
Hell's Salvation

Aytee · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Kitša the kiss of death.

Melek's training in the art of assassination was progressing at an alarming rate. He was a quick learner, and his skills with a blade were becoming unmatched. But as he delved deeper into the world of killing, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

As day went by during training Lilith approached him, her eyes gleaming with a knowing light. "Not all killers have to be heartless or dead inside in order to be truly skilled Young Master," she said, her voice low and mysterious. "A word of advice, Young master: be a little crazy, with a touch of madness, enjoy yourself".

Melek raised an eyebrow, unsure what to make of Lilith's words. Was she messing with him? Didn't she understand that he would be killing humans this time around, not just demons? The thought sent a shiver down his spine, but then again she's a demon.

As he pondered Lilith's words, Melek couldn't help but wonder what she was trying to achieve. Was she trying to make him a more efficient killer, or was she attempting to awaken a darker side within him?

Melek's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden attack from Lilith's youngest daughter Kitša the kiss of death."

, her daggers laced with poison and wrapped in a suffocating, cold aura. His senses screamed at him to fight, but his body seemed rooted to the spot, unable to respond.

Kitša was a master of seductive techniques, and she approached Melek with a innocent, childlike smile. But her eyes told a different story, gleaming with a deadly intent that made Melek's heart race.

She stepped in front of him, her movements graceful and fluid, like a dancer. Melek tried to raise his arms to defend himself, but it was as if the Grim Reaper's scythe was hovering over his head, paralyzing him.

Her aura was so suffocating, making it hard for Melek to breathe. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of poison, his vision blurring at the edges.

Just as all hope seemed lost, Melek's training kicked in, With a Herculean effort, he managed to raise his hand, and a blast of energy shot out, deflecting the daggers and sending Kitša flying across the room.

Melek collapsed to the ground, gasping for air, his body trembling with exhaustion. But he knew he couldn't rest yet - the daughter would be back, and next time, she wouldn't be alone.

Just as he thought of finding a place to nurse his wounds Melek's eyes widened in horror as Kitša approached him, her sweet voice echoing in the darkness. "Big brother Mel. There's something you should know," she said, her words dripping with innocence.

But Melek knew better. He remembered the torture she had inflicted upon him during the early years of his training, the pain and the suffering she had caused him. His irritation turned to outright fury as she spoke.

"I've always loved you, big brother. Won't you stay with me, please?" she said, her voice dripping with sweetness.

Still disoriented from what he just heard from Melek quickly gathered his aura forming a barrier around him.

As she spoke, she plunged towards him, daggers in hand, her movements eerily silent, as if she was stepping through a mixture of water and air. Melek tried to defend himself, but his body was still weak from the previous attack.

"Don't you love me, big brother?" she asked, her eyes gleaming with a madness that made Melek's blood run cold.

Melek's mind raced as he tried to comprehend the daughter's twisted logic. Love? She spoke of love, yet her actions were those of a deadly assassin. He knew he had to end this, and fast, or risk becoming her next victim.

With a surge of adrenaline, Melek summoned all his remaining strength and launched himself towards her determined to put an end to her twisted game once and for all.

As they were about to clash daggers Melek's mind flashed back to the torture he had endured during his training. Every time he was fatally wounded, the youngest daughter would appear out of nowhere, her eyes gleaming with a sadistic pleasure as she finished him off.

For months, she hunted him like wild game, never letting him rest or recover. Every time he thought he had finally found a moment of peace, she would strike, her daggers piercing his flesh like ice.

Melek remembered the feeling of helplessness, of being at her mercy as she toyed with him like a cat with a mouse. He remembered the pain, the agony, and the despair that had threatened to consume him.

But most of all, he remembered the fear. The fear of knowing that she was always there, waiting for him, her eyes fixed on him with an unblinking gaze.

Kitša's torture had been a masterclass in psychological warfare, designed to break Melek's spirit and turn him into a mindless killing machine. And yet, Melek had refused to break, his will to survive and overcome driving him forward even in the face of unimaginable suffering.

Now, as he faced her once again, Melek knew that he had to confront the demons of his past and put an end to her twisted games once and for all.

Her blows rained down on Melek like a storm, each one precision-crafted to inflict maximum pain and damage. Just as she was about to deliver the final blow, a light laughter echoed through the training halls of Lilith's domain.

Melek's eyes widened as he realized what Lilith had meant by being "crazy with a touch of madness." An insignia of crimson red markings, the carvings of the Demon Monarch's sacred text, appeared on his body, and in a split second, they vanished, leaving only an upside-down bleeding cross with a fading Skull on his back.

Kitša took a step back, her eyes wide with shock, her face pale as snow. She had never seen anything like this before, and for the first time, she felt a glimmer of fear from her prey, a gushing aura poured out of Melek's body forcing the proud assassin on her knees.

With no choice but to acknowledge Melek's newfound power, she bowed before him, her head bent in submission. The room fell silent, the only sound the heavy breathing of the daughter and the soft dripping of Melek's blood onto the floor.

Melek's eyes gleamed with a fierce intensity as he gazed at Kitša, his voice low and menacing. "You should have stayed out of this, little one. Now it's my turn and you'll play by my rules."

Kitša trembled, her eyes fixed on Melek's face, as she realized that she had unleashed a power beyond her control.