
Hell's Prince

Best friends forever, Kenshin and Ray are two young college students really close to each other, but one day, as fate would have it, the both of them mysteriously pass away. They are the chosen candidates for the Hell's next supreme ruler. How will these two young ones deal with such a crazy situation? As they are tossed in a completely new world full of war and bloodshed to compete with several others for the right to reign supreme over the underworld, without any knowledge about each other. What even is this competition about?

tomoya_sensei · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 5: How's it going Traitor?

A lanky yet muscular looking figure of a man, covered completely in a dark robe with a hood, with nothing but a glimmer of his teal, half-closed eyes visible. He is stumbling through a really dense forest around him holding closed a gaping wound in his gut with one of his hands.

"Wha....what have I done.....?"

He walked really deep into the forest before settling in a cave, the leaves and other shrubs he had collected on his way tumbled down his robe as he sat on the ground with a thump.

"Definitely not what I imagined being iseaki'd would be like...." He remembered Lucifer speaking to him "You don't belong to where you are going, but you will fit right in, if you try of course"

"So that's what he meant....." is what ran through his mind as he brought together the scattered ingredients into an empty shell of a coconut. He froze and his face went pale, as a scary visual of people, injured, screaming, dying; the scene of a blood bath came to his mind.

"Well so much for fitting in now!....." he stared into the ceiling of the cave as a pack of wolves howled in a distance.

Isekai'd? Who was this man? Why did he know Lucifer? Is it correct to assume that this is Kenshin? And is he the one responsible for Ray's, Or rather Karma's situation, if yes, then why?


Since this man, supposedly Kenshin, came into the forest the villagers near the forest started staying away from even sparse parts of the forest. The rumors that a beast killing monster deep in the forest was seen along the riverbank were going around in the nearby villages. The villages were situated extremely close to the river, as every village needed water but no beast had ever been able to get so close to the human civilization due to the high fences at the side of the forest. But lately, sometimes the cries of mobs of beasts could be heard from the forest.


A huge boar is charging straight at Kenshin while loudly stomping the ground. It wasn't a normal boar, one of the beasts of this world, it could make any human look tiny. But it was down before the naked human eyes could possibly see anything. One moment it was standing, and the other it was down on the ground, "There's some progress.....but, I need to take better care next time."

Kenshin had the hog on his shoulder, though as it was so humongous most of it's body was being dragged along the way, on his other shoulder there was something that looked like a makeshift water bag. Only for a second Kenshin suddenly stood still, he tossed the boar on his back in the way of an arrow and himself and launched himself in a bush.

"How's it going, traitor" A voice spoke from behind him. "Looks like someone's been training," he sounded dead serious, "I hope you don't expect a couple years worth training to save you against me." Kenshin turned around in a snap, and with a gist of wind, all the trees around them were thinned to nothing in an instant. The area of impact was completely dust-laden, nothing could be seen. When the dust cleared up a little there was no sign of either the attacker or the attacked. The unknown man was hiding behind a rock, he wore a surprised expression on his face, but it didn't look like he was going to quit just yet, at this point there was no telling who here was the prey and who was, the predator.


Kenshin was running through the forest, "How's it going, traitor...that guy is after whoever's body this used to be, I guess,... he certainly had a lot of enemies."

"Where are you off to?", "Having fun?", echoes of the man chasing Kenshin making smug remarks could be heard, as arrows flying from any and all directions, followed him. It had turned into a game for the hunter while Kenshin was looking out of breath, injured by a few of the arrows, it seemed like he would run out of steam at any moment.

Meanwhile, the hunter kept up his relentless attack, arrows were coming from unpredictable angles at any time.

"He is trying to lure me into open land, heh, common tactic by dumb people, he's gonna be a sitting duck as I take my ideal shot, far away from the trees" he had the whole hunt planned out.

Kenshin was hardly able to dodge any arrows by now. As he got out into the open the hunter quickly got on top of one the tallest trees. These trees were several tens of feets, both tall and thick. He settled down in an aiming position on his knees on one the highest branches, took his estimation of the wind velocity and flow, made a proper assessment of the distance, speed, and the direction of his target, took his sweet time adjusting the angle, and released the arrow.

"Do you know when it is the easiest to sneak up on an archer?" A rhetorical question, as Kenshin had already managed to do it, he was standing on the same branch, right behind the archer. His body wasn't covered in the robe anymore, but no wounds or injuries could be seen on his body. His left eye had a very notable, but seemingly old scar over it. When the hunter turned around to this question, he did not know what to do? He couldn't believe it. There was nowhere to run, on top of a single branch with no neighbor trees coming close to the height.

"But you were jus-" He turned around, to look at the target he was skewering with his arrows . He was full of doubt, a big question mark, his eyebrows sunk in, he couldn't comprehend the reality, a man in a similar uniform to his own, wrapped in Kenshin's robe.

"You thought I wouldn't figure it out? Even when the arrows were flying from every possible angle? And straight toward me. A man with your level of skill and speed couldn't pull that off by yourself in your dreams."

The archer sounded really frustrated, he was a cornered rat, with his comrade already taken out "Weren't you afraid? Running away in fear. How could the likes of you do this to us, we are trained assassins, dammit!!"

"Afraid? Of you? An assassin having a break down over a little tight spot? Honestly you got my hopes up when you did not run with your tail between your legs after I cleaned up that bunch of trees for you."

At last, his half asleep eyes widened, his mouth opened in a ear to ear grin, a terrifying expression, "Do you know how much crooked you can become and how quickly? When tens of innocent lives are being taken by your hand? When you have no control over the brutal things they take over to do? Seriously, I had to give it everything I had, to not kill you right there, near the river."

Before he could figure out a move to protect himself and run the assassin found himself standing in a mass of red, mud like substance, the substance started forming several hands and horrifying, nightmarish faces, trying to pull him down, clinging on to him.

"Wanna experience first hand what your dead friend over there was running away from?"


Lucifer talking in his usual regal tone of voice, "I hand to you the very creatures that were responsible for your unusual demise, the one demon species that causes the most havoc in the world, known as IMPS"


The assassin looked to be in a state of trans. He was buried waist deep in the red substance, speaking in an expressionless, plain tone of voice, with his head down,

"You were an alchemist at our highness' court, but under the facade, you used your knowledge about poisons and explosives for taking care of whoever stood against the highness in any way, just like us."

"An alchemist huh... That explains the medical knowledge" Kenshin thought looking at his gut over which he'd used those leaves and herbs.

"You cannot be allowed to live any longer." He seemed more aggressive this time as he regained his awareness a little l.

"I guess I can't get anymore out of him." Kenshin thought.

"It doesn't matter what you do! My highness will find you in the depths of hell and send you to your grave!"

"Find me in the depths of hell, hehehe hahaha." Shin bowed down and looked him straight in the eyes with a mad look "I guess I'll just have to get to your king first then, won't I?"

Kenshin turned around and walked away never looking back as the demons resumed pulling the assassin down with them and he screamed.