
Hell's Prince

Best friends forever, Kenshin and Ray are two young college students really close to each other, but one day, as fate would have it, the both of them mysteriously pass away. They are the chosen candidates for the Hell's next supreme ruler. How will these two young ones deal with such a crazy situation? As they are tossed in a completely new world full of war and bloodshed to compete with several others for the right to reign supreme over the underworld, without any knowledge about each other. What even is this competition about?

tomoya_sensei · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Just not meant to be...

In Kenshin's peaceful little room, Ray and Kenshin, just enjoying each other's company like they always used to. No worries in the world, both of them were carefree individuals, just laughing everything off, mostly. As Kenshin was unusually enthusiastic and about to show Ray his brand new watch he got as a birthday present; he woke up, in a cave in the middle of the forest; far, far away from the safe enclosure that was his home. He remembered that memory, his precious friend, he would have liked to crack more jokes with, but more painfully another memory flashed through his mind, the one of getting that watch, the person he got the watch from...

"This might sound cliche, but I want you to remember me every second, kay?...Sorry we were just not meant to be!" a girl's voice, a flurry of different memories.

"Like hell I wanna go back there! This is the perfect life for me." Kenshin muttered to himself.


Hanging around these parts would be too dangerous, it was time to get ready and leave. Kenshin visited the city market only after wrapping himself back up in a robe covering from head to toe,

"Maybe I look more suspicious like this, heh."

There was no way for this wanted man to move around the central city even hiding his face, he had to go to the shadier parts of the city to get his supplies.

"Hey woman, what do you think you are doing moving around in your condition."

"Damn you are pretty, want some help." A bunch of goons was hitting on a woman who appeared to be bearing a child, backing her into an alley as Kenshin walked by,

"I don't need any help from you pests, back off before I pummel you into oblivion." The woman wasn't phased at all. She wasn't shy in showing her spite for these people at all. She observed as Shin just passed by without flinching a bit through the alley. She looked slightly impacted by her first look at him. Then,

"I won't squirm for help, but you should know people like you make me sick to my stomach, way more than these goons" she shouted looking towards Kenshin, but Kenshin continued walking as if no one was there

As soon as the goons were distracted looking to see at whom she was yelling and-


One of the thugs went flying on top of another. With a radiating bow in her hand, she stood strong, looking down on these men intensely.

"She's a mage, a marksman!"

"Surround her she's not getting away with that."

But the woman was already on the move as soon as she cleared way for herself with her first move. Knives were coming flying at her, but her movements were too graceful to be touched by any. "Don't think you are better than us! you-" she jumped off this man's face and sent herself flying as she turned around to shoot some of them down mid-air. But more of these guys popped up as they noticed the fight. "This is our turf woman!"

Several magic spells and combatants with and without weapons came at her with everything they had. But she was able to keep up with all of them, at least at the beginning. After a while she started to feel her womb, fatigue started to kick in. More and more attacks started to make contact. Yet she was still fighting, shooting an arrow with every breath she took.


"That was a lot of fun to watch." Kenshin moved in. Taking his hood off, he looked at the men with a fierce gaze.

The very few remaining men were all shook just by his stare. Terrified they all started running away for their lives "Monster! Monster!!!"

The woman spoke "*Pant Pant* I didn't need your-" Kenshin turned to face the woman.

"Leo! Where have you been?!" She pounced to hug Kenshin. "I've been looking for you everywhere!"

Kenshin looked at the woman, "An elf? And a bow and arrow too, huh" He pushed her off of him and pulled his hood over again." You've got the wrong guy. I am Ke..... My name's Shin."

"Why did you save me then?"

"Save you? I just wanted in on the fun Miss *grin*"

But as far as he knew, "She's obviously stronger than me. If only she wasn't pregnant..... Then I could've stepped in as soon as I saw her power, and fought her myself"

"Miss? What are you talking about? It's me, Charlotte! I came here to find you." Her voice quieted down "I knew you must be around when I heard about the two kingdom assassins were found in the forest"

"Crap! She knows too much." Something in him clicked suddenly

"So you wanna tell me about how to get to the kingdom?"

Charlotte was startled, she kept pestering him about why he wanted to go to the kingdom.

"You know about my enmity with them. I am gonna end it all. Bring down the kingdom"

Charlotte exclaimed, "Have you gone insane, I won't be able to protect you in my condition. You can't use a little poison to bring down a whole nation."

Shin looked at her roughly, "I never asked you to protect me, you parasite. Why am I so dear to you anyway?"

Charlotte was agitated by this, "You are scaring me Leo. Do you not remember our child either?" She said while holding her womb.

Speechless, Shin stared at her in silence.

"Sorry we were just not meant to be!" The chant clouded up his head,

"Another prey of stupid love,huh...I see"

Unknowingly his arms wrapped around her, as this strong woman who knocked so many men out just now seemed to him like she would break if he squeezed to hard.


Shin was packing up everything he had bought using the money he snatched from the thugs lying around after the brawl Charlotte was in, while simultaneously arguing with her.

"Stop calling me that, woman! I am Shin not your Leo."

"Fine! I'll call you whatever you want. Just remember who I am and start calling me Charlotte again too."

Shin was asking her to leave him alone as he left for the kingdom, but she did not agree, neither to leave his side, nor to let him set out on this dangerous journey.

She still had untreated wounds she'd patched up by herself, because she didn't wanna lose sight of Shin.

Shin got on the small wagon full of travel supplies, "I don't care if you stick with, but whatever happens to you is not my responsibility either, you know full well, this is going to be an action packed little adventure."

But Charlotte just sat there looking away at the setting sun as the wagon started moving towards the horizon of answers, the answers that Shin couldn't directly ask Charlotte, and answers even Charlotte didn't know."


Blood, fire, screams of pain and anguish, utter chaos

"You, who have strayed far from the path of peace and love, you, who have misused your authority to satisfy pleasure and grudge alike,for you, I come bearing a gift from hell,