence, Melek decided to take a quick nap...

As he slept peacefully Melek's heart raced as he felt the sinister presence behind him, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword. With a quick step back, he turned to confront the looming darkness, only to find himself face to face with a dark red portal, swirling with malevolent energy.

Beside him, Kitša knelt low, a clear sign of recognition and respect for the entity that emerged from the portal. Melek's gaze narrowed as a note came flying through the portal, accompanied by three adorable puppies.

As he read the note, Melek's eyes widened in disbelief. These innocent-looking creatures were to be his companions and guards on his journey? His mind raced with apprehension as he realized the true nature of these puppies, especially when he reached the end of the note and saw the name "Cerberus" mentioned.

With a shiver running down his spine, Melek realized the gravity of the situation. These seemingly harmless puppies were, in fact, manifestations of Cerberus, the mythical guardian of the gates of hell. The very thought sent a chill down his spine.

As Kitša gleefully played with the puppies in the meadow, oblivious to their true nature, Melek couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding wash over him. How could he possibly handle the responsibility of caring for such powerful beings, let alone control them on their journey?

With Cerberus now a steadfast companion by their side, Melek and Kitša stood at the precipice of their mission, "The Distraction of Ardentia." Yet, before they could embark on their perilous quest, Melek proposed a strategic maneuver.

"We'll disguise ourselves as mercenaries," Melek suggested, his voice carrying a tone of determination. Kitša nodded in agreement, recognizing the wisdom in his plan. In a city teeming with spies and informants, blending in as mercenaries would grant them the anonymity they desperately needed.

Together, they set about crafting their disguises, donning rugged attire and concealing their identities beneath layers of fabric and masks. Cerberus, ever vigilant, seemed to understand the gravity of their task, standing guard with an intensity that belied his adorable appearance.

As they made their way through the bustling streets of Ardentia, Melek and Kitša observed the city with a newfound sense of purpose.

As they approached the massive building that housed the Mercenary Guild, Melek's gaze lingered on its imposing facade, a faint hint of nostalgia tugging at his memories, now I remember he said, with a lite chuckle.

"How it brings back memories," Melek remarked, his voice tinged with a mixture of reverence and melancholy.

"Memories?" Kitša inquired, her curiosity piqued by his cryptic remark.

Melek hesitated for a moment, his gaze drifting towards the distant statue of the Goddess, her serene visage bathed in the soft glow of twilight. "Ohh, I forgot to tell you," he began, his voice heavy with the weight of ancient history. "In my first reincarnation, I was asked to fight against the Demon King."

This is one memory I'll never forget it just escaped my thoughts a moment ago but now I remember.

Kitša's eyes widened in astonishment, her mind reeling at the revelation. "By the heavenly Deities?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Melek nodded grimly, his features contorted with bitterness. "Yes, those ungrateful, foolish Deities," he spat, the memory of their betrayal still fresh in his mind. "They sent me to battle against the forces of darkness, wielding their divine power like a weapon."

A murderous aura seemed to emanate from Melek, his eyes ablaze with a simmering anger that threatened to consume him. Kitša reached out a comforting hand, her touch a soothing balm against the storm raging within him.

Together, they stood in silent contemplation, the weight of their shared past pressing down upon them like an oppressive shadow. And as they gazed upon the statue of the Goddess, a symbol of hope and faith for the kingdom's inhabitants, they couldn't help but wonder what role destiny had in store for them in the unfolding saga of "The Ruin of Ardentia."

As Melek and Kitša stepped into the bustling hall of the Mercenary Guild, they were greeted by a young lady who exuded an aura of warmth and hospitality. Her name was Liliana, and her eagerness to assist them was palpable as she greeted them with a friendly smile.

"Hello, my name is Liliana. How may I be of service today?" she asked, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Melek stepped forward, his resolve unwavering as he introduced himself as Mal, a guise to conceal their true identities. Kitša, sensing his reasoning, followed suit, introducing herself as Lisa.

With a telepathic message, Kitša questioned Melek's decision to change their names. His response echoed in her mind, a reminder of the importance of maintaining anonymity in the treacherous world they now inhabited.

As the other guild members took notice of the newcomers, whispers rippled through the hall like a gust of wind. Some doubted their capabilities, scoffing at their youth and perceived weakness. Others speculated on the fate of Melek, with his slender frame and the seemingly burdensome trio of puppies at his side.

But amidst the skepticism and judgment, Melek and Kitša remained undeterred, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity. With Cerberus by their side, they were prepared to defy expectations and prove their worth in the unforgiving arena of mercenary life.

As they followed Liliana deeper into the guild hall, the whispers faded into the background, replaced by a sense of anticipation for the challenges that lay ahead. For Melek and Kitša, this was just the beginning of their journey, and they were ready to embrace whatever trials awaited them with courage and conviction.

As Melek and Kitša made their way to the registration desk, Melek leaned in close to whisper a strategic plan to Kitša. "Register as a summoner," he instructed, his voice low but firm. "And let everyone believe that the three puppies are your summons."

Kitša's eyes widened in realization as she processed Melek's plan. With a nod of understanding, she prepared to execute their deception.

At the registration desk, As Kitša confidently declared the three puppies as her summons, a wave of laughter rippled through the guild hall. Mercenaries exchanged amused glances, some openly scoffing at the sight of such seemingly weak summons.

Undeterred by the mocking gazes, Kitša stood her ground, her determination unwavering. However, when the registration attendant proceeded to assess her magical aptitude, her heart sank as the results revealed a lower-than-average ranking.

Melek, on the other hand, fared slightly better in the magical aptitude test, earning a middle-ranking score. Despite this, the guild members still regarded them with skepticism, doubting their abilities to survive the harsh realities of mercenary life.

After a brief deliberation, the registration attendant offered them both bronze badges, the lowest rank within the guild hierarchy.

As Melek and Kitša received their bronze badges, a knowing glint sparkled in their eyes, betraying their satisfaction with the outcome. Unbeknownst to the onlookers, scoring low on the magical aptitude test had been part of their cunning plan all along.

With their intentionally low scores, Melek and Kitša had strategically positioned themselves as underdogs within the guild, effectively masking their true potential from prying eyes. By deliberately downplaying their abilities, they hoped to avoid drawing unwanted attention and scrutiny, all while quietly assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their fellow mercenaries.

As they left the registration desk, Melek and Kitša shared a subtle nod of approval, their confidence bolstered by the success of their covert strategy. With their bronze badges proudly displayed, they blended seamlessly into the ranks of the guild, their true capabilities hidden beneath a facade of humility and modesty.

Armed with their wits, their companions, and a carefully crafted plan, Melek and Kitša were poised to navigate the perilous depths of Ardentia's underworld.