
Hell's Salvation

Aytee · Fantasy
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26 Chs


As the meeting progressed, the nobles of Ardentia delved into discussions about the kingdom's future and the necessity of rebuilding their defenses. Saintess Valentine listened intently, her mind working through the complexities of their current situation.

Lord Reginald stood, addressing the assembly. "To rebuild Ardentia, we must consider not just our own resources but also the strength of our alliances. The Four Kingdoms have stood together in times of great peril before. Perhaps it's time we call upon that unity once more."

The Four Kingdoms

The assembly nodded in agreement, and the discussion shifted to the other kingdoms:

1. Ardentia in the West:** Known for its rich history and strong defense, Ardentia's hero was renowned for his valor and tactical genius.

2. Borealis in the North:** A land of icy fortresses and fierce warriors, Borealis was protected by a hero whose mastery of ice magic was unparalleled.

3. Solara in the South:** Famous for its sprawling deserts and sun-blessed warriors, Solara's hero wielded the power of the sun itself, bringing light and heat to the battlefield.

4. Eldoria in the East:** A realm of lush forests and ancient magic, Eldoria's hero was a master of nature, able to command the forces of the earth and the beasts within it.

Each kingdom had its own unique strengths and history, and each had produced a hero who played a crucial role in maintaining the balance of power across the land.


Lord Reginald continued, "Given the gravity of our situation, I propose a Grand Meeting in the Citadel, where representatives from each of the Four Kingdoms can convene. We must present a united front against the demonic threat."

Saintess Valentine nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in his words. "A Grand Meeting is indeed necessary. We need to gather the heroes and leaders of the Four Kingdoms to discuss our strategy and fortify our alliances."

The nobles murmured in agreement, and preparations for the meeting began in earnest.

Meanwhile, Melek's clone continued to observe from the shadows. The mention of the Grand Meeting intrigued him, and he knew it could be a pivotal moment for his plans.

"Melek will need to be informed of this," the clone thought, a devious smile curling his lips. "The alliances of the Four Kingdoms might complicate things.

As Melek watched through the eyes of his clone, he noted every detail of the nobles' meeting in Ardentia. The talk of a Grand Meeting intrigued him. "This is an opportunity," he thought. "I'll see firsthand what the other kingdoms are capable of."

Meanwhile, Kitša continued her work in the city, blending in seamlessly. Her primary objective was to gather intelligence on Ardentia's plans and any potential weaknesses. Using her charm and wit, she infiltrated various circles, eavesdropping on conversations and collecting valuable information.

Cerberus returned to the Demon Realm. His presence was met with a mixture of awe and respect. The Demon God and the Dukes of Hell gathered to hear his report on Melek's exploits.

The grand hall of the Demon Realm was a sight to behold, filled with dark majesty and infernal splendor. As Cerberus recounted the events, the Demon God and the Dukes listened intently.

"He has done well," said Baal one of the Dukes, a creature of immense power and malice.

The Demon God, his eyes glowing with pride and dark satisfaction, stood and addressed the assembly. "Our prince, Melek, has proven his worth. He has sown discord and chaos in the heart of Ardentia. For this, we celebrate him."

A chorus of voices filled the hall, each singing praises to Melek. The walls reverberated with their dark hymns, celebrating the cunning and strength of their prince.

Back on the cliff overlooking the city, Melek's lips curled into a satisfied smile. He could feel the adulation from his realm, a stark contrast to the discontent brewing in Ardentia. This duality fueled his resolve.

"As the kingdoms gather," he mused, "I will be ready. The time for mere observation is over. Soon, they will all know the true extent of my power."